I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 25 There are risks in petting cats, rua cats need to be cautious

Rove had faced countless choices before, but no matter which time, it was not as difficult as this time.

Not to mention domesticating an older cat girl, but picking up a tabby cat and gently awakening its sleeping heart. Just thinking about it is a terrifying thing.

That's Professor McGonagall, how dare Rove dare to break ground on the cat's head?

But...everything has a but, otherwise there wouldn't be so many troubles in the world.

Whether a person can do a difficult thing depends on the gain and the cost. If the gain is far greater than the cost, no matter how difficult the thing is, the heart will be moved.

So here comes the question...is the harvest big?

As long as you lick the cat's head, you can get Professor McGonagall's talent for transfiguration. Even if it is only a month, the harvest is rich enough.

Professor McGonagall is definitely one of the few transfiguration masters in the wizarding world. Her talent in transfiguration is far from comparable to that of Rove.

Entering that kind of genius field, even if it is just pushing open a crack, trying to squeeze in, and spying for a month, is a great reward.

To do it or not to do it,

This one question.

It doesn't involve life and death, but whether it will be fired.

Rove withdrew his thoughts. Of course he would not be easily swayed by the system. He is a man with determination and will not violate his heart at will.

So... the young man walked slowly towards the first row, taking firm and powerful steps!

Lustling cats is his inner desire now! !

Shirley turned her head and glanced at Rove, thinking that the boy was going to sit next to her, so she packed her schoolbag to make room for him.

Unexpectedly, Rove shot feignedly, walked up to the tabby cat, hugged her in his arms, first knocked on the small head, forcibly awakened the sleeping Mag, and then with one hand, strangled the back of the tabby cat's fate. neck.

You have to pay attention to the technique when petting cats. You can't be rude or reckless. Preparation and skills are very important.

As a person with rich experience in petting cats, Luo Fu's technique is quite old and spicy. First, he rubs and strokes the sensitive parts of the back of the neck, waits for the cat's body to become as soft as liquid, and then slowly goes down, going further...

Rove moves like flowing clouds and flowing water, in one go, like a top technician.

If you have not tasted hundreds of cats, you will not have this level.

At this moment, Xue Li's eyes were dull, her mouth was wide open, and she was beyond shocked.

Last night, the prefect of Ravenclaw College reminded that the tabby cat in the Transfiguration class was transformed by Professor McGonagall, so don't do anything out of the ordinary.

For example, use a quill pen as a cat teaser to tease.

This is why Ravenclaw students dare not sit in the first row.

Unexpectedly, Rove was the real heavyweight, so he held him in his arms and sucked heavily.

The kittens all raised their heads and watched the tabby cat open its eyes in panic, then looked at Rove, who was sucking cats into immersion, and finally stared hard at the older catwoman who had already blown her fur...

When Mag realized that she was being hugged, she was going crazy. She hadn't encountered this kind of embrace killing in decades since she learned Animagus!

There was no tail flick, no airplane ears, no threatening sound of meowing. The tabby cat didn't talk about feline virtues, just jumped up and patted Rove's cheek with one paw.


It's a pity that Professor McGonagall didn't leave any nails, and the frantic scratching only caused a little physical damage, not even scratching Rove's armor (skin).

This kind of attack can only make the cat lover more excited.

Professor McGonagall also wants to use the unique skills of the cats, serial head kills and ferocious rear kicks, to let Rove know what it means to masturbate a cat is risky, and rua needs to be cautious.

But Rove had sensed the danger in advance and immediately let go of the tabby cat.

The whole cat fell down, she tiptoed, stepped on the table, the cat rushed forward, rolled forward in the air, and landed lightly.

The moment she landed, she had turned into a serious woman wearing a pair of square glasses that looked exactly like the lines around a cat's eyes.

She wore a black cloak, her jet-black hair was in a tight bun, and her lips were tightly pursed, looking very angry.

Professor McGonagall can no longer control his anger!

Unexpectedly, Rove's reaction was more violent. He seemed to be frightened, sitting on a chair, clutching his chest, as if he was about to have a heart attack.

Ah, Professor McGonagall? You...I...the cat... Rove's arms trembled uncontrollably.


Shirley looked at Rove in bewilderment. She recalled the scene where the boy was pulling a spider with his bare hands, pinching a mouse with one hand, and teaching the Malfoy trio a lesson. It doesn't seem so weak, right?

Shirley frowned slightly, and quickly realized that Rove was acting. She wanted to laugh, but she was afraid that Professor McGonagall would notice, so she pretended to pour water for him.

The girl really endured hard work, her eyebrows and eyes are curved like willow branches, she is extremely beautiful.

Rove! Are you okay?!

Neville's acting skills were much more realistic, or he really thought that Rove was sick, and there was a tremolo in his voice, fearing that this friend he just met would die like this.

Professor McGonagall was still very angry at first, but when Neville wailed, he panicked instantly.

The professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts died as soon as he died. Anyway, he died every year. It was a one-time magic consumable, but students should not have accidents!

Mr. Scamander, are you okay?! Hurry up, send him to the school hospital!!

Rove waved his hand difficultly, took out a small jelly bean from his pocket, drank Shirley's tea, and recovered after a while.

It's an old problem, it doesn't get in the way, it's going to pass...cough cough.


Rove stood up, his Adam's apple moved slightly, and apologized: Professor McGonagall, I really didn't know that cat was you!

It's all like this, what else can Professor McGonagall say, not only can she not be angry, but she has to comfort her in a soft voice:

It's okay, Mr. Scamander, it's all my fault, I scared you! Are you really okay? You don't need to go to the school hospital? Well, since you insist... hurry up and find a seat. Class begins.

Rove sat down next to Shirley, and the ponytailed girl gave him a I found out look. Rove raised his eyebrows and responded to her innocent expression of Don't wrong the honest man.

The ponytail girl imitated Hermione and rolled her eyes.

Doesn't Neville really want to sit in the first row, especially under the nose of Professor McGonagall, this is also an area where a fool like him can get his hands on a top student?

But seeing Rove and Shirley sitting here, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and sit down.

After the farce ended, Professor McGonagall regained his stern aura, and before class, he reminded students not to be naughty in class, or they would be kicked out.

The little wizards all looked at Rove, apparently regarding him as the student most likely to be kicked out.

This makes Rove very sad, it is not always a happy thing to be misunderstood.

Of course, seeing the system prompting that the task was completed, Rove's mood instantly improved again.

One expulsion tip every day, life is boundless.

As long as the reward is attractive enough, not to mention rubbing Professor McGonagall's cat head... even the back of Quirrell's head, Snape's oily head...he dares to try!

Okay, let's start class. Professor McGonagall looked around and asked:

So can anyone tell me, what are the three prerequisites for successfully deforming an object?

Almost no Hufflepuff students raised their hands. They caroused until late last night and were almost late in the morning. Unlike the Ravenclaw students, who had previewed their textbooks in advance, they raised their arms one after another.

Lisa Dupin! Professor McGonagall ordered a Ravenclaw girl.

I AM! said Lisa Dupin: Imagination, Abracadabra, Motion.

Correct, Ravenclaw adds two points. McGonagall said:

Imagination is very important when deforming an object. We must imagine the deformed shape in our minds in advance.

Beginners should say the spell clearly, if there is a mistake or a pause, the whole transformation process will fail.

Accurate movement is equally important, don't swing or turn the wand unnecessarily, or the transformation will definitely fail...

All the students took out their quills and started taking notes in a swish.



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