I Was Stuck on the Same Day For a 1000 Years

Chapter 191: Dare to have such an attitude?!

Chapter 191: Dare to have such an attitude?!

1: Dare to have such an attitude?!

Wu Yurong deliberately walked a little further away, because she didnt want her daughter to hear the voice on the phone. After the call was connected, Wu Yurong didnt speak. She listened first.

Where are you? Li Ruobing asked.

He went to the bathroom, and he left the phone in the living room, Wu Yurong said in a soft and sweet voice. If it wasnt because her daughter Song Xuan was in the living room, Wu Yurong would definitely not have said that.

At least she would have mentioned Wu Chen instead of he.

Huh? Li Ruobing was stunned for a moment before realizing that the tone of the voice was Wu Yurong.

Is this Ms. Wu? Li Ruobing said in a normal tone, without the coldness of her usual speech. She respected Wu Yurong, so her attitude towards Wu Yurong was always the same.

Yes, its me. Wu Yurong spoke in her usual tone, really gentle and sweet.

Wu Chen, did he go to look for you this early in the morning? Li Ruobing asked.

She really guessed like this, because she knew what kind of woman Wu Yurong was, so she wouldnt think in that direction.

The current time was eight in the morning, and so the timing also fit.

He Facing this question, Wu Yurong pondered for a while, turned her gaze, and glanced at the door of the bathroom. She smiled softly and sweetly, No.

She walked aside. Song Xuan couldnt hear the voice on the phone, but she could hear what she, her mother, was saying.

No? Li Ruobing was stunned again, thought for a moment and asked, Ms. Wu, did you go to find him?

Li Ruobing admired Wu Yurong.

Li Ruobing knew even more that although Wu Yurong had many good male friends, all kinds of rich and powerful businessmen, but even these people, after so many years, could not even touch Wu Yurongs hair!

No matter how powerful a man was, he had to sit down obediently in front of Wu Yurong!

Wu Yurong was wary of men, and she had a playful mentality.

Because Wu Yurong had instinctive hostility towards any man, yet Wu Yurong would take the initiative to seek Wu Chen the next day?

That could be said to be the pinnacle of making friends!

No. Wu Yurong answered more briefly this time.

Li Ruobing was stunned again.

If it wasnt Wu Chen looking for Wu Yurong, nor Wu Yurong looking for Wu Chen, what else could it be? Li Ruobing was silent and in a daze, and then, she continued to be silent. She thought about it, and her breathing rhythm was a bit wrong.

It seemed that there was no other explanation. The two of them had not separated from yesterday afternoon to this morning

Acutally, Li Ruobing was a little confused.

Its just it didnt seem to be correct, right? Not to mention whether Wu Yurong was threatened or lured, Wu Yurong was not a little girl. She was famous for her viciousness and cleanliness! And whether she was threatened or lured by interests, she had no reason to do this!

She was Wu Yurong!

Where are you? Li Ruobing asked again because she was afraid that she might misunderstand.

My house, Wu Yurong replied.

Ms. Wu let Wu Chen stay overnight? Li Ruobing asked again.

Yes, Wu Yurong said again.

Or maybe it was just staying overnight. Although Wu Yurong never let men stay at her home, Wu Chen was so much younger than her, and he was her daughters senior in college

Li Ruobing wanted to think in this direction, but Li Ruobing remembered Wu Chens style. She felt that Wu Yurongs current attitude was very strange.

She just listened to her, not taking the initiative to speak, and didnt explain at all.

She was not afraid of being misunderstood. She clearly knew whose boyfriend Wu Chen was! If nothing happened, Wu Yurong would never be like this!

Li Ruobing took a deep breath and asked in a cold tone, Ms. Wu slept with Wu Chen?

Yes, Wu Yurong responded nasally and admitted without hesitation!

She still didnt say much.

In fact, she didnt say much because her daughter was in the living room. If Song Xuan wasnt there, Wu Yurong would tell Li Ruobing in more detail!

She had already made up her mind not to hide it from Li Ruobing.

Since Li Ruobing didnt care that her man had other women, she might as well let her know directly!

Even if there were any conflicts after that, or the relationship deteriorated she, Wu Yurong, was not afraid of her!

Li Ruobing was silent again.

In her heart, it was as if the sky had collapsed and the earth had been broken, and she had once again reshaped her understanding of Wu Chen!

Wu Chen, is he that magical? He kills all?!

In fact, this was not important anymore. At this point, the more powerful Wu Chen was, the happier Li Ruobing was.

The problem was, the woman Wu Chen attacked this time turned out to be Wu Yurong!

He actually took down Wu Yurong in one day, which was theoretically impossible for any man!

Even Su Qingying couldnt bring Li Ruobing a strong sense of threat, but Wu Yurong brought it to her! Especially Wu Yurongs current attitude. Although she still had a gentle and sweet voice and she didnt say much, as if she didnt want to say more, this made Li Ruobings heart ablaze

Dont you know who is Wu Chens girlfriend?!

Knowing that Wu Chen has a girlfriend and still sleeping with Wu Chen! Do you still dare to have this attitude when he is your junior?!

Ms. Wu, I think we need to talk, Li Ruobing said bluntly.

Come to Nancheng, Wu Yurong said.

Beep beep

Li Ruobing hung up after listening.

While Wu Yurong was answering the phone, Song Xuan was not idle. She continued to tidy up the sofa, and she turned to look at her mother from time to time. She saw that her mother was listening to the phone, and then she would answer briefly. This was what happened with people who were close to each other.

She was already guessing that uncle was definitely a wealthy businessman she knew before. Maybe he was the one who was familiar with her, and she must be super familiar with her mother, otherwise, it was impossible for her mother to know the person who called him. They should be very familiar with each other for a long time.

Wu Yurong finally put down the phone, turned around and smiled sweetly at her daughter, Xuanxuan, there will be guests later

Then, Im leaving, Song Xuan said immediately. She didnt like the occasion where there were all elders, its very restrained, and the topics they talked about were not of her interest.

Mom, ask the part-time worker to help you clean up. Ill be going Song Xuan left as soon as she said that.

Wu Yurong knew her daughter very well, and she was not surprised by her daughters reaction at all. Seeing her daughter rushing down the stairs, she told her, Drive slowly.

Got it, Song Xuan, who went downstairs, replied.



The bathroom door opened.

Did Ruobing Call? Wu Chen asked with a smile as soon as he came out. He was listening to the movement outside, and knew that Song Xuan had left. He also knew that Wu Yurong had answered his call. Judging from Wu Yurongs answer, it was Li Ruobing, so he let Wu Yurong deal with so many noises.

Thats right, she should be here soon. Wu Yurong smiled gently at Wu Chen, and the smile contained a lot of information.

Wu Chen smiled and didnt say anything.

He could tell that with Wu Yurongs mentality at the moment. She didnt want to fight Li Ruobing, but she was also not afraid!

Im really uncomfortable, lets take a bath, Wu Yurong walked into Wu Chen again and said.

More than forty minutes later, the door of the villa opened.

The female bodyguard Chu Yan led Li Ruobing, who was wearing red high-heeled shoes.

She came!

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