I was Invincible for a Billion Years

Chapter 226 - The emperor was shocked, not human

All the emperor figures, hearing these words, can be described as mixed tastes, and I do not know how to respond to Chu Lingxiao’s words.

For them.

The name of Qin Emperor has a profound meaning.

Even them.

He was also the emperor in the years of history. He ruled the world and suppressed an era, but compared to the real men who changed the course of history.

Qin Huanghanwu.

It’s like two monuments standing in the river of time, standing forever in their hearts.

The emperor also has different levels.

Emperor Qin and Han Wu are the characters who can truly honor the ancient emperor.

Since resurrection,

They have never visited these two, and even these emperor figures have long admired the ancient emperor.

Especially the Qin Emperor who unified the world, unified characters, and established the indelible Great Wall in later generations.

That is the first emperor.

It was also the first emperor to enter the fairy road,

“Sir, why did you say that?” Zhao Hengren hesitated for a long time, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth before he held back such a sentence.

No one outside knows.

Do n’t they know …

The reason why he can be resurrected is because the man in front of him thought that they already knew enough, but after witnessing the starry visitor, these emperor figures realized that this man could do everything Can be imagined without imagination.

Everyone was silent for a while, watching Chu Lingxiao quietly.

Win Hai.

Although in history, he was a spurned figure, but he also once reached the throne and took control of the world.

It should also be eligible for resurrection …

Of course.

Chu Lingxiao took a sip of tea, but did not speak.

Everyone knows.

I didn’t dare to ask.

After a long time.

Chu Lingxiao uttered a word quietly.

“A few days ago, you should have noticed things overseas?”

Hear the words.

Zhao Heng and everyone else in the emperor’s group stared brightly, his face light.

What happened overseas.

They are naturally clear,

Since ancient times, on this star, as time goes on, they will no longer be the real masters.

Obviously, a group of barbarians drinking Maoruru’s blood.

It suddenly rose.

With civilization.

At first, they didn’t care much about history.


In their eyes, barbarians are barbarians. Even if they have civilization, they cannot compare with the splendid civilization they inherited from China for five thousand years.

But after they come back from the resurrection.

Just discovered.

This world is no longer dominated by China.

Those who were in their eyes, but a group of weak and humble overseas barbarians who did not understand the etiquette, became one of the most powerful nations on this star.

If they are emperors.

There is no resurrection.

If Huaxia did not recover.

I’m afraid really …

What made them unexpected was that this group of overseas barbarians even had strong people like their Chinese immortals!

“Brother Lin, as the last emperor, haven’t you found anything before?”

Zhao Hengren’s eyes were serious, frowning, and he looked at a majestic middle-aged man sitting in front of Lin Tianhou.

Chu Lingxiao glanced lightly.

Still not talking.

Lin Tianhou looked at himself and returned from resurrection. Lin Yaojue, the father of the emperor, was silent for a moment.

Not to mention these distances in modern times.

The emperor of thousands of years.

He is the one who has lived to modern times and has witnessed the world transition from the cold weapon force to the era of the king of technology weapons.

to date.

I haven’t figured it out yet.

How these overseas barbarians have reached such a peak in just two or three hundred years, it has to be amazing.

Lin Yaojue, as the last emperor in history, also frowned, shook his head in fog.

to be frank.

Return from the resurrection.

He is no better than any emperor who is present, but also wants to understand all this.

The time when he sat.

Overseas nations.

Although great progress has been made, in terms of force, it is still far from being able to threaten China.

But after he was resurrected, he found it after reading through history.

After his death.

Huaxia has suffered from the dark period of being bullied by overseas nations, and was insulted by ants who were able to shoot dead!

This really made him feel angry and puzzled.

Just one hundred years.

How can the barbarians overseas develop to such a degree!

“Sir, do you know why this is?”

Zhao Hengren’s sudden words suddenly turned everyone’s eyes to Chu Lingxiao, who was sitting in the seat and drinking tea.

Now in this world.

Who can give them the answer.

Only the man in front of him.

Chu Lingxiao’s face was calm, and he placed the teacup lightly next to it. Everyone was silent, and his eyes were fixed on Chu Lingxiao.

A faint voice came.

“You should know by now that there are other lives in the Milky Way besides the Earth, but there are many civilizations similar to the Milky Way in addition to the Milky Way and the universe.”

Similar civilization?

Everyone glanced at each other and felt particularly new, all of them could not help raising their ears.

“Overseas, the barbarians you said are, in a sense, they no longer belong to humans on earth.”

But Chu Lingxiao received some words.

But suddenly, in everyone’s ears, there was a raging wave, all eyes widened.

Not human on earth? !!

Zhao Hengren and all the emperor emperors tightened their hearts. Chen Jiannan, Liu Ying and other people in the world couldn’t help but their heartbeats accelerated.

Live with them under the same star.

Hundreds of years.

Even thousands of years!

Are billions of people not living creatures on earth? !!


In everyone’s mind, they couldn’t help but think about it, and the more they felt, the more terrified they were, and they all shivered at the same time.

“Behind them, the life outside the galaxy, that is, the **** who came overseas a few days ago, is dozens of times more powerful than the last group of people. They are all dominating a galaxy’s civilization.”

Of course.

Before waiting to digest these words, Chu Lingxiao’s next sentence even made everyone listen, and the pupil shrank.

“There are also several big nations in this part of the East, and their blood is also inherited from life outside the galaxy.”

this moment.

There was silence around.

Everyone felt more and more hairy, and Zhao Hengren and other emperor figures all looked very serious.

They are now as strong as true fairy.

I have long been conscious.

Understand that in the galaxy ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ the ten thousand people stand, the earth is just a drop of the vast sea.

They couldn’t resist even the gang of people in Xianyu. How could it be …

Life outside the galaxy.

If it is something else.


But it is the existence of a galaxy.

All hidden in the earth.

This is no longer a matter on earth, but the entire galaxy.

“Sir, can you resist …”

Chu Lingxiao said lightly:

“What do you think?”

this moment.

Everyone’s heart is full of uncertainty.

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