I Was Attracted By the Male Lead Bai Yueguang

Chapter 42

Chapter 41:

Gu Wang didn’t run, nor was he afraid. He just found it troublesome.

In the dark classroom, the light coming in from the corridor can only make people reluctantly see where there are tables and where there are no tables, and the interior is dim.

Ambiguous again.

In the blind corners of the classroom where no one noticed and no one saw, they had been intimate.

“Wow, the boys in our class are really boring, what else can they do except secretly turn off the lights?”

“Forget it, get out of class is over anyway.”

“let’s go.”

The few remaining girls in the classroom left, Gu Wang lowered her eyes, her expression was gentle, and her elbow was pushed back and hit He Qinghuan’s abdomen directly.

He Qinghuan snorted and laughed again.

“Looking around, continue to fight.”

He refused to let go.

Gu Wang stubbornly broke off He Qinghuan’s arm, turned around and looked up at He Qinghuan slightly.

The interior is too dark, and here is a blind spot. The lights in the corridor can’t shine from the front door or the window, but Gu Wang can perceive the other’s emotions.

The other person is in a good mood.

He Qinghuan whispered, “I will win the chocolate at the Games, I remember you like it.”

Originally, I really like chocolate, whether it is pure chocolate or other to death, but Gu Wang hates chocolate, and He Qinghuan actually hates it.

“I don’t like it.” Gu Wang said, “I don’t want it.”

His refusal was too obvious, his expression was too resisting, and his eyes were too cold. The smile at the corner of He Qinghuan’s mouth gradually faded. He looked at the people in front of him, and the hostility and desire for control that had been deliberately suppressed surged upwards.

Eyes are even darker than indoors.

But he didn’t move Gu Wang, he pushed Gu Wang’s left shoulder once, and Gu Wang stepped back a few steps, looking at He Qinghuan with some irritation.

Gu Wang has no time to say anything in the future, He Qinghuan said lightly, “Wangwang, go home, you can’t go if you don’t go now.”

“…” Gu Wang was stunned for a moment, moving faster than his mind. When he left, he took the door and bounced back. He Qinghuan’s profile was exposed under the dim light, cold and gloomy.

Gu Wang went downstairs to run. It wasn’t that he was afraid, it was something else. He couldn’t explain the emotions clearly. He ran downstairs and out of the school gate. He felt more at ease when he saw Gu Dazhi.

Staying with He Qinghuan is as if the whole person is hanging in the air. I don’t know when, I will fall and fall into a smash.

Gu Dazhi opened the car door and watched as Gu Wang got into the car and fastened his seat belt. He turned around and said, “Your grandma is in the hospital today. You are on vacation to see her.”

“Why are you hospitalized?”

Gu Dazhi was so annoyed to die when he talked about this. He was so angry, “She has bronchial asthma. She herself knows that she stole the rice wine in the refrigerator last night. This morning you started coughing after you went to school. It started at noon. I can’t catch my breath, I can’t even walk in the afternoon, and I said don’t eat ice. If I don’t listen, it’s awful!”

Gu Dazhi is like talking about a child. As a parent, he is also worried. Grandma Gu’s temperament is a little more vigorous, and she can’t control or listen.

The old man has her own set of wrong reasons, and she can break it even better than you.

Gu Wang was a little worried, “What did the doctor say?”

“I was hospitalized for observation first. I am getting older and have complications.” Gu Dazhi sighed, and the circles under his eyes were red.

Gu Wang felt sour and could only comfort him, “Don’t worry, Dad, it’s okay with this disease.”

Gu Wang can’t remember when the original body’s grandma passed away. Yes, she died, but I don’t know when. When the original body happened, only Gu Dazhi and Du Liping were left in the family. Grandma Gu was like It’s just like disappearing suddenly. Maybe the author has foreshadowed too much and even forgot about it. Some supporting characters also disappeared somehow.

Gu Dazhi nodded and suddenly thought of something. He said, “Oh, yes, didn’t you say that you want to go to a university abroad? I contacted you with some local institutions that specialize in studying abroad. Take a look?”

Gu Wang was stunned. “University abroad?”

Gu Dazhi understood when he looked at Gu Wang, “Are you running the train for Laozi again? I kept my assistant busy for several days, and you were on a whim again.”

Gu Wang was also dumbfounded. He comforted Gu Dazhi, “I wanted to go at first, but later I felt that my English was not good, so forget it.”

Gu Dazhi snorted, “It’s quite self-knowing.”

Gu Wang, “…”

The book did not mention that Yuanshen was going to study abroad. In fact, Yuanshen did not go abroad in the end. His grades were not good, but in the end, because He Qinghuan worked hard, the last ordinary book was no problem.

He wanted to be closer to He Qinghuan’s school. He filled out a second pheasant book opposite to University A. He did it without telling Dazhi Gu and Du Liping.

Gu Dazhi hit Yuan Shi for the first time after he knew it. Du Liping didn’t sleep all night, Yuan Shi saw her crying.

Gu Wang was very embarrassed. The original body was for He Qinghuan, completely deprived of himself, just like being caught in a demon.

There was no Grandma Gu in the house, and she was cleaned up all at once. Apart from going out and dancing with her old sister every day, Grandma Gu waited for Gu Wang to return home, and then walked around Gu Wang.

Gu Dazhi, who is also doting on Guwang, sometimes couldn’t see it. He couldn’t help but say to Du Liping several times, “You said, Wangwang is like this, will he be spoiled by his mother?”

Du Liping glanced at him, “Where did your face say?”

Gu Wang was eating grapes, and Gu Dazhi could help peel and feed them in his mouth. At that time, Gu Wang still had no time to play games. Now Gu Wang is bored studying in the room all day, except for reposting [surprise! The eighteen-year-old guy stayed up all night to review articles on public accounts like…], he just came out of a gym on the first floor, for fear that Gu Wang would break his body.

If Gu Wang is spoiled, both Gu Dazhi and Grandma Gu are responsible.

Gu Wang had finished the bath, and was not at ease tossing about on the bed. He wore a coat and tiptoed out and took a taxi to the hospital where Grandma Gu was. Gu Dazhi told him about the department and the ward.

He asked about the ward at the nurses’ station, and when he pushed the single-person luxury ward, Gu Wang saw the little old lady sitting by the window, looking at the neon lights in the city.

Gu Wang called grandma.

Grandma Gu turned her head in surprise. She was still inhaling oxygen and slinging, and couldn’t run around, otherwise she would have jumped up immediately.

After she was happy, she began to whisper and sneer again.

“Look at what time it is. It’s half past ten! Are you not going to class tomorrow?”

“Your dad has set up a gym at home. You should remember to practice every day from now on. Your body is the most important thing. Even if you don’t get into college, it’s okay for our old Gu family to support you.”

“Your dad sent you here? This wicked thing!”

Gu Wang poured her a cup of warm water, “No, I’m worried about you, I came by myself, they don’t know.”

Grandma Gu snorted embarrassedly, and continued to babble, “It’s so late, what should you do if you meet a bad guy? I have a doctor and nurse in the hospital and I am very well. Why should you worry about it?”

She said so, her face filled with smile and relief.

Gu Wang didn’t plan to stay long. He just came to take a look. Otherwise, he always felt uneasy. After chatting with him for a while, Grandma Gu changed the conversation and asked, “By the way, how are you with the He family boy?”

Gu Wang: That kid from the He family?

Gu Wang blinked, trying to say something like, “Grandma, are you more familiar with him than me? Why do you call that kid from the He family?”

What did Grandma Gu say to her grandson, “His grandmother sometimes dances square dance with me. After two or three months, I learned that her grandson is He Qinghuan. She was so distracted, I taught her a few moves, and she knew me too. Two days ago, she told me how many more her grandson had taken the exam, how handsome she was, and I was afraid of him in every family. Listening to it, I think how it resembles the boy you told me about. Just ask and you will know.”

Gu Wang, “…”

This circle is quite big, and it is very fate.

But now the most important thing is obviously, why does Grandma Gu also know He Qinghuan? To whom did the original body show off He Qinghuan?

Grandma Gu continued to say to herself, “I haven’t seen that child, but after listening to you, you all know that it is a remarkable person. Hope, you can’t afford this kind of person.”

The old man sees it more clearly than anyone else. Gu’s family is pure and pure in nature, and the He family is deep and dark. Gu Wang and He Qinghuan are not suitable, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Gu Wang nodded, “I know.”

Grandma Gu looked at him for a while and waved her hand, “I called Dazhi Gu to pick you up. This is a bad thing. My son didn’t know if he slipped out of the house. I saw that his assistant had made a lot of money. Oil and water.”

Gu Wang, “…” Can the two be connected?

Gu Wang said something badly, and persuaded Grandma Gu. Grandma Gu insisted on sending Gu Wang to the elevator. Gu Wang supported her all the way, listening to her whispering in her ears, feeling extremely relieved.

Whether standing in the original position or looking at himself, he didn’t want any accidents in his family.

“Wang Wang, you have lost weight recently, don’t stay up late to study.”


“If you really like that kid from the He family, let’s think of a way, think of a way…”

Gu Wang was silent for a long time, not knowing whether it was to make Grandma Gu happy or something else, so he nodded gently.

“There is just one question, did you marry or did he marry?”

Gu Wang, “…”

Grandma Gu was still in danger. When she came out like this, the nurse on duty at the nurse station was taken aback, and hurriedly let the two interns who were preparing the doctor’s orders to help her.

Grandma Gu grabbed the elevator, still scolding Gu Dazhi for bad luck. Gu Wang waved at her, and she also waved at Gu Wang until the elevator door was completely closed. Grandma Gu showed off to the two little girls who were supporting her. , “My grandson, is it particularly filial and handsome?”

Whether it’s a loved one or someone you like, you just can’t help showing off to others, just like Gu Wang Yu Grandma, He Qinghuan Yu Gu Wang.

The two interns agreed sincerely, “filial piety, handsome, let’s send you back to the ward.”

It was eleven o’clock in the evening, and the city was still brightly red, traffic and pedestrians were flowing, street lights dotted both sides of the street, and there were various stalls on the sidewalk, and the smoke and fire were heavier than during the day.

Gu Wang was wearing a light blue long windbreaker and gray sweatpants. At first glance, he ran out of the house in a hurry. He was incompatible with the trendy passers-by on the street, and he looked exceptionally clean and fresh.

There are street singers singing in the square, dressed very hip-hop, with colorful dreadlocks, but they sing a slow folk song. The young man sits on a high stool with a deep and affectionate voice.

Gu Wang would stop and listen because he was familiar with this song, and the first song he could play out was it.

“Send Mr.”

Gu Wang was a little surprised. This ballad was in his original world. He didn’t seem to have seen the author mention it in the book. The youth singing has its own characteristics and many tones have been changed. However, Gu Wang listened to the lyrics immediately. Just heard it out.

“Probably a coincidence,

When you look at me,

I look at you too,

But you just look at me,

I’m looking at you, so many eyes

Dear Sir,

You look at me again,

You should be able to love me a little. ”

The young man tilted his head and sang very conscientiously. Gu Wang came out with no cash and did not see the QR code on the ground. He stood and listened to the whole song. He watched the young man raise his head and said “very It sounds good”.

Gu Wang’s expression is sincere, and the young people laughed happily. Art is probably like this. It is more pleasant to praise his work than to give him money.

Gu Wang stood on the side of the road to take a taxi, and the sound of the siren was mixed with the hustle and bustle of the square behind him.

Some pictures rushed out of Gu Wang’s mind.

The scene seemed to be at school, in the auditorium, the original body was carrying a guitar, jumped directly from the stage to the podium, and the angle of view switched to the original body.

Sitting in the first row is He Qinghuan.

Obviously he is a brand-name, ostentatious and arrogant boy. He should dance hip-hop or rap, but he moved a chair and sang love songs and folk songs.

He had an obedient face, but when he calmed down, it would be particularly deceptive.

“Look at me again,

You should be able to love me a little,

Every day,

Will miss you a thousand times,

Dear Sir,

You should take a look at me,

You must love me a little. ”

Before he finished singing, He Qinghuan stood up and left. The boy threw the guitar and jumped off the stage. This was the first time Gu Wang saw two people getting along.

Hear the conversation between two people.

The original body stretched out his hand to pull He Qinghuan. He Qinghuan stopped and looked at the original body. The original body smiled a little flatteringly, “I wrote it, “Send Mr.”, does it sound good? I wrote it to you.”

He Qinghuan paused and hooked up the corners of his mouth, but what he said was a bit hurtful, “General.”

The original body was a little embarrassed, ah, and then said, “Actually, I think it’s normal, so I’ll change it again. I’ll sing it to you next time at the National Day party!”

He Qinghuan opened his mouth and said a word, the picture was silent and disappeared. Gu Wang was stunned for a long time in the same place when he saw an empty car coming and reached out to stop the car.

The taxi slowed down and came to a halt in front of him. Gu Wang opened the door of the back seat and sat in.

As soon as he entered, and as soon as he brought the door, he was hugged, with the same clear mint smell, and the soft sweater wiped Gu Wang’s face.

Gu Wang froze.

He Qinghuan’s fingers climbed up Gu Wang’s spine section by section, and finally stopped at the back of Gu Wang’s neck and pressed it gently. He sighed, a little helpless.

“Why are you running out by yourself so late? It’s not safe.”

The author has something to say: Grandma Gu: Did you get married or did he get married?

He Qinghuan: I can do it all.

-What is more unsafe than Lu Yuhe Dog?

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