I Was Called A Demon

Arc 4: Chapter 14

The kitsune followed the instruction as quickly as she could, as she could tell from the dragon’s tone and attitude that she was not happy at the moment. Considering the current state of her campaign against the Exarch, it wasn’t hard to tell why.

Since the Exarch was in a lower realm than Long Shiyi had been at her peak, and since it was a far younger foe than she was – at least as far as most could tell considering the time of its first appearance – there should’ve been no chance for it to oppose her, nor should it have even considered such a thing to begin with. And yet, the Exarch’s small faction was able to hold onto its territory near the northern-most parts of the Frost Mountains and then progressed into the Heartlands, the central region of the land.

From there, the Exarch’s Domain grew and grew, touching upon the old lands of the Reaper’s Grave, reaching the borders of the God’s Grave Temple, and even attempting to expand east towards the Burnt Oak Sect and north-east towards the border shared by the Dancer’s Abode and, most importantly in this situation, Long Shiyi’s Warband.

At the moment, there was a region of no-man’s land at a river that split off from the Heart Lake and went south-east – technically, the other way around, but for understanding the land, that order was less convenient – with Long Shiyi holding the north-east, and the Exarch holding the south-west side. They had been in that position for a while, with minor skirmishes occurring to no major change in the situation. However, even though she hadn’t been near the area in question, Xue Yaling knew for a fact that all it would take is a proper push by one side to ruin the balance.

And considering the fact that Long Shiyi had yet to crush the Exarch, the kitsune suspected that it was only a matter of time before the Exarch took the initiative.

“Come now, don’t waste your food. You need all the energy you can get on the front lines,” Long Shiyi said again, as most had sat down but left their food untouched, “I will have wasted so many resources on procuring all of this, then getting it cooked by experts in extracting the most benefits and flavour from the planar materials… Would you like that effort to be wasted? Would you?”

That seemed to be enough to stem the hesitation, and so the sounds of eating resumed, filling the tent to the point that it was audible even over the growing intensity of the storm outside. Since the tribulation had called it down, the storm did not disperse, instead remaining and spreading into a weaker storm overall, yet one that consumed the region with ease. It shook the tent, fabric flapping about and making a lot of noise even with the whole thing being stabilised with regular materials and certain arrays.

At least the rain wasn’t pouring in, and that most storms caused by tribulations were short-lived. Some of the more peaceful tribulations didn’t cause one at all, but when one cultivated any energy that wasn’t from a completely trivial technique, they would generally attract a minor storm at least. More intense weather could be caused by more powerful techniques, as they merit a stronger response from the heavens, and when one manages to break typical convention completely…

Then there’s a lasting, mighty storm that remains after each bolt of lightning falls, a thunderstorm of mighty proportions.

“Don’t worry, the guards will be punished for their incompetence in letting someone break through a realm while in my domain, and at the same time as such a significant gathering. Though, in all honesty, even I hadn’t expected the breakthrough to occur. There were no hints of energy being gathered at that spot at all,” Long Shiyi shrugged, “No matter. You seem to be enjoying yourselves.”

The people in the room had little choice but to nod along, with a few trying to express their enjoyment vocally, for what little good that did. Xue Yaling didn’t go to such an excessive degree, though she did at least pretend.

“Good. Then, I shall make good use of our time and begin early. If I wait until the lot of you fatten yourselves, you’ll suddenly wish to be excused to rest up and digest the food… Tch. I remember the days when the weaker races were driven and active, even if the greatest heroes all lived prior to me. I remembered great warriors and hunters, insightful scholars and priests, tricksters that could deceive the very world itself… And now, all of the world has fallen to such a degree…”

She stared at everyone before her, her presence overwhelming even those in realms that match her own.

“I imagine some of you believe that I am trying to crush your confidence and put you down, but I have no reason to destroy the morale of my own forces. On the contrary, I mean to boost it – and I wish to do so by showing you just how much greater you could be. Just how much potential the lot of you possess, that you waste on excuses and laziness and idleness…”

‘I’m regularly accused of being a bitch, and I’m pretty sure I can be better at motivating than that… Then again, I’m at a similar age to many cultivators – those in higher realms, admittedly, but still – whereas Long Shiyi is… what, over 500,000 years old now?’ the kitsune tried to recall the specific date of the dragon’s birth, which had been documented in some ancient tome she’d read, but failed, ‘She must have a very different view to many of us, so when it comes to persuasion… is she looking at me again?’

“What do all cultivators seek? A way to grow, to improve, to reach higher realms and live longer and reach the apex of the heavens, to surpass all others and to stand in realms that none of us could even fathom…” the dragon looked up to the top of the tent, though her gaze seemed to go right through and peer upon the skies, “And we have that. A foe that wants us gone. That wants to impose an order and brand the lot of you with a searing mark. Some of you have seen what it’s like, others will have read or heard of it instead. Regardless, you ought to know the scorched lands and the ruined terrain that the Exarch produces. All of you have something that you wish to protect from that awful ruination.”

Any attempts of Xue Yaling to mentally disparage the speech was forced into the back of her mind, as she found herself listening to the dragon’s voice regardless.

“So, take advantage of this moment. Practise your skills against foes that care not for your wellbeing and would only wish to see you licking their boots like good little pets and playthings. Grow, so that one of these days, you may be worth something even after I’m gone… And if you have the luck of discovering something that allows a dragon to overcome the world’s decay, then I can assure you that you will earn wealth and might beyond imagining. Think well on it.”

Silence followed, and the kitsune had to mentally retract her complaints regarding the dragon’s ability to understand her audience. Cultivation was a rather universal thing, and everyone wished to rise higher and higher no matter what their greatest dreams were.

Some simply sought power for power’s sake, others wished for domination and control, and some just wished to have peace and quiet. The latter set were not likely to be found here, of course, but the promise of power was a good one, and keeping their current place was another. Many of Long Shiyi’s soldiers, especially those in higher realms and less likely to be forced into fighting by threats and intimidation, had some power in the nearby area, and the invasion of the Exarch would definitely ruin any chances they have of holding onto their land… unless they were able to defect and convince the Exarch to let them keep their authority.

However, the Exarch-

“Oh, that moth-eaten scrap of cloth, it actually thought to… well, we are about to have a guest, and they are coming in the most suitable of fashions. Now you’ll get a chance to see what the Exarch brings.”

Long Shiyi waved her hand, and the winds shaking the tent stopped for a moment, the whole thing gaining a faint metallic sheen. Furthermore, the rain that was battering the entrance to the tent appeared to cease, though Xue Yaling suspected she had merely created a barrier over the entrance to provide a nicer experience for the guests.

Naturally, the dragon would’ve likely preferred to destroy them and crush the Exarch in the process, but while that wasn’t possible, a peaceful resolution to the encounter would be best for them all. This was especially true if the approaching forces were more powerful than the typical force Long Shiyi could exert, and, once they drew nearer, likely using some group movement skill, the kitsune was easily able to confirm that it was.

Someone at the peak of the fifth realm, with more than enough energy to cause Long Shiyi trouble unless she wanted to risk ending her own life in the process.

“All kneel before our master’s sigil! Kneel!” a voice from the outside roared in, and a few of the weaker people in the tent tried to follow those instructions in an instant, only to be stopped by silvery draconic claws that forced them to remain sitting or standing.

The compelling effect of the voice wasn’t powerful enough to sway Xue Yaling, but it make her frown. She could feel the Exarch’s influence within it, and it made her ponder just how mighty the Exarch itself might be. Worse yet, the Exarch was still growing in power, whereas Long Shiyi was essentially dying. Of course, the dragon was taking her sweet time with that, but it didn’t change the ultimate truth – the Exarch was already able to impose a standstill.

After another moment, the opening to the tent was parted and a number of soldiers entered, the one at the front bearing a great banner that only barely fit within the tent. Upon it was a blazing mark that seemed to raise the heat within the room, dyeing everything with a faint flame-like shade, and compelling everyone to gaze upon it and despair.

‘The Exarch’s sigil. A thing that make one’s life into perpetual torment if it is placed on them…’

The form the sigil took was merely a series of shapes and lines. An equilateral triangle facing upwards at the centre, a hexagon framing it and a larger triangle, facing downwards instead, surrounding it. Three edges of the hexagon were joined with the outer triangle, and the points of the inner triangle were all in direct contact with the hexagon.

Beside the central symbol, there were also the outer components: three short lines going out from the corners of the outer triangle, beginning a short distance from the symbol, three long lines also heading away from the triangle and positioned by the middle of each edge, and two circles broken up into six segments each by the long and short lines. Together, these shapes created the infamous sigil of the Exarch, a symbol of uncertain meaning yet undeniable might.

This sigil blazed upon the banner, hovering a hair’s width away from the black fabric, but also upon the equipment of those that entered, with a single mark either on the chest or left shoulder of each soldier. It was most bright upon the chest of the man that carried the banner upon his back, a figure clad in baggy soot-marked robes that had dark metal plates attached over the top, holding parts of the baggy robes pressed against the man’s body.

On his belt was a sword handle with an oddly blunt blade protruding from it, without a hint of material to cover it up from the elements. It was even soaked in rainwater, as if the integrity of this weapon meant nothing to him.

‘Mo Shu, the Flaming Blade of the Exarch…’ Xue Yaling frowned, ‘That thing definitely isn’t star metal, like some claim, but for it to hold up, it must be beyond mere black iron…’

His face was covered with a hood as baggy as the rest of his clothes, showing only his mouth, the corners leaning downwards, beard stubble decorating his face. Faint embers seemed to glow where his pupils were, shining through the shadow with a light far inferior to the sigil on his chest. Nonetheless, he entered with an intimidating aura, and the surrounding soldiers of less note were equally intimidating to those in lower realms, including Song Ming but, oddly enough, not Bianca.

The kitsune couldn’t hope to read their minds, of course, but she could see how the two reacted, and it was like night and day. Song Ming’s eyes widened, her breath quickened, and her face went pale, like she was faced with some horrible beast. Even her internal physique energy tried to flare up, though she had enough sense to supress it, consciously or unconsciously.

Meanwhile, Bianca, whose inner feelings tended to be far, far more obvious – at least when she wasn’t channelling her demonic self – seemed purely curious.

“Long Shiyi, we come with a message from the glorious and mighty Exarch,” Mo Shu announced himself, not even bothering to kneel or bow, “Will you receive the message with the dignity that our master deserves?”

“The only dignity your master deserves is to be stomped with a boot rather than with my bare foot.”

“Do you think yourself funny, dragon? You best remember what happened the last time dragons got too big for their own boots,” he responded without fear in his voice, though Xue Yaling was willing to bet he was at least a little anxious. It would spark the war with the Exarch in full, sure, but Long Shiyi could kill him if she so wanted.

“You must think yourself funny, you brat,” Long Shiyi leaned forward in her seat, “Before your fool of a father had even the faintest notion of sleeping with your mother, I had dominated this region. Around you are countless warriors that could decapitate you in seconds, and I… I can ruin you and anyone around you. Everyone knows that the fight against the Exarch might be my last… but do you remember the Dragon of Song? The Crystal Terror, Jun? A single dragon, even despite the whole land resisting it, crushed everything that had been built with the scales of its brood.”

As the dragon spoke, the faint spectre of her draconic form manifested around her. Massive jaws, enormous claws and a lengthy body that coiled around her, the aura it radiated immediately supressing Mo Shu’s. Even a dying dragon was far superior to a normal human, after all, especially an old one like Long Shiyi.

“I could burn everyone around the Exarch down, and maybe even take the Exarch with me if I’m lucky. Whether or not I do depends on your words, Mo Shu. So, who am I to you?”

He hesitated quite a bit there, the dragon’s pressure likely competing with his inner trust and faith towards the Exarch, “… Honourable dragon, I wish to deliver a message from my master to you. Would you hear it?”

‘He folded fast… I would’ve too, to be fair to him. A dragon’s wrath is not something to be taken lightly. Even the youngest dragons are said to be incredibly fearsome, if the stories of the oldest dragon are to be taken seriously,’ Xue Yaling noted, feeling her own body tremble at the sight of draconic might, ‘It is said that the hatchling managed to slay grown beasts of the same or even higher realm with ease…’

“Speak, brat. Before I lose my patience and return you to your leader as a burnt pile of bones.”

“The Exarch has sent me to deliver a declaration of war. In two months, my mighty leader will cross the river with its full might, our armies crashing down upon this land and delivering it to its rightful ruler. As such, the Exarch offers one final opportunity to those that wish to serve. Depart the dragon’s lands before the war and enter into its service. All that do so will be treated fairly, and those that relay secrets that aid the war effort will be well rewarded.”

“You filthy bug… you’re trying to gather traitors from right in front of me? The fucking nerve…” the dragon sat up, glaring at Mo Shu with enough intensity that his hood nearly flew off his head from the pressure alone, “I would love to send your head back to the Exarch with the following message – any forces sent my way will repelled, and any traitors will be tormented and shown off to all others that think they can defect to a torn cloak that should’ve gone into the fire decades ago!”

Mo Shu offered no reply at first, instead looking around and checking the reactions of those that were within the tent. Of course, it was a futile effort, as very, very few would dare to stand up in front of a force such as this, and even fewer would survive.

Nonetheless, the delay gave more people the opportunity to think about this without the dragon’s roaring, Xue Yaling included… though she wasn’t about to change her mind regarding the side to ‘support’. With the dragon, she just needed to keep up pretences, and when the dragon perished, she’d be free. However, if she tried to join the Exarch’s side, she’d be marked and forever under its control, at least to some extent. Simply doing her own thing would not be possible, and she’d definitely not be able to sneak away and steal the Weave of the Senses without the Exarch getting the opportunity to profit from her efforts.

Thus, she had more benefits in sticking with the dragon, which she did in order to have a faction to align herself with. Most people that went entirely on their own immediately became more noteworthy, as they either had plenty to hide or were far, far powerful than they seemed, just to name some possibilities.

“I have merely done as I was instructed… by the Exarch and you both. Now, I will take my leave, and any of those with wisdom in this tent will do so in time. Otherwise…” he turned around slowly, and his soldiers turned with him, “There will be blood and ruin. I can promise you that.”

Nobody stopped him from leaving, and the dragon did little more than fume at the exiting ‘emissaries’.

Once their footsteps faded and the sounds of rain returned, the tent remained otherwise silent for quite a while. The dragon’s anger faded slowly and visibly, the phantom of her true form turning faint and eventually disappearing, and it was only then that she exhaled and leaned back in her throne, her eyes half-shut.

“To think that brat grew at such a pace, and became so arrogant… Maybe I should’ve followed their example back then…”

Nobody dared to respond to her comments, something the dragon soon noted.

“Well, at least we got that out of the way quickly. Now you’ve all seen what you’re up against, I hope you don’t hesitate to improve yourselves.”

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