I was in Douluo, and Tang San stole my home at the beginning

Chapter 69 Even a little excited.

Ditian, this old guy, pretended not to hear me when I asked Zi Ji to help me, and didn't remind me. Now that I think about it, maybe he has the idea of ​​bringing Zi Ji and me together, and wants to use me as a shield? And Zi Ji, who barely absorbed the fairy grass before the union, just asked me to hurry up, fearing that she has come out of the haze and is not ready to pester Di Tian anymore. That being the case, it doesn't hurt if I take the opportunity to tease you.

With my current identity and status in the Dragon Clan, can Zi Ji kill me? Zhu Wu thought so.

Anyway, I never thought that Zi Ji would really agree, but if it happened, it would be a beautiful wife and bodyguard for free, which is not a loss! As for feelings, what kind of feelings do you want?

As time goes by, you will become more affectionate!

"." Zi Ji tensed up and remained silent, as if she was annoyed by her unwise remarks before.

It felt quite satisfying to be able to deflate the usually aloof and aloof ferocious beast Zi Ji. Zhu Wu smiled and said, "Okay, don't be nervous. I'll just mention it, forget it if you don't want to. There is a saying among humans. It’s good, but it’s not sweet if it’s forced.”

But it quenches thirst. This is definitely not something that can be said. Zi Ji does not dare to kill him, but it would be uncomfortable to give him a beating if she finds a chance.

He still has to learn skills from Zi Ji next.

"Don't resist, I'm going to start." He said, activating the Eye of Creature that has evolved into the Eye of Destiny.

His eyes of living beings are capable of peering into the essence of living beings. This ability is even more pronounced after taking the Autumn-Seeing Water Dew. He is truly able to see through things!

The center of his eyebrows was filled with silver light, and the scales within his sight suddenly became blurred, revealing countless fine meridians with soul power flowing inside.

The next second, wisps of silver-white soul power flowed out from both palms and penetrated into the gaps between the scales.

Zhu Wu's eyes were tightly closed, his brows were filled with light, his eyes of destiny remained open, and his mental power flowed rapidly in the direction of Zi Ji's own soul power under the guidance of his soul power. At the same time, somewhere in the spiritual sea, a blue-purple dragon slowly took shape.

Not far away, there was a thousand-meter-long black dragon, which was exactly the Di Tian's true form that he had simulated with his mental power.

There are also those for Red King, and none for Xiong Jun and Brigitte. His time was limited, so he naturally had to start with something for reference.

Time passed little by little, and Zi Ji's body remained tense.

I don't know how long it took, but my body suddenly trembled, the tip of my tail stood up straight, and my head was buried low.

It wasn't until half an hour later that the coolness in his body suddenly disappeared quickly, and Zhu Wu's voice came.

"I can't bear it anymore, I'll take a rest first."

Her body suddenly went limp, and Zi Ji felt even more tired than after a big battle, and her heart was beating uncontrollably. He opened his eyes slightly and saw that Zhu Wu had sat down on the spot, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing. His face was very pale, and he had obviously consumed a lot of energy, especially his mental energy.

She pursed her lips and didn't say much. It was hard to say much. The other party did it for her. The mental power cultivation method is Zhu Wu's private property, so he can't give it to him, let alone study and modify it into a suitable method for ferocious beasts like them.

The previous mention of Na as the Dragon Concubine was probably more out of concern for her emotions.

Of course, it's also possible that he really liked her, so he took the opportunity to make that unreasonable proposal.

Thinking of this, Long's face couldn't help but heat up. This was the first time in her life that someone of the opposite sex said such explicit words to her. He couldn't help but recall Zhu Wu's strong scolding from Zhu Wu when he ate the fairy grass. This guy really dared to say and do anything.

Otherwise, he would not have come up with a series of plans for the successor of God Shura and implemented them himself.

This is a man who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, and he can completely lose his face. But he had his own bottom line, and he dared to take responsibility. His inner understanding of Zhu Wu was refreshed again. He glanced at the figure and closed his eyes again.

Half an hour later, Zhu Wu's voice came again, "Zi Ji, I want to continue."

"Yes." Zi Ji responded softly and lay still.

Zhu Wu continued and finished exploring and simulating the middle section of Zi Ji's body, and then adjusted her breathing for another hour. After finishing, he came to the head of Ziji Dragon and stretched out his hand to touch his forehead. The latter's body trembled, then became quiet, allowing Zhu Wu's soul power and spiritual power to penetrate.

By the time the sun sets, it's finally done.

Withdrawing his hands, Zhu Wu coughed lightly and said, "That's it for today. Let's explore the body tomorrow."

Zi Ji's body froze, but Zhu Wu ignored her, turned around and walked to the open space aside, sat down and began to adjust her breathing. Only then did Zi Ji open her eyes. The light on her body flickered and she quickly transformed into a human body. Her face was red and her ears were red.

He stared at Zhu Wu deeply and flew away.

She has never been so embarrassed in her life, she needs to be quiet now!

Zhu Wu was not in the mood to think about anything else. When he woke up and saw that it was getting late, he touched his belly that was growling in protest and quickly set up a pot to cook. As for Zi Ji, she knows where she is. Although she understands the reason, she is too lazy to pay attention to it. He still has to practice.

Therefore, after finishing the meal, I left part of the food to keep warm by the campfire, quickly flew up to the cypress tree, chose a good location and a wide branch, and simply built a small nest. I sat in it and faced the moonlight and started practicing longevity skills until almost early in the morning. Just woke up.

Seeing that Zi Ji hadn't come back yet, she closed her eyes and lay down, went deep into the spiritual space and began to study the two dragon meridians.

Not long after, there was a click, and Zi Ji landed on the ground. She looked up at Zhu Wu's position with a slightly complicated look. Afterwards, he walked leisurely to the bonfire that had not been extinguished and sat down. He stretched out his hand to pick up the firewood and stared blankly at the rising brighter fire.

I don’t know how long it took, but I opened the earthen pot on the side, and the rich aroma of meat suddenly filled the air.

He picked up the porcelain bowl on the side and presented a bowl, holding it in both hands, feeling the heat coming from his palms, lowering his head and swallowing slowly.

On the other side, Zhu Wu returned to consciousness, glanced down, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

There was nothing to say all night. The next day, Zhu Wu got up early and started practicing the Vajra Kung Fu in the sunshine until around 9: in the morning, when he jumped down from the tree and started making breakfast.

After finishing, he turned to look at the tree hole not far away and shouted: "Zi Ji, do you want breakfast?"

Tat-tat-tat, crisp footsteps came, and the aloof and stunning Zi Ji walked out with a calm face.

"Here." When he came closer, Zhu Wu handed over a bowl of hot porridge.

"Thank you." Zi Ji responded softly, took over and sat down in silence, sucking slowly and swallowing slowly, eating everything cold and cold.

It was still comfortable to stay with Ling'er. Zhu Wu, who was used to chatting about nothing, was a little unaccustomed to this cold atmosphere, so he took the initiative to speak, "Zi Ji, the water you brought back before and the experience of the Fire Dragon King gave me some new insights. I've thought of a new trick in the past few days. I'll help you explore your body later and let's discuss it together. If this trick is to be realized, I'm afraid you still need to try it."

There is no way, his cultivation level is too low, he has a lot of cool ideas, but it is difficult to achieve them at this stage.

In addition, it has to be said that having the help of ferocious beasts in experimental skills can indeed greatly improve efficiency and help him avoid many risks.

"Okay." Zi Ji's face didn't change and she nodded lightly.

Not long after, seeing that Zhu Wu was about to finish his meal, Zi Ji put down his bowls and chopsticks, stood up and walked straight to the tree hole, leaving behind calm words, "After you finish eating, come to the tree hole to find me."

She didn't want to be seen by the ferocious beast that came to see Zhu Wu, that would be too embarrassing!

Hey, as a ferocious beast whose cultivation is about to break through the 30-year mark, Zi Ji, you know you are shy. Recalling Zi Ji's usual aloof attitude, Zhu Wu found it quite interesting, and even a little excited.

He couldn't help but reply, "Okay!"

So, after eating and packing his things, Zhu Wu strode towards the tree hole.

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