I was broadcast live on TV, and gained thousands of fans

Chapter 61 Let me climb another level


“A mayfly shakes a tree and brings its own destruction.”

A tail stretched out from the air, like a giant python, heading towards a figure on the ground,

The tail rolled it up and slowly brought it into the air, hanging upside down in front of the world's sight.

Qin Guanqi's expression was stagnant, and he stared blankly at the figure, his staggering steps slowly stopped,

“Egg fried rice...”

"What are you going to do? Let him go!!"

He roared at the top of his lungs, his whole body propped up on the ground like a deflated balloon,

Slowly raising his head, a gray world was reflected in his black pupils.

In this world, the scarlet color on egg fried rice is extremely eye-catching.

His eyes were lifeless, and there were seven blood marks on his face.

Looking at this topsy-turvy world, Egg Fried Rice felt sour and painful in his heart, and shed wet tears.

Tears streaked across his forehead and dripped into the blood on the ground.

There was a wave,

"Am I going to die...finally..."


Another tail wrapped around his neck, causing a severe suffocation feeling.

His eyes gradually blurred, and there seemed to be two familiar figures standing on the ruined building in the distance.


One of them wiped his pocket, the other held his arm,

The face is full of smiles,

Maybe their family can really be reunited.

Reunion after two years, maybe it’s not too late,

Maybe the love of parents is still there,

Maybe in the next reincarnation, they will continue to form a family.

"I can finally go home..."

The corners of Egg Fried Rice's mouth curved, revealing a smile.

The two tails pulled hard! !

The egg fried rice was immediately torn in half by this force, and the blood flowed vertically from high into the blood below like a waterfall.

Integrated into the river of hell,

There is only a red fluorescent light left in the sky, floating quietly,

"Is it the divine power of Fire God Zhu Rong?"

A tail sends red fluorescence to the face of the bloody mask,

Looking at the divine power in his hand,

There was a trace of joy on his face, and a trace of greed and impatience in his eyes.

"It's been a long time since I've tasted divine power."

Slowly open your mouth and immediately put this power into your mouth,

The power of the divine mausoleum bloomed in the body, and was wrapped and swallowed by the power of the evil god in the body.

His face looked relaxed, and his heart was filled with an indescribable sense of joy.

"So delicious, so delicious..."

"Ha ha ha ha."

He looked greedily at the ground, where six tomb-keepers were still lying.

Although they are crawling and struggling, it does not affect

As for the other one... don't worry, everything is according to his plan,

He wanted to completely put the tomb-keepers and the residents of Huai City into despair.

He also knew that the reinforcements from the tomb guards were coming here.

But he is not afraid at all. The crazy idiot is not that easy to deal with.

Even if he really loses, he still has a backup plan.

“Egg fried rice...”

Qin Guanqi's pupils were dilated, and he looked helplessly at the roof, feeling despair and deathly silence in his heart.

Egg fried rice died, died in front of him...

Was torn into two pieces by the monster,

He is only 14 years old... His life has not yet begun, he has not left his room yet, and he has not really seen the world yet.

Not yet, I went to see the sun...

He died in front of him like this,

But he couldn't do anything,

"what do I do..."

"what do I do...."

Qin Guanqi was lying on the ground, his expression sluggish, and the feeling of powerlessness in his heart was getting heavier and heavier.

It was like a huge mountain weighing him down. He felt his body gradually becoming numb and losing control.

"Call... call!"


Hot tears flowed from his eyes, and his heart was full of despair and sadness.

The divine mausoleum in his body told him that it was useless to call it while it was sleeping...

And his cell phone...has no battery at all,,

"what do I do...."

"What else can I do..."


He held his head in pain and closed his eyes tightly. There was already a hint of collapse in his heart.

He has exhausted everything he can, and has tried every method he can think of.

But none of them had any effect. The gap in strength was placed in front of him, and he could not overcome it at all.

He couldn't even touch the other person's body.

He...can't hold on anymore...

"Qin Guanqi..."


"Don't worry...this is a private call between the two of us, no one can hear..."

He opened his eyes with a confused expression, raised his body and looked around,

The other party's voice seemed extremely weak.

"Captain...where are you..."

"Qin Guanqi, listen to me, I see every move you make. You are doing very well, very well..."


Zhou Wen clutched his chest with a painful expression and coughed up two mouthfuls of blood.

He held the magic pendant tightly in his left hand, supporting his miserable, bone-ridden body as he walked slowly up the stairs of a high-rise building.

Blood flowed from his legs and body, leading a long bloody path.

The whole corridor was filled with a strong smell of blood, which was terrifying.

He panted weakly, looking at the top floor with four or five floors left, his eyes were firm and blurred,

God... let me climb one more floor, I beg you, let me climb one more floor,

Let my broken body offer the last bit of hope for China,

As long as I climb to the top of the building, as long as I climb to the top of the building,

This distance is enough...

Let me climb one more floor... Climb one more floor...

He raised his foot and stepped on the stairs. Above,

Blood dripped from his pants, dotting the stairs and the corridors,

His body... was too weak. If there were no nanorobots in the nano-mech suit to support him, he would have bled to death.

He swallowed his saliva, his lips trembling slightly,

"Qin Guanqi, you were repelled again and again, and climbed up again and again, stood on the roof again and again, and stood in front of the Chinese people again and again.

You obviously have such a strong will, how can you give up?

We still have Divine power, that means we still have a chance to win, no matter what, you must not fall down,

If you can fall down for the first time, you can fall down for the second time in the future,

Then what about your Aunt Lin, your Sister An...

Who will protect them?

The Mausoleum of Gods gave you the ability, and gave you the opportunity to protect your family and the world,

Do you think that if you fall down, the other party will let you go, will let your relatives go?

Qin Guanqi, the will of the mausoleum keeper is to protect, you have to protect your relatives and friends, protect the Chinese people, protect China...

The generals have the will to die, and the soldiers have no intention of greed for life,

This is the foundation for the Chinese nation to continue to this day, otherwise, the Chinese civilization would have disappeared in one war and invasion after another,

How could it have 5,000 years of glory? How could it stand on this land and become the oldest civilization? How could it give birth to such a great nation as China?

Stand up, child, our battle is not over yet, it has just begun!

Behind you, there is me! ”


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