I was Invincible for a Billion Years

Chapter 136 - Waiting for 1 month, you are not her after all

Time is like a running train.

Passed quickly.

Came to summer in a blink of an eye.

The whole of China has ushered in a new chapter. The outside world simply does not understand what China is like today.

Every time someone wants to deliver the information here, they will either lose memory or sink into the sea.

Previous ordinary people.

If you want to get ahead, the best way is to study hard after ten years of hard work, and finally you will have such a chance to see a broader future.

but now.

Has another way out.

Join the royal team!

Can’t stand it.

But where there are many mortals, there will always be oppression and dignity, everyone is equal, and they have not reached the top of the mountain.

A small fishing village along the coast.

People here.

For generations, sunset and rest, sunrise and work all day long in fishing life.

Since the announcement of the recruitment of students by the Royal Group.

every family.

Sent their children to sign up for the event. In the end, the huge 500-person fishing village, and finally only two or three people, reached the standard line.

The dim seaside, a round of red sun, has gradually sunk below the ocean line, the golden quiet sunset, the reflected sea water, gently swaying a touch of gorgeous colors, at this time, an excited and lively and bright laughter broke A quiet fishing village.

“Mom, mom, where are you? Look, I’m successful.”

A little girl in a small flower skirt with a beautiful face, looking like a 17- or 18-year-old girl, two little feet trotting all the way, stepping on the beach, holding an admission letter in her hand, and happily docking towards the ship The fishing boat on the coast ran over.

Hear the sound.

A middle-aged woman raised her head.

Wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Looked at the little girl running towards here, waved his hand, and a smile appeared on his face:

“Xiaoying, I’m here.”

Looking at the fishing crowd on the coast, Liu Ying froze for a moment, and she could not find it for a while, and then finally saw the familiar figure and quickly walked quickly.

Liu Ying’s small face, full of pride, handed the woman a letter of acceptance.

Said cheerfully:

“Mom, look, I am successfully selected as a reserve member of the Royal Group!”

“Congratulations to your classmate Liu Ying, you have reached the standard line. Please pack your clothes tomorrow and go to the Imperial College to report!”

Looking at the big words woven in the gold thread on the admission book, the woman’s face was full of joy, her eyes trembling, and she looked at it a few times.

Liu Ying’s father.

Not long after she gave birth to Liu Ying, she died in an accident. She has worked hard and lived an orphan and widowed life, and she brought Liu Ying from an early age to a big one.

Daughter is also very sensible.

From a young age, every subject is excellent.

No matter how she is a woman, she has no skill, and can’t give her daughter a very good life. She has always felt that she has dragged her down.

If you can live in a rich family.

Daughter, why do you suffer with her every day?

it’s good now.

Was elected to the Imperial College, and she would not have to worry about her daughter’s future life.

Around the fishermen, hearing Liu Ying was also admitted, they were all inconceivable, and their words were full of surprise.

“This is already our fishing village, is the fourth one accepted?”

“Isn’t it? I think in those big cities, out of millions, no one can make one out.”

“It’s amazing.” An elderly elder, with a white beard and a humpback old man, walked out of the crowd on crutches and came out and asked:

“Xiaoying, have you ever seen that young man in white?”

Wen Yan, many eyes, suddenly stared over, Liu Ying nodded somewhat shyly.

Can’t help.

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief.

Young man in white on the sea cliff.

Since last month, has suddenly appeared in their small fishing village.

At first there were many people who had seen him.

No matter how you ask, the other party will not respond.

But just speak.

The next day will be selected for the Royal College!

Thought it was an accident, and now it seems that one by one example shows that this is definitely a strange person!

“Okay, okay, people Xiaoying’s own business, you always surround a little girl to see what!” Senior Whitebeard is senior and is the village chief of the small fishing village.

“Scattered, let it all go, it’s useless to envy you, let the young man speak!”

They did not ask other people, but they all said the same.

but why.

The difference is so big!

People around shook their heads, really unable to figure it out, and spread out.

The middle-aged woman smiles all over her face. Anyway, the daughter can be selected, which is the best reward for her hard work in more than ten years.

“Xiaoying, let’s go home, let’s go home for dinner, mom, I’ll make your favorite braised octopus today!”

Liu Ying hesitated and looked at the sea cliff.

“It’s windy at night, come back early.”

Seeing her daughter’s appearance, the middle-aged woman also knew what she knew. After throwing a sentence, she left.

On the sea cliff of a small fishing village.

A young man dressed in white, with a cold aura, sitting cross-legged, with his back to the lingering Liu Ying, a pair of indifferent eyes, with a trace of silence, gazing quietly in front of him, and churning waves.

This is Liu Ying’s second visit to the youth.

Always felt a little more familiar with the first time.

she was.

It seems as if I have seen a youth …

What are you thinking about?

Liu Ying shook her head and quickly threw this unrealistic idea into her mind.

“That … big brother.”

She summoned courage and said:

“I was elected to the emperor’s school, and the old people in the village said that the big brother is a strange person. As long as the big brother speaks, anyone can be selected successfully.”

“Big Brother ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Are you hungry or not, would you like me to have a meal?”

On the cliff.

There was only the sound of waves rolling, and the youth in white closed his eyes slightly, as if falling asleep, without any response.

Liu Ying also knew that this would happen. Although she was young, she knew that there was no youth, and she might have been screened long ago.

Bowed one body with a respectful tone:

“Big Brother, Xiaoying is going to report tomorrow, and may not be back for a long time.”

“Anyway, thank you anyway.”

She saluted again, as if she would never return, and then left without a trace of nostalgia.

The sound of tumbling waves.

Quiet for a long time.

The young man in white slowly opened his eyes and looked at a big wave that could be as high as the sea cliff. He rushed towards this side, but his eyes were not touched by waves and panic.

Invisible room.

The big waves seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier and instantly turned into a cloud.

White mist filled.

“Liu Ruying ……”

“One month’s waiting, you … not her, after all, not a similar flower.”

On the cold sea cliff, the young man in white had no fluctuations, and there was a trace of unpredictable silence in his eyes.

“Similar people, thousands of millions, similar flowers, where to find …”

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