I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 400 Rove Back in the Past

Someone made a sneak attack from behind, which stunned Sirius for a moment.

He had just searched the place, even glanced at the coffin in the tomb, and left after making sure that there were no wizards at all.

He never expected that there would be a wizard hidden in the cauldron full of potions.

What surprised him even more was that the attacker didn't use magic spells to attack him, but actually bit him?

Children fight, right?

Sirius stretched out his hand to grab the man on the back, but the other party was like an old turtle's mouth, biting his neck tightly and not letting go.

Sirius had no choice but to pull down hard, tearing off a large piece of flesh, before tearing off the opponent. He felt the piercing pain, and even as tough as he was, he also wailed.

Sirius threw the sneak attacker out, and the guy fell sideways towards a tombstone. After breaking the tombstone, he collapsed to the ground like mud.

Sirius looked at the wizard who was thrown out, his eyes widened suddenly, and he stared straight at him, as if doubting and judging, what is this... thing.

It looks like a baby, with dark red skin, a flat snake face, and a pair of sparkling red eyes.

A bold idea suddenly appeared in Sirius' mind.

You are Voldemort?!

It's me, Harry Potter!

Voldemort, who fell to the ground, was covered in blood and flesh. He curled up on the ground, his face was also full of pain, and then he spat out a piece of flesh and said in a hoarse voice:

We meet again.

I am going to kill you!

Sirius didn't know how Voldemort came to be like this, but he didn't care, the only thing in his mind was revenge for James and Lily.

Sirius suddenly raised his wand, but his legs gave way, and he knelt down on one knee. He took a deep breath and clenched his teeth. Sweat quickly oozes from his forehead, blurring his vision instantly.

Stop struggling. Scarlet blood oozes from Voldemort's mouth, his eyes are crazy, and he said with a grin:

My teeth can secrete snake venom. Although I don't want to kill you in this way, I want to use Avada Kedavra, but... Pote, you are dead!

Sirius wanted to raise his wand, but the poison had already paralyzed his whole body, and he collapsed to the ground, with blood gushing from the wound on his neck.

Hearing a snap, Peter Apparated Appeared. He saw the Dark Lord lying on the ground, was shocked, and hurried over to hug him.

Master, are you okay?

I'm all right. Voldemort asked, fixing Peter with his scarlet, hard eyes. Where's the fake Gibbon wizard?

I introduced that guy into Riddle's old house. Peter wiped his pale face with big beads of sweat, and said:

There are pre-arranged traps there, which should be able to trap him for a while.

Very good, bring me back to life. Voldemort's hasty voice was filled with excitement:

There's Potter's blood on that piece of meat, take me into the cauldron!

Yes, Master!

Peter picked up the bloody flesh. He hugged Voldemort and went to the stone cauldron, but saw a big bird flying straight towards it.

It opened its mouth and spit out an orange flame. In an instant, the crucible was ignited, and the heat wave burned to the corpse beside the crucible, and soon surrounded it, turning it into wisps of gray smoke.

Peter's wand sprayed water and landed on the flames, but it had no effect. The flames of the phoenix spread to the surroundings. Peter coughed and retreated while hugging Voldemort.

Soon, Tom Riddle's grave, along with the bones, were engulfed in flames.

Fox? Voldemort roared angrily, You damned bastard, if you dare to destroy my resurrection potion, I will cut you to pieces!

Fawkes ignored Voldemort, it flew straight for Sirius, and stood beside him.

Sirius, whose chest was heaving violently, was dying. He tried to open his eyes, and made meaningless sounds of wheezing and clucking from his throat.

Fox blinked, big pearly teardrops rolled down its lustrous feathers and landed on the back of his poisoned neck.

Peter raised his wand and wanted to attack Fox, and Voldemort snapped:

Go, Dumbledore is coming...use the time-turner to go back in time...before my father's tomb was destroyed!

Yes, master.

Peter quickly took out the Time-Turner, and he turned quickly, taking Voldemort with him, and disappeared into the air.



Deep in the Forbidden Forest,

The original lush and vast forest has disappeared, replaced by a huge deep pit the size of a lake.

Rove squatted at the bottom of the pit, watching the stone fall to the ground, smashed to pieces, and the broken stone pieces bounced back into the air, becoming intact again, and then fell down again, smashed to pieces again...

There is obviously the power of time here, and Dumbledore said it was caused by the explosion of the Time Converter.

With a snap, a figure appeared beside Rove. The boy looked up at the principal and asked:

Professor Dumbledore, how is the operation?

It failed. The old man shook his head and said, Sirius and Remus failed to catch Peter and let him run away.

Although it's expected. Rove smiled wryly, But I still want to know whether the two of them are acting together, or pretending to be Gibbon.

How could Peter escape without any precautions?

The two of them just showed up, and Tom discovered that Gibbon was a fake. Dumbledore said softly.

Rove was puzzled and asked, How did Voldemort do it?

He can't still have the ability to see through the compound soup, can he?

I guess the Dark Mark was exposed. Dumbledore explained:

Gibbon is a Death Eater, he has the Dark Mark on his arm, Voldemort should be able to feel its presence somehow.

But Remus using Polyjuice Potion to transform into Gibbon cannot create the real Dark Mark.

Rove sighed. It turned out that Voldemort still had an anti-counterfeiting mark, but he didn't expect such a small negligence in detail to finally be exposed.

As expected of you... Tom!

Are they both okay?

Remus is fine, but Sirius was bitten by Voldemort and poisoned by his snake. Dumbledore said softly, He almost died.


Is the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts really so evil?

Fortunately, they had Fox's feather on them. It quickly found their position and saved Sirius in time. Dumbledore said, No life is in danger.

Rove breathed a sigh of relief: It seems that I have to go back, this cannot be changed.

Yes. Dumbledore drew out his wand, pointed it at the ground and said, The Time-Turner is flying!

I saw a large pile of golden fragments splashing out, gathering from the ground into midair.

Dumbledore waved the magical old wand again and said, It's back to normal!

Those golden fragments were instantly closed and restored to their original shape, and the power of time on the ground also came from afar and merged into the converter.

Rove held the Time Converter, and he asked:

Professor Dumbledore, there is one thing I don't understand. Why did Peter choose to go back to the night of Halloween last year? Instead of other times?

Because you killed him that night, all the news reports are that he died that night. Dumbledore smiled and said:

Peter hears he's dead, and whether it's true or not, he wants to go back to Halloween night to find out what happened and who died.

If possible, he wanted to save himself, like he had saved himself from the Aurors last year.

But it was precisely this return that caused his death. Rove narrowed his eyes: He was going to die.

That's right. Dumbledore nodded and said, Thus, those who play with time at will will definitely be eaten back by time.

While turning the converter, Rove asked, Are you going back?

No. Dumbledore shook his head and said, I don't need to go back, the other me is already sitting in the office waiting for you... Be careful.

Rove waved his hand, and his figure disappeared instantly.



(Thanks to A Piece of Old Ink for the reward.)

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