I Was Stuck on the Same Day For a 1000 Years

Chapter 187: Mr. Wu, is there still time in the evening?

Chapter 187: Mr. Wu, is there still time in the evening?

7: Mr. Wu, is there still time in the evening?

It was neither a coincidence nor an accident that Su Qingying called at this time, simply because it was dinner time.

Wu Chen picked up the phone.

Hello, Qingying.

Honey, are you with Ms. Li?

No, busy.

Hubby I cant go to you today either. You wont blame me, right?

Wu Yurong heard Wu Chen pick up the phone saying Qingying. She realized it was Su Qingying. She just walked over, then slightly walked two steps faster, stopped at the edge of the coffee table.

Because she was a bit drunk, her behavior was much bolder, but not really rude to move over to eavesdrop.

The office was very quiet. Wu Chen sat on one side of the sofa chair, Wu Yurong stood on the side of the coffee table.

She also put the handbag on the coffee table, directly twisted, and sat on the top of the coffee table.

The side of her body faced at Wu Chen.

The straight line distance from Wu Chens phone was less than a meter.

She could vaguely hear the voice of the girl.

Blame you for what? Wu Chen smiled and said, Youre busy, and I just happen to have something going on as well.

Well my dad came back, and I still have to eat with some elders today Although Wu Chen said it was okay, Su Qingying still had to explain to Wu Chen.

Just concentrate on your business. Wu Chen laughed, Dont get so tense, its fine.

Husband is so nice. He, muah! Su Qingying said and even kissed at the phone.

Good girl. Wu Chen laughed.

Thats it for now then, hubby. Ill call you later.


Wu Chen smiled and hung up the phone before putting it away, and before he could raise his head, he heard Wu Yurongs voice coming, Su Qingying?

Wu Chen looked up at Wu Yurong.

Wearing a suit dress, Wu Yurong sat sideways on the coffee table, twisting her head to look at herself. This distance, this perspective, full of unruly and titillating feeling.

If she hadnt been drinking, she would never have been able to sit sideways on the coffee table!

Right! Wu Chen nodded.

She called you husband? Wu Yurong asked.

Yeah, whats wrong with that? Wu Chen laughed.

She seems to care about you and is nervous about what you think Wu Yurong asked with a slight frown with a smile.

Is that strange? Wu Chen asked back.

Wu Yurong thought for a moment, didnt say anything else, stood up and said, Mr. Wu wait a moment, Ill go change my clothes.

Dropping her words, she headed towards the offices lounge.

This lounge of hers, which Wu Chen had gone into when he was in the reincarnation, was much larger than the lounge of Li Ruobings office, it was remodeled after it was opened up. It could be said that it was a standard large bedroom, and there were also a very large number of closets in it, and a very large number of womens clothes!

Wu Yurong was a woman who cared a lot about her image, and her requirements for what she wore were much higher than other women!

When doing different things, the clothes she wore will definitely be different!

For example, when working, she would definitely wear a relatively formal professional outfit, and when going out for dinner, she would definitely change into a more feminine long dress, and if she was attending a banquet, she would even wear something extremely gorgeous!

Wu Yurong went into the restroom to change clothes.

This change Wu Chen waited for her for half an hour!

Wu Yurong didnt need to re-makeup, she obviously spent too long picking out her clothes, thats why it took so long, Wu Chen on the other hand was calmly waiting for her, and didnt idle, taking out his cell phone again to chat with someone online.

The time was approaching 5:30 PM.


Wu Yurong came out. She changed into a burgundy short cheongsam dress, different from the classical style cheongsam.

This cheongsam dress was a modern improvement. The cheongsam dress length was only up to an inch above the knee, the side of the opening amplitude was just right, and extremely close to Wu Yurongs body.

It was the most beautiful curves of the female body she exposed

There was no doubt that Wu Yurongs cheongsam was customized according to her figure!

The cheongsam is a kind of clothing that is difficult for ordinary women to wear. Although the cheongsam was beautiful, if an ordinary woman walked in the street wearing a cheongsam, it would give people a sense of abruptness and disharmony. It perfectly set off her elegant temperament.

What Wu Yurong wore with the cheongsam was a pair of thin high heels with a black bottom and red surface.

On the whole, at this moment, Wu Yurong not only had the unique charm that mysterious oriental women should have, but also had a charming side in elegance.

Wu Yurong even changed her clutch bag in order to match her outfit.

She also put on a white diamond bracelet that was extremely close to her skin tone, the wide and sparkling kind.

Mr. Wu, sorry to keep you waiting. Wu Yurong walked towards the sofa and smiled softly and sweetly at Wu Chen, she seemed to have sobered up a lot, her face was obviously less drunk than before, and her face wasnt so red anymore.

Wu Chen knew that because Wu Yurong couldnt drink enough and would often have social occasions, she often carried sober medicine in her bag.

She should have taken the sobriety pills when she was in the lounge.

In fact, the effect of the sobering up medicine, it was just that, sobering up effect was very limited. Wu Yurong just drank a bottle of red wine, so the sobering up medicine was still very effective, but if she wanted  to continue to drink that was when the medicine could not withstand the effect of alcohol!

Can we go? Wu Chen asked as he stood up in front of the sofa.

Mr. Wu please. Wu Yurong directly raised her hand and signaled to Wu Chen, she also directly walked towards the door.

In the corridor outside the office, the female bodyguard Chu Yan was sitting on a corridor bench not far away, and there were two male bodyguards walking back and forth in the corridor.

The door to the office suddenly opened.

Wu Yurong and Wu Chen walked out.

The two male bodyguards all immediately changed their relaxed walking appearance, and the female bodyguard Chu Yan also stood up and looked towards Wu Yurong.

Go to White Whale. Wu Yurong came out and gestured to Chu Yan, and then turned her head to Wu Chen and smiled, Does Mr. Wu like French food?

She asked Wu Chen only after everything was all set.

White Whale was the name of one of the top French restaurants in Eastern Sea, the owner was a Chinese, but the chef team was poached from the top restaurants in France.

Its okay. Wu Chen said back to Wu Yurong.

The two of them walked towards the elevator, the bodyguards followed behind, the female bodyguard Chu Yan was still a few steps behind, pressing the headset to speak in a low voice, although Wu Yurong only told her go to White Whale, but it was the same as telling her to notify the downstairs to prepare the car, notify the White Whale restaurant to reserve a private room

They went downstairs and get in the car.

Wu Chen naturally did not open his own Lamborghini, but got into Wu Yurongs Bentley Mulsanne sedan, and sat together in the back row. Its worth mentioning that Wu Yurongs driver was also a woman and also doubled as a bodyguard.

On the road

More than twenty minutes later, they arrived at the White Whale Western Restaurant located in Wutong Street.

The private room had already been booked and was on the third floor.

Wu Chen and Wu Yurong went upstairs, entered the private room and took a seat, both of them were very familiar with ordering food, and in the process of waiting for the meal, first opened the red wine, and chatted while drinking.

This meal, the two eat could be said to be extremely long. It completely followed the French dining etiquette of eating, first on the cold dishes, after eating on the French soup, and then only on the main course. Once the main course finished, and then on the dessert

In fact, what to eat how to eat were not important! The important thing was that both were not in a hurry to end this dinner, drinking and chatting was the main thing!

And in the process of dinner chatting, Ding family was not the main topic of the two. It was as if there is no focus. Wu Yurong also asked Wu Chen how Li Ruobing was privately, and she also asked Wu Chen how the family, how the relationship with his parents and sister

The two also talked about the topic of music.

Wu Chen could feel that Wu Yurong had a comprehensive understanding of himself, which was expected.

Without realizing it, the time was already more than nine oclock in the evening.


It was very soft as if something fell on the ground, it sounded like high heels.

Mr. Wu, do you still have time in the evening? Full of drunkenness, Wu Yurongs flushed face was full of smiles. Just as she asked, Wu Chen also felt that there was something under the table rubbing against his leg, which seemed to be Wu Yurongs foot reaching out from under the table.

Do you want to go to my home to drink tea? Wu Yurong softly said.

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