I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 458 Shocked, the mysterious wizard came to the German Ministry of Magic!

Beedle, a troubadour born in Yorkshire, England, is a household name in the wizarding world.

The famous The Tales of Beedle the Poet written by him is almost the bedtime reading that accompanies every little wizard growing up.

But this book is not just a fairy tale, it also contains deeper secrets. The story of the Fountain of Good Luck and the three brothers alone is enough to make people think carefully.

So Peter the Bard definitely knew the Deathly Hallows well, and it would certainly make sense to say that he was the creator of the first saints.

But Beedou, who was active in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, might have died long ago, and now Rove is more concerned about the identity of the current leader.

And Grigovich knows the Saints so well, it's hard not to suspect that he was once a member of this organization.

Rove chatted with Karin for a long time, but what she knew was effective, and the young man made up his mind that he must visit Gregovich when he arrived in Germany.

The two took a casual walk in the box, and they didn't return to Beauxbaton until the evening.

At this time, the whole school has become a mess.

Rove disappeared all afternoon, and everyone was looking for him. Even Minister Abel, after hearing the news of the boy's disappearance, returned from the Ministry of Magic in a panic and directed the Aurors to search the campus.

If Rove appeared later, he would have already sent people deep into the Pyrenees to search the mountains.

There is no way, the boy is the hero who saved the floating dragon boat, and he must not have an accident now... at least not in France!

The reappearance of Rove made Minister Abel, who was in a cold sweat, heaved a sigh of relief.

Originally, he wanted to stay with the boy for a few days, so he immediately urged his secretary to get in touch with the German Ministry of Magic and send this restless young master to Berlin!

night time,

Madame Maxime hosted a dinner at Beauxbaton Castle to entertain this group of guests.

The dinner was sumptuous, with Basque chicken risotto, Normandy upside-down apple tart, Riviera-style mussel salad, French foie gras with truffles...

It focuses on a French cuisine, and the taste is not bad. Anyway, it is not comparable to British cuisine in a gourmet desert.

In the center of the auditorium, there is also a magical music fountain that can play automatically, the melodious melody of the violin is flowing quietly, and the light of the candle is softly shining on the hand holding the table knife.

The people who were frightened during the day have already forgotten the catastrophe they suffered, and they are unconscious of the noise outside, as if they were eating in a hut in the French forest.

But Rove was more interested in Beauxbaton's auditorium than the sumptuous food.

Gorgeous and gorgeous carpets, gold silk decorations on the fabrics are clearly visible, the walls are all made of blue crystals, and the lazy and pale moonlight can easily fall into the room.

Even the utensils and wine glasses were made of gold and silver... He had heard Fu Rong mention Beauxbaton's luxury many times, but seeing it with his own eyes now, it was true that what he said was true.

No way, who made Beauxbatons have a donation from an outstanding alumnus Nicole Flamel, which is by no means comparable to Hogwarts, a dilapidated household that relies on school managers for a living.

After the dinner, Madam Maxim let Rove sleep next door to her bedroom... for safety reasons.

This way, if something goes wrong, she can react in time.

In the early morning of the next day, Abel rushed to Beauxbaton again, found Rove having breakfast in the auditorium, and handed him a black eagle stone carving.

Mr. Scamander, this is the Portkey, Abel said, You can use it. Go to the German Ministry of Magic, and there will be wizards there to meet you.

Thank you, Mr. Abel. Rove drank the oat milk, wiped the corners of his mouth, picked up the box again, and waved goodbye to everyone.

Madam Maxim, goodbye.

Well, see you on Halloween.

Madam Maxim came over, hugged Rove again, and gave the boy a suffocating chest and brain before letting him go.



early morning,

The rising sun cast its light on the headquarters of the German Ministry of Magic.

As a typical Gothic building, the roof of the Ministry of Magic is a forest of spiers, exquisitely carved, and the decorative belt composed of flame-like pointed coupons and cross-shaped round windows makes the whole building look gorgeous and dignified.

Compared with this magnificent building, the Wizard Square in front of the Ministry of Magic is not inferior:

The huge oval square is paved with granite, and 284 colonnades are lined up outwards. Its openness and grandeur are breathtaking, just like a classical Central Park.

At this time, it was obviously the morning rush hour, but there was no one in the square, and it was very deserted.

This place has been temporarily controlled by Aurors, and no one can enter the Ministry of Magic for the time being!

Because there was no notification, many staff of the Ministry of Magic who arrived at the square using fireplaces or apparitions looked at each other when they heard the news.

Under Auror's reminder, they had no choice but to walk to the edge of the square and quietly wait for the opening of the Ministry of Magic.

This kind of temporary control is obviously very unusual, and many people are speculating whether a big man is about to arrive at the Ministry of Magic.

A red-haired witch whistled at an Auror clearing the field:

Glick, what happened?

Mackley, if only I knew. Glick shrugged and said, I was called early in the morning, and I patrolled here for an hour, but I didn't get any news.

Could it be that Dumbledore, the president of the International Federation of Wizards, is here? McCree guessed.

It's not that President Dumbledore has never been to the German Ministry of Magic. Glick shook his head and said, But there is no such kind of control?

McCree was a little stunned and said, Could it be that the person here is higher than Dumbledore?

Such a big battle naturally alarmed the major newspapers in Berlin.

A group of fast-running reporters hurriedly took their cameras to the periphery of the square, waiting there, waiting to take first-hand information.

Soon, Claire, the Minister of Magic of Germany, appeared in the square with a group of Aurors, waiting to welcome the visitors.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, wanting to see the appearance of this mysterious wizard, and the reporters also found the best shooting location.

In the continuous silence, a blond boy appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the square, carrying a black leather suitcase in his hand.

The group of reporters with binoculars all looked at each other in blank dismay, such a young man deserves to be cleared by the Aurors, and let the Minister of Magic greet him in person?

The onlookers were in an uproar, guessing his identity, regardless of whether they recognized him or not, the group of reporters still grabbed their cameras and frantically snapped pictures.

They even thought of a title:

Shock! A mysterious young wizard visits the German Ministry of Magic! !

Rove, who arrived here with the Portkey, also looked at the scene in front of him in a daze. He had just landed when he saw a dozen wizards with wands surrounding him.

I didn't know this battle, I thought I fell into the den of Death Eaters.

The crowd dispersed quickly, and a witch walked out. She was in her early forties, with a tall figure, light brown chestnut skin and long brown hair, fluttering in the wind, making her look elegant and gentle.

The witch also has a typical Germanic face, not too gorgeous, but very pleasing to the eye, with a pair of bright blue eyes that are piercing.

Hi, my name is Sienna Claire. She said, walking forward and extending her hand: I am the Minister of Magic of Germany. Welcome Mr. Scamander.

Hello, Minister Claire. Rove shook hands with her.



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