I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 29 New Uses of Nepenthes

The little wizards originally thought that the pitcher plant was cute in shape and suitable for planting on the bedside. When thirsty, there is a pure natural self-service sweet drink...

But after being reminded by Professor Sprout, the more it looks like a toilet, and with the floating animal feces, it looks more like a clogged toilet!

Both Harry and Ron bent over and retched. They not only tasted the sweet juice, but also ate the feces of the fox.

A good brother like Ron even collected some and put them in his pocket, ready to send them home, so that his younger sister Ginny could try something new...

Wait, Ron vaguely remembered that the year the twins left home for school, they brought a lot of jelly beans home for Christmas and told him not to let their mother see them. Could it be that? !

These two bastards! !

Retching was as contagious as yawning, and soon the sounds became one after another, and many little wizards tasted it more or less.

Neville looked at Rolf gratefully, and Hermione patted her chest with lingering fear, and then glared at Rolf angrily.

You remind Neville, but not me? The two of us are friends who met first!

Fortunately, I have a long mind! !

Rove was also very innocent, he really thought that Hermione knew that it was the feces of a vixen, but he would never have thought that she also had a blind spot in knowledge.

Why is Humeizi's feces sweet? Neville was very curious. He saw that everyone's poop was delicious.

The juice of Nepenthes crimson is very sweet. It is one of the raw materials of Zizibee Candy. After soaking the feces for a long time, they are all marinated, so of course they are sweet. Rove explained in a low voice.

Also, some animals have poor digestion ability. The excreted feces are rich in nutrients and are edible. They are not harmful to the body, but they are just a little disgusting...

That's right, Mr. Scamander, if I were your professor of protection of magical animals, I would definitely give you two points.

Professor Sprout came over, she was still holding a stack of small wooden sticks and put them on the table, she looked at the group of retching students, and said calmly:

Did you hear that? Hu Meizi's excrement is harmless, so don't worry about physical problems.

But before entering the greenhouse, I told you guys, don't touch the magic plants at will, unless I allow it, remember?

Many students lowered their heads in shame. After all, it hasn't been five minutes yet. They promised well, but they forgot in a blink of an eye.

Knowledge is not written on paper, but in the heart. Professor Sprout looked at everyone, she tapped her head and said:

For everyone's safety, I want to emphasize again, don't touch magical plants at will, especially plants you don't know.

This is the first and most important knowledge of herbal medicine that I will teach you.

Even if you return all the things I taught to me after graduation in the future, as long as you remember this.

Rove looked at Professor Sprout with admiration, don't look at her always wearing a thick hat full of patches, full of earthy smell, and rustic dress...

She couldn't compare with Trelawney, the divination professor next door who was always full of jewels, foreign style, and full of alcohol...but she was actually a very wise witch.

Our Hufflepuff graduate wizards are excellent!

Of course, Hufflepuff wizards out of school are better! !

Professor Sprout clapped his hands and said, Okay, kids, we're about to start class now, who can tell me what the rhizome of Nepenthes does?

Rove only felt a gust of wind blowing by his ears, and raised one hand quickly.

Miss Granger...

Hermione raised her head and replied: The rhizome of the pitcher plant is the main material for brewing the Wangsie Water. Drinking it can make people forget all their sorrows.

Very good, five points for Gryffindor! Professor Sprout nodded, feeling a little melancholy. What about the students in his college, are they all stunned?

Well, if she has such a student who earns house points, why doesn't Hufflepuff have to win the house cup? !

Hermione grinned, showing her two front teeth. When Rove glanced over, she immediately pursed her lips, and glared at the young man. She raised her eyebrows slightly, as if provocative, and wanted to compare with him who could earn more college points.

Rove ignored the childish girl. He quietly observed the greenhouse to see what he lacked. After all, he couldn't leave the treasure house empty-handed.

He's here to buy goods, and to take a class by the way!

It's Professor Snape's job to teach you how to make Wangsai Water. Professor Sprout pointed to a row of shovels in the distance, and she said softly:

Your task is to learn how to loosen the soil for the pitcher plants, but be careful, their roots are very fragile, and if they are slightly injured, they will violently attack the wizard.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the row of shovels shining coldly. What if they agreed not to farm?

Everyone has a shovel and a wooden stick, and watched how I loosened the soil.

Professor Sprout picked up a wooden stick and stuck it gently in the toilet-shaped cylinder of the pitcher plant. She put on dragon leather gloves, grabbed a shovel, and began to loosen the soil under the pitcher plant.

Professor Sprout is definitely an old farmer, with superb techniques, he loosened a circle of soil without harming the rhizomes of Nepenthes at all.

Okay, everyone follow this step, pay attention that the stick must be stuck in the cylinder of the pitcher plant.

The little wizards began to choose sticks and shovels, as well as their favorite pitcher plants.

Rove chose a larger pitcher plant. After he stuck the wooden stick, he took out a colored ball fish from the interlayer of his robe and threw it into the juice.

The ballfish is a small spherical fish with two long legs with webbed feet that lives in deep lakes and feeds on water snails.

The belly of the colorful ball fish is like a sponge, which can absorb a lot of water without changing its shape too much, and then squeeze its belly hard to spit it out.

The colored ball fish is small in size and does not take up space. Wizards walking in the desert usually take a colored ball fish out, which can effectively solve the water source problem.

Therefore, the large amount of juice of the pitcher plant was absorbed by the colorful ball fish in an instant, and the wooden stick effectively prevented the pitcher plant from swallowing the colorful ball fish.

Rove doesn't drink juice, but the cuties in his case love it!

Removing the sap does not harm the pitcher plant, which can recover within a maximum of two nights.

Hermione and Neville stared blankly, what kind of operation is this?

At this moment, another strange sound came from outside the greenhouse. Professor Sprout picked up her fork and muttered, There's a mess again...

After Professor Sprout left, the entire greenhouse erupted in an instant.

Hannah and Burns get into a fight with sticks, and Hannah is still asking for her Galleon.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Justin quietly picked up some fox feces, put them in his mouth, and started to chew.

He likes this taste... strong!

Ron was chatting with Harry, discussing how to trick the twins into eating foxy poop, and when he lost his mind, the small stick didn't get caught in the toilet cylinder of the pitcher plant.

I put it in the bread, and then you pass the bread to George and Fred, they will definitely not be defensive...

Ron imagined the picture of successful revenge. He picked up the shovel and shoveled directly on the roots of the pitcher plant. The pitcher plant was furious, and the toilet-shaped cylinder rolled up and swallowed him in one gulp.

Harry turned his head and found that Ron was gone.

Nepenthes not only eat feces, but are also carnivorous plants. Animals swallowed by it will slide down into the bottle and will be drowned by the liquid secreted from the bottom of the bottle, and will be decomposed into nutrients, which will be gradually digested and absorbed.

Ron... Harry yelled, grabbed Ron's legs, and pulled them outward like a carrot.

A group of students lined up behind, grabbing Harry and pulling him backwards, while the pitcher plant sucked in hard.

For a moment, it was like a tug-of-war, with half of Ron's body in and out of the pitcher plant.

Many students who no longer want to plant pitcher plants, their eyes light up again. They seem to have discovered a new use for pitcher plants. This is a fun thing!

The two sides were at a stalemate, and Rove walked over and scratched the part under the leaves of the pitcher plant, as if he was scratching his armpit.

The body of the pitcher plant trembled immediately, and Ron was spit out directly. He was covered in viscous liquid, spitting bubbles on the ground.

Ron, are you okay? Harry asked rushing over.

Ron burped.

It's so sweet.

Professor Sprout, who heard the movement, has hurried back. Seeing this scene, she took a breath and said:

The vines of the pitcher plants are their sensitive areas and also their weak point. Mr. Scamander saved his classmate, very good... Fifteen points for Hufflepuff!

The students applauded desperately.

Rove glanced at Hermione and raised his eyebrows, as if he was saying:

Your answers to the questions are just points for hard work, not worth the money. Look at me, I have gained more points than you in half a class.

Hermione rubbed her chest, so angry!



(Ah, a certain word was involved, and the chapter just released was blocked, so I had to modify it, alas.)

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