I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 72 The Orient Express

After separating from Hermione, Rove carried the small black suitcase, followed the flow of people, and walked slowly towards platform 7.

This time it went smoothly, and until he passed through the wall, there was no wizard from the Department of Management and Control of Magical Creatures to check his box routinely.

But thinking about it, Rove went abroad to Albania. Even if he brought a magical creature like a fire dragon, it would harm other countries. The British Ministry of Magic wished that he would leave quickly and never come back.

Next to platform 7, a beautiful green train is parked. It will depart from London and cross the English Channel, stop in France, then cross the European continent via Paris, and finally arrive at... Constantinople.

Along the way, the train also stops at European cities such as Strasbourg, Munich, Vienna, Budapest and Bucharest, and passes through many villages of pure wizards.

This green train has a name that is far more famous than the Hogwarts Express, it is called... The Orient Express.

Of course, the term that usually modifies this train is murder.

The novel Murder on the Orient Express created by the witch Agatha Christie caused a huge sensation in the Muggle world, and she herself was warned by the Ministry of Magic many times for violating the Secrecy Act.

At this time, a group of wizards lined up in a long line, checking tickets by the train. Due to the arrival of the holiday, the platform was particularly crowded, and there were many more people rushing through the walls than usual.

The team moved forward slowly, and when it was Rove's turn, he took out a blue ticket from his pocket.

The ticket checker was an old goblin in a black uniform. He was very short, with a dark face and a monocle. His black eyes shone shrewdly, staring at all the wizards vigilantly.

After receiving Rove's ticket, the goblin carefully examined it, raised her head and asked:

Are you bringing pets or magical animals? Any animal has to be checked in, including toads and mice, if they are in your pockets, you have to take them out!

No. Rove shook his head and smiled, I don't like animals, and I never take pets out.

The goblin glanced at the boy, and then stared at the passenger's name Scamander on the ticket, which was a surname that was almost blacklisted by their company.

Yes, blacklisted... When the Orient Express was first put into operation, the rules and regulations were not perfect and did not restrict passengers from bringing animals.

A Scamander brought a half-sized dragon on board, and it burned the roof of the car.

The Eastern Train Company has urgently added regulations, strictly prohibiting passengers from carrying dangerous magical creatures. Even ordinary magical creatures must purchase consignment services.

But at this time, the consignment service does not limit the number of animals. After all, normal wizards can't bring a few animals.

Another Scamander, who brought a full two hundred Witchbirds and twenty Nifflers, almost tore down the carriage.

During the centuries it has been in operation, the Orient Express has continuously added Scamander Clauses, all aimed at this wizard family!

The old goblin raised a long detector and scanned the boy's chest and back from top to bottom, but found no magical creatures.

He put the box on a brass magic scanner again, and began to scan the box. A narrow strip of parchment quickly spit out from a hole at the bottom.

It says the contents of the box were detected.

The old goblin tore off the paper. There were only daily necessities such as towels and clothes, and no magical creatures were found.

The old goblin had no choice but to pick up a stamp, stamped it on the ticket, and said coldly, Go in!

Rove smiled, picked up the suitcase, and walked towards the train.

The entire Orient Express is divided into luxury viewing rooms, sleeper areas, hard seat areas and restaurants.

Needless to say, the deluxe viewing room is the most comfortable place on the train, with the private service of the house elf, and the price is extremely expensive.

The sleeper is much worse. It is just a small room with two bunk beds. The bed can be used as a chair, and the bed can be moved up and down. When not in use, it can be pulled to the highest point.

Rove bought a sleeper berth, but bought two tickets.

So this small compartment is only used by him. At night, he can lock the compartments and do things he likes to do.

The boy found his compartment and began to tidy up the room. The little red-haired girl in the opposite room poked her head, looked at him curiously, and asked crisply:

Are you a student at Hogwarts too?

Yes. Rove glanced at the girl and said softly, You're not a student, are you?

There are quite a few students in Hogwarts, but not too many. The students in the first and second grades, Rove treats the pets of the students on a daily basis, not to mention all of them, but they are basically familiar with each other.

He wasn't impressed with the red-haired girl.

I won't be able to enter school until next year. The little girl giggled. My older brothers are all studying at Hogwarts. You may know them.

Rove raised his eyebrows. There are not many wizarding families with several brothers who all go to Hogwarts, and they still have red hair... classic color.

The little girl asked curiously again: Isn't Hogwarts on holiday today? Where are you going?


Is Albania far from Romania?

It's not too far. Rove said casually, There is only Serbia in the middle.

The little girl obviously didn't know what Serbia was, and she didn't have much concept of geography. Standing at the door of the carriage, she bounced and said:

Is it dangerous over there? My second brother raises dragons there, and he wrote a letter saying that he can ride a dragon if he goes there. We're going to visit him in Romania this holiday.

I don't know, I've never been to Romania. Rove looked at the little girl, blinked, and said with a smile:

But I can do divination. Do you understand divination? I can figure out your second brother's name. How about it? Do you want to bet a Galleon?

But I only have one Knut. The little girl said pitifully, looking through her pockets.

Then forget it, you can save the candy.

Rove usually only deceives little rich women like Hermione, not such little girls with no money. He still has his own bottom line, although he is more flexible.

Then what do you say my second brother's name is? the little girl asked with her head raised.

Your brother's name is Charlie, and your name is Ginny, isn't it?

Wow, your calculations are really accurate! You are really amazing! Ginny blinked her big eyes and praised:

You're much better than Ron. He used to cast spells on me, and he never succeeded. My mother said he was a fool in our family.


The little girl twisted the corners of her clothes with her hands and whispered, Have you seen Harry Potter?

Rove was stunned and said, I've seen it.

Ginny said expectantly: Is he as good-looking as you? I glanced at the train last year, but didn't see it clearly.

Rove coughed and said, This question is too sharp, you will know when you meet Harry at school next year.

At this moment, a heart-piercing cry suddenly came from the corridor in the distance:


Luo Fu raised his eyebrows, a little excited, as expected of... Orient Express!



(Thanks for the reward from the big guy Just Love Wailing Water.)

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