I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 437 Dumbledore, you will regret it!

The news of Rolf Scamander's return quickly swept across Hogwarts like a storm.

But many students thought it was fake news.

The reason is simple. In the first few weeks before Rove disappeared, similar news came out every day. There were too many wolf is coming, and everyone didn't believe it.

Marcus Flint of Slytherin College even vowed:

Scamander must be dead! How could Rita Skeeter's report be false?!

Let me leave my words here, if he really comes back, I will immediately go to the bathroom and eat two big bowls!

However, Flint soon regretted it, because at dinner time, that familiar figure walked into the auditorium surrounded by a group of Hufflepuff students.

Many students were stunned for a moment, and after confirming that it was Rove, there was a deafening cheer and applause, which almost knocked down the enchanted ceiling.

Rove was also surprised by the warm welcome. He didn't expect everyone to be so enthusiastic about his return. After being stunned, he waved to everyone.

At the Slytherin table, Flint looked very ugly.

Malfoy laughed at him and said, Marcus, you can eat mine tonight...I have diarrhea recently, so I just got you some water...

Along with the cheers of the students, Malfoy couldn't help applauding.

His feelings for Rove are very complicated. This guy often bullies and blackmails him, but Rove has been missing for two months, and he always feels that something is missing.

It would be like seeing Harry, but not going up to flirt, Malfoy would feel wrong all over.

Now seeing Rove again, Malfoy immediately felt comfortable.

At the staff table, Snape, whose waist injury had been healed by Madam Pomfrey, looked gloomy at Rove, who was treated like a hero.

Dumbledore pushed a plate of Niu Bao and Niu Chong to Snape's side, and said with a smile:

Severus, this is a dish I asked the kitchen to prepare specially for you. It is good for treating waist injuries. Come and try it...

Snape looked at the dish, his eyelids twitched, thanked him for his insensitivity and said:

It's better for you to eat, Professor Dumbledore, you are getting old...need more supplements.

The two of them just had a plate of food, and they pushed each other, but they refused to eat it.

Snape suddenly remembered something, his expression changed, and he said:

Principal, I heard that Black... is he going to resign?

There is such a thing. Dumbledore nodded and said: I persuaded Sirius, but his attitude was very firm.

We're going to be hiring new professors for Defense Against the Dark Arts again this summer. Gosh, the teachers in this class are depleted really fast, aren't they?

Snape said with twinkling eyes, Maybe I can give it a try. I file an application report with you every year.

You? Dumbledore looked at Snape through the half-moon glasses, and said:

To be honest, Severus, I have considered you... come on, let's try this beef first, shall we?

Let's chat while you eat!

Snape's face was long, but in order to become a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, he still swallowed a few eggs whole.

He swallowed hard, and said in a hoarse voice, Professor Dumbledore, the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts...

In fact, I already have a candidate, Severus. Dumbledore smiled and said, You should continue teaching potions, this position cannot be separated from you.


Snape glared at the old man and roared angrily, Dumbledore, you will regret it!

Just then, there was a commotion at the door, and Filch ran into the hall panting and panting, screaming:

Professor Dumbledore, Minister Fudge is here.

Well, let him in. Dumbledore stood up, left the table, and greeted him outside.

Soon Fudge walked into the auditorium. He was wearing a long purple cloak and a dark green top hat under his arm, followed by a huge group of wizards.

I don't know, I thought he was here to catch the criminal.

Fudge walked towards Dumbledore, stretched out his hand and said:

Good evening, Albus, I'm sorry to bother you for dinner. I heard that Rove is back, so I came to check the situation myself... Is the news true?

The students were in an uproar in an instant. They didn't expect that even the Minister of Magic would be alarmed by Rove's return.

At the Gryffindor table, Seamus said with a look of disbelief, I heard that the Minister of Magic is very busy, so why did he come to Hogwarts in person for such a small matter?

Small matter? Ron said speechlessly, How could it be a small matter? Do you know that the ministry has been so busy with Rove recently?

Especially after the report on Rita Skeeter came out, various letters were sent to the Ministry of Magic every day, asking them to investigate the truth and scolding the minister for being incompetent.

Seeing many students looking at him, Ron blushed and quickly explained:

Oh, that's what my father said. He works in the Ministry of Magic, and all he contacts are high-level figures in the Ministry of Magic... He said that Rove is now more famous than Minister Fudge.

After seeing Rove, Fudge breathed a sigh of relief and said, Child, it's great that you're safe and sound.

If you don't come back, I'm really going to send all the Aurors to find you.

Thank you Minister Fudge for your concern. Rove said politely.

Fudge didn't want to mobilize people like this, but recently it was a sensitive period, and Rove couldn't do anything.

Fudge lowered his voice again and asked, How about it, Peter and that Time-Turner...

In Hogsmeade that day, he saw the resurrected Peter, who Dumbledore said stole the Time-Turner.

For a long time Fudge feared that he would go back twelve years and save the Dark Lord from the Boy Who Lived.

Peter is confirmed to be dead, the time converter was detonated by him.

Explode, just explode, as long as Peter is dead.

Fudge doesn't care about the destruction of the Time-Turner, but is terrified of Peter's reappearance in public.

He embraced Rove eagerly, pulled the boy in front of him, and announced:

Rove is back, the rumors are self-defeating... I remind some unscrupulous reporters again that newspapers are not a place outside the law!

In an instant, brilliant flashes of light burst out in the auditorium.

Fudge even brought reporters from various newspapers, ready to inform the entire magic world of the good news as soon as possible.

Rove, the two of us will be on the front page of the Daily Prophet tomorrow, and everyone will be happy to hear that you are back.

That woman, Rita Skeeter, will spread rumors, and I will make trouble for her...

A good dinner turned into a small press conference, and a group of reporters frantically asked various questions.

After Rove answered a few questions casually, he slipped away from the crowd on the pretext of going to the toilet.

He walked into the men's bathroom, and just opened his pants, ready to drain the water, when he suddenly heard a faint sigh from a woman behind him.

Rove trembled in fright, almost didn't hold down the gun, and fired the bullet out. He quickly turned around and found...

Helena was wearing a pleated skirt decorated with complicated lace, stood behind him, looked straight at him, and called softly:


Its voice is quiet, like swallowing...



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