I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 485 Touching the gold captain?

During the Christmas holiday three years ago, Rove met Helena for the first time on the Orient Express, and she wanted to take him to steal... ah bah, inherit the treasure in her mother's tomb.

Rove, who was still young at the time, directly rejected Helena's request.

After all, Newt taught Rove since he was a child, that Scamander is a clean and decent man, and never engages in illegal activities!

Therefore, of course, it is impossible for Rove to rob the tomb, or to rob Ravenclaw's tomb.

Besides, the tombs at the level of the Big Four must be very dangerous. Rove has always been cautious and unwilling to take risks.

But as he went back to a thousand years ago, Rove met three of the Big Four. He was still at the well of death and had a very short but deep communication with Rowena Ravenclaw.

Rove has since changed his mind:

He wanted to go into Ravenclaw's tomb to see if she had left anything important for him.

Ravenclaw has left the death well to himself, so why not leave some relics in the tomb?

What's more, there are still the corpses of Ravenclaw and Helena in the tomb. As the gatherers of thousands of years ago, Rove wants to visit them again after a thousand years...

Whether, as Hufflepuff said, the corpse is immortal and well preserved.

So, after breakfast, Rove followed Shirley to learn how to tie a ponytail, and then took her out of the monastery to find Ravenclaw's cemetery.

The two of them rode broomsticks, flew along the Clyde River, up the river course, and soon reached a towering mountain range.

Rove recognized this place at a glance, and he whispered to the girl with ponytails: Ravenclaw's tomb is hidden under this mountain.

Xue Li heard the words and stared at the mountain peaks. She saw the foothills nearby, which were dark brown, and the mountains behind them were taller and gray, and beyond them were towering white peaks.

How do we get in? She asked curiously, Should there be an entrance to the tomb?

Rove recalled it, and said slowly: I remember that the entrance to the underground palace is at the foot of the mountain on the south side.

Shirley looked in the direction the boy pointed, and saw a large forest on the south slope, but the wide Clyde River at the foot of the mountain, which meandered and formed a huge arc.

This river should change its course and submerge the entrance. Shirley guessed.

Rove also thinks so... This is also very normal. In the past thousand years, it is common for big rivers to divert.

The two flew towards the southern hillside, where there were green and green, the breeze caressed, and the leaves on the treetops whispered.

Rove looked up at the surrounding mountains, while Shirley, who was looking down, suddenly pointed to the distance and said, Rove, what do you think is that?

The boy stopped his broomstick and looked down. He saw a circular hole hidden in a bush of thorns.

The width of the hole can accommodate two people stepping down side by side, the hole is even, and there are layers of steps below for people to step on.

This is obviously a burrow dug by man-made processing.

Although Rove was not a professional, he had followed Newt all over the world, and heard him talk about the deeds of exploring several large tombs.

So it can be recognized at a glance that it is... a robbery hole.

Rove's face sank, It seems that someone has dug Ravenclaw's tomb.

Although the world of wizards doesn't have Captain Jin, there is a similar profession called... Curse Breaker.

This is a position specially recruited by goblins. The main job is to decipher the magic in ancient tombs or other historical relics, and bring the treasure back to Gringotts.

Charlie's eldest brother, Bill Weasley, went to work as a curse interpreter after graduation, specializing in deciphering ancient tombs in Egypt.

Therefore, it is not good news to see the robbery cave, at least it means that a curse-breaker has been here.

As for whether they got through to the tomb, it's hard to say.

The two continued to fly forward. Rove would focus on the ground and found four more robbery holes, which made him a little worried.

Ravenclaw's tomb can't be stolen by some blind guy, right?

When he was about to reach the bottom of the hill, Rove stopped suddenly, put his finger on his mouth and let out a soft hiss.

Shirley understood, pricked up her ears quietly, and listened carefully.

She heard indistinct voices, and heavy footsteps and grinding, and the sound of falling stones and branches, indicating that someone was climbing down the steep, wooded slope and approaching the river bank at the bottom.

Suddenly someone spoke, it was a hoarse and piercing voice, Rove heard it was the voice of a goblin drake.

Tertius, it's all here... To tell you the truth, this is not the tomb of Ignacia Wilder Smith!

The wizard named Tertius sighed in disappointment.

Pork...you lied to me, I thought I could find the formula for Floo powder in the tomb, so I'm so happy!

Ignatia Wildsmith was the thirteenth-century witch who invented the famous Floo powder.

Floo powder is a monopoly magic item, and its formula has been mastered by Floo Pang Company for six centuries.

Some people have been trying to crack the formula of Floo powder and develop it by themselves, but they all failed.

Rumor has it that there is a recipe in Ignatia Wildsmith's tomb, but no one has been able to find her tomb.

As the best spellbreaker in Gringotts, Tertius was lured by Polk, but when he arrived at the place, he told him that it was not the tomb of Ignatia Wilder Smith.

This made Tertius feel that he had been tricked. He was a little angry and wanted to kill the old goblin in front of him.

Tertius, don't be angry. The goblin Pork chuckled and said:

Although this is not the tomb of Ignacia Wilder Smith, the owner of the tomb is a hundred times more noble than her...

Who is it? Tertius asked curiously.

Polk grinned and said slowly, Rowena Ravenclaw.

Silence... a long silence.

Polk was very satisfied with the shock on Tertius's face, he laughed and said:

What's floo powder compared to Ravenclaw's grave goods? Shit isn't it!

Tertius was indeed shocked, and he was speechless for a long time before he said in disbelief:

How do you know this is Ravenclaw's tomb?

Mentioning this, Polk said proudly:

When I was excavating the ancient goblin kingdom...the ruins of Nadia, I discovered the cultural relics left by Raignac I. This incident is recorded on one of the stone tablets.

Legnac I... Tertius mused, Is that the goblin king who helped Gryffindor forge the sword?

It's him, King Ragnac I...a great king! The best weapon forging master a thousand years ago! Polk shouted proudly.

He quickly corrected again:

However, King Raignac I never forged a sword for Gryffindor. It was the sword that Gryffindor sent someone to steal after hearing about it!

All goblins know this history...Gryffindor first sent two students to Nadia's valley.

Because they were visitors from Hogwarts, and one of them claimed to be the son of Slytherin, Raignac I warmly entertained them.

But they avenged their kindness, sneaked into the treasure house, and stole the sword!

Polk's face was contorted angrily, as if he was the one who had stolen the sword.

Just when Raignac I was about to catch the two little thieves, Gryffindor came. He was not Raignac I's opponent, but he still took them and fled.

When Tertius heard Polk say that Gryffindor lost to Raignac I, he became suspicious of this story.

He suddenly asked sharply again: Son of Slytherin?

That's right. Polk said, Gryffindor sent two students, and one of them is Cassandra Trelawney, your wizard's seer.

There was also a boy who claimed to be a child of Slytherin, and said he wanted to marry Ravenclaw's daughter Helena... That's why Raignac I warmly entertained them.

Not far away, Rove had a strange expression, which seemed to be talking about himself.

Shirley on the side also raised her head and glanced at the boy. She had heard him say that the process of taking the sword did indeed include using Parseltongue to pretend to be the son of Slytherin.

But I never heard him say that he wants to marry... Helena Ravenclaw!



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