I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 403 Rove: Tom, I'll see you on your way

The gray-green potion roared and splashed, falling on the trees and stones, with a hissing and corrosive sound.

The group of crows living in the long brown grass nearby were also startled by the eardrum-piercing explosion. They quacked and fluttered their wings into the air.

Pettigrew Peter was stunned. No matter how stupid he was, he realized that this was not a normal phenomenon of resurrection, and there must be something wrong.

Master... Peter called out loudly, Are you alright?

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw a figure crawling out from under the broken cauldron, and he could barely see his face through the dense smoke:

It was only one meter tall, with limbs as thin as a baby's, but the belly protruded round and protruded, and the head was disproportionately large. Under the bulging forehead was a distorted strange face with red eyes shining.

The man was covered in thick, long red hair, making him look more like a beast than a wizard!

Such a strange and terrifying shape, anyone who sees it will inevitably change color and exclaim. Peter pointed at him and said tremblingly: You...you...

The red-haired monster walked over slowly, and he said hoarsely, Wormtail...it's me.

Master... Master? Peter exclaimed in disbelief.

The noseless face of the Dark Lord before was ugly enough, but at least it was disfigured and his body was still good. Now not only his face is crippled, but his body looks like a pregnant dwarf, with red hair all over his body...

Peter didn't dare to look any further, and hurriedly put on the prepared robe for Voldemort. He asked tentatively:

Master, have you successfully resurrected?

Failed! Voldemort opened his red eyes, stared straight at Peter and said:

There is a problem with the three medicines you put in.

How could it be? Peter was terrified, There must be nothing wrong with my flesh...the blood of the enemy... Could it be that the wizard is not Harry Potter, and he is also pretending to be?

That person is indeed pretending. Voldemort finally realized, he said slowly:

Potter's mother died trying to save him the night I lost my magic and my body...Potter inadvertently gained some kind of protection...I couldn't touch him.

When I hit that wizard, I could bite his neck...he really wasn't Harry Potter.

Peter breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't his fault, he heard the Dark Lord whisper again:

Even if that man isn't Potter, he's a wizard who hates me, otherwise he wouldn't be at the appointment tonight... His blood is the blood of the enemy... It works for me as well.

Peter's heart was suspended again, and he whispered: Then the problem can only be...

Father's bones.

Voldemort stared at Peter, who grinned horribly, his red eyes becoming hollow and unfeeling.

Wormtail, whose bone did you put in?!

Master, it's your father's bone. Peter said with fear on his face, I will never make a mistake.

Wormtail, I now doubt whether you are a spy sent by Dumbledore. Voldemort said softly.

How could it be? Peter began to cry like this, sobbing and trembling all over his body.

Master, I am your loyal servant, I found you, and I helped you resurrect...

What loyalty, you are just cowardly. Voldemort said coldly:

You were able to betray your best friend because of fear back then, and of course you can betray me now...

Peter fell to the ground, crouching at Voldemort's feet, and screamed:

Master... I don't have one!

Whether you have it or not, you've let me down... I'm disappointed in you...

Voldemort sneered and took out a wand from his clothes. He pointed at Wormtail and said in a cold voice:


Peter screamed in pain, every nerve in him seemed to be on fire, and he was twitching incessantly.

After tormenting for a while, Voldemort felt that his slender legs were shaking, and the fingers holding the wand were also trembling.

This body that failed to resurrect could not support his powerful strength at all. As long as he used too much magic power, his body might explode!

The Dark Lord had no choice but to stop the torture. Peter was lying on the ground gasping for breath. Suddenly, his eyes widened and he looked towards the sky in horror.

Voldemort also turned his head to look, and in the distance, a giant bird appeared, hovering in mid-air, with a blue body, like a beautiful brocade, and a slender tail.

Peter said in amazement, Airwing bird?!

The sound of the explosion just now woke up the Airwing Bird who had been asleep for half a sound. It would wake up very angry and stare at the two wizards who disturbed it.

It took a breath, and suddenly its abdomen swelled up, and its whole body swelled like a ball, making a cooing sound.

From a distance, it looks like an enlarged version of a puffer fish.

The airwing bird opened its mouth, a strong wind suddenly picked up, the wind blew the trees, and the spruce on the ground fell to the left and right sides with a clatter, making a rustling sound, which was extremely ear-piercing in the originally silent night.

The bodies of Peter and Voldemort began to shake, and the sand and stones whipped the exposed parts of the body like rattan whips. The parts where they were brushed were burning with pain, and they couldn't open their eyes at all.

Voldemort, who was lighter in body, was blown by the strong wind like a rootless duckweed, and his feet flew sideways from the ground.

Peter quickly grabbed the Dark Lord's leg and pulled it down desperately. Voldemort's already fragile body was pulled as if it was about to break.

There was another sound of piercing through the air, and the slender tail of the airwing bird flew towards Peter, swept across his chest, scratched the robe, and left several deep bloodstains.

Peter yelled in pain, so he had to let go, and Voldemort flew out like a kite, hitting a big tree hard.

The eyeballs of Voldemort almost popped out of their sockets, and he spat out a mouthful of scarlet blood, which splashed on his own face like a warm rain due to the direction of the wind.

Voldemort leaned against the tree, raised his wand, and swung it at the force of the bird as it swooped down on Peter again.

A black spell was shot out, and a deep gash was drawn from top to bottom on Airwing Bird's chest, blood was immediately splashed everywhere.

The airwing screamed sharply, spread its wings, and flew sideways towards the sky.

Peter, who was suspended in mid-air, suddenly felt his body sink, and fell back to the ground heavily. After a while, the wind and sand gradually stopped.

Dragging his wounded body, he ran over quickly, picked up Voldemort who was covered in blood, and led him to run wildly in the forest.

The wail of the airwing bird became smaller and smaller until it was completely inaudible, so Peter slowed down a little.

Master, we are safe, it didn't come after us.

Voldemort, who was extremely embarrassed, wiped the blood from his cheek, and with a expressionless face, he suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

Hey hey hey hey hey!

Peter looked at the Dark Lord in horror, and asked:

Master, what are you laughing at?

I laughed at Dumbledore and Scamander. Voldemort said proudly:

I'm afraid they are still attending the Halloween dinner right now, but they don't know the best chance to kill the Dark Lord, so they just missed it for nothing!

Hey hey hey hey hey!

I think so too, Tom! said a crisp voice cheerfully.

Voldemort's hearty laughter stopped abruptly. He turned his head in disbelief and saw two figures, one old and one young, standing not far away, looking at them.

Rove smiled and said:

Tonight is indeed the best chance to kill you two!

The handsome young man who has always been polite and harmless to humans and animals smiled brightly and said:

I'll send you on your way!



(Thanks for the reward from the big guy Just Love Wailing Water.)

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