I Was Called A Demon

Arc 5: Chapter 17

“Are you alright, Bianca?”

“Hm?” she looked up, and a familiar face filled her vision.

“Ah, Roz. Yeah, just thinking,” she responded, drinking from her can of cool, green tea, “I’m glad that asshole finally moved out of the dorms, but now I get a lot more time to myself and I’m still getting used to it.”

“Hah, makes sense. Explains why you’ve yet to take me up on that offer,” her friend smirked, knowing that Bianca would blush at her comments.

And blush she did. Her friend never stopped teasing her since the day they met in the bathroom, and frankly, it just made her more endearing, and tempted Bianca more with each passing day. As soon as the feeling that she’d wake up once more with that jerk near her, the stench of him and all his activities filling the room, and one of his many girlfriends being a bitch to her for no clear reason, finally disappeared, Bianca would… well, she’d take her up on her offer.

Besides, Lia and her hadn’t spoken in a long while, so it’s not like she had anyone else to worry about. Even if her former girlfriend decided to reconnect, it would be a while before they could even return to their former relationship, and she could hardly be blamed for seeking other options in the meanwhile.

Well, maybe she could be blamed, but everyone did things like that these days, so it would be hard to do so without blaming her whole generation. The older people might still have something to say, but even that lot used plenty of dating apps and jumped from partner to partner if they hadn’t gone through marriage – and sometimes even after.

“Getting distracted again, sexy,” Roz sat down next to her, “Come on, let’s go. You wanted to watch a movie, didn’t you? Nice to see you taking an interest in such things after all this while.”

“Felt right to switch things up a little bit,” Bianca smiled as she stood up, taking the few last gulps of her tea before throwing it into a nearby bin.


As she sat down in the cinema, Roz handed her the biggest bucket of popcorn that Bianca had ever seen. It was just a nanometre away from blocking her vision of the movie when laid in her lap, but the sweet smell from within was certainly alluring. It was a shame that it was so intense, though, as she would’ve happily experienced Roz’s scent instead.

Today, it was a lovely, flowery perfume, and it was faint enough that the natural scent of her body came through regardless – at least when she didn’t have the sugary taste of popcorn filling her nose instead.

“So, what are we watching, anyway?” she whispered to Roz as her friend sat down beside her.

“It’s one of the new Enian martial arts films. It’s not heavy on the story, just more of a… spectacle film, ya know?”

“I think… You think this one’s worth watching? Especially as a, uh…”

“Not a romance film, I know, but it’s fun… and I have a feeling we’ll be caught if we try too much in here,” Roz smirked, “But~, if the opportunity is right, one of us can reach over to the other and have some fun.”

“In an action movie. With… I have a feeling I won’t know any of the actors, will I?”

“Probably not. They’re not big names anyway. Still, it’s a good introduction to more fantasy stuff, and I hear the CGI is top quality. You’ll be immersed in it as if it was a… a… damn, I can’t think of a good comparison. Either way, we’ll enjoy our time, and that’s what matters the most. If we want to have fun, then… there’s the rest of the night, isn’t there?”

“Hm… I suppose it would be more comfortable in bed anyway… but it’s so novel to do it here! First time I’ve been in a cinema in ages, and probably the only one for a good while,” Bianca sighed, “Ah, whatever, it’ll be fine.”

As if on queue, the lights dimmed, and the screen before them lit up. Credit rolled past, and then the title showed up on screen. However, it must’ve been something truly generic, since Bianca couldn’t remember a single word from it. In fact, the rest of the story seemed about the same, since not a moment stuck within her mind.

The fights seemed good enough, though. There were all sorts of flashy effects and lights, everything sounded as authentic as a big, fantasy battle could, and by the end, the hero felt more like a god than anything. With a wave of her hand, she was able to destroy mountains, and the more time went on, the more she looked similar to Bianca, albeit… oddly pale. Red eyes, pale skin, white hair, and a wicked, taunting grin that seemed to look down upon the world.

Frankly, Bianca liked her. She was tough and did whatever she wanted, and by the end, everyone respected her. Bowed to her. Kneeled before her.

The very thought of it was… intoxicating.

‘Wait, why does this movie feel so… familiar? And… didn’t I just see Roz? Why can’t I remember her face?’ she frowned and turned away from the bright light of the screen, looking into the darkness at the woman beside her.

Roz seemed to notice her gaze, since she too turned, and Bianca saw… nothing.

No clear face, no eyes gazing at her, not even any hair. In Roz’s place was just a dark, cold void, even though she felt, even now, as though she was looking at a close friend.

“Is everything okay, Bianca?” she seemed to say, but nothing moved. Nothing at all.

“I-I… I think the movie might’ve been a bit much for me,” Bianca tried to keep her calm, placing one hand on Roz’s leg – or what she imagined was Roz’s leg – and gulped, “I’ll get some fresh air, okay. Ending is just around the corner anyway.”

“Hm… Alright, sure, cutie. Tell me if you need anything, ‘kay?”

“Mhm,” she said, getting up – didn’t she have a popcorn bucket in her lap? – and getting away as quickly as she could.

She couldn’t see anything on the silver screen, nor any other people in the theatre, though she did realise she took something from Roz as she exited the room and emerged rather swiftly into the front hall.

Looking at her hand, she knew it was a phone, but it looked more like a blob of darkness framed by an uncertain shade. Considering what she was doing mere moments prior, she figured it ended up in her hands after she absentmindedly took it from Roz, but that did little to relieve her growing anxiety as she instinctively turned it on and looked at the screen.

‘Why is it all a blur? The time, the lock screen background… or is this the home screen? Why is her phone like this, is it because…’ Bianca suddenly inhaled as a realisation came to her, ‘I can’t remember it. This is my dream, and since I don’t remember anything, it shows up like… this.’

She raised her gaze from the phone and onto the customers and employees of cinema, only to find each and every one of them being as much of a blur as anything else of note. They fared better than Roz, since she could see shades of skin and clothes upon the blobs that her mind imagined people to be, but that was likely because they weren’t specific people from her memories. Imagining some generic background characters wasn’t as hard… though their clothing seemed off too.

Some were dressed in vaguely casual outfits, but others wore outfits akin to robes, with weapons at their belts.

This continued feeling of… wrongness prompted her to flee out of the front door, exiting onto the street that she had previously been drinking tea in. Everything looked as she remembered it, though the problem was that she remembered all too little. From the very first glance, it looked correct, but any additional scrutiny confirmed that nothing was real.

The taller buildings with glass walls looked as though they were painted, reflecting nothing no matter how clean they seemed, and even then they were as blurry as a 240p picture. The roads were worse, and even the sky felt as though it had yet to load.

‘What the…’

The gears in her head spun further, and she finally recalled. She was dreaming. This was a dream, and this was all based on her memory. She couldn’t recall most of these details, and so, when she truly tried to look on upon them, then…

“A blur. That’s all I still remember…”

A sound played from Roz’s phone, a ringtone of some kind, but as soon as she thought past the mere concept and focused on the sound itself… she heard nothing. Not even a simple tune.

“Not even this much… What do I still remember?” Bianca asked herself, looking around as she felt her breathing accelerate, finding it tough to keep her calm, “I don’t remember Roz, I don’t remember Antania, I don’t remember Orbis...”

The phone – or the blur that stood in for one – fell from her hand, striking the ground and bouncing off without a single hint of shattering or breaking, despite the fragile material of the screen. Whether this was an issue of memory or the limitations of a dream constructed by her tiny brain, Bianca couldn’t know, but she knew she couldn’t take this. All of this.

It was wrong, but worst of all, it was as though her very dream mocked her memory and spat in the face of her dreams to return.

It was a brutal reminder that she might not ever be able to return, and of all the things she expected from a dream, it was among the worst… other than the fact that her memories of her new world seemed to be replacing those of the old. The people dressed in martial arts clothing, the movie she had gone to see… All of it was blatantly pointing to that fact, and she didn’t want it to be true. If she did lose it all, if she did forget everything, if she was just left stranded in the Planar Continents…

She looked up again, and the world around her was in an even worse state. The buildings were melting, the road was distorting, the blobs around her that were supposed to be people resembled them even less than before, and her head hurt more than ever before.

A spark of pain forced her to the ground, clutching her head, and in the next moment darkness claimed her.

It felt as though she dropped into a river, water carrying her along, soothing her mind and body, calming her. Soon, the panic faded, and the darkness took hold, seeming to wash away it all, leaving her… alone, and in silence.

And soon, even that concept faded.


“My Queen, we’ve brought them before you. What is your judgement?” a familiar voice woke Bianca from her drowsy state, prompting her to open her eyes and look upon the situation.

She found herself in a majestic throne, regal yet thin black armour on her body and a few loose strands of white hair blocking her sight. With a frustrated sigh, she brushed them aside with a finger and focused on what actually mattered – the men and women in chains, dressed in rags, forced to kneel on the cold, stone floor in front of her.

However, they weren’t the only ones in the room, unsurprisingly. There were a number of women there with her, and without exception, all were kneeling or outright sitting at her feet, some with collars around their necks and others dressed scantily, showing off gorgeous boobs and ample asses.

‘This place… is my throne room. And they’re all mine to command however I see fit… as it should be,’ she thought, quickly looking away from the prisoners and instead to one of the women that was embracing one of her legs, her head resting on Bianca’s thigh. She lifted the woman’s chin up with a single finger – her gauntlets causing her hands to resemble claws, with sharp points at the tip of each finger – and looked into her eyes, taking a moment to remember her name.

“Song Ming…” she muttered, the features of the woman before her jolting her memory once more.

‘Yes, of course. My forever obedient pet, one of the many that belong to me…’

“Yes, Mistress? Do you need me to service you? It would be my pleasure!”

“Hm… Sure. These repeated sentencings are starting to tire me, and your sexy mouth is just what I need right now,” Bianca spoke, her voice tired but… powerful.

Everyone around her trembled and lowered their heads, save for Song Ming, whose eyes burned with dark green excitement as she pushed away one of the other women kneeling at Bianca’s feet and got in between her legs.

There, she removed the cloth that covered Bianca’s groin and unveiled a huge, throbbing length, a huge cock that was already dripping precum from the tip. Unlike the rest of her pale, near-snow white skin, her intimidating length was darker, especially at the tip, with fine white hairs framing it at the base and covering her large, heavy balls that rested on the throne, two round spheres seeming to be filled to the brim with cum.

It was a monster of a dick, but that didn’t deter Song Ming from diving right in, her lips parting as she went right in for the tip, licking up the white drops before wrapping her soft lips around the head, swirling her tongue around as she looked up into Bianca’s eyes, desperate for her approval and satisfaction.

However, she spoke no words of affirmation just yet, since her actions were to be expected. She was Bianca’s personal pet, a slut whose main purpose was to satisfy her mistress, so she would receive no praise until she really showed her worth. For now, she let her show off her skills and finally looked up at the worthless scum that had been captured by her request, a number of men and women that had dared to defy her will.

Feeling her attention, they kept their heads down, except for a single woman who suddenly raised her head and glared at Bianca.

“Demon Queen! We will not submit to you! You cannot dominate the entirety of the Eastern Continent!” the woman spat her words out with blatant defiance, keeping her head up and her back straight.

And yet, Bianca found her words to be laughable, a fact she didn’t hesitate to show. The corners of her lips rose up, and then she chuckled, taking in the sight of this woman. She was dressed in the same sort of rags as the others, and her face was marred by dirt, but her vivid eyes and figure were gorgeous… and they made Bianca want her.

“Oh, you think so? Yaling, bring her up here. I’ll take that slut for myself,” Bianca said, the words feeling as natural as the rest of the situation.

“Yes, my Queen. What about the others?”

“Let anyone that wants them take them. As for the rest… kill them.”

The kitsune nodded as she grabbed the woman by the neck and carried her over, throwing her to Bianca’s feet. She bowed respectfully before bringing the rest away with the help of a few other women, leaving Bianca with the prisoner that she had selected.

“Pet, move out of the way. She needs to be taught her place,” Bianca said, leaning back in her throne, resting an elbow on the armrest, and spreading her legs further apart.

Reluctantly, Song Ming withdrew, giving the tip of Bianca’s cock one final kiss before she moved aside, turning to the woman that was to take her place. Without any hesitation, she put her hand on the back of the woman’s head and pushed her forward, forcing her face into Bianca’s groin, her nose ending up right at the point between Bianca’s cock and balls.

“Breathe deep, bitch. My Mistress’ scent will break your foolish mind, and soon enough you’ll only have her in your head. So, obey and breathe.”

The woman tried to resist, struggling in Song Ming’s grip, but all that did was allow Bianca’s cock to rub all over her face, coating it in Song Ming’s spit and the sweat that had built up upon it. It invigorated her efforts to break free for a while, but it wasn’t long before she couldn’t stop herself from breathing in, from filling her lungs with Bianca’s musk.

Soon, her efforts slowed, and after a few minutes, Bianca grinned as she felt the woman’s lips part and her tongue reach out to lick her balls, hesitant at first but gaining enthusiasm with subsequent licks. In no time at all, she didn’t need to be held down any longer, so Song Ming removed her hand and instead leaned back onto Bianca’s leg, watching the spectacle with a smile, glancing up on occasion to confirm that her Mistress was satisfied.

“Another falls to you, Mistress… I’m so happy to see it,” Song Ming said, “This is where we all belong, at our knees, bowing to you, obeying you, becoming addicted to you… That scum that dares to ignore your will disgust me.”

“Don’t worry, my pet, they will all fall in time. Everyone will bend the knee to their Demon Queen… or die,” Bianca smirked, using her free leg to pull the woman closer to her, leaving her with no room to move while she did her best to polish Bianca’s sweaty balls.

Bianca’s spiritual perception spread out, and she saw the entirety of her throne room, complete with the blazing demonic light behind her throne, a skull with glowing eyes and horns suddenly filling the room with a dark flame. It shook something inside her, and the realisation that this was a dream, and that the dream showed something very… different than her conscious mind would’ve ever desired.

Thus, with panic filling her mind, the dream faded and darkness overtook her.

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