I Was Called A Demon

Arc 5: Chapter 15

“Well… this Demonic archetype of yours is certainly fascinating, but I think it isn’t related to the Terror archetype as I had initially assumed – though I’m not sure I’d say I hoped it would be, as it would make me doubt your intentions and true nature – but simply happens to oppose it in a number of factors,” Yan Taijun breathed out as she leaned back in her seat, cold sweat visibly trailing down her skin and causing her hair to stick to her face.

She had spent a while simply analysing Bianca’s energy and skills, with Yu Juan watching on the side, clearly paying a lot of attention to her energy but not commenting the whole time.

“Mhm, it looks somewhat familiar, in a sense, but it’s clearly not…” Yu Juan finally said.

“My initial assumptions are as follows: the aura that you possess thanks to your cultivation must’ve applied in the mental realm as well, showing that it might be a form of killing intent or spiritual will or something of the sort. It managed to keep the nightmares off long enough for you to remain unbothered while you moved within.”

“Would make sense,” Xue Yaling nodded, laying on another couch on her belly, resting her head on her hands and keeping her feet in the air, “Would also explain why she gives the impression of a seasoned warrior to those that are sensitive to it, since killing intent typically hangs around those types.”

“Mhm. Then, within the mental domain… it should’ve been some property of Bianca’s energy, or a skill that doesn’t require deliberate use, or perhaps one that comes to her instinctively. It must’ve affected Yu Juan’s mind and… perhaps laid a seed of its own to oppose the invasion of Terror.”

“Is that good? We sure we want that?” Song Ming said, glancing at Bianca, “I mean, do we know what that will do?”

“Well…” Xue Yaling muttered, “Should be fine.”

“You seem awfully confident,” Bianca noted, “But, uh, if I had to guess, it would be fine if the two can oppose one another? Like, as long as the two are focused on one another, they won’t have a chance to do anything harmful to Yu Juan?”

“Something of the sort. Whatever influence your energy exerts should be resisting the visions, whether it cares for Yu Juan’s survival or not, and as long as the two remain in that balance, it will be fine. However, I would imagine that the visions are stronger at the moment, having resided within her mind for so long, so if it is possible for Bianca to reinforce the seed of her own power within there, then… It may just be possible to keep Yu Juan alive for long enough for her own energy to be enough to overcome one or both of those seeds of power using her own strength,” Yan Taijun leaned forward, “Bianca, we need you. She needs you.”


“Now, now, this is a little sudden, and… you know that we’re not planning on doing anything safe, right?” Xue Yaling got up, assuming a slightly more dignified position on the couch with her legs crossed, “I may have avoided telling every detail, but-”

“Weave of the Senses, Phoenix Sect, you plan to get in by faking your true power and position using Han Rushu’s work, no? Trust me, it’s not that difficult to guess, considering who you’re bringing along with you,” Yan Taijun chuckled, “I’m more observant than I used to be, Yaling. I have to be, given my new role.”

“Well… you’re still thinking it’s best for her to follow us?”

“I want the best for Yu Juan, and since you’re the only people that have the slightest chance of saving her from her predicament… Yeah, I would say she should come with you. What do you think, Yu Juan?”

“Uh… I… I got along with Bianca in the brief time we’ve known one another, so I’m not strictly opposed… and even the slightest chance of saving my life is better than nothing,” she responded, “And  what danger can compare to the imminent threat of death?”

“Heh, optimistic…” Xue Yaling smiled, “Well, if you wish to accompany us, we or our inspiring and most impressive leader would certainly accept you.”

“… Huh?”

“Yep, you, Bianca. You’re the leader, you’ll be wearing the Weave of the Senses, and you’ll be in charge of our defensive array and our whole future sect, if that works out. Therefore, you better get used to being in charge, sweetheart,” Xue Yaling chuckled, “Don’t worry, I am happy to work as a second-in-command until then.”

“Ha… But, really, is that what you want me to do? Be in charge? Even though I know close to fuck all?”

“I know a little more than fuck all, but not much. However, in this world, what matters most is strength, and I have to admit that your cultivation has advanced very quickly, and that your power – raw power, that is – will soon outpace mine. At that point, you would be the best person to put in charge, and when you inevitably absorb at least one percent of the knowledge I’ve been trying to provide to you, you might not make for such a bad leader, either.”


“After saying all that, why the fuck would I ever say no?” Xue Yaling sighed, shaking her head, “But really, if you don’t become someone worth following in the next few years, then that’s on you. With the Weave and your cultivation, you should be able to become a mighty powerhouse within the world, if not someone famous across both continents.”

“… I believe you even less now, you know,” Bianca muttered, “But… I’ll try my best if you’re actually serious. And if Song Ming and Yu Juan would have me, of course.”

“You know what my answer will be, Mistress,” Song Ming responded without recitation, a smile growing on her face when the others glanced at her in response to the term.

“I have no complaints either… though, uh, is it a necessity to call you Mistress? I’m not strictly opposed, but it’s usually a thing we agree on beforehand, to avoid any… misunderstandings…” Yu Juan said, “If that’s alright with you, Mistress.”

“H-Hey!” Song Ming exclaimed, “That… Mistress, is that what you’d like?”

“I… have no idea how to respond, but I don’t dislike it…” Bianca muttered, “But yeah, let’s talk about that later.”

“Of course,” Yu Juan responded with a respectful nod, “Mistress.”

“That’s…” Song Ming didn’t find the words even after a long while of simply staring at Yu Juan, so she just pouted and looked away.

“This is amusing, I have to say,” Xue Yaling, “Though I won’t join in, I have a little more self-respect than that. Anyway, since the cult has found us, we must consider departing from this place in order to avoid bringing another hostile force to the Dancer’s Abode. That would be incredibly harmful to all the innocents around here.”

“The war is likely to ruin us anyway… But nonetheless, I would highly appreciate it if all of us could be safe.”

“It’s not something immediate though, is it?” Bianca said, “We have a few more days to stick around and experience the place, get our bearings… Attempt breakthroughs and what not, right?”

“Yes, it will take a while for the Cult of Terror to realise that their members have failed, and even if it was instant, it would take some time for them to dispatch new assassins after us. I’ll raise the guards in your proximity, make sure that it would be more difficult for them to ambush you, which should give us a decent while before anything capable of putting your lives at risk happens,” Yan Taijun said, “You two are planning for a breakthrough soon?”

Bianca and Song Ming both nodded.

“Since you wanted me to switch, it would be best to do so before I’m out and about, risking my life out in the wilds…” Song Ming said, “And I’d need to get used to all the new skills and how they function with the different technique…”

“As for me, I have no idea how I’ll handle the tribulation, but I’d rather not have to do it without anything to protect me,” Bianca agreed.

“Indeed, that would be best… Alright, I’ll help you two as best as I can, though I only have so many resources to spare for you to make as much progress as you can. I am supporting a whole faction, after all,” Yan Taijun said, “I’m sure that our foxy cutie will also offer as much of her support as possible to her glorious leader, as she so beautifully put it.”

“Shut it. But yes, I will do what I can, and once everything is in place for our plan, we can depart and leave this place to deal with one less group of foes,” Xue Yaling said, glaring at Yan Taijun for a moment before she relaxed and rolled her eyes, “Anyway… I’m guessing our discussion is best left for another time?”

“Mhm, this situation has distracted me anyway, so whether we want to or not, we’d have to chat later… And to be honest, I wish to have a drink. A strong drink. Would you want to try some authamite wine?”

“What now?”

“You don’t know?” Yan Taijun said, surprise blatant in her voice, “That’s a first, but… It’s a wine made from stone, originating from the Western Continent. I’m not quite sure how it works, but I’ve heard good things about it – the authentic ones, anyway. Some have attempted to make fakes, and, uh… I wouldn’t recommend drinking those.”

The kitsune raised an eyebrow, but didn’t ask further just yet, “I see. Bianca, Song Ming, Yu Juan, head back together, and try to avoid any more of those assassins – yes, yes, I know, you hadn’t meant to find them. Please stay there and don’t… well, don’t get into trouble.”

“We’ll try, don’t worry,” Bianca sighed, “Is it fine to pick up one of those slushys on the way there?”

“Fine~, just don’t sit there drinking it,” the kitsune said, “I’ll join you before tomorrow, though I still have a few things to do back here.”

“Alright then…”


“Thank you for being there, again,” Yu Juan said while Bianca waited for her order to be fulfilled, “If not for you, I wouldn’t have survived…”

“Nonsense, I’m sure you could’ve made it through, you’re a tough girl,” she replied with a smile, “Or, well, woman… Sorry, I’m a little used to speaking to Song Ming however I want, so I don’t mind my language that much.”

“Ah, don’t mind it, I don’t have any issue with it,” the dancer said, “Besides, you two are cute, Mistress.”

“S-Stop…” Song Ming blushed, “That wasn’t supposed to be a thing for everyone, just… the two of us… But, Bianca, would you actually like it if… if others were to see you the same way I do? Like… like you owned them?”

“Uh… I can’t deny that I would highly enjoy that…” Bianca said, “Sounds very… satisfying.”

“That’s not surprising in the slightest,” Yu Juan chuckled, “And I don’t mind saying it if it pleases you, Mistress. I would gladly kneel before you and do whatever it took to satisfy you, whether in bed or… too much?”

“For the moment, yes,” Bianca said, glancing at Song Ming, “But if we’re sticking close to one another for the near future, I’m sure the kitsune will have a thousand chances to bring it up…”

“Hm, perhaps.”

“So… I was curious about something. What was the stuff you did back there? You know, the weird… visions in the corner of my vision? It felt rather similar to the stuff I saw in that vision of terror, now that I think about it.”

“The similarity is incidental, I’m pretty sure. My cultivation is that of Dream, and as you might be able to guess, it is rather useful when it comes to my trade. I can create dreams for people, and therein satisfy them however they wish, allowing them to experience things they could never experience in reality… However, when it comes to combat, I can only really create distractions, illusions and so on,” Yu Juan explained, “If you’re curious, I can show you tonight.”

“The former, ideally,” Bianca chuckled, “But sure, if I’m not busy with… anything else.”

“Anything… Ah, of course. I’ll… I’ll try not to interrupt anything between you two.”

“That just makes it more awkward…” Song Ming mumbled, “But thank you for the thought, at least. I’m sure Mistress will… I can’t stop blushing now!”

“It’s cute when you blush, so go ahead, sweetie,” Bianca couldn’t stop herself from grinning, “I think today was rather shocking for all of us… I’m surprised it’s still going, even. Feels like it ought to have ended ages ago. But nonetheless, we’ll get used to things, then Xue Yaling will make sure that we can’t quite get used to them, and before you know it, maybe we’ll have a sect and be able to be at peace.”

“A bold plan… but optimism is nice. I would’ve appreciated more back when I was without any hope at all thanks to the Cult of Terror…” Yu Juan looked up at the sky, “So let’s be optimistic, Bianca. We’ll succeed and get a sect, get a footing in this harsh world, and the maybe… hm, maybe we’ll get to the very top. Maybe you’ll be a legend that is remembered as much as the Child of Heaven in the Western Continent.”

“That is awfully optimistic, I… I’m not sure I’m ready for that degree of it,” although she chuckled, Bianca couldn’t help but imagine it, ‘If I could leave my mark here, become someone noteworthy, maybe… maybe it won’t be too bad.’

“I know you like the idea. It’s obvious,” the dancer looked to Song Ming, “You see it too, don’t you?”

“… Mistress is certainly interested,” she admitted, “I’d be a little more cautious too, but… I would love to see my Mistress on a throne, with me at her feet, with a leash and collar and-”

“You’re starting to drool, cutie,” Bianca said, cupping her pet’s cheek and gently tilting her head up, “Wait until we’re in the bedroom, my pet.”

That got her to blush all the more, her cheeks turning completely red.

“I… I’ll try, Mistress.”

Song Ming’s hot breaths landed on Bianca’s lips, and suddenly the cutie looked awfully kissable, so Bianca leaned in to do exactly that, their soft and slightly parted lips meeting even as Yu Juan looked on. However, both of them lost themselves within the satisfaction of the kiss, and so it felt as though they stood in the middle of nowhere, being able to focus entirely on one another, on their lips and tongues and-

“Um, excuse me, your drink is… ready…” the woman that had been preparing Bianca’s large cup coughed to get their attention, though even she got lost in watching them.

Luckily, once their kiss ended, the two remained apart just long enough for Bianca to spot the full cup standing next to her, and the blushing worker that had brought it.

“O-Oh, sorry, we’ve… ahem. Thank you, your drinks are great,” Bianca let Song Ming part from her and grabbed the cup, feeling the relaxing chill from within cooling the arousal that had crept into her during their kiss.

She had lost much of her built-up sexual interest during her encounter with Han Rushu, but even without her cock to feed her arousal, it was returning swiftly, and now she was all too eager to return and use Song Ming however she could, and let her cute pet do whatever she wanted to her in return. All of it would be incredibly satisfying after the sheer length of time she had spent with her cock out, so she almost needed that time to balance things out.

However, she was also rather curious as to the possibilities of Yu Juan’s abilities. Would she be able to make her dream of her lost home, of the world that she had left behind?

If she could… Bianca would love to see it, even if she would know that it wasn’t real. Even if she couldn’t truly meet with the people she might never see again – people that she hadn’t seen in so long that she barely recalled their names and faces – she would’ve loved to do it, even at the cost of one more day without feeling the embrace of her dearest pet.

‘At least calling her my pet has gotten rather natural, which is… fun. If this world works the way that Xue Yaling says it does, then I ought to be able to say whatever I want if I do become powerful and nobody will be able to complain.’

The mention of having a bunch of women all calling her Mistress and call being at her feet, collars on their necks, while she sat in her throne and watched over the world… it was a blatant fantasy and probably a combination of a bunch of fetishes she hadn’t really thought about before, but it was impossible to deny that the idea was exciting… and to be more blunt, turned her on.

‘If it’s possible… Well, maybe I should go for it.’

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