I was on the list of gods at the start

Chapter 342

   One emperor: “Another big guy has joined the chat group. According to the chat group’s realm level, this big guy, nicknamed the No. 1 Great Venerable Demon Realm, is the peak of the eleventh order, comparable to the power of the quasi-sage peak…”

    I am the protagonist: “There are more and more big

    guys joining the chat group, either the quasi-saint power or the mixed yuan power. It is getting harder and harder for us little people to mix.” The magical saint: “Don’t you guys .” I am dejected, can the pattern be bigger? The stronger the chat group is, isn’t this a good thing for everyone?” The

    leader of the moon worship: “Baguio said well, we are a whole, the stronger the chat group is, yes For us, there is only good and no harm.”

    Yandi: “I agree with Baguio and Lao Shi, the chat group is stronger, and when you find a suitable world in the future, you will have the strength to plunder the higher-level gods, so that everyone can make a breakthrough. Hope…”

    I’m the protagonist: “I understand what you’re saying. I naturally hope that the chat group will become stronger and stronger. It’s just a grumbling. Do you want to go online like this?”

    Every time there is a new one. When members join the chat group, the chat group will be lively for a while. Everyone has long understood the rules of new members joining the chat group. Even in order to welcome new members, many people’s congresses waited online in the morning.

    After diving in the chat group for a while, Li Xuan closed the chat group. Chi You is just a quasi-sage, not worthy of Li Xuan’s attention, and there is no need for Li Xuan to contact him personally.

    In the chat group, Li Xuan Aite sent a message to the leader of Tongtian, letting the leader of Tongtian contact Chi You, and invited Chi You to join the Wanjie Mall.

    The leader of Tongtian is the great power of Hunyuan. It is already a lot of face for Chi You to let the leader of Tongtian contact Chi You and personally invite Chi You to join the Wanjie Mall.

    “Qin Yu, are you interested in accepting another disciple?” After

    Li Xuan closed the chat group, Voice Transmission summoned Qin Yu and talked to Qin Yu about Li Yang. If Qin Yu is willing to accept disciples , it will be natural Best, if Qin Yu is unwilling, Li Xuan will not force him.

    After Li Xuan finished speaking, a white light fell into Qin Yu’s sea of ​​knowledge. Qin Yu only felt that there was a piece of information in his mind, which was a novel called Cun Mang.

    “Hun Yuan is able to reincarnate, and he will be able to prove Hun Yuan in the future, and he is also eligible to join my Ziwei line… In that case, the disciple will go!”

    As Li Xuan’s only disciple, Qin Yu felt that he was obliged and had Responsibility to strengthen the line of Ziwei, he also knows his master’s temperament, he must be too lazy to accept disciples, then only his disciple will come.

    Moreover, Li Yang is the reincarnation of Hunyuan Power, and he will become Hunyuan Power in the future, and he is also eligible to worship the line of Ziwei, and he won’t suffer a loss if he accepts Li Yang.

    ………… In the

    training room of Xingluo Base, a young man stood in the training ground, staring straight ahead, 50 meters away from the steel plate bullseye. The young man’s right hand flicked, and a blade of sword flashed past, as if Like a meteor, the flying knife plunged into the red heart of the steel target.

    The steel plate is a special steel plate. Even if you are standing in front of the steel plate with a flying knife, most people cannot insert the flying knife on it. Young people can shoot the flying knife into the steel target. That is because he instilled internal force, so the flying knife can Fast and accurate, the knife shot into the red heart of the steel target fifty meters away.

    The young man is Li Yang, the protagonist of the Cunman World. Li Yang’s ancestor is not an ordinary person, but Li Xunhuan, who is known as Xiao Li’s Magic Sword, and is also the founding ancestor of the Great Sword Sect. Li Yang’s flying sword can be so powerful. It is because he inherited the family heirloom “Star Pole Three Realms”.

    “Shoo! Shoo!”

    Li Yang’s left and right hands trembled at the same time, and two ray of cold knife light flashed. Others couldn’t see the flying knife’s trajectory at all. The speed of the flying knife was really too fast. The flying knife has been shot into the enemy’s throat.

    Li Yang practiced over and over again, sweat dripping from his forehead, but his face was as calm as a rock, continuing all kinds of throwing knife training.

    “call out!”

    Another flying knife shot out, Li Yang’s wrist trembled slightly, and the trajectory of the flying knife was different from what was expected. However, relying on the mysterious and happy spirit realm in “Star Pole Three Realms”, he controlled the flight slightly. The knife and the flying knife immediately changed their trajectory and shot on the red heart of the steel plate again.

    Li Yang immediately walked to the steel plate and removed his flying knives from the steel plate. He could only hide 30 flying knives on his body without affecting his attack and speed. After shooting the flying knives, he would naturally retrieve them.

    “Nice flying knife skills!”

    When Li Yang was retrieving the flying knife, he suddenly heard a voice from behind. Li Yang was shocked and subconsciously shot out two flying knives, but when Li Yang turned around, he was suddenly caught in front of him. shocked!

    I saw a young man standing not far behind him. I don’t know when he was standing. The young man was not too old and looked about the same as him. Between the young man’s index and middle fingers, there were two throwing knives.

    Li Yang knew how fast his flying knife was. The opponent was able to clamp his flying knife. This was incredible, at least he had never encountered such a situation.

    “Who are you?”

    Li Yang was shocked, grasping the flying knife in his hand, carefully guarding the young man, and being able to catch his flying knife, the young man’s strength must be extremely terrifying, and this is the Xingluo base, which belongs to the security bureau. The secret base, the defense is strict beyond imagination, the opponent can sneak into the Xingluo base, is definitely a top expert.

    “I have no malice, you don’t need to be nervous.”

    The young man who suddenly appeared in the training room was naturally Qin Yu who had come across the border. Seeing that he seemed to scare Li Yang, Qin Yu couldn’t help but smiled and soothed.

    “Who on earth are you? What is the purpose of sneaking into Xingluo Base?”

    Although Qin Yu said that he was not malicious, Li Yang didn’t believe it. Instead, he became more careful. He didn’t feel the slightest breath of warrior from Qin Yu’s body. What do you think? They are all ordinary. There is only one possibility in this situation, that is, the opponent’s cultivation base may far surpass him.

    “I have no purpose. I want to say that the purpose is also for you. To be more precise, I want to accept you as a disciple. You don’t have to rush to reply. Think carefully for a few days. If you decide to apprentice and call me directly, I will Appears… Oh, yes! My name is Qin Yu.” After

    Qin Yu said that his figure slowly disappeared. Although he decided to accept Qin Yu as a disciple, this kind of thing requires both parties to please me. If Li Yang is not willing to approve, then He wouldn’t force it, anyhow, it was Hunyuan’s great power, even if Li Yang had good potential, if he didn’t want to be a teacher, he wouldn’t beg to be a teacher with a face.

    “Cultivator…Qin Yu…”

    Seeing Qin Yu disappear silently, Li Yang was shocked. As a master of the Security Bureau, Li Yang was able to get in touch with things that ordinary people could not touch. Regarding the cultivation, Li Yang knew about it. Not much, but I have heard from the top of the Security Bureau.

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