I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 441 Rove's Invitation

Rove didn't see the portrait of Cassandra, but it was worthwhile to get a prophecy... Although he still doesn't quite understand this prophecy.

Well, it's more accurate to say that he didn't understand it at all.

But prophecies are often like this. They never speak human words well, as if they are afraid that others will understand them, just like the prescriptions of old Chinese medicine.

After Rove finished the divination exam, he walked out of the North Tower and met Shirley and Hermione who were waiting for him.

The two girls had just finished their arithmetic and divination exams, and they were standing in the corridor, tilting their heads together, looking at their respective answers.

Rove walked over and asked with a smile, How did you two do in the exam?

It's not very good, I failed my arithmetic and divination test. Hermione sighed distraughtly:

I made a mistake in at least one number table, Shirley's answer is correct... Alas, I clearly reviewed similar expressions in Numerics and Grammar before the exam...

The little girl sighed, with a pitiful look on the verge of crying.

Rove comforted: It's okay, as long as you do well in other subjects.

But I didn't do well in other subjects either... My Defense Against the Dark Arts practice class... was a mess. Hermione wrung her hands together and said with a sad face:

I thought the Transfiguration test was okay at the time, but now that I think about it...it was terrible.

Rove leaned back slightly, squinted at Hermione, and said, You'd better be yourself.

It's me. Hermione said dejectedly, I don't seem to have passed every subject, what should I do?

You? Failed?! Rove said speechlessly:

Then let's make a bet on your final exam results.

If you pass, even if you lose, you can do whatever I want you to do.

On the other hand, as long as I fail in one class, I will be considered as a loser. I will treat you like a horse for a week, how about it, is it fair?

Hermione bit her lip, thought for a long time, finally shook her head and said:

I won't bet with you. After thinking about it, I feel that I did well in the exam.

It's okay?! Rove laughed angrily after listening to Versailles' extreme remarks:

Hermione, you'd better be really 'okay'. If you wait for the results to come out and you are the first in your grade, instead of failing every subject... just wait and see!

Hermione made a face at Rove, then hid behind the girl with ponytails, took her arm, and said with a coquettish laugh:

Shirley, look at him threatening me! Let's deal with him together.

Xue Li smiled sweetly and asked softly, Rove, how is your divination test?

Of course it's full marks. I have some talent in divination. Rove boasted.

He talked about what happened in the divination classroom, and also mentioned the prophecy left by Cassandra.

Shirley pondered for a moment, then said doubtfully:

I don't understand the first sentence, 'Wait for the sun to rise in the west and set in the east'... Will the sun rise in the west?

On Venus, the sun rises from the west. Hermione, who knew everything, explained, If it were on Earth...

Flying in a plane at high latitudes and flying from east to west, if the speed of the plane is faster than the linear speed of the local earth's surface rotation, you can also briefly see the scene of the sun rising from the west.

Your statement is too unmagical. Rove shook his head, Cassandra was a wizard a thousand years ago, how could she know this?

Then I don't know. Hermione frowned and said, The dead will be resurrected, and the Old Demon King will return... Could it be that the Dark Lord will be resurrected?

Rove thought of Helena. If he revived Helena according to Cassandra's prophecy, it would be regarded as the resurrection of the dead.

As for the Old Demon Lord... Grindelwald is also considered the Old Demon Lord, right?

The lion and the snake, the eagle and the badger are all believable...but didn't you say that Slytherin killed Ravenclaw? Shirley asked in a low voice.

Well, this is also where I am strange. Rove sighed softly. How can it be unbelievable to kill Ravenclaw's Slytherin?

Not to mention, the basilisk is likely to be his Horcrux.

Does this sentence mean that the four colleges are united and can be trusted? Hermione guessed.

It seems reasonable to say that. Rove pondered.

He had never thought about this angle, but the pattern seemed to open up all of a sudden.

The three of them discussed for a while, but they didn't come up with a convincing result, so they gave up this topic and continued to enjoy the leisure time after the exam.

On the last day before the holiday, the students' grades came out.

Hermione, who kept saying that she failed the exam, was indeed the first again, and even Shirley, who was second, was far behind Hermione in total scores.

Hermione's Versailles behavior really made people gnash their teeth.

Rove's grades fell behind directly. Of course, this wasn't his problem, it was Snape's problem.

Who made him give Rove a super low score.

Snape finally gave him a nod and didn't directly give zero points, but this may also be the result of Dumbledore's intervention.

None of that matters though, as Hufflepuff goes into party mode to celebrate their third straight House Cup win.

The main reason for winning the championship this time is that the Hufflepuff team won the Quidditch Cup and finally added a lot of points.

At the final dinner, the auditorium was also decorated with Hufflepuff's black and gold curtains, and a beating honey badger appeared on the magic ceiling.

When the dinner was about to end, Dumbledore stood up, looked at all the students, smiled and said:

It's the end of another year, and this year is destined to be different.

There was no death incident in Hogwarts, all the teachers and students sat here neatly, not one more, one not less.

Let's raise our glasses and celebrate this beautiful moment!

Everyone laughed, applauded desperately, and then raised the cups in front of them.

After Dumbledore waited for everyone to quiet down, he continued:

Of course, there is another regrettable thing, that is, our Professor Black has submitted his resignation report to me.

Although I am very reluctant to part with him, but out of consideration for his life safety, I still have to agree to this request.

You don't have to be sad. Dumbledore said with a smile: The parting is for a better encounter. Let us raise our glasses again and bless Professor Black.

Sirius stood up, first bowed slightly to everyone, then picked up the wine glass in front of him, and drank it down in one gulp.

The entire auditorium erupted again, and many students were surprised by the sudden news.

I don't know who the school will arrange to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts next semester? Neville said sullenly.

Maybe a werewolf, McMillan joked.

Rove's eyes flickered, and he suddenly thought of Barty Crouch Jr.

In the original time and space, Peter Pettigrew met Bertha Jorkins who was visiting relatives in Albania, and captured her to the side of the Dark Lord.

Under the torture of Voldemort, he learned from Bertha that Barty Crouch Jr. was still alive.

This is an extremely coincidental thing.

But now that Peter is dead, it is impossible for Voldemort to know about Barty Crouch Jr. Barty Jr. should not be able to come to Hogwarts, right? !

In the second half of the year, is it possible to have a rare and stable semester?



The next day, all students boarded the Hogwarts Express to King's Cross.

Sitting in the carriage, Rove, Shirley and Hermione were chatting about their plans for the summer vacation.

Rove, what about you? Are you going back to America this year? Hermione asked.

I won't go back. Rove shook his head and said, I'm going to Austria with Dumbledore during the summer vacation to meet an old friend of his.

Rove didn't know who the old man was, but seeing Dumbledore's appearance, he was very excited, as if he was going on a blind date.

How long will it take to come back? Shirley asked softly.

I'm not too sure about this. Rove shook his head and said, But it will definitely catch up with the Quidditch World Cup.

You guys come too? Rove invited, I'll ask Fudge for some more tickets.

Yeah! Hermione nodded excitedly, My parents are very interested in Quidditch, they should be willing to watch the game.

I have to go back to the monastery first. Shirley said frowning, But it may be difficult to come out this summer vacation.

Why? Hermione asked.

The year before last and last summer vacation, I sneaked out. Shirley sighed slightly:

This year, the nuns will definitely watch over me strictly, and will not let me appear alone.

Magic is not allowed outside the school, and if Shirley is under strict supervision, even the room where she sleeps at night is locked, it will be really difficult for her to leave the monastery.

It's okay, when I come back from Austria, I will go to your monastery to pick you up. Rove blinked and said, Give me your address.

Are you going to the monastery? Shirley's eyes widened.

What? Rove held the back of his head with his hands, leaned back in the chair, and said with a smile, Aren't you welcome to visit the place where you grew up?


Shirley bit her lip.

She quickly took out the quill, pulled up the boy's palm, and quickly wrote an address on the palm.

The girl with ponytail raised her bright and charming face, looked at Luo Fu, smiled sweetly, and said expectantly:

Rove, I'll wait for you!



- Granger's Time-Turner volume, finally!

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