I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 427: The Legendary Treasure Chest

Rove listened quietly to Gryffindor's words. He didn't say anything, he just clasped his hands in a daze, and said for a long while:

That island... Are those mermaids guarding something?

There are many things on the island, but the most precious... Gryffindor said solemnly: The legend is a box.

A box? Rove's eyes widened, and he thought of the third painting in Nico's Book of Abraham again:

In a room, there is a sealed box with a tree growing on it. There is also a wizard holding a sword, and behind him is a turquoise dragon with a hat on his head.

Could it be this box? !

The boy opened his mouth, Gryffindor seemed to know what he wanted to ask, shook his head and said:

Rove, I don't know what's in the box. In fact, I heard about that box from others...

Cassandra waited for a long time, but did not wait for the next step, and asked curiously: Who did you listen to?

Rowena Ravenclaw. Gryffindor glanced at Cassandra and replied:

She once entered that island alone.

When Gryffindor said this, he simply stood up and walked slowly around the campfire. He said in a trance:

Many years ago, Rowena was looking for an ancient wizard's ruins in the Atlantic Ocean, but encountered a storm, and the ship he was on sank on the bottom of the sea.

After holding his hands, Gryffindor walked half a circle around the bonfire and continued:

Rowena drifted on the sea for a long time, and happened to meet a ship...a ​​ghost ship!

Rove didn't speak, but he suddenly thought of the ghost ship he encountered when he took the Mayflower to the United States during the summer vacation, and the coffin dragged behind the ship.

Gryffindor didn't pause, and said in a gentle voice:

After Rowena got into the ghost ship, he drifted overnight in the thick fog. The ship finally docked at an island, that mysterious island... Speaking of which, it was seventeen years ago.

Hearing the word seventeen years ago, Rove's eyes flickered, and he muttered:

I heard from Professor Hufflepuff that Professor Ravenclaw drank a kind of spring water before giving birth to Helena. Did he drink it on that island?

That's right! Gryffindor nodded, and he slowed down, saying:

There are many magical springs on that island, one of which is that after drinking, life will be born, even a virgin!

There is such water? Cassandra's face was full of surprise.

Don't be surprised... There are quite a few records of virgin conception in history.

Gryffindor stopped, he stood with his hands behind his back, and said in a deep voice:

The most famous one is Mary. She actually drank from that spring before she was pregnant before she was married and gave birth to...Jesus.

Actually, I've always wanted to give it a try. Gryffindor blinked and said cheerfully:

Let's see if we can also get a god-sent child.


I'm joking. Gryffindor laughed and said, Anyway, that island is amazing. I've always wanted to go, but I couldn't find its location.

Rove thought for a while, then asked again: You went to the tribe of the two-tailed mermaid to find out where the island is?

Not exactly. Gryffindor nodded and shook his head again:

If those mermaids could find the island, they would have gone there by themselves, and their information is limited, but...

Gryffindor paused, Parceloper chased Odysseus, and when he left the island, he took an item with him. I was mainly looking for that item.

Rove lowered his eyelids and murmured, The key.

Gryffindor was really shocked this time, he looked at the boy hesitantly, this is the information he obtained after many years of investigation!

He frowned and said, Rove, do you even know this?

I heard what Myrcella said. She said that you took something from their tribe a thousand years ago.

Rove spoke at a leisurely pace, explaining:

Later I asked the Sorting Hat, and it told me it was a key, and that the key was in Hogwarts, and you put it in a place marked by a mermaid.

Is that so? Gryffindor paced slowly again, patted the palm of the other hand with his wand, and said after thinking:

Actually, all I took away was a map, and I haven't found the key yet, and I'm not even sure whether the map is true or not.

But the news you brought about the future just shows that the map is true.

Haha... Gryffindor was a little excited, and he laughed loudly: When I find the key, I will hide it in the place marked by the mermaid as you said.

Rove was stunned. Gryffindor put the key in the place marked by a mermaid... or was it because of himself?

The young man stretched out his hands and rubbed his cheeks. His return this trip seemed to have inadvertently contributed to the occurrence of many historical events.

By the way, Professor Gryffindor, is there a way to eliminate greyscale? Rove asked for Myrcella.

Yes, but it's still speculation! Gryffindor nodded and said, I heard from Rowena that there is a spring on that island called the Fountain of Fortune.

Around the Fountain of Good Luck, there are many herbs that can cure all curses and diseases.

Rove was stunned for a moment.

Noticing the change in the boy's face, Gryffindor asked, Rove, what's wrong with you? Did you remember any important news?

Rove hummed, and said in confusion: In my time, I did hear that there is an island with a fountain of good luck, but the location is fixed in...the North Sea.

North Sea?

Yes, that island is in the North Sea. Rove said in a deep voice, It's not like you said, living in an indeterminate place floating around the world.

That's strange. Gryffindor pondered for a while, full of suspicion for a while, and asked curiously, Have you been there?

No, but I have a map here.

Rove took out a small wallet, which was expanded with a traceless stretch spell to hold a lot of items.

He quickly took out an ancient parchment nautical map, on which were also painted various exquisitely terrifying sea magic creatures, which seemed to roar out of the map.

Gryffindor took the map, looked around, frowned and said, Rove, where did you get this map?

It's also a ghost ship. Rove explained: The captain got a map from another ghost ship when he was young, and later bought a ship to find the Fountain of Good Luck.

When it reappears, only the ghost ship and the map are left, and the captain and crew have disappeared.

I see. Gryffindor looked at the map, pondered for a long time, and said, It seems that I'm going to the North Sea, Rove...do you want to go together?

No. Rove shook his head and said:

The owner of that ghost ship met a friend of mine, and that friend warned me not to try to find these things, because the end of belief is death.

He said the ships turned into ghost ships because they were trying to find the Fountain of Luck and were cursed... Cursed by Death!

Professor Gryffindor, I am a coward.

No wonder you didn't enter my academy, it was because you lacked some courage.

Gryffindor laughed, he was full of pride, grinned and said:

It would be great if there is a god of death in the world, I can try to kill him with this sword!

Rove smiled without saying a word.

You got the Stone of Destiny, are you going to go back a thousand years? Gryffindor asked again.

Yes. Rove nodded. He looked at the bonfire, but he was thinking of Helena who had missed it by accident.

Before going back, he had to go to the Albanian forest...to help collect her body.



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