I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 411 The Wizard's Doomsday Catastrophe

House-elves are undoubtedly useful as slaves.

They have a long lifespan, with an average age of 200 years, outliving their owners. They perfectly realize the breeding concept of one pet is passed down to three generations, and it is still there when people leave.

The house elves are still very powerful, with their own unique magic system, and they can even cast spells without a wand.

The most important thing is that the house elves are loyal, beat, scolded, abused, and even let them commit suicide without hesitation... as if they had a stamp of thought.

Even if Voldemort trained his Death Eaters so hard, it was far from achieving this effect.

If the Dark Lord had recruited a group of house elves as his younger brothers, he would have been resurrected by now.

So here comes the question... How did the wizard manage to make such a powerful race become a slave and still be so loyal?

According to Hufflepuff, it seems that there are still hidden secrets.

Standing in front of the fire, Hufflepuff waved his wand, quickly processed the ingredients, and said softly:

Speaking of house elves, one has to mention the ancient kingdom of wizards with splendid civilization, powerful magic and great skills...

Rove had heard the term Wizard Kingdom more than once, but neither Nicole Flamel nor Dumbledore spoke in detail.

In Nico's words, most of the ruins left by the Wizarding Kingdom were excavated by the Big Four and took away important things. It will be difficult for future generations to think about systematic research.

Now that Rove finally saw the real person, his eyes flickered, and he hurriedly asked:

Professor Hufflepuff, how did the wizarding kingdom disappear?

A doomsday catastrophe. Hufflepuff said slowly with a solemn face, That terrible catastrophe almost sank the entire continent, and directly destroyed that wizarding country.

She stretched out her green fingers, snapped her fingers lightly, a painting floated over, and the boy looked up carefully:

A group of swaying flames, dragging a long fire tail, shot towards the ground in a parabola. The land was torn apart and turned into a piece of scorched earth. The burning smoke dyed the morning sky gray...

Hufflepuff stared at the painting, as if saying to himself:

This painting depicts the scene of the apocalypse. My ancestors drew it through memory and passed it down to me from generation to generation.

After that doomsday catastrophe, the entire magical civilization disappeared completely, and the shattered continents also collapsed and splashed all over the world like meteors, and some ruins even sank deep into the sea.

Me, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slytherin have been digging around the ruins over the years and collected a lot of valuable things.

Another small golden cup appeared in Hufflepuff's hand, she handed it to Rove, and said softly:

This golden cup is a magical item made by that wizarding country. It can never be filled with water, and the craft of making it was lost as early as the end of the day.

Rove looked at the famous Hufflepuff gold cup, and he suddenly remembered Nicole Flamel's book on alchemy.

The wizard who claimed to be Abraham gave Nicole Flamel a dream, saying that the four prophecies would guide a young man to find the relics collected by the Big Four.

Professor, what is the doomsday catastrophe? Rove asked curiously: Natural disaster or man-made?

Hufflepuff shook his head and said:

Rove, I don't know what the doomsday catastrophe is, and how it happened.

For thousands of years, many wizards have speculated about this.

But the distance from that era is getting farther and farther away, and the mud and sand are buried year after year. Occasionally, a little bit of truth surfaced, but it was quickly submerged in it, and eventually it was regarded as a fallacy.

In short, even if the truth is right in front of our eyes... I am afraid no one will know it.

Rove sighed, It's a pity that the ancient wizards created such a brilliant civilization, but there is no legacy left.

Wrong. Hufflepuff shook his head and said, Fortunately, it was destroyed, you and I can stand here and chat now.

Rove looked at Hufflepuff in confusion, she smiled and explained:

That ancient kingdom of wizards was not established by our ancestors. Our ancestors were not wizards at that time, but poor slaves... just like the house elves now.

Rove was stunned.

The rulers of that country, they are the real wizards, they can also be said to be... gods and creators! Hufflepuff said seriously:

The number of those wizards is small, but they have a long lifespan and hardly ever age. They rule the world and are the source of all magical powers.

Over the long years, they used their powerful blood to combine with animals on the earth to create many magical creatures as their captive livestock.

Those wizards also made many slaves to assist them in their work.

Giants are the earliest slaves. They are so powerful that they can help carry things and build magnificent palaces. Unfortunately, they are too stupid;

The goblins are the second batch of servants, they are very clever, but too cunning and greedy;

The centaurs are the third servants and good mounts, but they are always obsessed with the sky and the stars.

Hufflepuff stroked his temple hair, and continued to speak softly:

Those wizards later made many slaves, but they all had their own flaws.

They finally combined their blood with the early Muggles who were still in the Stone Age to make our ancestors.

The group of ancient wizards were very satisfied, but slowly discovered that this group of new servants had a free heart and attempted to resist their rule.

Then they learned their lesson and made the most perfect servant house-elf, strong and obedient.

They wanted to erase our ancestors, but the apocalypse came.

How did our ancestors survive the apocalypse? Rove asked curiously.

The savior has appeared. Hufflepuff said solemnly:

He resisted meteorites, blessed the entire race, and taught many magics... The savior also made a big ship, including all the people, crossed the sea, and went to the Fertile Crescent, which is Mesopotamia in the Mesopotamia area.

The survivors gathered and founded the early states...Eridu, Kish, Lagash, Uruk, Ur, and Nippur...they were the first pure blood.

Rove listened in silence, eyes on Hufflepuff.

Similarly, after the doomsday catastrophe, not all ancient wizards died, but some survived. They were seriously injured, but they still wanted to continue to enslave our ancestors.

However, during the miserable years as slaves, those ancestors could no longer bear this kind of life. They united with intelligent creatures such as giants, goblins, and centaurs to form a coalition army to fight those seriously injured ancient wizards.

Hufflepuff said hoarsely:

In the end, the once lofty master was reduced to a pile of broken limbs in the mud.

Our ancestors also transformed from slaves to become the new masters of this world, and also inherited the title of wizard.

Those house elves, because they helped those ancient wizards, became our slaves as punishment.

Rove slowly digested the information, he thought for a long time, and asked slowly:

The group of ancient wizards back then, are they all dead?

Hufflepuff was slightly absent-minded, but came back to her senses after a while, she smiled and said:

Good question.



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