I Was Called A Demon

Arc 6: Chapter 3

After resisting the urge to stab the kitsune, Bianca decided that if Xue Yaling was going to be so insistent, she would fulfil her request and experiment around with the changes that might’ve applied to the cock-summoning skill – a title that was still better than its true name.

As she cared for Song Ming far too much to risk her mind being damaged, and she would rather not ruin poor Yu Juan’s life so soon after she had given her some hope via her intrusion into her mental domain, the only target that remained was Han Rushu, who she happened to have been fantasising about prior to this. Of course, she could technically try to persuade Xue Yaling to give herself up for science, but she knew her too well to assume that, if she did agree to it, it would be without first guarding herself from influence in some way.

Therefore, the blacksmith remained as the only target that she could experiment with safely… well, if one didn’t take the safety of her butt into account. As stretchy as it proved to be last time, she had doubts about its ability to remain tight if she spent too many nights with the dragon-blooded blacksmith, or if she happened to meet others that either had or could summon cocks for themselves.

With Xue Yaling’s promise that she wouldn’t allow the other two to wake up or notice what was happening on the other side of the camp – a promise that she chose to believe simply because breaking the very first thing they agreed upon after their alliance formed would be rather unbelievable even for that fox – she made her way to the small tent that housed the blacksmith.

She almost knocked on the cloth that blocked her entry before she realised that it wouldn’t be of much use. Thankfully, Xue Yaling didn’t seem to be paying attention, or else there’d be yet another thing for her to tease her about.

Opening up the small flap that functioned as the door, she stepped inside and looked at the sleeping figure before her, the darkness still allowing her to perceive a few details. The small patches of scales on Han Rushu’s body glistened in the small amounts of moonlight that poured in, and despite the amount of light being barely sufficient to make out her outline, one thing still stood out rather prominently.

Her cock. Her huge, thick, hard, throbbing cock that stood tall even in her sleep, pointing straight up as the meagre blanket failed to keep it hidden and was pushed off to the side. Parts of the shaft were already stained with precum, dried and new, suggesting that the blacksmith had been hard like this for a while, and her heavy-looking balls certainly made it seem like she was also a little pent-up.

Everything else was about the same as usual. Her groin was covered in wiry pubic hair that, fortunately, had been trimmed since the last time Bianca saw it, and there was a thin layer of sweat on her skin, judging by its faint sheen, though that wasn’t what she noticed first. Instead, as always, her nose picked up the musky scent from Han Rushu’s crotch, the powerful smell of her precum and the cum that was building up within those heavy balls of hers.

It was rather intense from being sealed within the tight confines of the tent, meaning that the wave of musk that hit her was far, far more prominent than when she encountered the blacksmith out in the open.

If she’d been tempted before, she wasn’t sure what word to use now.

‘Though, considering how she’s already like this… do I have to wake her up? The conditions for my technique to do its thing are just for me to just orgasm from someone else’s actions or body, so… And while this might be considered rather inappropriate in Orbis law, there’s none of that here, only the fact that Han Rushu would almost certainly not complain if I did do this…’

She knew that she was just making excuses for herself, but when she considered the fact that she was about to verify the effects of her corruption, something that blatantly influenced the mind of others despite her wishes, she suddenly felt that this wasn’t anywhere near as bad.

It didn’t help that at some point, her knees had bent and she ended up kneeling right in front of that enormous thing that jutted out from the blacksmith’s crotch, getting even closer to the source of the powerful scent. Although she’d been in a position like this before – more or less, anyway – she didn’t remember that smell being quite so… enticing. Alluring. Intoxicating.

Bianca couldn’t discern why, especially since the scent itself was still rather aggressive and intense, somewhat beyond her typical preference, and yet… It was impossible to understand in the short term, and she certainly didn’t want to waste her time like that when she might awaken the dragon-blooded blacksmith at any moment. Frankly, she wouldn’t be surprised if she had already woken up and simply waited to see what she’d do, perhaps expecting the very thing that she had planned.

‘That’s just to make me feel better again, though… eh, whatever…’ she sighed and reached out, grasping the shaft with her hands and gasping at the incredible warmth she felt.

Her hands hadn’t grown in the slightest from her breakthroughs – only one part of her body ever did – so it was rather difficult to grasp even with both of them, but that didn’t stop her from trying. And once she got a firm grip, she slowly started to stroke the impressive length, letting the precum dripping from the tip serve as lube.

Although she started slowly, she couldn’t help but speed up, pumping her hands up and down, quicker and firmer, driven by her growing lust and that incredible scent. She barely noticed when she unconsciously used the skill to grow her cock, though she had to remove a hand from the shaft in order to pull down her shorts just enough to free her own length. In its hard state, it seemed to be around 2 centimetres longer, which wasn’t especially obvious from sight alone, though the tightness in her shorts was noticeably worse.

She didn’t recall the requirements for her to ‘corrupt’ someone, so she wasn’t sure if simply cumming while in contact with someone was enough, but she had a feeling it’d be an easy thing to test. Even jacking off the blacksmith was causing her to get turned on, so her other plans were doubtlessly going to achieve ever greater effects.

For now, though, she kept going. Up and down, up and down, more and more milky fluid pouring from the tip, coating the rock-hard head of Han Rushu’s cock and allowing the foreskin to glide over it smoothly. The wet noises her actions produced were rather lewd and loud, but she put her hope in that tricksy kitsune and went at it without any fear of being discovered, though she did occasionally force her gaze away from the cock before her and glance up at Han Rushu’s face.

So far, she showed no signs of waking up, though if she had already awoken, perhaps she was just good at disguising that fact. She occasionally gasped and moaned as Bianca recalled her previous experience with the woman, and slowly improved her technique to find her most sensitive spots. All in all, she didn’t appear interested in interrupting the situation, so Bianca didn’t try and raise the question.

Her grip tightened a little as she felt her breathing grow heavy, dripping with lust and excitement, although she could also feel herself drooling at the thought of putting that incredible shaft into her mouth, to suck on it and swallow all of the sticky, thick cum… which surprised her, considering how disgusting she had found the taste back then. Her curiosity won over and she removed one hand from the length, bringing her precum-covered fingers to her mouth and licking the white fluid from her skin.

‘Still gross… but why do I want more of it? Why does it have such a delightful scent? Does this blacksmith have some kind of corruption as well? Is… is this what I’ve done to Song Ming?’ she pondered, though she found that as she breathed in more and more of the blacksmith’s musk, her mind became cloudy and unclear.

It got harder and harder… and it became more difficult to think as well.

‘Heh… but damn, this is hot… a scent that just drives someone wild… driving them to lust and suck and indulge in their desires… if that was Song Ming fighting her instinct to suck my dick, I…’ she bit her lip and used the pain to supress those thoughts as best she could, realising that she had been breathing in the scent that lingered on her hand the entire time.

If that was what the faint smell of precum could do, she was afraid to consider what the blacksmith’s load would do to her head. Therefore, it only made sense to take it down her throat, where she wouldn’t have the chance to smell it.

‘Or something…’

Since she’d already removed one hand from Han Rushu’s cock, she decided to simply get to the best part and lean in, gently kissing the tip while her hand worked the lower half of the shaft. The hand that she had licked clean would be more useful to pleasure her own, lesser length, the remnants of precum making her hand slick and her motions trivial.

For a moment, she felt a certain mixture of shame and pleasure from rubbing her own cock to a larger, thicker one. A peculiar submissive moment of bliss that washed over her, though it was soon replaced with a longing to match the blacksmith some day. Her cock would keep growing with every breakthrough, after all, so she began to look forward to the moment that her breakthrough made her bigger, thicker, muskier…

‘Bianca, stop that! Why would you want… oh, fuck, I can’t even pretend to convince myself in here, and if the Demon Queen was to speak up, I imagine she’d only convince me of the benefits of a huge dick…’

Her lips parted as she took the head into her mouth, her tongue instantly being coated in the stream of precum, the intense taste burning her taste buds, but the pleasure that came with it made her pussy clench and cock twitch, a few spurts of precum landing on the tent floor. She felt her cheeks redden, but after one final glance to make sure that the dragon-blooded blacksmith hadn’t woken up, she shut her eyes and swirled her tongue around the shaft.

Giving Han Rushu a blowjob felt way better than it ever should’ve done, but she couldn’t waste her time fully taking in the sensations. Whether or not the blacksmith had allowed this or managed to sleep through it – the notion of which made her feel oddly disappointed, as though her skills were lacking – she had to finish up quickly.

While she stroked the lower half of the length, she slowly bobbed her head up and down on the upper half, recalling the feeling of the dick filling her mouth and prodding against the back of her throat. It had been a while since she last did this, but as she got herself further and further down the shaft, it seemed like her body was all too eager to accept it. The fact that all her senses were being flooded with delight right now didn’t help.

An impulsive thought prompted her to push herself, bringing her head down and filling her throat with the blacksmith’s cock, feeling it bump against the back of her throat before travelling further in. The sensation made her gag, again and again, her eyes tearing up and her vision blurring, but in the end, she suddenly found her skin being tickled by Han Rushu’s pubic hairs, her eyes opening to the sight of a toned belly.

She managed to take it all the way inside her throat, even with the awkward angle – the blacksmith slept at an angle relative to the entrance of the tent, resulting in her approaching from her side – and so she paused and took it all in.

The sweaty, dirty taste of cock in her mouth, pressed against her wet tongue, mixed with the steady stream of precum that flowed straight down her throat. The heat from the rock-hard shaft left her lips hot and sticky from… everything. She had a perfect sight of Han Rushu’s abs and muscular legs, but most importantly, with her nose right next to the source, she was overwhelmed by the musk that wafted from Han Rushu’s groin, the thick clouds of steamy scent flooding her nose, drowning the remnants of reason and sense that still tried to linger in her mind.

It replaced any trace of oxygen in her lungs and almost seemed to burn her nose from the sheer intensity of the smell, made all the worse by her inability to breathe in via her mouth, but she loved it.

She loved it enough to let herself choke on that amazing thing for a little longer, her neck muscles desperately trying to swallow the invading length and get some modicum of clean air into her lungs. And when she did have to go up, to free her throat for a moment, to depart from the source of the addictive scent, she rose only enough for the head of Han Rushu’s cock to depart her throat before sinking right back down.

Like that, more sloppy, wet sounds flooded the tent, to the point that the blacksmith had to be awake by now, as she rested one hand on Han Rushu’s hard belly while the other continued furiously stroking her own length. She felt her cock twitch every single time she brought her head all the way down to swallow the entirety of Han Rushu’s length.

It felt as though the blacksmith was training her to love her dick without moving a single finger – not enough to be obvious, anyway – but she couldn’t care less.

All of it blurred together after a while, but she could clearly recalled the moment that she felt her partner arriving at the brink. Her cock throbbed and felt as though it grew by a size or two, filling her to the brim, the bottom of the length bulging by a lot as cum rushed up through the shaft.

At the same time, she felt her own cock harden and her balls grow tight as her own load was coaxed out in some kind of mutual orgasm. Just before Han Rushu’s cum could splatter onto her tongue and fill her mouth, she forced her head down again, ignoring the ache at the back of her battered throat, taking her dick to the base just in time.

The first rope of seed felt as though it shot out under extreme pressure and went straight into her stomach, the sticky substance filling her with incredible heat, feeling as though it completely filled her just like that. The next was already overwhelming, to the extent that she barely noticed her own orgasm erupting, her cum spilling all over her hand and onto the blacksmith’s leg, heat radiating from the fluid and only growing as her balls were drained.

Meanwhile, her belly felt incredibly full, to the point of bulging, albeit only slightly. The last few spurts of cum were nothing like the initial thick ropes of seed, and she chose to accept them into her mouth, rising up to keep only the tip between her tear-stained lips.

‘The taste is even more intense than I remember… and even worse… but I don’t want to spit it out. I don’t think I even can… if this isn’t some sort of corruption or influence, then I might have to rethink the notion that my demonic corruption even exists,’ she thought to herself as her orgasm brought her a moment of clarity, pulling back and looking at the chaos that her deed left behind.

The tent’s floor and much of Han Rushu’s leg was coated with her own cum, and although she succeeded in swallowing down the absurd deluge of seed that poured from the blacksmith’s still-hard cock, all of the spit and drool that she left on it was more than obvious. It was fortunate that she wasn’t wearing makeup at this time, or else she was sure that it would’ve ended up all over the shaft and any mascara she wore would’ve run down her cheeks and made it more than obvious that she had been up to lewd things in the night.

Han Rushu suddenly muttered, “Good… dirty slut…”

Bianca froze up, staring at the blacksmith’s face, but she still looked as though she was asleep, her eyes tightly shut and her lips slightly parted, seemingly lacking the consciousness to appear a little more presentable.

‘I’m so tempted to poke her and just tell her to stop acting, but… as long as she doesn’t say anything in front of the others, which she might if she wants me to keep coming back like this, then it should be fine… Ugh,’ she sighed, scooping up the ropes of seed that covered the blacksmith’s leg in order to do the bare minimum in terms of clean-up.

There was quite a bit of it, and she didn’t want to have her whole hand covered in it by the time she got back to some water, so she reluctantly brought it to her mouth and licked it up, her tongue burning at the overwhelming taste and her nose filling with musk yet again, threatening to drown her mind once more. Before that could happen, she gave up any hopes of getting the tent itself cleaned and quickly rose and rushed out.


“Bleh… The water here is oddly clean for a forest, and even then it’s unable to clean out the taste… I probably smell of that bitch still,” Bianca sighed, splashing water onto her face yet again for all the nothing that it did.

After she had cleared her head a little and wasn’t drowning in the cock scent as much, she was able to recall what she had done and, more importantly, what she had focused upon the way her energy acted when she came alongside Han Rushu. Her conscious mind barely picked up on anything, but her subconscious – or perhaps the Demon Queen, who knew – managed to retain enough to know that during her orgasm, some energy rushed out and some was gained, with the energy that left her body likely being the source of that corruptive influence that she’d been trying to deal with.

The issue came with the fact that her cock came from a dual cultivation technique – something that was, at its core, designed for sex, and therefore would activate once she came. Unless she wanted to put herself into some sort of chastity cage and never again try to cum – which would in turn defeat the point of having a cock in the first place – then she would not be able to prevent her energy from being spread like this.

Therefore, the only question that remained was what the specific effects of the corruption were. How potent could it be, what could it do, and did she have to truly be concerned about the influence it had?

‘I don’t know yet, but hopefully Xue Yaling will have gained some- oh fuck, she was likely watching again… oh no, she’s never going to let me forget it…’ Bianca sighed, nearly slamming her palm into her face before sniffing her hand and nearly sighing again, “It does still smell of her… Tch. I miss proper soap, body wash, shampoo… I wonder if the kitsune would understand if I brought up that particular feeling to her…”

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