I Was Reborn With All Max-Leveled Classes of Mage, Warrior, Rogue, and Healer!

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Rebirth! First Day of the Opening of Divine Domain?


Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“Divine Domain!? The server opens today!?”

Even McRae, who had an unusually strong mind, couldn’t help but clench his fists at this moment. It was only when his nails dug into his palms that the sharp pain allowed Mai Ru to snap out of it.


There were only two reasons why the man who was known as the God of War in his previous life was so shocked.

Divine domain!

“I’ve been reborn to the first day of the opening of the Divine domain!”

McRae touched the stubble that had just appeared, and for a moment, thoughts surged in his mind.


Other people might not know what the word Divine Domain meant in the next ten years, but McRae, who was reborn, clearly knew the weight of these two words!

Divine domain!

A phenomenal virtual reality online game that appeared out of nowhere in 2090.


Thinking back, at the start of the server, the number of people online at the same time around the world had reached nearly 3 billion.


Half a month after the game opened, almost everyone in the world was a Divine Domain player!


A perfect world system, a perfect physical engine, perfect professional skills, and even a perfect AI NPC. All this made the game, the online milestone in the history of human games, completely connected with reality!


And a year after the opening of Divine Domain, the ultra-high commercial return rate also made many investors in the world flock to it like ducks. They all entered the Divine Domain with large sums of money!


The Divine Domain had become the second world of humans!

But these weren’t the most important things.

In the fifth year of the opening of the Divine Domain, after all humans had registered to log into the Divine Domain server, an unknown force interfered. Reality and the world of the Divine Domain had become one. The original laws of the universe were replaced by the laws of Divine Domain. All humans became the game characters that they registered in Divine Domain, and it officially became the real world. History called this year “First Year of Divine Domain”.


As for McRae, he was already an existence that stood at the top of all the players in the world when Divine Domain became reality—he was the strongest God of War, and was revered by all the players in the world. Because he refused to join any forces, he traveled alone and was regarded by many solo players as their idol.


The memories of his previous life flashed past McRae’s mind like an old photo album. In the end, it stopped at the moment when he was surrounded and killed by the four big guilds.


“Four big guilds!”

McRae murmured softly, then clenched his fists, his eyes revealing a coldness that would chill anyone’s heart.


Then, McRae shook his head. His tightly furrowed brows relaxed, and was replaced by a slight smile and a trembling body.

After McRae was reborn, he not only had memories of the schemes of the four big guilds in his mind, but even memories of the countless hidden missions, hidden Bosses… and even many of the unique missions in his previous life!


In his previous life, even an ordinary hidden mission would make countless players drool, let alone a hidden wild boss or a limited unique mission!

These missions and Bosses usually didn’t just give simple attributes enhancements on the interface, but also special props, special skills, and even basic attribute points that could affect the growth of characters!

There was a saying in the Divine Domain: Hidden missions and rewards from Bosses may not be the best, but the best rewards can only come from hidden missions and Bosses!


At this moment, in McRae’s mind, there was already a rough outline. He was thinking of a series of training and strengthening plans from level 0 to max, as well as missions that he should take on, treasure chests that he should open, hidden NPCs that he should meet, and so on.


Wouldn’t it be a good thing to start from scratch? As that story about the man who lost his horse goes, good luck may come out of bad luck. The God of War in this lifetime would definitely be stronger and more terrifying than the God of War in his previous life!

“Divine Domain, I’m coming!”

Having made up his mind, McRae didn’t think too much anymore and opened the Celestial domain’s client directly.


Looking at the extremely familiar loading animation, a trace of reminiscence appeared in McRae eyes.

[Game initializing…]

[Player information scan…]

[Uploading data]

After a crisp system prompt, the scene changed!


System: Welcome to the Divine Domain!

“Hello, respected adventurer, welcome to the Divine Domain. I’m your navigation sprite, Xiao Ai. Next, I’ll explain in detail the player classes. Divine Domain to you.”


Relying on its ethereal voice and sweet appearance, the navigation sprite had captured the hearts of countless nerds in his previous life, and was known as the number one killer of nerds. At this moment, Ma Rui didn’t have the mood to listen to Xiao Ai talk about these things that he was already familiar with.


McRae stared at her game character, stunned.


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