I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 181: Change 27


When someone heard that city’s name, they would think about Eiffel Tower or the famous fashion show.

The Eiffel Tower was still standing until now, it somehow managed to survive even though the Esper War 80 years ago almost destroyed all kinds of historical buildings. The famous fashion show had also continued until today, the talented designer still competes with each other.

Because of that, Paris was designated as a neutral city, where no power govern it. It was a beautiful city that needed to be protected. Even the Esper Association didn’t touch Paris for some reason, even though they were hungry for power 80 Years ago.

Right now, the sun has risen in Paris. It has been a few hours since Melaine asked Naomi to come with her to Paris.

They took a plane to Paris because Naomi was tired. Because Naomi was technically the Lieutenant-General of Germany, she was given VIPs treatment when she showed up in the airport without any disguise.

Right now Naomi was not in her disguise, she wore a suit while walking with Melaine in the airport. The plane that she was in landed at Charles de Gaulle Airport.

She attracted a lot of attention from the others, but none of them tried to approach Naomi because they knew that she was not someone who could joke around.

On the contrary to their belief, Naomi loves joking around a little. Especially she loves teasing Mischa and Hotaru.

Naomi didn’t know Melaine’s intention of coming here, but she tagged along anyway.

“So, Melaine. We are in Paris.” Said Naomi as they walked towards the exit of the airport. They were walking in the hallway that led them to the international terminal.

“Yes, we are in Paris.” Answered Melaine.

They kept walking until they reached an escalator, and they went down by stepping into the escalator. It was a long escalator, so they just stood without walking.

Normally, they should walk to not block the people behind them, but a lot of people were keeping distance from Naomi, so she chose to stand without walking and talk with Melaine.

“So? Where do you want to go?”

“Hmm, maybe I want to go to the Eiffel Tower first, then to Louvre Museum. After that, we could eat lunch at a restaurant that was called Tour-“ Melaine began to explain what she wanted to do. She explained happily with a big smile on her face as her hand moved according to her description.

Naomi looked at Melaine with a skeptical look and then interrupted her.

“I ask a wrong question. Where should we go? Where is the place that we need to visit?”

As they were talking, they began to walk again, and they reached the luggage area, the place where the passengers took their luggage back.

Naomi and Melaine didn’t bring anything. They just got their Holo Phone and card. That was enough for them.

Technically, Naomi had an almost unlimited amount of money. Her money was too much that she didn’t even know how much money she had on her card. If they need something, they could buy it.

That was why they didn’t even bring clothes or other kinds of baggage.

“Ah, so that’s what you wanted to ask. First, I need to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower which was modified 30 years ago. I need to get something from that place.” Said Melaine.

‘Get something?’ Naomi questioned inside her head.

What kind of item that Melaine hid in that kind of place? Also, it just flashed into Naomi’s mind, the box that contained pills. She kind of wanted to get one of that pill for research purpose.

‘I will do that later. For now, it’s vacation time.’

“Eiffel Tower, huh? I wanted to visit that place too. I heard that it’s a beautiful place. But, we can go to the top of the Eiffel Tower? I never heard about that.”

“Huh? You didn’t know about it?” Asked Melaine, clearly dumbfounded.

Naomi looked at Melaine and tilted her head, “Do I need to know about it?”

“N-no, but it was surprising.” Said Melaine as she looked at Naomi with disbelief, “Then, how could you know the Esper Association’s wrongdoing? I believe I stored the information about their wrongdoing in that place. The item that I wanted to retrieve is related to that. However, I keep this one hidden, so only I who know the location of the item.”

‘Ah, so it’s like that?’ Naomi then understood what was going on.

Melaine thought that Naomi knew about the experiments that the Esper Association did from the documents or files that she stored.

She then looked at Melaine and scratched her cheeks as she said, “I hacked their server. Using a laptop from the previous era.”

Melaine was surprised, her mouth gaped, her eyes widened, “Really?” She asked.

Naomi nodded her head in confirmation, “Yeah. Though I threw the laptop away two years ago so they couldn’t detect me.”

“I can’t believe it.” Muttered Melaine, “You hacked their server! The most guarded server in this world!” She suddenly raised her voice and drew attention to her.

She quickly shut her mouth with her hands and looked at Naomi.

“A-Are you able to hack into their server again? I wanted to make sure of something.”

Naomi wanted to say that she could hack into their server, but that was impossible for now. They changed their security, and now they added a layer of protection to their server.

The technology had advanced, and Naomi didn’t hack any server for a while so her skill was rusted.

“I can’t. I need to study their new firewall and use better technology. I have stopped doing any hacking for a while now, the last one was the Avos School. At least a month, I need to find the loophole and I need a month to do that.”

She spent a lot of time finding a loophole in the Esper Association’s system two years ago. She didn’t just hack the server in a minute or so, it was a long process even for Naomi.

Melaine cheered when she heard that. Maybe a month was too long for other people, but it was short for her.

“I love you, Lady Naomi! You’re the best!” She shouted while jumping around happily.

Naomi got used to this sight, so it was not that strange for her.

They were now outside of the airport. Naomi looked around and finally, she stretched her back that turned stiff after sitting on the plane for a few hours.

Naomi then put her hands on her hips and looked at Melaine with a smile.

“Well, let’s go to the Eiffel Tower first. You have an important item to retrieve, right?”

“Yes! Let’s go!”

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