I was Invincible for a Billion Years

Chapter 1041 - The lives of these ants

In a word.

You can break the life and death of the living fossil-level characters.

If you put it before.

They dare not think about it.

But at the moment, whether they believe it or not, this is a scene that really appeared in front of them.

Nothing is half false!

As Chu Lingxiao’s sentence fell, the five major living fossil-level figures couldn’t help but glance at each other, and suddenly stood up tremblingly, and then, the projection scene in the entire sky.

Also at this moment.

Disappeared without a trace.

So that everyone in the whole space and time can no longer see the ninth heaven, what happened at the moment.


It inevitably disappointed everyone.

They really hope to look at Chu Lingxiao again, even if it is half a second. Once these characters disappear from their eyes, they really don’t know how long it will be before they see them again.

When I think of even the five major living fossil-level characters, I have to kneel down and ask for mercy from each other, and swear with my heart, they can’t help feeling a chill.

But more.

Still shocked and respected.

These monks, in the eyes of mortals in the world, are high above the earth, not forever, but now, they also feel that they are humble like ants in front of Chu Lingxiao.

to be frank.

Even so, they are still flattered in their hearts.


Looking at the projection scene of the ninth Chongtian, it completely disappeared in front of his eyes. Those Daogu giants who were hidden in the deep mountains of the sky and space all couldn’t help but sigh deeply.

The figure disappeared in the mountains everywhere.

Even with their strength.

Although they can use their consciousness to break through all the void in front and see the ninth heaven, but where is Chu Lingxiao, how dare they spy at will.

Although in my heart, there is still a trace of regret.

But they are content.

They can make the five living fossil-level characters swear with Dao heart and become lifelong servants, and they have nothing to say.

If it really counts.

As far as the strength of these Daogu giants is concerned, they really don’t know which year and month they will be able to do so, hurting each other’s hair.

“Contented, contented …”

this moment.

In the silent sky and space, there was a hoarse, vicissuous, and slightly sad voice in all the mountains, echoing all around the corner.

And the ninth heavy heaven at the moment.

Chu Lingxiao’s gaze slowly came back from these deep mountains. The five living fossil-level characters stood behind him more respectfully than one, daring not to make a sound.

And when they found that Chu Lingxiao’s eyes were actually looking at these Daogu giants who were far away, all of a sudden anxiety flashed in their hearts, and they all immediately lowered their heads.

These Taogu giants are far away.

As the characters of the sky, space and time, they do n’t know how, they are the end of the period.

It’s all from the beginning.

The oldest monk in the universe.

It can be said to be the originator of all ethnic groups.


At that time, the five of them all created a flower of the same kind, and originally wanted to sacrifice blood to all monks of different races to help them achieve a true flower of the same kind.

Only later.

Was taken a step ahead by Moon Peak Ancestor.

They had no choice but to see if they did n’t see it. They just wanted to see if this method was feasible. If it was feasible, they could go to the lower space and time. Anyway, there are monks everywhere. There is no need to find them in the sky and space.

But a pity.

In the end, that fake flower of the moon ancestor.

It still didn’t become the true flower of the same.

Just an imperfect flower.

In an instant.

The eyes of the other four living fossil-level characters couldn’t help but look at Yuedingzu, and Yuedingzu’s heart was originally disturbed by Chu Lingxiao’s actions.

this will.

The four living fossil-level characters all looked at him again, which made him feel cold for a while.


Just as the Moon Peak Ancestor thought, Chu Lingxiao was because he had sacrificed blood to all future race monks, but when he wanted to indict him, he only heard Chu Lingxiao say lightly:

“Do you know why you have so many blood sacrifices, but you still can’t make a fake flower into a real same flower?”

After the faint voice fell.

The four living fossil-level figures all shuddered in their hearts, and suddenly they couldn’t help glancing at each other, but they all dared not make a sound.

The Moon Peak Ancestor was even shocked, and dared not lift it again.


The atmosphere is afraid to take a breath.

But the next moment.

But still only heard Chu Lingxiao said lightly:

“Thousands of worlds, thousands of monks and even hundreds of millions of monks die every day. You can rest assured that the lives of these ants are still in my sight.”

Upon hearing this.

The body of Yue Zingzu also shuddered involuntarily, but in his heart, he was finally relieved deeply. He thought that Chu Lingxiao really wanted to ask him to instigate his teacher, but now it seems that he really thinks too too much.

But why a false flower, blood sacrificed so many people, did not become the same flower.

This is something he still can’t understand.

To know.

Sky, time and space are nowhere else.

The civilization of the monks here is far superior to that of the past. Too many are the strongest in time and space. They are placed in the space and time. They are just some ancestors, and upwards, they are only the originator of the big clan.

But that year.

Among the people who sacrificed blood, the strongest in time and space abounded, and the Daguo giants only had so few people left in the end, not to mention the monks under them.

But in the end.

His flower was still just an imperfect same flower.

In fact, at that time, he ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ really wanted to step directly into the past era and directly sacrifice the monks of an era, but later, he still saw some ways, even if all the monks of the past era were blood sacrifice It is also impossible to promote false flowers to the same flower by this method.

The road ahead is already broken.

The same flower.

It is something that can see through all the secrets of the monks. He did so, undoubtedly, cutting off the future. The most important thing is that the same flower involved the real reincarnation.

He blood sacrificed so many monks.

It must be involved.

And if you want to create the true flower of the same, the two characters of reincarnation must not be touched before then.

This is also after he closed for many years.

Only through these.

So later.

He even thought that why he couldn’t make a real same flower, I am afraid that is the reason!


If time could come back, he would definitely not do it.

However, Yue Zingzu knew in his heart that these were only his family’s words. Is this the case? I am afraid that only Chu Lingxiao can give him the answer in this world.

But the next moment.

Before waiting for the five ancestors of the moon to return to God, they saw the extremely bright light of the Five Dao and instantly fell in front of the five of them. In an instant, when they saw the five rays of light, there was nothing.

The hearts of the five ancestors of Moon Peak suddenly couldn’t help but bring it up.

And the moment when Chu Lingxiao’s voice fell, all five people’s bodies shivered, and their eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

“It seems that the five of you have already understood, then those five same flowers, you take it away.”

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