I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 453 The Destroyed Beauxbatons?


Sixth District,

Furstenberg Square.

As the entrance to the headquarters of the French Ministry of Magic, it is very busy with people coming and going.

Minister of Magic Henry Abel, surrounded by a group of wizards, stood in front of a tree in the middle of the square, waiting for the elevator to enter the hall.

Abel was still holding a copy of the Grand Paris Journal, and the headline was about his condolences to the national team members who were about to go to the Quidditch World Cup.

There was also a photo in the newspaper, which was a group photo of Abel and the team members. He was small and standing in the middle, surrounded by seven big men.

Except for his minister, who is white, the others are all black.

One white and seven black... very eye-catching.

In the distance, came a red-haired wizard. When he saw the minister, he greeted the minister warmly and said:

Hey, Henry, are you back with condolences?

Yes, Byrd.

How? Bird laughed, I read in the newspaper that you played a friendly match with them?

Don't mention it. Abel sighed: I was poured fifty-eight balls by them, and those big gangsters really tossed me.

The corner of Bird's mouth twitched, thinking that this group of national team players really had no vision.

The Ministry of Magic organizes an internal competition. As the Chaser, which time has the minister not poured a dozen balls and easily won the championship?

Can the French Quidditch team win this year? Bird asked again.

It's hard. Abel shook his head and said:

It's okay for these old blacks to play Muggle football, but playing Quidditch doesn't depend on the body, it mainly depends on technique and brains. They are really close.

In the last World Cup, the French team was in the top 16 and was eliminated by the Vietnamese team. In the end, the British newspaper next door gave the French team a nickname...Vietnamese prisoners.

If you can enter the semi-finals this year, you will be considered a success!

The two chatted about the Quidditch World Cup, and then discussed the upcoming International Federation of Wizards Conference.

I don't know which wizard will be elected president in this election. Albert said, I just sent the delegation away to board the floating dragon boat yesterday.

It's probably still Dumbledore, right? Byrd guessed, He is the wizard I admire the most.

Among those nasty Brits, I like Newt Scamander the most. He saved Paris from Grindelwald. Abel said with a smile:

I was only seven years old at the time, and all the newspapers were full of reports that day, which left a deep impression on me.

But Newt Scamander didn't run for the election? Byrd wondered.

No, so I asked Stambo to vote for Babajid Akinbad. Abel lowered his voice.

Isn't Akinbad a wizard from Africa?

Because I'm an African, I'm one of my own people. Abel smiled triumphantly, Most African wizards have immigrated to France.

I was just about to say this. Byrd said full of worry:

I read the statistics. This year, the birth rate of French wizards is less than 40% white, and most of the rest are black.

I am really afraid that one day a group of dark-skinned wizards will say to our children, 'Get out of France, this is the land guarded by our ancestors'.

Bird was worried that the Gallic rooster would become a Gallic black-bone.

Abel patted Bird on the shoulder and said consolingly: It's okay, I believe in the wisdom of future generations, they will handle this balance well.

The elevator came, and several people walked in, and soon entered a hall with a rather artistic style. On the vaulted ceiling, a large number of constellation patterns were painted, all in the shape of magical animals.

Pass through the front hall and come to the central hall. From a distance, a huge statue is placed in the most prominent position.

The statue has the iconic elements of the French tricolor, cockade and Phrygian cap.

There is also a row of French mottos under the statue: Incanté, Envouté, Conjuré!

It means... to cast spells, to cast spells, to conjure.

Mr. Minister, you are finally here. A witch hurried over, and she said impatiently, Something has happened!

Taro, how many times have I told you that there is a calmness in every big event.

Abel looked at his secretary, and said with a stern face, How decent is it for you to make such a fuss!


No but, I don't want to see you in such a panic again, calm down your breathing first!

Tarot was silent for ten seconds before Abel raised his airs and asked, Okay, what happened?

The Ministry of Magic has just detected the floating dragon boat escorting the representatives of various countries to Berlin... Taro paused and said, It fell from the sky.


Abel's face paled instantly, his chest heaved and heaved, and he said shortly, Why didn't you say it earlier!

Tarot felt aggrieved, and was about to refute, when Abel asked again: How is the situation now?!

I asked the Floo Network Administration to contact the wizard on that ship, trying to set up a temporary Floo network, but I couldn't get in touch anyway.

Send rescue immediately, Abel said.

But how do we rescue it? Talo wondered, That's a floating dragon boat. We can't let Auror ride a broomstick and use a floating spell to stop it from falling.

Abel was speechless, he paced slowly, and asked again: Where is that ship at now?

Over the Pyrenees, Taro said.

Abel breathed a sigh of relief. The Pyrenees is not a crowded place. Even if he falls from a height of 10,000 meters, there is a high probability that it will not affect the Muggle cities.

Maybe it can cross the border and land in Spain, so it really has nothing to do with the French Ministry of Magic.

Lota seemed to know what Abel was thinking, she reminded:

Minister, judging from the current position, the ship is likely to crash at Beauxbaton School of Witchcraft and Magic.




Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,

Madam Maxim was organizing a meeting with the teachers to discuss the matter of participating in the Triwizard Tournament, when she received news of the evacuation from the Ministry of Magic.

She walked out of the office and looked towards the sky, looking for the figure of the floating dragon boat.

Someone suddenly opened his mouth wide and stretched out his finger towards the extreme west of the world. After regaining his senses, he hurriedly yelled: Look, look, it's over there!

High in the sky, something really broke through the clouds and fell down.

Although the falling speed is extremely fast, but because the distance from the ground is too high, anyone who looks over there inadvertently can find this shocking and spectacular scene.

It is like a comet, rushing towards the earth at high speed, clearly visible through the rushing clouds, like a long scratch on the blue sky.

Maxim stood there stupidly, staring at the sky dumbfounded.

In the next school year, she plans to take her students to Hogwarts to participate in the Triwizard Tournament.

If you still participate in it, the school will be gone!



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