I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 67 Severus, come to my room!

Hagrid was wandering around the Forbidden Forest, holding Fang in his left hand, and a shiny ancestral oil lamp in his right, and a huge bow hanging on his body.

The Forbidden Forest is not peaceful recently.

First, a group of harassed Professor Sprout's greenhouse, and some giant monsters broke into the castle. In the past few days, there are still unknown creatures attacking unicorns...

Every night, Hagrid would patrol for a short while. After all, many magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest were fragile and needed his protection.

In fact, Hagrid would rather take the three-headed dog Lu Wei out for a trip, which would be more suitable for his physique, but his teeth were worse. Although he was fierce and brave, he lacked momentum.

In the distance, suddenly there was a loud roar, and then... Hagrid saw a gust of wind like a tornado, sweeping away mightily, directly tearing a large group of black fire snakes to pieces.

Both Hagrid and Fang ran away, but in two completely opposite directions:

One ran to the place where the wizard fought; the other wanted to run back to the little house and hide in the fireplace.

Yaya had only run a few meters when he felt the rope tightening his neck instantly. It was strangled until it almost foamed at the mouth. After dragging for a few meters, it struggled to get up, turned around and rushed towards Hagrid crazily.

Out of the corner of Hagrid's eye, he caught a glimpse of Fang Fang, and praised loudly:

Good job Yaya, I knew you were brave...

Fang whimpered, it seemed to smell something, suddenly raised its head, and roared vigorously in one direction, Hagrid looked up and saw a familiar broomstick flying fast.

he yelled:

Rove, is that you?!

The broom flew past overhead, and after hearing the shout, it quickly turned back and hovered three meters above the ground, with a blond boy sitting on it.

Hagrid smelled a strong smell of blood, and he was terrified. He thought that Rove had brought Hermione and Shirley to the Forbidden Forest to practice riding in the middle of the night... he was accidentally injured and bled.

Hagrid, what's the matter? Rove asked.

No, you... did something happen?

A unicorn is injured! Rove said succinctly: I'm going to leave first, the unicorn needs urgent treatment...

The broomstick restarted, and Hagrid hurriedly called out, Do you need me to do something?

Hemostatic medicine, white fresh, herbs that can be used to treat diseases are all fine.

Rove's voice became farther and farther away, and finally Hagrid could only vaguely hear the boy say:

Send it to... the principal's office...



Gryffindor Tower,

Hermione was sitting on the bed, leaning against the pillow, flipping through a thick magic book.

There are a few notebooks piled up beside the pillow, on which there is a transparent bottle with a flying firefly inside.

The fireflies came from Rove, and they were used to catch silverfish when they visited the library that night... Hermione kept them later, and she used them as lamps at night, which are gentle and not dazzling.

The curtains on the bed also block the light, so it won't affect the sleep of other roommates.

Hermione glanced up at the alarm clock hanging beside the bed, and found that it was already half past eleven, and she was about to finish her study for the day...turn off the lights and go to sleep.

There's History of Magic tomorrow morning!

Suddenly there was a whistling sound outside the window.

The girl thought it was going to thunder and rain, so she got up from the bed, walked out of bed carefully, and planned to close the window.

Hermione, who was wearing a pink nightdress, pulled her fluffy slippers and came to the window, only to see a bright and bright moon hanging in mid-air. It didn't look like it was thundering or raining, did it?

Hermione was a little confused, her eyes widened suddenly, and she looked into the distance, only to see a black speck flying from the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

That black spot was getting bigger and bigger, it was a boy riding a broomstick, because the speed was so fast that there was a whistling sound of piercing through the air.

With the bright moonlight, Hermione, who has excellent eyesight, could easily see the face of the boy on the broomstick.


Hermione waved her hand vigorously, and that figure seemed to have spotted the little figure by the window, and waved her hand too, but instead of flying over, it continued to hit the window of the principal's office.

The girl was a little excited at first, she didn't expect to see Rove in the middle of the night, but soon became annoyed, and he went to ride a broom for a night tour in the Forbidden Forest.

After waiting for a while, she didn't see Rove coming, so Hermione had to go back to the bed. She closed her eyes, and whispered softly, almost cursing:

Fire you... fire you... sooner or later...



Rove's speed was too fast, and he didn't even see who was waving. He planned to ride a broom to see which little wizard's bedroom it was when he had time.

At this moment, he was approaching the castle wall, and the broom slowed down suddenly. The boy bowed his waist and put his hands on the broom, and precisely passed through the window of the principal's office, like a lion wearing a ring of fire in a circus.

The broom braked suddenly, drew a beautiful arc, and finally stopped in front of a portrait!

Rove wiped the sweat from his brow.

The owner of the frame, Phineas Black, who had fled into the frames of other portraits, jumped to his feet and cursed:

Die, don't sleep in the middle of the night, be careful to break my picture frame!

All the portraits were looking at Rove. It was the first time they met a student who came to the principal's office, instead of going through the main entrance, he walked through the window!

Rove jumped off the broom, put the box on the chair, looked up and said:

I'm sorry to disturb your sleep, Phineas, but something just happened in the Forbidden Forest.

What's the matter? Phoenix asked curiously. I saw Dumbledore hurrying out too.

It's better that you don't know. Anyway, it's very serious. It may affect the safety of Hogwarts and the wizarding world. Rove opened the box and dived into it.

Don't go, tell me, Rove, tell me quickly! Phoenix wailed:

Don't tell me how I'm going to sleep tonight, boy, I apologize to you, I just spoke a little louder, don't go...

But a hand protruded from the box, and after giving Phineas a middle finger, it suddenly covered the box.

Rove jumped into the room and found it was a mess, the bed was overturned, it seems that the dazzler did it, but there is no time to take care of her now.

Rove placed the unicorn on a workbench and checked its injuries.

There was only one wound on the unicorn, and that was the neck, but the wound was turning black, showing obvious swelling, and the wound was bleeding profusely.

According to Rove's experience, except for the relatively large hole in the tooth, the symptoms of the entire wound are more like being bitten by a poisonous snake with blood toxins.

He took out a small porcelain bottle, which contained a pitch-black ointment, like oil mixed with water, very viscous.

The boy's bottle was facing downwards, and the ointment did not pour out like a pour, but slowly dripped onto the unicorn's wound like water drops.

After an unknown amount of time, another figure appeared. Dumbledore entered Rove's box and looked around curiously.

This is an environment that makes him feel very intimate, as if he entered Newt's small box back then.

Dumbledore waved his wand, and the whole room was cleaned up automatically. He sat on the stool and asked, How is it, Rove?

The unicorn's wound has snake venom, which I have removed, but there is still black magic that prevents the wound from healing. Rove shook his head and said, This is not my specialty.

Dumbledore nodded lightly and said: It seems that we still need to find someone who has in-depth research in the field of black magic.

Let's go, take the unicorn back to the office first.

The two returned to the headmaster's office, where Dumbledore placed the unicorn on a table and walked towards the fireplace, where he took a handful of shiny powder from a jar on the mantelpiece and sprinkled it over the flames.

Severus! Dumbledore said to the flames, Are you there?

Soon, a human figure appeared in the fire, and the voice said coldly, Is there something wrong?

I need you to come to my office right now.

The voice in the flame was silent for a moment, and asked, Do you know what time it is, Mr. Principal?

But aren't you still asleep? Dumbledore blinked.

I'm going to sleep! the voice growled.

That's even better, it doesn't take up your working time. Dumbledore smiled.


Come quickly. The headmaster urged happily: Severus, I need you now, and by the way, bring your strange tools and potions...I'll wait for you.




(Thanks to the two big guys Just Love Wailing Water and Desperate Black Dragon for their rewards.)

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