I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 482 Rove: Shirley, let's take a bath together

Rove carried Shirley on his back and walked slowly towards the convent. The two of them were wearing invisibility cloaks, no nun could see them, and they walked very leisurely along the way.

It's just that until they returned to the room, neither of them spoke, and kept quiet tacitly.

Shirley was thinking about a serious question... When she touched her feet, there was nothing abnormal, but why did her whole body go numb when Rove held them?

Shirley was puzzled, and she planned to ask her most beloved Professor McGonagall about it after returning to Hogwarts.

She... should understand, right?

Rove didn't speak to avoid Shirley's embarrassment. After all, when he was carrying her on his back, he could clearly feel the girl's heartbeat besides the soft touch on his back.

Of course, in addition to this, the boy was also thinking about a problem. He seemed to have been to the Clyde River before, but at that time here...

Don't call it that name yet!

After entering the room, Shirley still refused to come down, leaning her head on Rove's neck, pretending to be asleep.

Rove didn't say a word either, just walking slowly in the room with her behind his back, until the church bell rang, Shirley whispered reluctantly:

Rove, let me down quickly, it's time to eat.

After Rove put Shirley down, she put on her turban again and tidied up her messy robe. The boy also took the compound potion again, and turned back into Margaery.

The two checked each other's decorations and left the room to go to the cafeteria after there was no problem.

The nunnery's refectory, in a low hut, has a huge crucifix hanging over the door.

After entering the room, Rove found that it was an elegant room with stone floors and pointed arched windows.

Two long narrow dining tables, flanked by long benches, stretched parallel from one end of the canteen to the other.

The walls are white and the dining table is black. These two colors are also the only colors of the monastery.

After Rove came in, he was separated from Shirley. She was still young and needed to sit at the children's table, and Rove, as a noble guest and pious donor, of course shared the table with the dean and the nuns.

Before the meal, all the nuns stood up and prayed before the meal. There was a lectern in the kitchen, and a nun recited the deeds of Jesus accurately and coherently for everyone with a loud voice.

Rove waited for a long time, so hungry that his chest stuck to his back, the prayer finally ended, and the nuns brought the food.

But after seeing the food, Rove was dumbfounded again:

A large plate of rye bread, consomme with nothing but cabbage, a bit of fat, a plate of mutton, a plate of figs, a large block of fresh cheese, oatmeal with grated carrots and turnips.

In addition, there are all kinds of potato products.

Rove thought that the food would be bad, but he didn't expect it to be so bad. No wonder when she first met Shirley, she was so thin and malnourished.

The teenager even misses the food made by Grindelwald. It can only be said that if there is no comparison, there will be no harm!

Everyone was eating in silence, and no one spoke. This kind of atmosphere made Rove, an autistic patient, feel depressed.

On the contrary, the blowfly flew around without any scruples, making a buzzing sound, which made people very disturbed.

Rove drank a bowl of oatmeal, excused his stomach discomfort, hurried back to the room, quickly took out a large bag of snacks from the box, and started a small cooking for himself.

When Shirley came back, she saw an open box on the table, full of all kinds of snacks.

Rove pushed the box over, Shirley was not polite, picked up a piece of ice cream, chewed it slowly.

It tastes good, right? This is the pastry I bought for you on Wizard Street in Germany, but I will eat a lot of it.

Rove took a sip of water, then handed his cup to Shirley, and continued:

The food in your monastery is too bad. The nanny who cooks the food should really be hanged. I bet a Nat, she will definitely not enter heaven in the future!

Shirley was amused by the young man's aggrieved appearance, she covered her mouth and let out a burst of soft, waxy and light laughter.

It's not that bad... You'll get used to it after eating a few more meals.

Rove sighed, looked deeply at Shirley who had been eating here for more than ten years, and said seriously:

Don't talk about summer vacation in the future, it's best not to come back for any vacation.

Shirley quietly stared at the serious young man in front of her. She tilted her head and asked:

If you don't come back...then where am I going?

That's hard to say. Rove paused, pointed at himself, and said with a grin:

My family has houses all over the world, and I also run around during the holidays, without the exact location.

Just a word, wherever I go, you will go there... I will support you, how about it?

Xue Li stared at the young man with piercing eyes, her eyelashes trembling slightly, she smiled softly and said:

Okay... that's what you said, I'll depend on you for the rest of my life!

Looking at the girl's brighter face, Luo Fu smiled and said, I keep my word and never lie.

Shirley blinked her eyes and asked, Then when shall we leave tonight?

Don't leave tonight. Rove smiled. This is where you grew up. At least you can stay for a few more days. I'll take a tour.

Shirley snorted, and then asked in confusion: You won't go...then where are you going to sleep tonight?

Just sleep here. Rove pointed to the small bed, and said with a smile in his eyes: Didn't Dean Agatha tell you?

The mother dean said it was true, but Shirley thought that Rove was leaving tonight, so she didn't take it seriously. She didn't look like she was joking when she met the boy, and she was even more ignorant and puzzled:

You sleep here...then where do I sleep?

You sleep here too. Luo Fu smiled more and more intensely: I promised your dean that you will stop running around at night. Why... you want to run now?


At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Rove went to open the door, and saw a young nun in a white robe.

Rove recognized Shirley's friend... Teresia.

Well...Miss Scamander, I'm here to find Shirley. Teresia said politely.

Rove snorted, glanced at the tub and clothes in the girl's arms, and asked, Are you going to take a bath?

Yes. Teresia looked at this beautiful sister, feeling a little fond of her, and warmly invited, Come take a bath with us.

Rove looked at Theresia strangely, then turned to look at the girl with ponytails, and asked:

Shirley, are we going to take a shower together...?

Shirley, who was still standing there looking like a battle between heaven and man, ran over in a panic, shook her head vigorously and said:

Teresia, you go downstairs first, I'll be here soon...she won't take a bath!

Teresia was a little suspicious, but she also left obediently. Shirley stared at Rove and said:

You're not allowed to take a shower! This is one of those public baths...all the nuns are together...you can't go!

Luo Fu felt aggrieved, and spread his hands, But it's such a hot day, I have to take a bath too?

Go wash in the black suitcase! Shirley ran to the corner, picked up her basin and clothes, and snorted again:

Stay in the house obediently, don't run around... wait for me to come back!

Oh, are you going to sleep here tonight? Luo Fu said with a smile, Then you hurry up and wash... By the way, don't forget our agreement.

Shirley was a little dazed again and said, What agreement?

Rove blinked and said, Black nun's robe.

The ponytail girl's face turned red again, she picked up the tub in panic, and ran out like a deer.



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