I Was Called A Demon

Arc 4: Chapter 5

“There, there… at least it seems to be due to unfamiliarity and not something you’ll have to deal with forever,” Bianca noted as she stroked Song Ming’s hair as the latter lay in her lap, facing up and meeting her gaze, “I have… I’m not sure I’ve ever been on a boat, but it seems to be way less uncomfortable than I expected, and I’m sure you’ll feel that way too, in no time at all.”

“T-Thanks… It’s really strange to feel the ground move beneath me like that,” she responded, shutting her eyes and taking deep breaths.

Meanwhile, Xue Yaling finished with her tea making. She had heated water with her ghostflame and performed a series of esoteric actions that resulted in several cups of green tea, or something that certainly resembled it, whether in smell or appearance.

“This tea will taste best now, and if I’m not mistaken – there are quite a few planar herbs that can be used for tea making, so some similar ones are easy to mix up – it should assist in this regard somewhat.”

“Somewhat and maybe?”

“Stop complaining, Bianca. I could’ve just ignored your request, and we could’ve just drunk the water around here like most of the sailors would. I’ve done you and Song Ming a favour, so please stop complaining and just drink it whilst it is hot. You may benefit too… provided I haven’t mixed up the tea leaves.”

Bianca would’ve asked what the alternatives were, but it was better not to know. She just took the cup and took a cautious sip, and then her eyes widened.

It was absolutely wonderful, and she couldn’t help but take another sip. It was akin to waking up after a great night’s rest in a comfy bed with a soft mattress and sheets and a pillow to a nice breakfast in bed, warm sunlight gracing her skin, and a lover’s touch massaging her… or something like that.

She had not experienced all of those, but even if she had, it didn’t seem like enough to describe the full extent of her sensations. All she could really say for sure was that she wanted to grab every single tea leaf that produced this and then make Xue Yaling work as her tea maker for the rest of their lives, since there were few things that actually matched up with it… aside from orgasms and other lewd stuff, which she’d obviously prefer to have for all eternity.

‘Alright, I suppose I shouldn’t trade off all the sexy stuff for this tea… hm,’ Bianca put down the cup and tapped Song Ming’s shoulder, “You should try drinking it. It should help a lot, or at least taste great.”

“Hm… Okay. Let me try,” she reluctantly rose from Bianca’s lap and sat up in her seat, taking a cup and blowing on the top for a while before bringing it to her lips, parting them just a little to take a cautious sip.

And then, she had the exact same reaction that Bianca must’ve had, and she promptly drank a proper mouthful before letting out a delighted breath.

“This really is good. T-Thank you very much, Xue Yaling.”

“You’re welcome, sweetie. Go ahead and have it all, since it appears that I had been correct about these leaves. This tea should sort you out in moments… if it hasn’t already. When your skin isn’t so unnaturally pale, you look rather charming.”

“U-Um…” Song Ming glanced towards Bianca, then, with her head lowered, said, “Thank you.”

“… Cute. Since when are you like that, anyway? I recall you standing up to me like a big girl back when we first met, and now you’re being all small and pretty,” Xue Yaling said with her trademark grin, also sending a glance towards Bianca, “I do wonder what it is you two got up to while I led the way. Did you perhaps make up your mind on how your relationship will look? Did you decide to go towards something fun like… an owner and pet relationship?”

Song Ming’s response was the verbal equivalent of a keysmash, a wonderful password that could take billions of years to crack even with the most advanced computers of Orbis, and would definitely make it absurdly painful to enter on any device that didn’t have a password manager of some kind installed.

It was also rather adorable to see her get this flustered, but it also made it perfectly clear that this was not a subject she was prepared to handle. As such, Bianca had to keep down her own complaints and stand up – figuratively – to the kitsune’s attempt to… do something to the both of them. She still hadn’t figured out what it was that Xue Yaling wanted from them, and whether certain acts like this teasing contributed to it in any way, so it was always a bit of a headache to figure out what kind of response would be playing into her hands and what wouldn’t.

“Stop teasing us. Even if we did suddenly come up with something like that, why would we ever share it with you?” the mere suggestion still got Song Ming to blush just after she was starting to calm down, but the calm tone Bianca managed to say it with did appear to throw the kitsune off her track just a little bit.

“I thought we talked about this not long ago. We can share such things with one another, and if you do, I can definitely give you some opportunities to have fun on your own, if you’d prefer.”

“And you have to realise that I tend to not do things if you keep trying to encourage me to do them.”

“Mhm, I’ve noticed that. It’s not the smartest thing to do, you know,” Xue Yaling smirked, “But you do as you wish in this regard. I can’t stop you two from making mistakes and ignoring my advice, advice that would help you be calmer and more restrained and far less… demonic.”

‘You fucking… Meh. I’m not sure why I thought she wouldn’t have considered that already…’ Bianca sighed within her mind and shrugged, “I’ll think about it. Still, can you not leave the two of us with some privacy? Whether we come up with something like that or not, it should be up to the two of us, and if we decide to share that with you, then that will be up to us to decide, not you. We may listen to you when it comes to general knowledge and things related to planar cultivation, but for personal matters, you don’t get a say.”

“… Fascinating. Every now and then, you show yourself to be beyond a simpleton. You know, if you were able to show that every single day, and every single time, I’d have no reason to bother you.”

“… I don’t exactly do it on purpose, you know?”

“And that’s a shame. Pretending to be stupid can at least serve a purpose. Being stupid is another matter,” the kitsune muttered, shaking her head, “I did mean what I said. If you were more open with me, you’d have less stress in your day to day. If you were less stressed, you would be able to think things through better without needing someone else to keep you in check. The chances of further incidents would be much reduced, and you’d thank yourself for avoiding them in the future. Anything wrong with what I’ve said so far?”

“You already know, don’t you?”

“Yes or no, please.”

Bianca sighed, “Yes, it is.”

“Then what reason do you have to behave the way you are now? Keeping everything so quiet between you and your girlfriend even though we’re going to be travelling together for quite a while according to our current plans. Besides, I have spiritual perception, as do most others. Relationships and sexual acts and what not tend to be difficult to keep private, especially when you don’t have a fixed base of operation with methods to dampen the power of spiritual perception and grant you the privacy that you so desire, so you might as well be open about it with those that will learn it no matter what. What do you think?”

“I think you want me to tell you about my sex life for your own pleasure.”

“Eh… I won’t deny that I would enjoy such a thing, but you can’t make each and every one of your decisions purely based on whether I would enjoy it or not. If things were quite so simple, you would be in some other world, so don’t even consider it.”

Bianca almost sighed again before catching herself and simply looking away, taking some time to examine the layer of ghostflame covering the walls to make sure that nobody was listening to them. Whether she admitted anything to Xue Yaling or not was not purely up to her to begin with, so she was unlikely to do so, but even if she did it would be best if nobody else heard them.

After taking quite a while to examine everything in sight, she concluded that they were free of observation for the moment. Still, that didn’t make the decision any easier.

“How long will we be on this boat?”

“Depends on whether they stop for anyone else, what the river is like for the duration of the journey, and a bunch of other factors. However, if I recall the distance from where we boarded to Long Shiyi’s domain, it should take no less than… two, three days? That’s assuming they want us to get there quickly, by the way. If the gathering we’re meant to attend happens later, they may travel slowly and take in the sights. After the forests, there will be some pleasant plains and other regions of note, so I can point those out to you once we get to them.”

That meant that she wouldn’t be able to get away to any form of privacy for a very long time.

‘So, I’m pretty much going to have to fuck Song Ming on the ship if we do so in the next few days, and I don’t know about her – well, I do, actually – but I doubt I’ll be able to wait that long. We don’t have to do the things she suggested, but, at the same time, I do wonder what it would feel like. Gripping her throat and filling her wet pussy while calling her a pet and…’ Bianca suddenly inhaled.

Her pants were growing tight all over again, so she stopped herself from considering all these tantalising possibilities. It was incredibly tempting to abandon all her reservations up until now and simply take Song Ming here and now, right in front of the kitsune.

Perhaps that’s exactly what she wanted. Maybe Xue Yaling would take this opportunity to touch herself while the two of them went at it, and then do whatever came into her mind afterwards. It could well be that it was what the kitsune got off to, and all of this was just a very lengthy ploy to get them to fuck in front of her far more openly than before.

Or, perhaps, that was just her cock thinking for her again. It hadn’t gone soft after the first lewd thought that entered her mind, and now it was straining against the fabric of her trousers, trying to break free. She even felt a bit of wetness at the tip, presumably from the first few beads of precum.


“Hm, Bianca, is that a hilt in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”

“… Pfft. That is not at all what I was expecting,” she couldn’t help but chuckle at the joke, “I was getting all worried, you know.”

“And the sun was going to rise after it fell below the horizon. That’s not new at all.”

“Yeah… Song Ming, you’ve been very quiet lately. What do you think?” Bianca’s question became somewhat redundant as she turned and noticed Song Ming staring at her groin intently, her hand clearly moving closer to Bianca’s thigh and therefore to her cock, “Uh… Have you heard anything we’ve been saying, or have you been…”

“… Hm?” she glanced up, but she couldn’t maintain eye contact for longer than a second before her gaze inevitably flicked back down.

“You’re drooling.”

“I… I am not. It’s just… um…”

“Xue Yaling, I blame you for all of this,” Bianca muttered, inevitably letting a sigh escape from her lips, “Can you keep this private from the rest of the ship?”

“Depends on what this is, honey. If it’s something quiet, then yes, of course. If you’re going to pound that slut’s womb and get her pregnant, then-”


“No?” Xue Yaling echoed.


“N-No?” Song Ming suddenly said, obviously disappointed.

“No!” Bianca reached up and flicked Song Ming’s forehead, “Everything else aside, I’m not sure how we’d survive with you – or any of us – getting pregnant while we’re also planning on… doing things. It’s not exactly practical.”

“Then, after we’re done with all this…”

Bianca hadn’t expected such insistence, so she had to think about it for a moment, “Uh… If you really want it at that time, then… I’ll consider it.”

Even this vague response was apparently sufficient for Song Ming to light up, glistening like the many stars in the sky. At least, that was until she looked down again and reached her hand towards the bulge in Bianca’s pants, stopping just a hair’s width away from touching it.

“Xue Yaling, did you put something in the tea?”

“Tea leaves, mainly,” the kitsune said flatly, then chuckled after seeing Bianca’s frustrated expression, “I think your girlfriend is just missing your affection… and maybe I wouldn’t mind experiencing some of it as well. What do you say, cutie?”

“W-Well… Fine, just limit it to a handjob or something.”

As Xue Yaling continued smiling, she rose up and moved to Bianca’s side of the room, sitting on her other side and casually reached for Bianca’s dick, taking initiative from Song Ming and starting to stroke it through the fabric. She used a soft grip, applying little pressure and thus not doing much physically, but being surrounded on both sides by gorgeous women that were trying to stroke her length proved extremely arousing.

“As if that would be enough to sate either of you… but I’ll accept it. After all, I shouldn’t expect you to change your mind within a few minutes, so I’ll let you take things slow if you prefer, sweetie.”


The two sitting on either side of her shared a glance then grabbed her trousers and pulled them down with surprising ease. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing she’d experienced, but letting her throbbing, eager length break free was a far greater relief than anything else could have been. It felt so good for her diamond-hard cock to stand freely, towering unwaveringly despite its weight.

Above that sensation, there was another that flooded in, rather literally. It was an overwhelming scent, a thick musk that resembled steam rising from her cock and balls the moment that the barrier of cloth was gone. A mixture of sweat, precum and who knows what else came together into an overwhelming smell that caused her cock to twitch the moment she inhaled it, and to twitch again once she noticed the other two being drawn to it.

Xue Yaling’s reaction was subtle, as she only sniffed a little more and leaned in slightly, but the hunger on Song Ming’s face was unmistakable. Her eyes widened and her pupils narrowed as she focused on the dripping, throbbing length of Bianca’s cock, on her sweaty, heavy balls.

“That… is quite the scent. It’s rare for my mouth to water like it is now…” the kitsune said, “You sure you don’t want us to give you a blowjob? I wouldn’t mind sharing…”

Her fingers glanced past Bianca’s shaft, grazing it with the tips of her fingers, and brought her hand down to feel up and cup her balls. The kitsune caressed them, touching and squeezing ever so slightly while admiring the twitches and jumps from Bianca’s dick, following each drop of sticky, milky liquid that emerged from the tip with her gaze.

“Wouldn’t it be such a shame not to feel her licking these full, heavy, sweaty orbs? To feel me joining in, giving them the appreciation that they deserve?”

“Y-You’re making it hard to-”

“It really is hard…” Song Ming said breathily, wrapping her fingers around the base of Bianca’s cock and slowly bringing her hand up, letting it travel up until she’d brought it to just below the head. She had squeezed out a small stream of precum while covering most of the head in foreskin, and then brought her hand back down, as if enamoured by this simple process – though, it was more likely the arousal that kept her from being distracted by anything else.

“And so sticky from sweat. You might want to wash yourself more often, cutie… or maybe not. Your pet certainly likes it… and I think I do too.”

Bianca noticed that the kitsune wasn’t going to pretend to be ignorant any longer, but she could hardly call her out as both her and Song Ming went to work on her. Song Ming went from hesitant strokes to pumping her hand up and down, the slickness of Bianca’s precum making it all too easy for her hand to glide up and down, her grip slowly tightening as the pleasure she created grew.

Meanwhile, Xue Yaling remained committed to playing with her balls, though she didn’t hesitate to adjust her hand position to also tease Bianca’s pussy every now and then, clearly delighting in her gasps.

“F-Fuck… I’m already-”

“Close? We can’t have that, can we? Come on, cutie, are you really going to deny your pet a taste?” the kitsune whispered into her ear, “Are you not going to allow her to indulge in that overwhelming musk, in that layer of sweat you’d built up during our journey, in the throbbing length of your thick cock, or in that delicious load that must be getting prepared within those wonderful balls? Are you really~ going deny your pet all that?”

How Bianca didn’t cum on the spot from all that was beyond her, but it also made the suggestion far, far too tantalising to disregard. So, she grabbed Song Ming’s wrist and looked into her eyes. Although she didn’t say another word, the meaning must’ve been clear, as her ‘pet’ stopped gripping her cock and instead got to her knees, her face almost touching Bianca’s dick.


‘I’ve barely allowed myself to be influenced by her energy, and yet… I’m actually getting really turned on. Damn…’ Xue Yaling could hear herself breathing heavily, could tell that her gaze didn’t want to be pulled away from Bianca’s dick, and she knew she couldn’t stop herself from inhaling her musk as if it was vital to her existence, ‘Not only do I have to be much, much more careful in the future, but I may need to watch out for Song Ming, too. At this rate, Bianca will break her long before I get any kind of useful data…’

She gulped as she forced the thoughts of pushing Song Ming away and filling her own throat with that cock out of her mind.

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