I Was Called A Demon

Arc 3: Chapter 16

It all felt like a dream. Flashes of a crimson haze and strikes far more vicious and powerful than she would have ever imagined. There were even moments of a cave with a floor covered in water and some strange man with an even stranger sword made of mist fighting her instead of Xue Yaling, which was blatantly nonsensical.

And yet, she had a feeling it wasn’t as fake as she’d like to believe – the parts involving the kitsune, anyway. That other stuff had to be the product of a dream, hence the odd imagery.

Her reasoning was simple: she could feel the ache all over her body. The pain from countless lashes of the kitsune’s sword lightly biting her skin in a most unpleasant manner. Every muscle that could have been strained beyond belief was, and she wouldn’t be surprised if her bones were also screwed in a number of ways. How she managed to do so wasn’t quite clear to her, given that she didn’t typically exert herself in full, though her memories certainly implied very much the opposite.

The longer she experienced these sensations, though, the more she felt that something wasn’t quite right. There was a different feeling amidst that chaotic sea of pain, and it was rather far from unpleasant.

It was almost like-

Her eyes snapped open as she gasped, immediately looking down to figure out the source of this odd feeling, at which she would’ve gasped again if she wasn’t so dumbfounded.

“W-what the f- wat…” Bianca tried – and completely failed – to form a sentence, and ended up resolving to silence for a moment as she came to terms both with what she was witnessing, and her surroundings.

First off, the kitsune. She was at Bianca’s groin, and worse yet, she was somehow sucking on her dick, a thing that shouldn’t have even been there. At that moment, she had it all the way inside her mouth, her lips locked tightly around the base, her tongue working the underside of the shaft while her mouth and throat helped keep the whole length warm and wet.

Xue Yaling bobbed up and down slowly, though she kept most of the length in her mouth at all times. She was drooling quite a bit, since there was a notable amount of her spit gathered on Bianca’s shaven groin, and even more between her legs and on the bottom of the sleeping bag, though that was notably less pleasant since it had long grown cold and sticky, slowly drying on her skin. Still, more was added with every moment, since Xue Yaling wasn’t about to stop any time soon.

‘Ok, so… this isn’t too unusual, I guess…’ Bianca decided to first focus on where they were, and quickly confirmed that they were indeed in the tent, with Song Ming sleeping not far from them, ‘No shouting first, but… what the fuck is happening? I can imagine her being… down there, but why is my cock back?’

It was usually summoned through her dual cultivation technique – or, as she experienced it, by simply letting the Demonic Tyrant handle everything. So far, it hadn’t happened unconsciously or unwillingly, and she doubted she would have somehow manifested during the fight… though, considering she didn’t remember a single specific detail from it, the only thing making it unlikely was that there was no clear benefit to having something extra down there. If anything, it would just get in the way, add more weight to her body, and probably get hard when it wasn’t supposed to.

The concept of Xue Yaling being able to force it to show up was also utterly terrifying. She didn’t know if this was even possible, but the kitsune seemed to do and know quite a bit, so she could believe that if anyone knew how to do something so despicable and frustrating and absolutely definitely awful, it would be that fox.

U-um, Xue Yaling… the fuck?” she tried to compress the entirety of her confusion into that question, though the fact that she had to whisper diminished it somewhat.

Nevertheless, it seemed to be enough for the kitsune to lift her head up, her lips sliding along Bianca’s length and over the ridge of her cock head, eliciting an involuntary moan, continuing until she finally popped off the length with a satisfied grin.

She licked her lips in the most smug manner she could, “Delicious. I think it’s grown a bit, too. You should be happy.

“I- I am not! Answer the question!

You sure you should be speaking like that to someone with a hand so near your balls? Trust me, the men who’ve made this mistake continued regretting it for a very~ long time… though I do wonder if anything that happens to your cock persists after it disappears,” Xue Yaling pondered, seeming to herself, though her eyes were locked directly on Bianca’s, seemingly glowing with hostile intent, “So, what do you say?

S-Sorry… Um… What happened? Why do I have this?

You tell me. You summoned this during the fight, though I was only able to spot this afterwards. Presumably, it assisted your combat ability somehow… I won’t disagree,” she smirked, kissing the tip of Bianca’s cock, a bit of precum staining her lips before she gladly licked it off, “I thought to reward you.

“W-Wh- I mean, why?

You did well enough, darling. You unleashed that anger within you – that demon, if you prefer. I want you to get something nice when you do the right thing, since, if you only get punishments for failure, you will only be motivated to avoid mistakes, not get better with every opportunity,” Xue Yaling said, and went back down on Bianca’s length, swallowing it with obvious practised ease.

The warmth of her mouth made Bianca gasp again, especially when the kitsune’s tongue briefly wrapped around the tip of her cock, sliding underneath the head and rubbing against that sensitive spot on the underside. She forced Bianca to clench her teeth to keep her moans down, and her hips tried desperately to thrust forward and get deeper inside Xue Yaling’s mouth, to fuck her tight throat, to cum inside and fill her belly up with what was likely to be yet another absurd load… but the kitsune’s strength meant that her hips could barely move.

‘So it was something that happened on its own… why? And does she have no sense of decency? The tent flap may be down, so at least the people around us shouldn’t realise, but Song Ming is right there!’ Bianca thought, finding it rather difficult to focus the more that the kitsune slobbered over her length, as if all the blood in her brain was pouring down to her groin.

Logically, that wouldn’t have made any sense, but since it was magical and intent on making things troublesome for her, she wouldn’t be too surprised.

However long the kitsune had been sucking her dick prior to Bianca waking up, it left her near the edge by the time she woke up. Now, after all this extra time, she was rock hard, her balls were growing tight, and once she felt Xue Yaling’s throat tighten up as she briefly gagged around her length, she felt the dam break.

Her thrust was enough to overpower even the kitsune’s firm grip, letting her press her groin against Xue Yaling’s nose and bury herself balls deep within her mouth, gasping as her load rushed through her length. The pressure that quickly appeared within her cock was overwhelming, and the moment of release was satisfying beyond anything she could have possibly imagined. It was as if a tidal wave of exhaustion, frustration and desire left her in an instant, a rush of heat exploding from the tip of her shaft.

The flood of cum was almost as impressive. She couldn’t quite see it, but she was able to glimpse the bulge in Xue Yaling’s throat, hear the loud gulps, and faintly smell the strong scent escaping even past the tightness of the kitsune’s lips.

It felt as if the whole camp should be able to hear and smell these things, though a quick glance towards Song Ming confirmed that, somehow, despite how overwhelming each of these things were, nobody would know – or, at least, nobody would have to know. Nobody needed to know how Xue Yaling came up from the base of her cock and showed off a mouth full of seed which spilled onto her lips before she had the chance to shut them and swallow it with several long, strenuous gulps and made it obvious just how thick Bianca’s load was.

Yeah… nobody needed to know.

‘Doubt I’ll ever be able to forget, though… So good…’ she couldn’t be sure just how many ropes of cum she let out into the kitsune’s mouth, but she was certainly feeling drained afterwards.

Her cock only lingered for a little while before it vanished, just as it always did, leaving the copious amounts of drying saliva on her thighs and the remnants on semen on Xue Yaling’s face – and the overwhelming stench of it coming from her mouth with every exhale – as the only evidence that any of this even happened.

I admit, I had underestimated you… In this regard, too, though it’s not entirely an unpleasant surprise,” the kitsune whispered, crawling closer and leaning in to breathe into her ear, “Keep doing well, and maybe I’ll be nice and keep doing this for you, darling.

If Bianca’s dick hadn’t vanished only moments ago, she would’ve definitely gotten hard again. The way that the kitsune lingered above her, her eyes seeming to glow as she stared into Bianca’s soul…

She couldn’t help but gulp.

Now, honey, is there something you want to say to me? You seem to be staring very~ intently.

Um… Since it’s still… dark… I think… Could you maybe…” she blushed at just how shy she was suddenly feeling, forcing her to gather her energy for a moment with her eyes shut, “Keep going? Even without the cock?

The cutie over there might wake up,” Xue Yaling said, tilting her head just a little in Song Ming’s direction, “Also, I’ve already rewarded you. If you want a second one… well, you should do something.

It wasn’t hard to guess what she meant, or at least one of the possibilities. She could beg for it, let her do and take anything for another chance at pleasure. Whatever it took, she was certain that it would be incredibly rewarding and incredibly delightful, perhaps even mind-blowing. At any other time, she would have certainly agreed, since she had little reason to choose otherwise.

And yet… for some reason, she felt like she shouldn’t. As it would be equivalent to letting the kitsune walk all over her – as if that was a bad thing – which was something she had wanted to avoid this whole time. So, even though a large part of her desired it, she gritted her teeth for a moment and gathered the courage she didn’t even know she had. Her gaze returned directly to Xue Yaling’s eyes, and, even though they were still rather charming, she managed to say…

Then I’ll pass. Besides, Song Ming should be up soon.

To claim that she got no enjoyment out of seeing the kitsune’s eyebrow jolt up for just a moment would be completely untrue. It was a petty sort of enjoyment, sure, just like touching something when told not to, but it wasn’t too common for her to get even that much from her.

Usually, it would require some actual accomplishment on her part, but this… this was just saying no. She could do that. She’d done that plenty of times, back in college, when arguing with… whoever it was.

Alright then. You’re free to clean up the mess. I’ll be outside,” the kitsune replied, shrugging as she got up, patted herself down – she’d apparently been clothed the whole time, not that Bianca was able to focus on anything past her own cock in the fox’s mouth – and headed outside, though her pace was rather slow compared to the usual.

‘She probably wants to see if I’ll try to stop her… to try and get a chance at the pleasure she could give me…’ Bianca managed to understand, perhaps thanks to the post-nut clarity men supposedly experienced, and instead offered a smile and casual wave, saying the first thing that came to mind, “Work hard, my servant.

Her smile froze when she realised what it was that her brain threw out. It was one thing to say it out in public, where the kitsune was outright intending for her to assume the mantle of some demonic overlord, but in private, especially in an area like the tent, which almost certainly had some ability to block out the spying of others – or else she doubted that Xue Yaling would be quite so open inside it – there was very little reason to do so. More importantly, she decided to say it just after blatantly refusing the kitsune’s invitation, so she fully expected Xue Yaling to be in a worse mood thanks to it.

A smirk appeared on the kitsune’s face.

Her lips parted, and she said, “Very well, oh great Demon… hm, Queen. Oh great Demon Queen.

The flap of the tent was raised, the kitsune stepped out, and then the minimal light from outside was blocked once more as it dropped down, leaving the tent in relative darkness. All the while, Bianca tried to figure out if she had done a good thing or not.

“Hm…mhm…” the sound of Song Ming’s waking moans finally got Bianca to stop staring at the air, “Mm….”

“Good morning, Song Ming,” Bianca said, raising her voice past a mere whisper, though she was still quieter than she might be during normal conversation, “Hope you slept well after all of yesterday… Though it was me who got beat up… again.”

“Hm… Bianca? You… you look perfectly mine, still. W-Wait, is that-”

“Just, uh, dreams. Wet ones. Mhm,” as it would be way too suspicious to suddenly try and cover up her saliva-coated inner thighs, she only did so slowly, offering Song Ming a natural awkward smile, as was appropriate, “I had to get something nice from being absolutely destroyed yet again… Everything still hurts, actually.”

“She is rather harsh, but… you aren’t actually being hurt. And, in the long term, I’m pretty sure that it’ll do you a lot more good than harm.”

“Ugh… You’re technically right, but that doesn’t make it any better!” Bianca sighed, though it was somewhat in relief as she was able to dodge at least one awkward topic, ‘Though, I’m surprised that this hasn’t been fully discussed yet. It’s not like I’m very subtle, especially when my dick enters the equation…’

It was rather hard to be, all things considered – especially with the innuendo. Nothing about her body or skills permitted her to be subtle, unfortunately, and as much as she wanted to ignore it, it was inevitable that she’d end up confronting that fact numerous times. As such, given that she’d already acted the part, and that she’d managed to stand up to the kitsune of all people, so… perhaps it was for the best to embrace it a little more.

Maybe Demon Queen Bianca wasn’t such a bad idea. It’s not like she actually had to do anything bad, since the main idea was to radiate an aura and not necessarily be a true demon. She just needed to be confident and let her energy surge around her, and nobody would be able to deny her supposed nature so long as she didn’t show too much weakness.

“What are you thinking about, Bianca?”

“Hm? Oh, I was just… stuff. Xue Yaling called me a Demon Queen, as usual-”

“I think it’s the first I’ve heard of you being a queen…”

“Well, fine, that part isn’t common, but the demon one is… and she has been trying to make me into a leader of some kind, so, unless there’s some memory I’m missing, it shouldn’t be too different whether I’m a queen or anything.”

“You were thinking whether or not you should be going along with it,” Song Ming guessed, sitting up in her sleeping back and swiping back all the messy hair that tried to block her gaze.

“Am I that obvious? It seems like a decent idea. It’s only the façade of being someone… reprehensible. I don’t need to do anything bad. I don’t need to kill or steal or… anything,” Bianca muttered, realising that she didn’t have much of a point when considering she’d already done all of these things without calling herself a demon, “Well… I don’t want to, but… I…”

“Bianca… I doubt I’ve got a better understanding of all this than you do, but…” she rose, coming over and sitting down beside her, inviting Bianca to lean on her shoulder, “This whole situation is awful. None of us should have ended up in the places that we have… But you can’t change what you did. I can’t change what I did. Don’t think even Xue Yaling can, and she’s among the strongest we’ve met so far… that Jun Jie was stronger, far stronger, but we luckily didn’t have to deal with him…”

She coughed, shyly glanced in Bianca’s direction, then looked away as she put an arm around her. The way she behaved so bashfully put a smile on Bianca’s face despite the rather sombre topic.

“What I wanted to say was that it doesn’t matter what’s been done. I know that you didn’t want to do the things you ended up doing, and I know that your issue with taking things involuntarily… We should just be careful and do what’s right from now on. If part of that is pretending to be someone terrible, then… well, it doesn’t feel like we have much of a choice. We just need to remember that pretending is all it is,” Song Ming said, tilting her head a little to rest it atop Bianca’s, “I will always remind you, if you need it, and I hope you’ll remind me too, if I forget… if I end up acting as well.”

“You shouldn’t need to, but… yeah. I would hope that the kitsune would not let us descend into insanity, but it is the kitsune we’re talking about, so…” Bianca nuzzled up against her, “Right, we should also get going. If it’s early enough for her to be outside, it’s probably early enough for you to be as well.”

“I’d like to stay like this… just a little longer.”

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