I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 42 Malfoy: Scamander, we are actually relatives!

What exactly does it take to be a great Magizoologist?

It can be seen from Newt: a large number of illegal, illegal, or illegally obtained magical creatures, a moving magic box, rich domestication knowledge, and...

A female assistant!

Female assistants are very important to Magizoologists, just like Bondy is to Newt, Bond Girls are to 007, female companions are to Doctor Who, Peanuts are to Sherlock... Hey, it seems that something strange has been mixed in.

Now that Rove has the box, the magical beasts still need to be enriched, and the skills... so-so are working overtime to learn.

Looking at it this way, the only thing he lacks from being great is a female assistant.

Considering that Rove was only eleven years old, no witch of a certain level would come to be his assistant with a mere salary of thirty Galleons.

Then it is very necessary to start from a baby and cultivate it yourself.

So although Shirley doesn't know anything, Rove is overall very satisfied with this little assistant.

Of course, it would be great if the appetite could be smaller. The girl looks so thin, how can she eat meat more ferociously than Fox.

In fact, Rove doesn't have to teach Shirley every day. The Scamander family has portraits of wizards handed down, and they are all experienced masters of magical animal taming.

When working, they are there to guide.

This is the real origin of family learning. Many domestication skills can be done not by groping, but by reading a few books, and need to be taught by old wizards.

This is also the biggest advantage of wizard families over Muggle-born wizards!

Although he found an assistant, Rove is still very busy this weekend. In addition to treating Raife for ADHD, he also has to worry about the pregnant invisible beast Uduka.

One after another, little wizards came to him to treat pet diseases.

At present, they are just some cats and owls, but at least they are heading in a good direction. Rove believes that soon there will be students who bring some strange magical animals to him for treatment.

Like Lee Jordan, there are not a few little wizards with creatures such as marsupial spiders.

On Monday morning, Rove and Neville went to the auditorium. They had already adjusted to campus life, and they got up early this time.

Two roommates, McMillan and Justin, have also adapted to school life, more precisely Hufflepuff life, and they are still sleeping in bed.

With a house-elf delivering food, eating while walking, and then passing through the kitchen secret passage, the commute time required will not exceed five minutes.

Therefore, they can also sleep for a long time.

Rove doesn't like eating in the dormitory, he still prefers the auditorium. In his previous life, he ate snail noodles in the dormitory once.

The housekeeper aunt thought that the toilet had blown up, so she brought a mask and tools to rush to repair it. The scene was very embarrassing for a while.

Neville's boil was completely healed without any scars, but he was still a little unhappy.

Neville originally wanted to get better slowly, and Hannah stayed with him in the ward for a while, but Madam Pomfrey drove him away on Saturday morning.

Rove was flipping through the transfiguration book while eating breakfast. Hufflepuff didn't have many students, so he was reading here, which was even more eye-catching, and he looked like a Ravenclaw.

Just then, a flock of owls flew overhead, and a package was accurately projected into Neville's bowl, splashing milk all over his face.

Rove hadn't received the package, and it was too difficult to owl it across the sea, whether it was from Romania or the United States.

Neville opened his parcel, this time not Mrs Longbottom's Howling letter, but a crystal ball.

Neville held up the crystal ball and said excitedly:

Rove, it's a memory ball! Grandma knew that I always have a bad memory, so she sent me a memory ball.

It will tell you if there is anything you forgot. See, just hold it, like this, and if it turns red... just forget something...

Neville's face suddenly became long, because the memory ball was red and purple, but he tried to remember, but he couldn't remember what he had forgotten.

Did you forget to do your homework? Rove thought for a while and said, It's still the homework of Transfiguration, which will be handed in soon.

Neville looked blank, he had indeed forgotten!

Rove sighed, he had been busy with Shirley in the box for the past two days, and forgot to remind Neville.

Just say that the homework was lost? Rove came up with a bad idea: Or it was bitten by Leif.

Then it's better to honestly admit that I forgot to write it. Neville sighed: The punishment for lying is even more severe. Professor McGonagall's temper...

What's the matter with me, Mr. Longbottom?

Professor McGonagall came over from a distance, and Malfoy was still following her.

Professor McGonagall, good morning, have you eaten yet? Seeing that Neville was in a daze, Rove had to help out and greeted enthusiastically: If you haven't eaten, can you eat at the Hufflepuff table?

Eh... I've eaten, Mr. Scamander.

Professor McGonagall was not used to this greeting of Have you eaten yet? She glanced at Rove's desk with Transfiguration Notes and showed appreciation.

Anyone who is willing to study Transfiguration is a good boy!

Of course, Mag hasn't forgotten about the kid hugging her, so she still keeps a distance, not daring to get too close, for fear that the boy will suddenly go crazy.

Mr. Scamander, the Ministry of Magic has written back to me. Mr. Diggory said to check your box. It is true that you do not have a Motra rat.

Professor McGonagall looked at Malfoy and said, Mr. Malfoy, do you have anything else to say?

Malfoy shook his head.

Professor McGonagall pursed his lips and said, Unfortunately, Mr. Malfoy, ten points will be deducted from Slytherin, and you will have to be fined for confinement.

Where do you go to confinement? Rove asked curiously, Wouldn't it be Professor Snape's office?

Professor McGonagall obviously knew that going to Snape's office for confinement was equivalent to a one-day trip. Maybe just after entering the door, it was because Malfoy stepped in with his left foot first, and gave him another ten points...

Mr. Filch's, and that's the end of the matter.

Professor McGonagall was about to leave, she glanced at the red memory ball in Neville's hand, she said softly:

Mr. Longbottom, your grandma used to like to play with this thing, and then she forgot to do her homework in Charms every time... You don't forget to do your homework too, do you?

Neville's face flushed immediately, and he murmured.

When I'm in class, I'll check your Transfiguration homework first, don't forget to bring it, or lose it... These are the reasons why Augusta used it badly!


Professor McGonagall turned and walked away quickly, but Malfoy didn't go away. He took out a wallet made of deformed lizards from his pocket, and said flatteringly:

Mr. Scamander, this is the compensation owed to you. There is only one wallet for the time being. I will get the other one for you later.

Rove hummed, and didn't pay much attention to it, but Shirley's salary this year has been settled, and he still wants to continue reading, but he didn't know that Malfoy was sitting aside.

I haven't had breakfast yet, don't you mind? Malfoy's pale face flushed a little.

Malfoy didn't really want to eat, he hesitated for a moment, and whispered excitedly:

Mr. Scamander, I wrote back and checked the family tree. I found that we are actually related.


Rove hurriedly stopped and said, Most of the pure-blood wizards are relatives, it's nothing.

In order to maintain bloodlines, wizards from pure-blood families have few choices to marry. Just like Weasley and Malfoy, such rival families are also relatives.

I mean we are relatives, we can join forces, right? Malfoy rubbed his hands, and said mysteriously:

Scamander, are you short of money?

Why did Luo Fu feel that this sentence was so familiar, he said with a strange face: Are you going to hire me as your assistant?

Assistant? Malfoy shook his head and said, Of course not, what I mean is that the two of us join forces and collect protection fees from those little wizards.


We can divide it fifty-fifty. Looking at Rove's face, Malfoy hurriedly said: Seventy-three is fine, you seven and I three...

He said with a mournful face, It can't be 82, right?




(Thanks to the big guy Flowers are like snow for the reward.)

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