I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 54 The Troll

Harry and Ron were clearly plotting something.

The questioning of the two of them also reminded Rove of the consultation post he saw before:

Sharked a pig at home, about 60 kilograms, and the blood sprayed all over the wall. What should I do now that the pig bones cannot be flushed in the toilet.

what to do?

Of course it is recommended to surrender.

Therefore, Rove will definitely not participate in the conspiracy between the two of them, and will not give any opinions.

After class, Rove, Hermione, and Neville walked towards the auditorium, but were stopped by Malfoy.

You guys go to the auditorium first, I'll be there in a while. Rove followed Malfoy alone and walked towards the corner.

After Malfoy paid off the last arrears, he said excitedly, Mr. Scamander, what do you think? What about our joint venture?

No. Rove sighed with regret on his face: Someone reported me to Professor McGonagall and slandered me for night travel, and Professor McGonagall has been staring at me.

Don't you see that I've been very honest lately?

Malfoy thought for a while, Rove seems to have kept a low profile recently, so this is the reason.

He immediately said angrily: Who reported it? I will take Goyle and Crabbe to warn him immediately, tell him to be honest and shut up his stinking mouth!

This person's background is a bit thick, I'm afraid you won't be able to move. Luo Fu looked embarrassed.

My father is the school manager, and there are things I can't settle? Malfoy showed his unruly face again.

Professor Snape.

... The expression on Malfoy's face froze instantly.

Professor Snape reported me to Professor McGonagall. If you can settle him, I will immediately return all the Galleons you gave me... Rove patted Malfoy on the shoulder and said with a smile:

I'll give you more money!

Seeing that Malfoy was silent, Rove continued: Isn't your father a school trustee? Can you expel Professor Snape from Hogwarts?


When Rove left in disappointment, Malfoy was still standing there with an ugly expression on his face. He didn't expect that his headmaster would become a snake in his way to the Hogwarts speaker.

He moved his steps and was about to walk towards the auditorium when he suddenly saw a familiar figure from the back that he could even dream of at night.

Harry Potter ran towards a certain corridor, and he turned his head and glanced behind him cautiously, as if afraid of being discovered.

The last time Malfoy tricked Potter into a duel, he and Weasley got fifty points each... the feud was dead.

And after that, the two sides were even more at war, and they would not stop until they stabbed each other to death!

As long as they meet now, they will repeat the situation in the restricted area that night, and have a passionate fight...killing them is counted.

Seeing Potter's sneaky look, Malfoy followed without even thinking about it. If he found anything unusual, of course he wouldn't go directly, but would go to the auditorium to find Professor Snape.

Deducting points for Porter now is the greatest torture for him!

Seeing Potter turning into the corridor, Malfoy tiptoed along, leaning against the corner, blocking his vision, and poking his head cautiously, like a born spy.

Malfoy saw Potter go into a bathroom, he remembered it was the ladies' bathroom?

Peeping in the women's bathroom?

Playing so perverted? !

Malfoy was excited, this was big news, terribly big news!

What would happen if he rushed over, locked the door of the women's bathroom, and went to the auditorium to call everyone over? !

The more Malfoy thought about it, the more excited he became, he walked over quietly, trying to keep his footsteps down as much as possible, like a seasoned hunter.

When passing through an intersection, a figure suddenly jumped out from another corridor. The man held a hollowed out big pumpkin in his hand and threw it at Malfoy's head.

Malfoy knew he had been duped, and he yelled, Who? What bastard!

Harry ran out from the bathroom. He purposely said in a hoarse voice, Malfoy, I'm Baron the Bloody Man. I don't like you recently. Let Peeves teach you a lesson.

Fake tricks, I know it's you Potter! Is the other Weasley?

Harry and Ron ignored him, they had been looking for a chance to teach Malfoy a bastard since the last night out.

I didn't get a method from asking Rove, but the twins gave me a plan, which I didn't expect to be so effective and effective.

The two grabbed Malfoy's arms, dragged him into the ladies' bathroom, and locked the door behind them.

I'll let you out after the dinner, don't scream now, no one will come to rescue you if you break your throat, Harry said.

Malfoy tore off the big pumpkin and turned the doorknob, but it couldn't be opened, it was locked from the outside.

He had lost his wand, so he banged on the door, shouting, Potter! When I get out, you're dead!

But no one could hear Malfoy shouting, and all the students went to the Great Hall.

The Halloween party is about to begin.

Groups of low dark clouds covered the ceiling densely, and countless bats flew over the little wizard's head, making the candle flames of the pumpkin lanterns flicker.

Dumbledore stood up and told a joke that he had pressed the bottom of the box for half a century and was about to go into the urn. Not to mention the professor and the little wizard, even the ghosts shuddered.

The headmaster's speech was over, and the dinner finally officially started, and the delicious food appeared on the golden plate.

Pansy found that Draco was missing, she couldn't find it anywhere, and even went to the Hufflepuff table to ask Rove.

Scamander, have you seen Draco? Goyle said he's coming for you?

We chatted at the door for a while, and then I came to the auditorium, didn't he come?

Rove raised his eyebrows, and subconsciously glanced at the direction of the Gryffindor table, as if realizing something.

At this moment, the door of the auditorium opened, and Professor Quirrell, disheveled and flushed, rushed in.

With a terrified expression on his face, he trotted to Professor Dumbledore's chair, leaned on the table, and gasped and said:

The troll...in the dungeon...I thought you should know.

After Professor Quirrell finished speaking, he fell to the floor and seemed to have passed out.

The dining room suddenly became chaotic. Professor Dumbledore raised his wand and made several ear-piercing fireworks explosions in mid-air, and everyone fell silent.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Professor Snape secretly kicked Professor Quirrell on the back of the head twice, trying to see if he was pretending to be unconscious.

But Quirrell didn't move, as if he wasn't pretending, and then... he kicked twice.

Prefect, said Dumbledore in a low voice, lead the students of your house back to the common room immediately!

Professors follow me to the dungeon to find the troll.

The little wizard of Hufflepuff stood up and followed the prefect chatteringly, and some students were discussing whether the troll was a special program tonight, and it would be even better if it could be replaced by a fire dragon.

Rove walked at the back, and he quickly spotted two figures in the crowd that shouldn't be here.

He walked over, put his hands on Harry and Ron's shoulders, and whispered, Why are you two in the Hufflepuff team?

Harry was terrified, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he turned his head and found that it was Rove. He hesitated for a moment, looked at the blond boy, his eyes turned to pleading, and said:

Rove, I have something to tell you...but please don't tell anyone...

You two locked Malfoy up? Rove said softly.

How do you know? Ron asked in surprise.

Rove was a little speechless. Harry asked those words in Charms class, and Pansy said that Malfoy was missing... Idiots don't know!

Where is the person? Release it quickly. Rove said, There is a giant wandering around the castle right now.

That's what we're here for, Ron said hastily.

Harry pointed to the corridor in the distance and said, It's over there.

It was fine if Rove didn't see them. Since he saw them, it was impossible for the two of them to wander alone in the castle, so he had no choice but to follow.

When they turned the corner, there were hurried footsteps not far away, and the three of them hid behind a stone sculpture of a griffin.

Snape didn't see the three of them, he ran across the corridor and hurried upstairs.

Snape is walking towards the third floor. Harry asked strangely, Why doesn't he stay in the basement with the other professors?

Rove didn't care, he knew that Professor Snape was going to the restricted area to stop Quirrell.

Hurry up and lead the way. After releasing Malfoy, the two of you go back to the common room immediately. Rove urged.

Several people walked into a corridor, and suddenly smelled a stench. It was the smell of an exploded septic tank, which made people retch and nausea.

At the end of the corridor, a gigantic creature was moving slowly. It was four meters high, with dull skin, and its huge and clumsy body was like a pile of huge boulders, with a small head like a cocoa bean on top of it.

In the hand of the giant monster, he was also holding a thick wooden stick. Because of its long arms, the wooden stick dragged on the ground.

Rove looked at the giant monster, and suddenly his brain made a ding sound:

[Detected a lost wild giant monster, triggering side missions:]

Catching trolls, bonus magic:

【Giant Rod】



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