I watched the short video of Genshin Impact and the character broke his defense.

Chapter 144

On the live broadcast screen, as the distance between the Yunqi Army fleet and the activated planet became closer and closer, the figures of Jing Yuan and Lin Yi grew larger and larger on the screen, and tens of thousands of Yunqi soldiers quickly jumped out of the battle. The ship formed a formation behind the two of them.

Su Chang also stood nervously in the queue, sweating all over her body.———

A Yunqijun brother beside him was still comforting Su Shang:

"Don't be afraid, girl!!!

According to the marshal's plan, this time we are supporting the general and brother Lin Yi from the rear!!!

We just need to throw all our long-range weapons on the demon star to create output opportunities for the general and brother Lin Xin!!!


Just in case………

I mean just in case………

If not even the General can stop him………

There's no point in being nervous.~~~~

We all have to answer here!!!"

Su Shang wanted to cry but had no tears, whimpering.~~~

Having said that,

I am only sixteen or seventeen years old!!!

This time when the Yunqi Army is dispatched, they have to write a suicide note in advance before departure.

I don’t know what my mother will do if she receives my suicide note.………

While Su Chang was thinking wildly, there was a sound in front of the Yunqi Army.

Su Chang immediately looked up and saw that at the front, closest to the activated planet, at a distance of only the size of a palm,

Lin Lin Yi held a weapon that looked like a sword in his hand and took a few steps forward.

Then he seemed to turn to Jing Yuan and said something with a smile.

Then Lin Yi looked at the demon star in the sky and raised his hand from bottom to top. Swing out the weapon in your hand with all your strength!!!

The space visible to the naked eye is fluctuating.

As the visible white lines emitted by the sword blade begin, it is like a scalpel cutting tight skin, and the skin collapses to both sides due to tension at the moment of being cut.

The space The same is true on both sides of the body, as if a portrait has been cut, with white blocky objects flowing out continuously, and the opening of the space expands at a terrifying speed under the naked eye, until it affects the living planet in front of you, just for a moment, or even Without even blinking, the white lines drawn by the sword blade also left ink on the body of the living planet.

Under the surface of the planet, there are white and green branches, gray rocks, pink flesh mountains, scarlet tendons, and bright red eyeballs. , dark green lotuses, yellow-green flames, explode!!! All the places drawn along the straight white lines exploded indiscriminately!!!

The white 963 lumps were mixed with a viscous substance like blood, and were sprayed under pressure at an altitude of more than 100,000 meters.

Jingyuan waved his hand, and the golden giant that reached the sky solidly blocked the tens of thousands of Yunqi troops. In front of him, he protected them behind him, but the living planet in front of him finally couldn't bear the pain of being cut open and let out a sharp and ear-piercing cry!!!


This sound can be heard clearly even by Star Train and others fighting in the Scale Abyss Realm!!!

Xing smashed a lotus open with his stick and showed a puzzled expression:

"What kind of voice? ? ?"

Huanlong was stunned when he heard this voice. He even forgot to taunt everyone.

Ah, this………

No way? ? ?

No way, no way, no way!!!

How many minutes has it been? ? ? ?

Do you have ten minutes? ? ?

Could it be that the activated planet was solved by Jing Yuan and Lin Yi? ? ? impossible!!!

Absolutely impossible!!!

At this moment, outside the Immortal Boat Luofu, the activated planet that brought fear to countless people present was making a terrifying cry while tentacles made of billions of branches were pulling each other, trying to break apart the planet that was about to break apart. The two parts of yourself can become one again.

With abundant power, this can be done, as long as you move quickly!!!


Lin Yi's sword was faster.

Under the exploding flesh and blood, under the cut crust and mantle, one was cut by nearly one-third, and a heart-like thing the size of the moon was beating, every time. With a beat, the scarlet liquid that forms the ocean will spray out.

The granulation in one third of the left half seems to be trying to repair, and then in the scream of space tearing, another white line appears from bottom to top. Crossing over, the two that were being combined were divided again, and then countless magic runes and formations around Lin Yi flashed past, and the whole person suddenly appeared in front of the"heart", clenched his fists, and punched———

A mediocre punch———

The dazzling white light instantly captured the field of vision of everyone present and occupied the entire live broadcast screen.

The screams of the planet immediately stopped abruptly.

Lin Yi's figure became taller than the Lord of Gods.

He held the torn to pieces with one hand. living planet, and then squeeze it hard———

Then he threw the fragments of the dead and dead planet in his hand in the direction away from Xianzhou Luofu.———

After finishing (agbj),

Lin Yi returned to normal size and shook his left hand in disgust.———


So dirty!!!"

Jing Yuan was silent,

Su Chang was silent, the tens of thousands of Yunqi soldiers at the scene were silent, and the sand sculpture friends in the group were also silent, but Lin Yi was still outputting!!!

He directly drew a circle, inside the circle It's the scale abyss realm, a huge fantasy dragon suddenly raised its head, with a ghostly expression on its face!!!


Oh, she is not from Edo Star,


Before she could say the second sentence,

Lin Xin walked directly in front of her face and said suddenly:

"Damn it……… so big!!!"

Then he grabbed Huanlong's slime,

"So soft!!!"

Then he threw Huanlong directly out of the portal he drew!!!

As soon as Huanlong was thrown out, the live broadcasts on both sides suddenly became boring.

Xing used a baseball bat to support his body and staggered.

He wiped the dust and sweat from his face and said:

"Did Lin Yi take advantage of Huanlong just now? ? ?

March 7 was stunned :

"At once………

Just throw Huanlong out like this? ? ?"

Jingliu gasped and put away his sword and asked:

"What happened to the activated planet? ? ?"

The activated planet can be said to be Kyoryu's childhood nightmare.

Back then, her hometown of Senzhou Cangcheng was devoured by World Devouring Rahu.

By the way, this World Devouring Rahu happened suddenly.

It can be said that Su Su was Kyoryu's lifelong enemy.

Although he may not have regarded Kyōryu as his lifelong enemy.………

Facing Master's question,

Yanqing looked at the group and replied:

"The activated planet has been solved by Teacher Lin Xin alone.………"

Blade's expression was stunned,

"Did one person solve it? ? ? ?"

What a guy!!!

Only five of them, Yunshang Wuxiao, were able to get this thing!!!

Lin Yi solved it by himself!!!???

Yanqing said in a somewhat admiring little fan tone:


Teacher Lin Xin cut open the activated planet with one sword, and then exploded it with one punch.

In the end, it became bigger than the General's God Lord, and completely crushed the activated planet!!!"

When it comes to swords,

Yanqing looked at the Guili sword in his hand that Lin Xin lent him.

Thanks to this sword, although Yanqing was unable to release the treasure, the Guili sword itself is also a magical weapon, (see For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It still played a big role in dealing with Huanlong.

Although Huanlong did not suffer any major damage due to his abundant power, as far as the disgusting Huanlong was concerned, he did Great!!!

Originally, Lin Yi was going to ask Yan Qing to use the Guili Sword to perform a Roman Love History show for everyone, tearing up Jianmu.

Who knew that Huanlong had a lot of tricks, so when Lin Yi left, He didn't tell Yanqing how to activate the Noble Phantasm, and he wasn't sure whether Yanqing could really release the Noble Phantasm as a reward given to him by the system.


And in the chat group, everyone was stunned, damn it!!! damn it!!!

Lin Qi pretended to be here!!!

【Xing: I was tricked by Lin Yi!!!】

【Ying: It turns out that he can really become a star!!!】

【Paimon: So wasn’t he joking in the previous short video?!!】

【Navilette: I thought Mr. Lin Xin was very strong………】

【Navelle: I admit that my imagination is not rich enough………】

【Funina: This guy didn’t lie to me………】[]

Funina was shocked!!!

It turns out that what Lin Yi said before is true!!!

Lin Yi: When did your brother Lin Yi lie to you?!!

【Hutao: I don’t know if there is intelligence among these living planets.………】

【Hutao: Otherwise, we should let him purchase the service of our Rebirth Hall in advance.……】

【Xiangling: It has to be you!!!】

【Clolinde: So how is Huanlong doing now? ? ?】

【Leosley: I only saw Lin Xin throwing her out】

【Xiaogong: Lin Xin didn’t even start a live broadcast? ? ?】

【Arataki Yidou: That’s right!!!】

【Arataki Yidou: The tone of this Huanlong makes me really unhappy!!!】

【Arataki Yidou: Every mouthful is an ant!!!】

【Arataki Yidou: Worse than General Raiden!!!】

【film:? ? ?】

【Kujo Sora: Be bold!!!】

【Nilu: I never expected that Mr. Lin Xin, who has always been the fun-loving person in the group, could be so awesome.………】

【Wendy: This guy has always been great, right?………】

【Wendy: How can you dare to be a fun person who makes fun everywhere if you don’t have any strength? ? ?】

【Wendy: He was beaten to death a long time ago!!!】

【Paimon: So the singer is praising himself in disguise, right?!!】

【Wendy: I ​​didn't!!! I'm not!!! Don't slander me!!!】

【Keli: Brother Lin Xin won’t be bullied by the Great Demon King Huanlong, right? ? ?】

【Kaia: Keli………】

【Kaia: Although it’s not right for me to say that.………】

【Kaiya: But compared to worrying about Lin Yi………】

【Kaia: It’s better to worry about Huanlong………】

【Keli: Keli is not worried about the Great Demon King Huanlong!!!】

【Keli: The Great Demon King Huanlong, bad!!!】

【Fu Xuan: Maybe Lin Xin is actually worse.】

【Fu Xuan: After all, he is a fun person】

【Star: Indeed!!!】

【March 7: Are you okay?】

【March 7: Lin Yi is called chaotic goodness!!!】

【Xing: Not Le Zidian? ? ?】

【Silver Wolf: Laughing to death!!!】

【Bai Lu: Stop laughing!!!】

【Bai Lu: When you are dealing with Huanlong and the activated planet………】

【Bai Lu: A lot of invisible assassins just rushed in!!!】

【Silver Wolf: It’s useless!!!】

【Silver Wolf: I'm driving it!!!】

【Fu Xuan: Humph!!! How brave to assassinate Luofu Longzun!!!】

【Fu Xuan: Wait until this time the star core crisis is resolved………】

【Fu Xuan: I have to ask Mr. Qiyuan for instructions.………】

【Fu Xuan: The internal problems of Mingchichi are no smaller than those of Alchemy Division!!!】

【March 7: Oh? ? ?】

【March 7: General Jing Yuan is here with the Yunqi Army!!!】

【Jing Yuan: Where did Lin Yi go? ? ? 】

Xianzhou Luofu,

Danding Division,

Linyuan Realm,

Jingyuan rushed to the scene with the previous Yunqi army, and then was stunned when he saw the leisurely environment now.

Some Yunqi army officers who were chatting with each other saw Jing Yuan's arrival immediately reorganized the formation.

They had come to help a group of people on the Star Dome Train before.

Now that Huanlong had been taken away by Lin Yi, they naturally had to take a rest. Although there were Star Dome Train, Star Core Hunter, and others in front of them, Jingliu and Yanqing were there, but many of the Yunqi soldiers they supported were injured.

With a wave of his hand, Huanlong could spread those damn lotus flowers all over the battlefield.

Such a large number obviously did not rely on stars. Three people in the Qiong Train can withstand it, and the Yunqi soldiers also bear a lot. When

Yanqing saw Jing Yuan coming, he immediately felt as if he saw his own father coming.

That doesn't mean being a teacher for one day and a father for the rest of his life. Well!!!

Yanqing trotted up holding the Guili sword in his arms.


Jing Yuan nodded and looked around.

Huanlong and Lin Yi were nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Huanlong? ? ?"

Xing answered quickly:

"Was taken away by Lin Yi. Jing

Yuan raised his eyebrows and asked again:

"What about Lin Yi? ? ?"

On March 7, he replied:

"After Lin Yi threw Huanlong out, he followed him"

"Didn't I tell you where to go? ? ?"

Jing Yuan was a little helpless, how should he repay the favor he owed to Lin Yi??? Is one Fu Qing enough???

Solving the living planet is already a huge favor, and now even the Lord of Extinction is handed over to Lin Yi Solved???

Fu Xuan also contacted Jing Yuan at this time.

Under the virtual projection,

Fu Xuanxuan said:

"Jingyuan, hurry up and destroy the building now.

The star core is still inside.

It interferes with the operation of the Qiongguan Formation.

Dihengsi's Listening and Jiji Bird are also affected!!!

After solving the star core and repairing the Diheng Division, we can find Lin Yi and Huanlong!!!"

Jing Yuan nodded.

At his signal, the huge divine king appeared again, and the halberd in his hand was inserted straight into the building!!!

Under the deafening sound and the fluctuations accompanying the entire scale abyss realm ,

Jianmu stopped growing again, and the star core in his body was also shattered by the god's blow.

It can be seen that just a star core from Cricket is indeed not a big deal to

Xianzhou Luofu. The star core exploded and died, and the Taibosi people also began the intense repair work of the Qionguan Array. The Taibosi of the Jade Palace, who was far away on the Xianzhou Jade Palace, had found Lin Yi and Huanlong with the help of the cloud-viewing mirror. The whereabouts of Huanlong were not far from Xianzhou Jade Palace, on a gaseous planet in a star system outside the Arm of the Giant star cluster. Huanlong was thrown here directly from Xianzhou Luofu by Lin Yi.

"Lin suspected!!!!!"

"Dog barking? ? ?"

Lin Yi looked down at the huge fantasy dragon that he smashed into the planet below. It

's really white!!!

Oh no.………

Really round!!!


Really big!!!

Seriously, she's so pretty!!!

Huanlong is furious now!!!

What a perfect plan!!!

How seamless!!

But it’s because of the extra Lin Yi!!

After all the calculations,

Lin Yi was missed!!

Which elder brother invited Lin Xin to the Immortal Boat Luofu!!

Jing Yuan: If you are not talented, you are just a cricket.

Huanlong: Jingyuan!!

Huanlong: I will kill you, the immortal!!

Lin Yi: So scolding!!

So hateful!!

I hate it so much!!

Huanlong directly ignited the entire gaseous planet and smashed it towards Lin Yi!!

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