I Was Called A Demon

Arc 5: Chapter 26

When Bianca found out that Song Ming shared in her fetish, it was absolutely wonderful. No, more than wonderful, to the point that she was tempted to disregard everything else and simply indulge to the best of her abilities.

It was even more wonderful to see her cute little pet get so flushed whenever she brought up the topic of scent, but when she understood that her interest grew, something within her… well, it didn’t snap, break or anything like that, but she was most certainly interested. The very notion of getting someone interested in her own kinks, getting them addicted to her scent… it was akin to what she saw in the dream that Yu Juan gave her, but it was undeniably incredible as a feeling.

She wished to feel it again and again, though it would obviously be wrong to do something like that to any random person out there. However, Song Ming was volunteering, so…

The couch she had opted to use – not that she had much of a choice – was rather comfortable for Song Ming, by the looks of it, and so she didn’t feel bad about taking her seat atop her face. It was, obviously, not the most comfortable of seats, what with a lack of proper cushioning and her pet’s nose prodding against her pussy through her shorts and panties, but… well, it was like a lot of other things.

Since the idea was hot, the discomfort was fine.

“Hm, that’s quite the place to keep your pet. I like your ideas, honey,” Xue Yaling smiled, taking her seat on the other couch, “Can I borrow her in the future?”

“No!” Bianca’s reply came near instinctually, “I mean… well, she is mine, so…”

“I understand that. Having some desire to hold on to your property is only normal,” Han Rushu nodded as she stepped into the room, choosing to sit beside Bianca, “I have feelings like that towards certain people… certain cute, sexy people who also happen to have a keen sense of smell, and-”

“Han Rushu, I think any random idiot out there would be able to tell that you’re talking about me,” Yu Juan pouted, choosing to sit on Bianca’s left, the only spot still left on that couch, “Hey, Bianca… and Song Ming, I suppose… Is she…”

Yu Juan paused when she noted the slow rise and fall of Song Ming’s chest, then shrugged.

“Guess she can breathe even with that… lovely ass on her face,” Yu Juan gulped, “Um… You smell nice, by the way.”

If Bianca had her cock at this moment, it would’ve gone from mostly hard to absolutely, completely hard, easily tearing through her shorts and sticking out for all the world to see. In fairness, she really should’ve known that this would happen, and… thinking of cock…

‘What if I bring it out right now? I doubt the others will be paying close attention to it, but Song Ming and Yu Juan would almost certainly notice… and I know they both like it, so if it draws their attention, then… hah, I might just cum on the spot,’ Bianca thought, shifting her hips a little to get more comfortable – and to try and forget about the wet spot forming on her panties, ‘No, I can’t just give in to temptation so easily. However… if I feel comfortable with using it again, I am most definitely sitting on Song Ming’s face again.’

She paused her train of thought, which would otherwise have made her all the hornier, and considered the name she used for her pet. She’d never given it much thought, but technically, she addressed just about everyone with their last and first name all the time, which didn’t seem particularly appropriate. A few times, she’d overheard others using certain other phrases to refer to those they were close to, but apparently the automatic translation she’d been enjoying this whole time didn’t work quite fully.

That much she had known from the start, but it was tempting to inquire about the exact manner in which she was supposed to use those alternate addresses. Was it fine to just say Ming, or should it be Ah Ming or something similar?

‘It feels weird to even consider using something else… Although I’m obviously fine with, and have been using, stuff like pet a lot as is, so maybe the other stuff isn’t so bad in comparison…’

“Since Bianca is distracted, how about we discuss the latest desserts that we’ve tried. Han Rushu, have you had something other than-”

“Yu Juan is a lovely dessert,” Han Rushu nodded promptly, clearly knowing what Yan Taijun was going to say, “Heh, can you really blame me when she’s such a wonderful, adorable little cutie? Bianca, you agree with me, right?”

“Huh? Oh, I… yeah, Yu Juan is rather pretty,” Bianca nodded, returning to the moment, “Song Ming is better though, for obvious reasons – no offence, Yu Juan, but if I don’t praise my girlfriend then I’m a shitty Mistress. Not that it’s not true that she’s the best, of course.”

Her grin and excitement could hardly be kept back, pouring into her voice as well.

“Hm, yes, that’s fair,” Han Rushu muttered.

“I understand as well, cutie,” Yu Juan smiled, “I appreciate your compliment regardless, and if I was in your place, I’d definitely be unable to say anything but the best about Song Ming… she’s absolutely wonderful and gorgeous, and must be having a very nice time right about now…”

She almost looked like she wanted to take Song Ming’s place, or alternatively to join in some other way. Certainly, her frequent sniffing and sliding on closer to Bianca made that much more likely.

“If you are all paying attention now, then perhaps we ought to move onto the main subject while everyone is still… coherent,” the leader of the Dancer’s Abode looked to Yu Juan before shifting her attention to Bianca, “As I mentioned, I was aware of you being in close proximity to the Cult of Terror’s operations within my lands, but I had been mistaken about their abilities and true numbers. For that, I apologise.”

“Well… I suppose I can’t blame you, but don’t risk our lives like that again. If you know there’s a threat, in your city, get it the fuck out,” Bianca said, “Anyhow, we’ve got to get out of here soon enough, right?”

“Indeed. As soon as the attention of the Cult of Terror is moved away, it will be easier to crack down on what little of them remains,” Yan Taijun agreed, “And once that is done, hopefully you’ll be able to return with the Weave of the Senses, or even head elsewhere and then we could join forces and have your abilities support the defence of the Dancer’s Abode, whereas all the people I have on my side will be able to assist with any needs of an up and rising sect.”

“A sect? That’s what you lot are planning to do?” Han Rushu exclaimed, “Damn, that’s quite exciting, and the Weave of the Senses… You’ve got to let me examine that once – or rather, if­ – you manage to obtain it.”

“I don’t see why not, provided you don’t damage it,” Bianca shrugged, then looked to Xue Yaling, “It’s not something that can be easily destroyed, right?”

“No, it’s an artefact, and a high grade one at that. Destroying it would require quite a bit of effort to truly damage them, and chances are that the Weave has a certain capability for self-recovery. Maybe that thing even has some segment that functions as an armour forming inscription.”

“A what now?” Bianca asked.

“Armour Forming, an inscription type that allows a single piece of tough material to act as a layer of defence over the entire body, letting people make great use of a single shard of star metal, or, alternatively, to survive in the extreme north by wearing the bare minimum and defending themselves with a single inscription attached to some clasp on their pants, for instance,” Han Rushu explained, “It’s much cheaper to make an Armour Forming plate out of a material rather than trying to integrate it evenly into a suit of armour, though it’s rare to see it used on weaker materials when there is superior cloth available in higher quantities.”

“Indeed, while it is useful to protect parts of the body that might otherwise be difficult to guard – the head and certain spots that remain vulnerable even with full suits of armour, like the armpits, come to mind – if used on a weak material, it will break far too quickly to be of much use,” Xue Yaling nodded.

“The primary reason is that the plate will typically be made rather thin to remain unnoticeable, and small to avoid being as inconvenient as armour itself would be, but this leads to it being extremely vulnerable. You see, when the plate creates the barrier around the wearer, the barrier is entirely dependent on the plate, and all damage to the latter is applied to the former.”

“So, if someone hits you really hard, it won’t just harmlessly shatter the barrier, but also break the plate? Ok, I can definitely see why it’s not the go-to for defence… guessing it’s harder to make than simply getting some decent uh, cloth?”

How cloth could be on par with armour wasn’t too difficult to fathom, considering that Orbis had some rather tough things here and there, though she was hardly familiar with most of them to a sufficient degree to truly compare the two worlds. All she did know was that this was by far the least strange thing she’d encountered, so if she refused to believe that, then… well, what was she going to believe? That she’d managed to dream through months of life with no obvious indication of it being a dream?

‘I mean, if I was in a coma, maybe that could happen, and it would explain why the dreams I had gotten from Yu Juan were so dodgy, but… I’d rather not consider that, actually. Slightly scary, and I’d rather not start trying to break free by killing myself or something like that,’ Bianca shuddered.

“Indeed, the price of creating an Armour Forming inscription is rather high, though it’s due to the mastery required to make it. Over in the north, where it is nigh essential for anyone that doesn’t have an ability to control heat or otherwise keep themselves cool, there are more blacksmiths with sufficient expertise to make these things, but it’s still not the cheapest thing around.”

“Right… so if the Weave of the Senses has something like it inside, and it’s made out of the star metal thing you all like, then it could be an actually effective suit of armour, essentially?”

“Pretty much. Mind you, the barrier isn’t purely tied to the plate, so it can be broken without the plate breaking, but that’s up to the Armour Forming inscription itself. A good one will last much longer than a poor one, but all would break if the force applied also broke the plate itself.”

“… I’m so glad I’ve decided to sit on Song Ming’s face, it’s so much more relaxing,” Bianca sighed, “Yeah, I’ll let you lot worry about the specifics of things like this. So long as I can be safer with the Weave of the Senses, then I’ll just settle on that.”

“How is she breathing under that huge ass of yours, anyway?” Han Rushu asked with a chuckle.

“… I’m not going to get up and ask. I’m sure she’d react somehow and let me know if she was struggling, and until then, I will appreciate her in every way I can… I hope she becomes addicted…”

“What was that?” Xue Yaling leaned in, “You’ll have to speak up if you want us to hear you.”

“Nothing… So, uh, Yan Taijun, you’ll be remaining here, right?” Bianca asked, shifting her hips a little as she suddenly became overly mindful of the gorgeous woman below her, “And everyone else in the room is coming along to the, uh, east, was it? Phoenix Sect?”

“Mhm. Han Rushu told me that she had finished some equipment for the lot of you, so I will allow her to explain.”

The blacksmith nodded and brought out a few items from her shrinking bag, laying them out onto the table between them, eventually producing a full set of plates and metallic pieces that seemed to come together into a sort of suit of armour… sort of. Bianca wasn’t an expert on medieval armour, nor the kind of armour used in Enia at any point, but she was sure that the plates were supposed to be covering the majority of the body.

Meanwhile, what Han Rushu presented to them would only be enough to decorate an outfit, and with the two swords on the sides – one of which was borrowed from Bianca, since she’d kept it for herself after the fight with the Cult of Terror – two people could be outfitted to a certain degree, but it would hardly protect anyone fully.

“This is a set of – fake – star metal armour that should fool anyone that doesn’t examine it closely enough, or isn’t familiar enough with the material. The false star metal should be able to guard against strikes of the fourth realm or so, though it won’t hold up against anything stronger…” she explained, then raised one of the swords, “These are a little better, if only because I have more experience with making these. They ought to pose a danger to opponents in the fifth realm, though, for obvious reasons, it won’t be enough to let one of you fight such a foe by just grabbing that sword and slashing them, but it should endure any of their attempts to break it.”

Almost as soon as she was done with her presentation, she handed the sword in her hand back to Bianca.

“I gave it to you earlier, so don’t worry about me trying to take it back. You seemed to be able to make excellent use out it, so you’re a perfect owner for such a weapon,” Han Rushu said, seeming a little worried at Bianca’s initially blank response.

‘I know I took it earlier, but… what kind of treatment did I give her as the Demon Queen, exactly? I don’t recall much, but I’m sure I wasn’t too impolite… though I do feel nice for some reason. Having her acknowledge my ownership of something, perhaps…’

“Speaking of, which of you here is in charge of this particular… operation? I’d imagine the kitsune, personally.”

“Me,” Bianca responded, resting the blade on her lap, the dark metal easily bridging the gap from her to the women on either side of her thanks to its impressive length.

The blacksmith frowned, then looked around with a raised eyebrow, “Wait, seriously? Which one of you thought it would be a good idea to put her in charge when… when she’s like this? The person I met during the fight was alright, but… her?”

“They all pushed for it, so what was I going to do?” Bianca shrugged.

As Han Rushu looked to the rest of them, she was met with nods of various levels of enthusiasm. Xue Yaling was the most enthused, though Song Ming likely would’ve outmatched her by far if only she was given the opportunity to do so – or perhaps even hear the conversation. Bianca’s butt was rather big, after all, so chances were that without spiritual perception, all that she’d be able to pick up on was the vague hints of conversation.

Anyway, Yu Juan also approved, though a bit more hesitantly, and Yan Taijun nodded along without showing too much of anything on her face. In all likelihood, she knew more than she let on, but was less eager to show her undying support than Xue Yaling.

The kitsune was way too on board with forcing Bianca into this leadership role, to the point that she knew that she had to be trying to achieve something via her machinations.

“What the fuck is wrong with the lot of you?” Han Rushu asked, her mouth agape, “Can you not keep her in that other state at the very least? She seemed to know exactly what was going on then, and now she… well, I approve of her sitting on her pet’s face, that’s really sweet-”

“Aw, thanks.”

“- but otherwise, she seems to have no clue about anything, and I highly doubt that someone like this could lead… anything and anyone, really.”

“I wouldn’t be so pessimistic. It will be a long while until we needs someone to take charge and make decisions on the spot, meaning that Bianca has plenty of time to grow and learn, but more importantly, her energy is perfect for driving the Weave of the Senses and any arrays that she might be able to control via the Weave. Therefore, she will essentially be in control of us while we remain within such an array, so we best get used to serving her every whim.”

Bianca nearly didn’t realise what she was told, but when she did, her attention fixed on Xue Yaling to the point of nearly forgetting she had Song Ming underneath her.

“… Sorry, what did you just say?”

“I mean, what are we supposed to do against you if we do get a proper defensive array set up? You might well be able to kill all of us with a thought regardless of your realm, so what are we supposed to do if you were, for instance, demand that every one of us should greet you in the morning by getting on our knees and drinking your pee, then-”

“Not where I thought that would go…” Han Rushu muttered.

“Really? I’ve always assumed that… ahem, don’t mind me,” Yu Juan blushed and turned away, though she definitely continued to mutter something under her breath.

“It was an example, nothing more. Point is, it would be entirely within her power to do something like this, and we could only stop her if we caught her by surprise and either outright killed her – don’t look at me like that, it’s purely hypothetical – or managed to remove the Weave of the Senses, which would… be challenging, to say the least.”

“… So you’re saying that I will have absolute power over the lot of you for as long as we’re within a sufficiently powerful array?”

“Not absolute, strictly speaking, but unless one of us reaches a significantly higher realm than you – or, more precisely, the array that is created combined with your realm – then we would not stand much of a chance.”

Yan Taijun nodded as she elaborated on the kitsune’s reply, “If arrays were quite so omnipotent, then no sect or faction would ever fall in a siege, like the Reaper’s Grave. It had incredibly capable cultivators and plenty of defences, but with the numbers and might of several other factions, they were destroyed and the Reaper archetype was nearly destroyed entirely… Well, it might’ve been, any remaining disciples aren’t keen to announce themselves in public, after all.”

“It would be like declaring that you’re a demonic cultivator that actively sacrifices tens of thousands of innocents for your breakthroughs to some, given that the Reapers received a rather poor reputation after the necromancers won the conflict,” Han Rushu added, “Hard to know who thinks what, though. I, for one, feel that it is a shame that their scythes fell entirely out of fashion. I’ve always had an interest in them.”

“Scythes, like the farming ones? Are those even good weapons?”

“Ask not if something is a good weapon, ask instead whether one has the right skill to use it,” Xue Yaling pointed out.

“As the kitsune says, one could use a leaf as long as they could effectively channel their energy alongside it and execute effective skills. The Reapers had a vast list of skills devoted to the usage of the scythe, and in doing so they were perhaps the most masterful at handling a single weapon out of any of the sects. Real shame what happened to them…”

“What did happen, exactly?” Bianca asked again.


“How about you discuss this on the road? Bianca, you still have the matter of your breakthrough to attend to, and then it would be optimal for you to depart so that the Cult of Terror doesn’t find yet another opportunity to strike,” Yan Taijun interrupted them, “Also, the foxy cutie is rapidly getting through my stockpile of biscuits, so if she continues to stay here, it won’t be long until I can no longer feed you snacks.”

“Bianca, you must go immediately!” Xue Yaling leapt up, slamming one hand on the desk while the other grabbed yet another biscuit from somewhere, “This is vital to our survival!”

“… Ahem,” Bianca leaned forward, raised her hand, and flicked the kitsune’s forehead, “You’re a dumbass. That is all.”


This happened to come out on Christmas, so I've decided to release a few more at once. Enjoy c:

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