I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 405 Resurrected Professor Binns?

In the depths of the Forbidden Forest, a beam of light suddenly burst open, illuminating dozens of miles around as bright as day, and the air waves rushed straight into the sky, like a waterfall rushing from bottom to top.

The clouds floating in the sky began to roll up rapidly at the outermost edge, like a pear blossom that had already bloomed and turned into a snow-white flower bud again.

Before Voldemort blew himself up, Rove was already standing on his head, aware of the great danger, he hurriedly reminded Dumbledore, and ran to the distance.

No wonder there was a huge pit in the depths of the Forbidden Forest. He thought it was a trace of battle, but he didn't expect it to be Tom... he blew himself up!

The ground trembled violently, as if a huge hammer had come down hard, with a deafening pop!

The scorching wind caused by the explosion cut through it like a high-pressure air blade.

At the critical moment, Dumbledore raised his wand, instantly raised several magic shields, and blocked them in front of them.

Rove also hurriedly cast magic to help him strengthen the defense together.

The air waves collided one after another, like a turbulent wave hitting the shore, the golden shield shook instantly, making screeching and screeching sounds continuously.

Voldemort stood in the center of the explosion with a miserable face. Although the previous red hair looked terrifying, the hair was shiny and shining.

Now most of the hair strands are dead and alive, and when the air waves blow, some hairs will rustle and fall, and before they fall to the ground, they will be turned into ashes in mid-air.

Voldemort's body also began to rot, at a speed visible to the naked eye, decaying like a piece of dead wood, and then turned into ashes and scattered in the sky and the earth.

He looked like he was insane, and suddenly burst out laughing.

The Dark Lord is immortal, Dumbledore, Scamander... I will be back again!

When I come back next time, this world will be ruled by me again! !

Voldemort turned into a group of weak wandering spirits, separated from his body, and ran towards the distance.

The Dark Lord's body was completely reduced to ashes. The Time-Turner from Hermione fell to the ground with a clang, hit a rock, and instantly shattered and turned into ashes.

The stone bounced off the ground, fell to the ground again, fell to pieces, and the shattered stone flakes bounced back into the air, and became intact again, and then fell down again, smashed to pieces again... the cycle repeats.



Principal's office,

Rove, Shirley and Hermione who came to look for Dumbledore stared at the dazzling white light outside the window in a daze.

Hermione reached out suddenly and pulled her Time-Turner from the collar, and saw it vibrate and hum.

In the headmaster's portrait, the red-nosed Fusco explains:

I've seen this happen. It's the hour reversal spell in the Time Converter, resonating with a similar force... Children, hold it down, don't let it take you back to the past.

Thank you, Professor Fusco. Rove followed suit and hurriedly pressed the time switch to prevent it from spinning randomly.

Xue Li suddenly pointed out the window, and said in a soft voice:

Look, what is that!

Rove looked out the window, his eyes widened, and he saw a dazzling silver creature running in mid-air, galloping towards the principal's office.

It has a proboscis snout, and its whole body is covered with fluff... It is a patron saint in the shape of a sniff.

After a while, the three of them left the principal's office, followed the strange Patronus, and went to the Screaming Shack!

Peter Pettigrew is there...

wait for them!



Deep in the Forbidden Forest,

The explosions that lasted for several minutes finally stopped, and the light in the sky began to fade.

The original lush and vast forest has disappeared, replaced by a huge deep pit the size of a lake.

Like a gigantic one-eye opening on the ground!

The deep pit is full of fine gullies, criss-crossing, as if cut into hundreds of terraced fields of varying sizes and sizes.

Dumbledore stood where he was, looking around, frowning slightly.

Rove, who was standing with him just now, suddenly disappeared.

Is Rove using a time-turner, back to the future?



Rove appeared out of nowhere in the empty foyer, dizzy, bent over and retching.

The boy was still casting magic with Dumbledore before, resisting the air wave brought by Voldemort's self-destruction, but his body suddenly flew up involuntarily, and various blurred clouds and shapes flashed in front of his eyes.

Rove knew that this was the effect of using the time converter, and he was no stranger to it, but to his surprise, he didn't turn the converter at all.

Rove suddenly remembered that something similar happened to the time-turner in Hermione's hand in the principal's office on Halloween night.

Principal Fusco's explanation is that the hour reversal spell in the Time Converter is resonating with similar forces.

Rove thought for a moment, that similar force should be the time-turner obtained by Voldemort, which shattered in the self-explosion.

It's a pity that too much time has passed, Rove forgot about this incident, and his attention just now was focused on the explosion... He didn't stop the converter from rotating independently in time.

Rove flew like this for a long time, longer than using the Time Converter twice before, and finally landed on the ground.

The young man who had recovered, stood up, looked around, and found that he was actually inside Hogwarts Castle.

Rove walked out of the hall quickly and wandered around in the corridor, but he didn't see a single student, and he didn't meet a ghost, so he couldn't ask... what year is it.

Hi, which college are you a student from?

At the end of the corridor, an old voice suddenly sounded majestic, Why don't you go to class and hang out here?

Rove turned around to look, and suddenly froze in place.

It was a gray-haired old man, he was very old... his dry face was covered with age spots, the thin chin skin hung loose, and his eyes were full of sternness.

Professor Binns? !

Rove recognized the History of Magic professor immediately, but to his shock, he was no longer a pearly white, translucent ghost, but... a living human being!

Rove's mind changed sharply, and he tentatively asked:

Professor Binns...is that you?

If it's not me, who else could it be? Professor Binns walked over with a cane in a sneaky manner. He stared at the boy and asked with a frown:

Which college are you a student from? Why don't I seem to have met you?

Rove's eyes were complicated, he was silent for a long time, and suddenly replied in a strange way:

Professor Binns, my name is Skadi... I'm a student of Slytherin House.

Skadi...is that so? Professor Binns glanced at him coldly, and said sternly, Ten points for Slytherin!




(Thanks for the rewards of the three big guys I love to wade in the water, Mountains are not high, there are immortals and they are famous and The moon falls and the stars sink between heaven and earth.)

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