I was Invincible for a Billion Years

Chapter 32 - Since ancient times, red face, many disasters

When Su Lie was talking, she secretly observed Chu Lingxiao.

Ordinary like ordinary people.

In addition to temperament is first-class.

There was no breath of martial arts in him.

It seems that this kid named Chu Lingxiao, as I had previously guessed, is just a fox and a mighty man, relying on the waste of the old monster behind him!

At the same moment.

Su Lie thought of that video in Yangzhou.

There was a sneer in my heart.

Chen Daojie, Chen Daoji, you are still the great master of the top five or eight atmospheres of the list.

How could you kneel down to such waste?

It really lost the face of our Master Tianbang.

When I break through the seven atmospheres, it will take ten years to replace the top five positions on your list!

With a glance, the senior Zhao family sitting on the seats on both sides, Su Lie sneered again.

The royal family of the Zhao dynasty was in the throne, and the current patriarch did not sit, but gave up to a waste.

It seems that your Zhao clan is really getting more and more alive!

“Ha ha.”

Seeing Chu Lingxiao not taking care of himself, Su Lie’s lips showed a sneer, a meaningful sneer, thinking of me as the Dark Emperor, the peerless genius of the Twelve, and the close disciples of the first Wuzhen Tian of the Top The royal gate cannot enter.


Now I want to see Su Li, how can this waste sit in the lobby and ignore my existence!

Su Lie was condescending and reached out his hand, but he looked down at Chu Lingxiao with his eyes:

“Chu taboo, hello, my name is Sulie.”


Thigh on the side of Zhao’s royal family?

Talk to you, ignore me, right?

Transcendent? Really treat yourself as a man?


I’m taking the initiative to shake hands with you now. I’m going to see. In the eyes of all the senior members of the Zhao clan, are you still ignoring me!

come on!

Let me see.

You master, really don’t even need the most basic cultivation!

My dark emperor, Su Lie, walked the international dark world, lost thousands of enemies after thousands of battles, and I do not know how many unfathomable characters I have seen.

But I have n’t seen a kid like you who dares to act so deeply in front of me!


Unexpectedly, Su Lie never thought that the guy in front of him was worthless, just an ordinary person, still drinking tea there, smelling tea, and tasting tea. He didn’t glance at him from beginning to end.

Mantang Zhao’s royal family.

His hand stopped alone in the air.

Extremely embarrassing.

Su Lie was so angry in his heart that this kid was so mad, he dare to play him like a clown!

“Chu taboo, what do you mean?”

Su Lie withdrew his hand, and Yin and Yang said strangely:

“I took the initiative to shake hands, and already showed my respect for you. Didn’t you embarrass me?”

Su Lie was so disappointed that he portrayed himself as a decent image, in order to let all the senior members of the Zhao clan see the ugly and unshakable original form of Ling Xiao.

Of course, in the entire lobby, all the high-ranking Zhao clan clan still remained indifferent and indifferent.

Tea is overflowing, sip tea. 35xs

Chu Lingxiao didn’t even look squarely at all.

That feeling.

It was as if watching Su Lie performing a circus alone, amusing them.

Su Lie: “…”


Invisible, I felt a loud slap in the face, Su Lie only felt a hot face.

He was extremely angry and forced a smile: “Chu taboo, it really is extraordinary.”

Although it is a boast.

But anyone who listened to it at this time could feel the killing intent.

Seemingly aware, Zhao Yongchang gave Chu Lingxiao a careful look.

See no care.

Zhao Yongchang coughed and put on a posture of an old-school senior. He looked directly at Su Lie and said lightly:

“Speak, you come to my Zhao clan, what are you going to do?”


Suspected, Su Lie frowned slightly.

What do I do?

Haven’t I read all my letters?

That being the case, how can you still be so high that you don’t take Su Li’s eyes as a school?

“In the letter, it has been made clear that I want to marry Ningyu as my wife!” When referring to Zhao Ningyu, Su Lie’s tone was much softer.

But how can marriage matter.

It should have been discussed by both parties before making a decision.

But in Su Lie’s words, all the Zhao’s royal clan frowned, because they felt a threat in them.

As if he was the golden body of the Zhao family.

Of course, there is no doubt.

Can only marry him Su Lie!

As a father, Zhao Youxing almost couldn’t hold back, just wanted to pat the table angrily, got up and scolded.

But he looked at the figure above him that made him feel both awe and fear.

After thinking about it, I refrained from sending it.

Seeing all the senior members of the Zhao clan and the future father-in-law who had n’t put him in his eyes for a long time, he said nothing.


Su Lie was proud.

“It seems to be clear that the clan of the Zhao clan is in danger now. Since that is the case, I will save no more saliva!”

After five years of life and death, it is time to reap the rewards.

There was a touch of tenderness in his eyes, and Su Lie said to himself: “Ning Yu, wait, it won’t take long before I can marry you over the door and wait for me!”

When thinking about the future, Su Lie’s eyes left no trace, flashing from Chu Lingxiao, his heart highlighted a self-confidence with a desire to compare with Tiangong.

It won’t take long.

I, Su Lie, let the entire Zhao clan recognise a fact.

I am the one who can really rescue the Zhao clan in the depths of the water!

I am the real dragon emperor who can soar in the sky!

Compared with me, this waste called Chu Lingxiao is just an ant that can be trampled on by anyone, both weak and ignorant!

But at this moment, a lightly written sentence interrupted Su Lie’s fantasy.

“I also said that you are not qualified to marry my family Ningyu!”


Su Lie froze in place, and immediately sneered, “Patriarch Zhao, I urge you to think twice.”

“Now that the Zhao family is in danger, only my master is willing to help you. Of course, the letter has stated that there is only one condition.”

“Jing Ning …”

Not finished.

Zhao Yongchang didn’t want to listen to it anymore. He waved his hand directly and interrupted, saying:

“Okay ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ You can go!”

To be honest, with Su Lie’s current status, he is indeed eligible to be his son-in-law of the Zhao clan.

But it was proposed at this time.

Act like this.

Really a villain!


Hearing the words and ordering the guests, Su Lie was also free and easy, made a gesture, turned and walked away.

But when he left, he looked at Chu Lingxiao very coldly.

See Su Lie leaving.

Zhao Yongchang, as well as all the senior members of the Zhao clan, quickly got up, bowed slightly towards Chu Lingxiao, and gave a collective salute.

“Sir, he just offended you like this, why didn’t you kill him.” Zhao Yongchang raised his body, showing puzzlement.

“It’s more interesting to kill a group than to kill one.” Chu Lingxiao said aside, sipping tea.

Zhao Yongchang nodded and stood aside.

“Come out.” Chu Lingxiao spoke again.

At this time, from the back of the lobby, a figure of Miao Man appeared.

It is Zhao Ningyu.

Looking at the place where Su Lie had just stood, a complex look appeared on her face.

For Sulie.

She is not completely unimpressed.

Unfortunately, the other party’s character failed the test.

“Since ancient times, beautiful women have been like crystal-clear beautiful jade, and they are of great value.” Looking at the sky in the distance, it seemed that the countless high-rise buildings couldn’t block Chu Lingxiao’s profound eyes.

At last.

Straight at the many silhouettes on the Mochizuki cliff, continue:

“But it’s often red, but it’s like misfortune.”

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