I Was Called A Demon

Arc 5: Chapter 3

For all the time they had to chat, she expected the food to take way longer to prepare, but apparently her modern sensibilities led her astray once again. No more than five minutes later, before they had the chance to return to any form of conversation, the waiter returned with a tray in one hand and another floating beside him, both stuffed full of plates, bowls and what not.

He delivered it, and then he departed, leaving them with a table flooded with food and a set of chopsticks, forks, knives and spoons for all kinds of dishes. Bianca ended up having the biggest variety of them, though the overall amount – or volume, perhaps – seemed to match. She had a soup, various meats and vegetables, a few fruits, some noodles and fuck knows what else. Luckily, the waiter took a few seconds to arrange everything in an order that seemed to go left to right, so she decided it would be best to trust them and go with the prescribed order.

“Ah, I see this chef is among the lazier ones… Just kidding. Don’t try to eat that dish raw, Bianca, it’s meant for you to cook on the grill. In fact, a lot of this can be thrown into the pot, as well, along with, for instance, all of these peppers… Pardon me, I’m a little too excited as well. I have missed the opportunity to simply sit back, relax, and eat decent food.”

“Have the three of you been travelling for a long while? I mean, it shows… in certain regards… ahem, but I would rather not make assumptions,” the dancer asked, and Bianca would’ve sworn that she saw her nose twitch, as if she was reacting to their smell.

On one hand, it was true that getting a proper bath, shower or any kind of wash out in the wilds proved challenging as they tried to depart from the river. On the other hand, they weren’t in too bad a state after their trip, impressively so. As such, while Bianca could tell, most people wouldn’t. Since Yu Juan was responding in this way, then it did suggest something of interest.

‘She is blind, by the looks of it, so could her sense of smell also be a little… high?’ she pondered, but before she could even have the thought to ask, she was shocked by the sudden shutting of the curtains at their table… and a hand reaching into her pants.

“So, Song Ming, was it? What was it that excited you about your choice? If it’s nothing private, of course,” Yu Juan asked, all while her hand fished out Bianca’s hardening dick and began stroking it.

The dancer was acting with such nonchalance and calmness that Bianca almost thought she was simply imagining things, but then she recalled that this sort of thing was apparently commonplace within this kind of restaurant. As such, she quickly relax so that she didn’t make a scene and alert the two in front of her. She wasn’t going to reject the opportunity to get off and lose the dick for now, so she didn’t need the kitsune or her pet girlfriend noticing, calling it out, and making it needlessly awkward… even if she had no idea how she’d continue to keep quiet for the whole duration of it.

Nor was she sure how Yu Juan planned to handle the mess, since, even if her balls didn’t go into overdrive this time, she would definitely cum enough to paint the underside of the table with sticky seed.

“Ah, it reminded me of the things I’d eat at X- the, uh, village I’m from.”

Bianca and Xue Yaling both glanced at her as she nearly mentioned Xi Village, and both let out a breath of relief after she corrected herself. By this point, Bianca understood enough about that place to know that it would only raise more questions if it was mentioned. It also helped her stifle the moan that would’ve inevitably come as Yu Juan made her grip firmer, figuring out what made Bianca the most excited.

It was obvious that she was a professional, as her expression and posture barely changed as she got into the process of jacking Bianca off, even managing to avoid making too much noise as she stroked. Furthermore, she went beyond simple up-down motions, twisting her wrist and changing up her pace and the firmness of her grip as she went.

“Is something wrong with the food, Bianca?”

“Hm? Ah, no, I was just thinking. Ahem,” she glanced at the dancer and coughed, but ended up picking up the chopsticks and getting to her first course.

If the kitsune noticed anything, she certainly wasn’t making it obvious, as she also got into the meal without commenting or even giving her a knowing glance. This much was usually enough to confirm things, though she was also enough of an enigma to not guarantee anything at all.

‘Still, I should just… f-fuck, why does her hand feel this good?’ Bianca tried her best not to look down, to disregard the sensation building in her balls already, ‘F-Fuck…’

Worse yet, with her dick and balls freed from the tight, sweaty confines of her shorts, she could hardly even focus on the food. For the plethora of scents coming from the immense variety of food that had been brought before her, she couldn’t focus on anything other than the musk of her cock, a pungent scent that definitely reached the dancer’s nose as well.

It was enough to break her composure just a little, causing her to turn and inhale deeply through her nose, her cheeks turning her even as she tried to return to feasting on her order. Whether she interpreted that as a positive or not – she could easily make a case for both if her brain wasn’t too busy holding back the pleasure – it felt oddly enjoyable to break the composure of someone who must have into contact with countless others and handled more dicks than… well, than Bianca would wish to ever see, especially if they weren’t like her own and placed on bodies far, far better than usual.

“S-So, uh, what impression do you have of our city?”

“Roughly the same as when I left it, so-”

The kitsune’s words were interrupted by a sharp crash and crack of wood, along with a sudden burst of light. At the opening of their little room, something or someone plummeted through the ceiling, destroying the curtains and kicking up a cloud of dust that left all four of them coughing.

Yu Juan pulled her hand away after – rather kindly – helping Bianca tuck her hard cock back into the painfully tight confines of her shorts, leaving her and the rest of them to focus on the sudden intrusion to their otherwise calm dining experience. For those unaffected by the dust – meaning everyone but Bianca, really – the revelation came a little sooner, but the dust was cleared by something a moment later, being thrown aside to reveal the situation in full.

Their disturbance was caused by a man that had been launched through the ceiling, who now lay on the ground with several bleeding wounds and many more scratches upon his skin, ruining whatever his outfit might have originally been. The one to put him into such a state stood above, their feet just barely visible from Bianca’s position.

By the looks of it, it was another man, and he had swung some kind of bladed weapon to disperse the dust.

“Don’t you dare touch her again, you dirty beggar! Her hand belongs to me, and me alone!” the man above them proclaimed loudly and righteously, almost impressively so, “I swear to the heavens that if I see you around here again, I will-”

A sudden clacking of heels seemed to turn the whole world silent. Even the blood that dripped from the man’s wound got quieter, as if respecting the one that entered the scene. The man on the ground, likely the one above, and all four of them looked towards the source of light that suddenly appeared in front of them.

There stood a woman with high heels and a presence so impressive it was difficult to look beyond them, to gaze upon the rest of her form. Once she had spoken, that became even harder.

“You dare fight within the Dancer’s Abode? Lower your weapon and receive your punishment, or else you shall be forced to endure it by force!” the woman proclaimed, and a series of soft ribbons unfurled onto the ground, each one glowing with abundant planar energy.

“You… No, I’ve not done anything wrong! That man doesn’t deserve the right to touch my lover! She’s mine!”

“You’re referring to a dancer here, aren’t you? Are you certain that she’s fallen in love with you… or have you merely paid her to act that way? Either way, stand down and this can be investigated,” the woman didn’t back down, and for a moment it felt as if sparks were flying in between them, a fight ready to ignite at any moment.

And then… it did.

The man leapt down from the above floor and rushed towards the Abode’s guardian, sword in hand, clearly desperate to disregard the woman’s actual words. It was quite the display, and the energy around him suggested that he was around the upper second or lower third realm by Bianca’s judgement. Since it was difficult to examine the guardian’s realm, she couldn’t be sure how the fight would go, at least not at first.

As soon as all of those ribbons leapt up and flew forward, crashing into the man’s figure and easily piercing his flesh, cutting deep and making a total mess of him. Luckily, none of the ribbons happened to cut near his crotch, or else he would’ve been entirely ruined for the rest of his life.

“Everyone else, remain calm. This place will be fixed up in a moment, and you will be compensated if you had your experience damaged beyond reason. Now, remain still while the repairs begin.”

She clicked her heels once more for good measure and then walked out, the ribbons dragging the bleeding man with her. The one that had been injured in the first place was left alone, but his state was good enough that a moment later, he got to his feet and stumbled away. Bianca couldn’t be sure, but it seemed as though he was crying, as she distinctly saw a glisten of tears at his eyes. Then again, there was some blood on his face, so perhaps it was just that.


“It’s unfortunate that you had to see this… Ah, one moment.”

Just as she said this, a rush of energy emerged from the floor and towards the doorways, lifting up the various pieces of wood and the curtains that had been thrown aside during the brief clash. They were lifted up and the pieces that were in the best state were placed back where they belonged, while those that were ruined beyond saving were instead thrown aside somewhere out of Bianca’s range of vision, with more pieces showing up out of nowhere. They assembled into the walls and ceiling that had once been in place, and soon it seemed as if nothing had even happened.

The only trace was a thick layer of dust at the edge of their table, though it missed most of the food.

“So… this sort of thing can happen on occasion. One man with enough wealth to regularly make use of a dancer’s services may come to think that he has a connection with her beyond the purely transactional… Well, I won’t deny that some of us may help that perception to a certain extent, but…” the dancer coughed, glancing in Bianca’s direction before picking up a piece of her food with chopsticks, “It can lead to conflict between two or more customers, or even between them and the dancer. As such, we have a number of guardians on standby…”

“And some people that know how to repair structures from afar. A very useful skill, one I could really do with developing later,” Xue Yaling nodded, “How unfortunate that it had to happen in front of us, however.”

“It’s not common for it to happen in a place like this, but… I suppose we were a little unlucky. Please don’t let this influence your perception of our Abode as a whole,” Yu Juan bowed her head to them.

“No no, don’t worry about it, this… whatever this even was, clearly can’t be considered standard,” Song Ming, who had been the most stunned by the preceding events, finally snapped out of her daze and hastened to stop the dancer from apologising further, “B-Besides, we’ve not exactly been affected greatly, it’s just a bit of dust and an unexpected shock, nothing more than we’ve experienced already…”

“Mhm, it’s… not absolutely nothing, but it’s hardly a big deal,” Bianca nodded, more bothered by the aching in her loins than anything else.

After that interruption, it seemed that Yu Juan had no more interest in continuing the handjob, and that left her rather close and frustrated. She was already imagining opportunities to get Song Ming – or even Xue Yaling, if it came down to it – alone and to relieve her desire, but… It was difficult to imagine that either of them would be especially keen to bother with her. It seemed that her pet girlfriend was struggling adapt to a larger town such as this, and the kitsune appeared to have a lot to consider after returning to this place after a long time away.

Most likely, both of them would satisfy her if she asked, but it felt wrong to demand anything from them at such a time.

‘Guess it’s a good thing I don’t make for a decent Demon Queen, or else I’d be causing them all pain…’ Bianca sighed internally and tried her best to forget about the throbbing need within her shorts, sating at least one desire with food, “Besides, with this many people around, you can’t expect everyone to stay orderly…”

“Yes, that is unfortunately true. I’ve seen the growth of our Abode – or, well, observed it – and as the number of people has risen, so has behaviour such as this…” she sighed, “We really ought to move away from the topic. It’s going to make the food taste worse.”


“Sorry, Bianca, I hadn’t meant to… I hadn’t expected the interruption, let’s put it that way,” Yu Juan apologised to her when they found a moment alone with one another, “I’ll make it up to you when I can, I promise… though I must say, I hadn’t expected you to have a draconic bloodline. I was sure I could recognise people with it after, uh… ahem, being close with one.”

“You know, I had a feeling that you knew someone like that,” Bianca muttered, sidestepping the specifics of her nature, “Kinda obvious, to be honest…”

“W-Wait, obvious? Y-You… I-I thought I’d be the only one with any clue…”

“I mean, others probably wouldn’t be able to tell, but I’ve had enough exposure to certain scents that, uh, it’s difficult to miss,” she said, shutting her eyes as she instructed the Demonic Tyrant to examine the area around her with her spiritual perception, just to make sure she didn’t say anything she’d regret in front of Song Ming or the kitsune.

“Ah, that does… that would make sense, yes. Considering that you’re sharing this, I’m guessing you’re not quite as… shy as you seemed. Were you afraid to discuss this in front of one of the other two?”

“Well, I also didn’t want to show my dick off in public… among other things.”

“That’s not seen as particularly unusual around here, but I can understand having some reservations…” Yu Juan casually lifted one hand to her chin, then paused and sniffed again, “And with such a… strong scent, maybe it’s best if fewer people get to savour- I mean, uh…”

“You’re drooling.”

“I- Ah, yes, sorry,” the dancer wiped her mouth and coughed, “I’ll try not to be too much for you at the moment, wouldn’t want to make a poor impression…”

“Mhm, and- ah, they’re coming back,” Bianca turned and added, “Don’t mention this to them, please.”

“W-Will do…” Yu Juan wiped away a bit more drool and then managed to calm herself to the point that it was almost unnoticeable, “How did you two fare?”

Xue Yaling spoke up first, “We found them. Would you like a drink as well, or would you prefer to be left alone with-”

“Just stop already. The sun’s already heading towards the horizon, and we’ve yet to visit that blacksmith and get a place to rest,” Bianca channelled the frustration still contained within her shorts – frustration that would be better worked off in just about any other way, ideally with her cock in something or someone – and cut the kitsune off, “And as for the drink, sure, why not. Let me try.”

Those two had gone over to a drink stand after the restaurant’s selection proved to be somewhat lacking in non-alcoholic beverages, and they brought back something that resembled a slushy, albeit in a cup that seemed almost crystalline. It was certainly unique, but if it resembled the Orbis drink, she wasn’t about to complain. Anything that brought her closer to her own world was pleasant, and she’d probably even accept condoms in that list at this point.

The similarities were even more prominent once she got to hold the cup, as despite the crystalline shape, she certainly felt that it was akin to the typical plastic cups that a slushy used to be served in at her local stores. It even came with a paper straw.

“Did you two like it? How was it?” Bianca looked at the red mixture within and asked.

“Rather sweet, perhaps a bit too much so,” the kitsune shrugged.

“Yeah, very sweet… I don’t think I’ve ever tasted this much sweetness in my whole life,” Song Ming added, very reluctantly sipping on the blue drink she had received.

“I see,” Bianca concluded that this was almost certainly identical to what she knew and took a confident sip of the drink, feeling her mouth being filled with a cool, strawberry-flavoured sweetness in an instant, “I… How many of these can I buy?”

“Too few to handle the heat of the forge, I suspect,” Xue Yaling said, “Who did you want to bring us to, incidentally?”

“Ah, it’s a dragon-blooded blacksmith. She’s named Han Rushu.”

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