I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 394 RNM, Refund!

Hiding at the corner of the corridor, Malfoy and his little follower, Crabbe, huddled together, playing their favorite little game on weekdays:

Then pick one lucky guy who's passing by... cast a jinx.

Looking at the distressed appearance of those students, Malfoy was very happy every time.

But today, instead of using a jinx, he used a Patronus Charm, which wasn't as entertaining.

Because, every time he yelled Call God to guard, the tip of the wand could only spray out a cloud of mist, which looked worse than a humidifier.

A second-grade student, whose face was smeared with smoke, cursed:

Aren't you two mentally ill? Are you so wicked? If your parents are still in good health, hurry up and ask for another one!

With his hands on his hips, his Adam's apple moved slightly, and he spat out a mouthful of old phlegm, which flew onto Malfoy's newly bought shoes.

Malfoy was furious. No one dared to talk to him like this. He looked at his follower and said viciously:

Crabbe, hit him!

But after the guy finished spitting, he turned around and ran, oiling the soles of his feet, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Crabbe has a large tonnage and slow speed, and it is really impossible to catch up.

Don't let me run into this kid again, or I'll beat him until his own mother doesn't know him! Malfoy said angrily:

By the way, do you know which college he is from?

It seems to be Hufflepuff. Crabbe thought for a while and said cautiously:

Last time I saw him eating at the Hufflepuff table and getting an autograph from Rolf Scamander...

Malfoy fell silent, he coughed and said, For Scamander's sake, please forgive this kid once!

Crabbe breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Malfoy's brain would get hot, and he would go to death again... Then he gave away this month's pocket money.

Malfoy waved his wand and cleaned his shoes. He shook his arms and said:

This stupid Patronus Charm, why can't it be released, and my wand is not broken?

Malfoy is like a fisherman, who has been unable to release the Patronus Charm for a long time, and this has reached the point where he begins to suspect that the tool is not good enough.

Draco, someone is here again! Crabbe hurriedly reminded, It's Potter and Weasley!

Hearing Harry's name, Malfoy immediately cheered up and strengthened. He glanced at the two figures in the distance and said excitedly:

Hurry up and hide!

After the footsteps approached, Malfoy jumped out again, this time it was no longer the indestructible Patronus Charm, but...

Stand up and stop dead!

Ron's legs were tightly stuck together, as if someone had been entangled in a rope. He threw his whole body forward, slapped, and fell firmly to the ground.

Malfoy laughed.

Ron! Harry yelled, drawing his wand hastily, and yelling, Grin-huh-huh-huh!

A flash of silver light hit Malfoy in the stomach, and he bent over, gasping for breath.

Crabbe grabbed Harry, and Harry writhed like an eel, kicking his heel hard into Crabbe's crotch. There was a scream behind him, and he broke free.

Then Harry lunged at Malfoy, knocked him to the ground, and sat down on top of him.

Malfoy pushed hard from the waist down, hitting Harry on the hip, trying to send him flying, but Harry wasn't a vegetarian either, he pushed down hard.

Passers-by were dumbfounded when they saw this scene, what are you two doing.

Fight or... fight?

Percy, who happened to be passing by, rushed over and said loudly, Stop it! Stop it now! No in the corridor...

Percy was at a loss for words, and it was difficult for him to describe the actions of Harry and Malfoy.

Harry and Malfoy were still tearing apart, ignoring Percy at all, so he had to raise his wand and forcefully separate the two inseparable guys.

Harry clutched his sore butt and said angrily, Percy, it was Ron that Malfoy attacked first.

Percy glanced at Ron lying on the ground, and after helping him unlock the magic, he looked at Malfoy again and said:

Ten points off Slytherin! I'll tell Professor McGonagall about it!

Whatever you want, anyway, Professor Snape will add it back for me. Malfoy smiled disdainfully, stood up, and patted the dust off his body.

Percy seemed offended. Malfoy, I don't like your attitude! You need to show some respect to the head of the Boys' Council, and another five points will be deducted from Slytherin!

Malfoy sneered, and took Crabbe away. Before he had gone far, he saw Goyle running over. He frowned and said:

Gol, where have you been?

Draco, I just heard a message. Goyle said loudly:

Scamander...he bet twenty Galleons that he would be the first to release the Patronus.


It's absolutely true. Gore nodded and said, I came here as soon as I heard the news.

Malfoy hesitated for a moment and asked, How much money do you have with you? Take it all out!

Crabbe hesitated, Draco, you want to bet on Scamander?

Yeah, I have fought against Scamander so many times, so I know his strength very well. Malfoy said softly.

It was obvious that they were beaten unilaterally, but Malfoy spoke as if they were 50/50.

If there is only one student who can learn the Patronus Charm, it must be Scamander...Since he is betting on himself now, it means he has mastered it.

Let's hurry up and make a bet, otherwise the bet will be over when he uses the Patronus Charm in public.

Malfoy hurried away with Crabbe and Goyle, leaving only Harry and Ron staring at each other.

Has Rove been able to summon a complete Patronus? Harry sighed, As expected of him.

He often went to Sirius's office to have a little trouble, but every time he faced the dementor, he would faint.

Sirius recently wanted to change Harry's practice object from Dementors to Boggarts.

Harry, let's go too. Ron said in a strange voice.

Why, you want to bet too?

Yeah, it's safe to make money! Ron said eagerly.

Now that the news has not spread, the odds have not dropped too much, but after a while, everyone else will get the news, and the odds will probably be very low.

Are you rich? Harry asked curiously.

Save some, although not much. Ron was also a little strange. He used to lose money often, and even got living expenses here. When he arrived at Hogwarts at night, the money was gone.

But in the recent period of time, he has never lost any money, and he has saved some pocket money because of this.

Although the number is not much, but now they are all pressed in, and they can make a lot of money.

Ron was very excited, the opportunity to make money was right in front of him, and he couldn't miss it.

The news that Scamander had learned the Patronus Charm quickly spread throughout Hogwarts before noon.

I heard that he can make a steady profit without losing money, and many students are betting on him. After the beating, because the odds are too low, he basically can't make any money.

But there are still students following suit.

Just when everyone was looking forward to Rove's use of the Patronus, another shocking news quickly spread in Hogwarts:

Shirley Swinton of Ravenclaw, the first to use the Patronus Charm, became the first student to summon a complete Patronus.

Those little wizards who bet on it all exploded. They flocked to Gryffindor to find Lee Jordan and the twins who set up the bet, and they almost shouted:

rnm, refund the money!



(Thanks to the Golden City No. 1 in the World boss for the reward)

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