I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 432 The Death of Professor Binns

Rove walked out of the office and walked along the corridor towards the Ravenclaw lounge.

He was about to go to Cassandra and ask her to divination for him the location of the key left by Ravenclaw, but stopped after walking a few steps.

Rove suddenly thought of Professor Binns.

Professor Binns once told Helena that her mother was killed by other wizards in a battle with others.

Rove had asked about this in class before, and Professor Binns said that a student told him, but it was so long ago that he couldn't remember who it was.

Rove didn't ask any more questions at that time. After all, no matter which student he was, he had died for a thousand years, and his bones had turned into scum, so there was no need to investigate further.

But it's different now. Rove was just a thousand years ago, so he was able to investigate this matter and see if the student who informed Professor Binns had anything to do with Slytherin.

Thinking of this, the boy immediately turned around and walked quickly to the teachers' lounge. When he reached the door, he looked into the room.

Professor Binns was alone in the room, sitting in a soft chair by the fire with his head bowed and eyes closed.

Rove knocked on the door lightly, and seeing that Professor Binns didn't move, he seemed to be asleep. He was about to turn around and leave when Professor Binns suddenly opened his eyes.

The old man raised his head, looked at the young man at the door with cloudy eyes, and said in a hoarse voice:

Skadi...is there something wrong?

Professor Binns, I'm sorry to wake you up. I want to ask you some questions. Rove asked apologetically, Is it convenient for you now?

Professor Binns moved his old body on the seat, he nodded and said, Well, come in.

Rove walked into the room, he hesitated, and said with concern:

Professor, my business is not too urgent. I think you just fell asleep. How about helping you back to the office to sleep for a while?

No need. Professor Binns rubbed his eyes and replied, I'm just taking a nap, and the older I get, the more this is the case... I really can't fall asleep when I go back to bed.

Professor Binns was indeed very old, his skin was as thin as parchment, a few strands of white hair hung down on both sides of his already bald forehead, the corners of his eyes were wrinkled, and the skin on his chin was sagging.

Rove walked to the fireplace, picked up the teapot, and poured a cup of tea for himself and Professor Binns.

Binns moved his butt, took the thin porcelain cup, took a sip of tea slowly, and said:

Skadi, what do you want from me?

Professor Salazar Slytherin, do you remember him?

Slytherin? Of course I remember! Professor Binns showed a disgusted expression, and said with a cold snort:

Son, what I say next may make you unhappy.

Slytherin, he is a grumpy, sharp-tongued and arrogant guy who always looks down on Muggle-born students and refuses to teach them magic...

Slytherin then seemed to ask Professor Ravenclaw for something and was refused... Gryffindor fought him and he left the school.

If you ask me to say that Slytherin left, it's better never to come back...

The old man complained about Slytherin's past, but mostly nothing good to say.

In Rove's mind, a self-portrait of Slytherin quickly emerged, which was the combination of Snape and Voldemort.

Oh, Skadi, you didn't come to listen to me rambling about the bad history of Slytherin. Professor Binns said in an old voice:

Please forgive my old man's nonsense, so, what exactly do you want to know?

I want to know... Rove sipped his tea politely, and said, Are there any students in this school who have a close relationship with Slytherin?

Professor Binns thought for a while and said, Barrow in the seventh grade, but I haven't seen him recently. Besides, there is another student...

Rove hurriedly asked, Who is it?

Professor Binns stared at Rove with his pale eyes, and said:


Me? Rove was stunned.

Yes. Professor Binns nodded and said, I heard the students said that you can speak Parseltongue. You and Slytherin must be related by blood. Aren't you his son?


At this moment, the deafening bell rang suddenly, the bell was deep and loud, and the slow and long lingering sound filled the room, mourning like an elegy.

This is the assembly bell... all teachers and students are called to go to the auditorium immediately. Professor Binns squinted suspiciously:

It only rings when something big happens, what happened?

Rove didn't speak, he was afraid that hearing the news of Ravenclaw's death suddenly would make Professor Binns overwhelmed.

But the old man had already stood up tremblingly. He hunched his body and walked to the door when he heard the noise outside.

Someone shouted: Go to the auditorium...Professor Ravenclaw is dead...

The students rushed to the auditorium desperately, some weeping, some staggering, fear and sadness were written on their pale faces.

Professor Binns walked out of the room, stopped a student by the collar, and asked, Who are you talking about...who died?

Professor Ravenclaw is dead, the student replied, whimpering:

Professor Binns, the body of Professor Ravenclaw is in the Great Hall, and Professor Hufflepuff said she died of a serious illness...

After the student ran away, the old man walked back to the room with a hunched body, his face was pale, and he murmured:

Serious illness? I met Professor Ravenclaw a few days ago. Where did the serious illness come from? There must be something strange about this matter!

Professor Binns suddenly looked at Rove and said, Skadi, I've never seen you before. And not long after you appeared, Professor Ravenclaw died...

Professor, you don't think I did it, do you? Rove was speechless.

But you can speak Parseltongue, so you must have something to do with Slytherin. Did you do this with Slytherin?


Slytherin must have done it! He killed Professor Ravenclaw!

Professor Binns became more and more determined in his thoughts. He felt a little dizzy and his heart was beating wildly in his chest. He held on to the chair and said out of breath:

Skadi...take me to the auditorium...Skadi...Skadi!

Rove was about to support Professor Binns when the old man blushed and suddenly collapsed on the chair.

Rove was so frightened that he quickly released the Patronus, informed Hufflepuff, and then gave artificial first aid to Professor Binns.

He tried hard to remember the methods and steps of heart attack first aid in his mind, put his palm on the center of Binns chest, pressed his other hand on this hand, and pressed down vertically.

But Professor Binns' heart had already stopped beating.

A few minutes later, a pearly white, translucent ghost suddenly appeared.

The ghost Bins stared at Rove, as if he wanted to remember the boy's appearance firmly, he made a hoo hoo sound:





(Thanks to Lonely Piaoxue A745 and Book Friends 20220902141219636 for their rewards.)

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