I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 462: Uxta Prison

As a reward for helping Karin smuggle, Rove lived in her home as a matter of course.

As the saying goes, the moon is the first to be close to the water. Of course, he can't miss this good opportunity. Every day in his spare time, he will find girls to study in depth...


This is unfamiliar territory that Rove has never set foot in, and he is very interested.

However, wand science is a complex and mysterious magical discipline, not easier than disciplines such as transfiguration and potions.

There are more than 60,000 kinds of wood alone. Although a large part is not suitable for making wands, the amount that needs to be known is amazing enough.

Rove also showed a special ability to accelerate the growth of plants, which shocked and delighted Karin and Grigovich.

You must know that the age of the wood seriously affects the power of the wand, and juveniles can speed up this process, which is simply a natural arborist.

Therefore, when Rove was free every day, he would be forced by Karin to help her breed in the grove. Days of hard work and pressure made him exhausted.

All I can say is... pain and joy.

Of course, while Rove was studying intensively, he did not forget the task that Dumbledore gave him, which was to go to Uxta Prison.

Speaking of Eksta, it has a very long history. As early as the fifteenth century, it was established by the Teutonic Knights, a Germanic Crusade organization.

Its purpose is to imprison heretics and wizards.

In the early nineteenth century, Napoleon disbanded the Teutonic Knights, and Oxta Prison fell into disrepair.

But decades later, it was requisitioned by the German Ministry of Magic and turned into a prison for wizards.

At this time, on a hillside, two figures appeared out of thin air.

After Rove stood still, he looked into the distance and saw a low octagonal stone house. Although the vault was broken, it looked very solid.

That's the Uxta Prison. Karin, who was standing beside the boy, said in a low voice:

All prisoners here are on death row, and they are not allowed to visit the prison without documents. Rove, are you sure you want to go in?

Rove hummed and said, Karin, you stay here and wait for me to come out.

No, I'll go in with you. Karin insisted, If something happens to you, there is still a helper.

I'm not here to rob prison. Rove laughed dumbly and said, What else could happen?

Even so, he took the girl and walked towards the top of the mountain together, and soon came to a door, pushed the door and walked in, entering a dark room.

A flickering candle eerily reflected a jailer, who raised his head when he heard footsteps.

Rove looked by the candlelight and found that the jailer was short in stature, full of brown rotten teeth, and a pair of small dark eyes.

He was also fiddling with a magical creature, the size of a fingernail, which looked like a crab, but with a scorpion-like dark green venomous stinger on its tail.

Rove recognized it as a juvenile manticore.

The jailer bared his rotten teeth and said with a playful smile, Little darling, here comes a guest.

The manticore raised a pair of pincers and hissed at Rove and Karin.

Rove took out a piece of paper from his pocket, handed it to the man and said:

Mr. Monet, I want to visit the prison... This is the document signed by the International Federation of Wizards.

Monet took the paper, glanced at it, saw Dumbledore's signature and the seal of the president of the International Federation of Wizards, crumpled the document up, and threw it out.

Behind the man was a wall made up of many small grids. A magic seal suddenly jumped over. It opened its mouth, bit the ball of paper, and chewed with its jagged teeth, making a crunching sound.

Monet picked up the candle again, and looked at the young man carefully. The candle flame flickered and flickered, and the shadow swayed endlessly around him, making the room seem darker and colder.

Are you... Rolf Scamander?

You know me? Rove narrowed his eyes.

I saw you in the newspaper this morning. Monet grinned. He waved his wand, and a grease-stained newspaper flew out of the trash can. The first page was a photo of Rove.

Recently, German newspapers are scrambling to report on Rove.

When he arrived in Germany, he asked the Minister of Magic to temporarily clear the venue and received him in person. Many people were curious about his identity.

Rove may not be well-known internationally, but he is well-known in the UK, and reporters can easily investigate his identity.

After the seal ate the document, he hiccupped and opened his mouth to Monet.

The seal can distinguish the authenticity of the document, and it is sure to be genuine in this way.

Monet stood up stiffly and began to pick up a machine and sweep it over Rove and Karin.

Mr Scamander, your chest and wand must be placed here.

Rove said calmly, Of course.

He put the wand and the box on the table, and Karin also took out a wand.

Not enough. Monet stared at the girl, grinned and said, You still have a wand in your sleeve.

The girl pursed her lips, and reluctantly took out the two magic wands hidden in her sleeves.

Monet bent down and put his hand into a small bucket. There were many larvae wriggling in the bucket. With a disgusting squeak, he picked out two larvae and shook them in his hand. The larvae trembled and turned into firefly.

He put the worm into a small tin lantern, and the lantern gave off a faint, quivering light as the fireflies flapped their wings.

Take these two lamps and don't turn them off.

Rove and Karin took the lanterns respectively and walked towards a door, illuminating the dark path.

Karin tapped on the lantern, wondering: Rove, what is this?

Huang Yuanying is used to deal with manticores. Luo Fu explained:

At the bottom of this prison, there is a manticore living there. It doesn't like the smell of Huang Yuanying very much. Carrying it in will ensure that it will not be attacked.

The boy reminded: So you have to hold it steady, don't let the lantern fall, and Huang Yuanying will be thrown to death.

Karin nodded nervously.

The Rove firefly raised it above its head, and every time it took a step, the shadows on the wall would move with it, as if they were all turning their heads to watch.

Karin asked in a low voice, Rove, who are you going to see?

I don't know who I'm going to see. Rove shook his head.

The boy was telling the truth, his real goal was a certain cell, not a certain prisoner.

Back then, after Grindelwald's defeat, more than half of the voodoo party was imprisoned here, including Grindelwald himself.

But it didn't take long before Grindelwald was transferred to Nurmengard under Dumbledore's strong opposition.

However, although the original Dark Lord was imprisoned here for a short time, he hid an item here... for nearly fifty years.

Rove's mission is to come here to take away Grindelwald's things.



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