I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 383: Peter who gave birth to Tom!

The last ray of sunlight was hidden behind the treetops, and the dilapidated Riddle Mansion was shrouded in haze at dusk.

A shadow appeared suddenly. He was wearing a cloak and a hood, and he looked around furtively. After making sure that no one was following him, he walked cautiously towards the dilapidated old house.

Peter Pettigrew entered the house quietly. He walked up the dusty stairs to an unmarked door, pushed the door open, and entered a large, dimly lit room.

The ceiling was low, and a candle flickered and flickered in a niche carved out of the thick earthen wall.

Peter closed the door, the breeze blew, the candle flame flickered and flickered, shadows swayed endlessly around him, and the room seemed darker and colder.

A slender cobra emerged from a crack in the wall, and on its textured back, there were a pair of red eyes blinking.

A cold voice sounded from inside the snake's body, Wormtail, have you got everything?

I got it, master, the blood of the unicorn and the venom of the rune snake that you asked for.

Using his remaining left hand, Peter took out two bottles from his pocket, and complained:

I wasted a lot of energy. It's hard to buy this thing in Knockturn Alley. I only have one hand, and I have to guard against Aurors...

Wormtail, the Dark Lord has noticed all your hard work. Voldemort, who was possessed by the cobra, said softly:

I will give you a satisfactory arm after I get the flesh... Hurry up and start.

Peter was ecstatic, and he asked again: Master, do you need me to find you a Muggle? There are...

Muggles? Voldemort said coldly, Wormtail, do you want me to crawl out of the mudblood's belly?!

Those despicable creatures will dirty my body.

Then who are we looking for? Peter tremblingly said, Master, I only have one arm now, and I'm afraid...it will be very difficult to capture a pure-blood wizard for you.

Aren't you the best candidate? Voldemort said hoarsely, You use this magic.

What... let me come, Master? Peter's voice became panicked.

Yes, Wormtail, aren't you happy? This is the honor bestowed upon you by the Dark Lord. Voldemort said dissatisfiedly:

If Bellatrix were here, she would not hesitate to give me her womb, even if it contained a child.

You...you... Peter's voice became more and more frightened, and his mouth seemed to become very dry, you...you want...to kill me?

Wormtail...why should I kill you? Voldemort whispered, You are the only servant I have now, and it's too late for me to cherish you.


Don't worry, that magic won't kill you. Voldemort comforted: On my final resurrection, you will still be useful.

Only then did Peter breathe a sigh of relief. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, opened two bottles, and mixed the blood of the unicorn and the venom of the rune snake.

After taking this potion, combined with a spell, Voldemort can get out of the ghost state and get a weak body.

He could be in that body, waiting for the ingredients needed to actually regenerate.

Wormtail, open your mouth! Voldemort ordered, I'm going in.

Voldemort broke away from the cobra and slipped into a shadow through Peter's gaping mouth.

Peter picked up the cup and drank the potion. The cold potion passed through his throat and reached his abdomen.

He soon felt nauseous, dizzy, had cramps, and his stomach began to churn.

Peter squatted and vomited. The room was full of foul and stench for a while. He was not breathing well, and he felt like he was about to vomit out his heart, liver and lungs.

After finally stopping vomiting, Peter, who was dripping with sweat, took off his robe. He was naked, knelt down on his knees, and chanted the incantation loudly.

As the spell ended, Peter began to tremble all over. His body seemed to be inflated with air, slowly bulging, and his abdomen soon seemed to explode.

Peter sat slumped on the cold floor, panting heavily, and a large amount of blood was gurgling...but it was as black as ink, and it looked extremely oozing and terrifying.

Wormtail cried out loudly, he was extremely terrified and in pain, and after a while, a small, shriveled black figure struggled desperately and appeared.

The two hands of the shadow twisted and grasped vigorously, the red fingers tightly grasped the ground, and then crawled out little by little.

Until the whole body has entered this world!

Peter sat on the ground, he raised his head weakly, and looked at the Dark Lord who had reshaped his body with magic.

It was the size of a puppy, without hair, and seemed to have scales on its body. Its skin was dark and red, like wounded tender flesh.

He also has a flat snake face topped with sparkling red eyes.

Tom Riddle is no longer that ghost-like shadow!

Wormtail, pick me up! Voldemort ordered.

Peter's whole body was in pain from being torn apart by magic. He wanted to lie down for a while, but he got up reluctantly, picked up his robe, and wrapped little Voldemort around him.

Give me your wand, Voldemort said softly.

Peter quickly handed over the wand. The Dark Lord's small arm seemed to be struggling to hold the wand.

But he lifted it up anyway, waving it through the air, and the wand struck a streak of molten silver, shapeless at first, then twisted into a gleaming human hand, bright as moonlight.

It flew down by itself and settled on Peter's right hand which Rove had cut off.

Peter looked up at the silver hand in disbelief. He tried to move the shiny fingers, which seemed stronger than his own.

Peter knelt down and said gratefully: My master, master, it's so beautiful... Thank you... Thank you...

I said...the Dark Lord will not treat those who have helped him...

After using this magic, the baby-sized Voldemort became weaker and weaker, and the whole person looked very sleepy.

Get up... I still have a lot of things for you to do.

Stealing the Philosopher's Stone is hopeless, I can only follow another method to restore my original body.

You have to help me revive completely and get those three powerful medicine primers.

Harry Potter? Peter shuddered.

Yes, I only want him! Voldemort said coldly: Don't worry, we have that thing, it's easy to figure out Harry Potter's activity route.

As for my father's bones . . . in the graveyard behind that church in Little Hangleton.

Voldemort's snake-like face contorted into a cruel smile, and he hissed softly, as if talking to himself.

Father, I killed you back then...I didn't expect you to be useful decades later...my Muggle father.

At this moment, the church bell rang, and the heavy rain that had been brewing for a long time finally fell, knocking on the window lattice non-stop.



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