I watched the short video of Genshin Impact and the character broke his defense.

Chapter 149

Lin Yi never expected it.

I just logged into FGO a few minutes ago to watch the new FGO plot, but I was actually tricked by the system!!!

What a loving father and a filial son!!!

Oh Luo Lei system!!!

In fact, Lin Yi himself is quite curious about this FGO operation and what new things it can create.

After all, Lin Yi often talks about FGO in the group, or about the world of Xingyue.

For example, he would like to educate fellow sand sculpture friends about the basic world view of this world, such as heroic spirits, noble phantoms, etc. Summoning or something like that.

But Lin Yi didn't say anything specifically about it.

Regarding human salvation,

Lin Yi only mentioned it a little bit.

After all, Lin Yi himself hadn't understood the garbage plots in front of this game for a long time.

It is true that FGO can be regarded as the plot ceiling in the mobile game industry, but if you look at the specific chapters, the early chapters in FGO are simply the garbage among the garbage, and the later chapters also have uneven quality of plots due to different authors..

For example, the well-received 2.51 plot was written by Fungi and Serious Yuichiro.

The quality is obviously very high.

The sense of despair, epicness, and tragedy it brings to players is indeed very shocking!!!

What? ? ?

You don’t know who Fungus and Serious Yuichiro are? ? ?

Fungi are mushrooms, one of the founders of the IP Xingyue, and Yuichiro Sera is Yuichiro Higashide, the one who wrote FA.

When he writes good works, he is Serious Yuichiro, and when he writes rubbish works, he is Miraculous Higashiide!!!

As for Chapter 2.52, which is also a 2.5 chapter, you can clearly feel the quality of the landslide, because this chapter has the participation of this idiot Sakurai Hikaru.

This idiot aunt is the first work of the mushroom writer Fate. The prequel to /Prototype, the bitch from The Fragments of Cang Yin.

In the eyes of Xingyue fans, this woman's destructive power to IP and characters is no less than that of another BYD Kodachi.

She can make Tai Gongwang, a heroic spirit who has dual title qualifications and is very popular among Chinese players, turn into a clown who likes Daji.

Tamamo Mae herself has said that the two people she hates the most are the ones who don’t even have satellites yet. Abe Seimei was released, and the other one was Tai Gongwang.

Now Hikaru Sakurai, a stupid woman, is still trying to win over Tamamo Mae and Taigong Wang in the game. 453 can be said to make the Chinese players who drew Taigong Wang sick to the point of vomiting!!!

What? ? ?

Japanese players also find it disgusting? ? ?

That’s okay!!!

It’s not that everyone hates Tamamo Mae, on the contrary, FGO players all like Tamamo Mae.

Otherwise, would so many vest players in Tamamo Mae buy it? ? ?

Players just hate this idiot Sakurai Hikaru messing around with CP.

Therefore, as Lin Yi said before, the chapters of FGO also depend on who wrote them.

1.7, 2.6 and 2.7 are the absolute gods of gods.

This is what Lin Yi wants to brag about in the group if he has the opportunity.

After all, now There are not many good storylines in the mobile game industry, such as FGO, 1999, and Blue Files.

But you want to say that the plot is not good…………

Laughing to death!!!

Let’s not talk about the collapse of iron for now………

But the original god is definitely in it!!!

Moreover, the opportunity to brag about FGO is coming today!!!

Friends in the group occasionally heard Lin Yi mention Chaldea in the title of this short video, but they didn’t ask much about it, so I just happened to ask today!!!

【Walter Young: Lin Yi】

【Walter Young: This Chaldea, you said before】

【Walter Young: A world-saving organization? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: I don’t think so generally.】

【Lin Yi: Not saving the world, but saving humanity】

【Villette: Humanity, what is it? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: In this world, there is something called a root】

【Funina: The root? ? ?】

【Fu Xuan: What is this? ? ?】

【Fu Xuan: The source of the birth of the universe? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Fu Xuanxuan, if you understand it this way, there is no big problem.】

【Lin Yi: The so-called root is the starting point of everything in the world.】

【Lin Yi: It is zero, the initial foundation and the cause of everything.】

【Lin Yi: The root is the evidence and support for the existence of the entire world. The world is produced by the root.】

【Lin Yi: The so-called human theory is the concept of the origin, existence and development of the human race in this world.】

【Lin Yi: The origin and existence of the human race are all dependent on human psychology】

【Lin Yi: And the impact of human race, such as language and culture………】

【Lin Yi: These products of civilization and the impact of human race on the world are all dependent on human psychology.】

【Lin Yi: If there is no human species in a world line, then there is no human nature. If the human species is born, then human nature will come into being】

【Lin Yi: But it needs to be pointed out that………】

【Lin Yi: The human race defined in this world………】

【Lin Yi: That is human beings in a broader sense!!!】

【Lin Yi: Let me give you an example.………】

【Lin Yi: If you only have Meluxin in Teywat………】

【Lin Yi: That Meiluxin is your human race in Teyvat.】

【Lin Yi: The civilization created by Meilu Xin can be called human theory.】

【Zhongli: Does that mean that the Qiuqiu people can also be considered a human race? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: In that world, both men and dinosaurs were all human beings.】

【March 7: After all, there is still a werewolf………】

【March 7: What the hell are dinosaurs?!!】

【Kelly: What is a dinosaur? ? ?】

【Hook: Hook wants to know too!!!】

【Walter Young: This dinosaur is an ancient creature of the earth】

【Walter Young: Let me count on my fingers………】

【Walter Young: It has been 65 million years since the dinosaurs became extinct in my hometown】

【Walter Young: This is a species that was born on Earth 245 million years ago】

【Walter Young: Then it was completely wiped out by an asteroid impact 65 million years ago.】

【Walter Young: But as to whether the extinction of the dinosaurs was due to asteroids or Honkai energy?………】

【Walter Young: The academic community has not yet given a unified argument】

【Zhongli: After such a long time, did dinosaurs also give birth to civilization? ? ?】

【Walter Young: But no】

【Walter Young: Even after more than 200 million years of development………】

【Walter Young: Dinosaurs still had limited intelligence and could not develop civilization】

【Jing Yuan: Then Lin Xin, what do you mean when you say that dinosaurs are also considered a human race? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: You also know now that the universe is not just one】

【Lin Yi: It also includes many parallel universes】

【Lin Yi: And what I want to say is very similar to a parallel universe】

【Lin Yi: In that world, it was called the Lost Belt】

【Lin Yi: The so-called Lost Belt refers to the history of losers based on wrong choices and wrong prosperity.】

【Lin Yi: It’s just the remnants of history.】

【Lin Yi: Just as there is competition in life, there are also winners and losers in history.】

【Lin Yi:"Now" is the history of the victors based on correct choices and correct prosperity. this is called panhuman history】

【Lin Yi: And the history of losers based on wrong choices and wrong prosperity………】

【Lin Yi: They were interrupted as"unnecessary objects" and were even abandoned by the theory of parallel worlds."The history of mankind has reached a dead end.""】

【Lin Yi:——These are called the"Hidden Belt""】

【Lin Yi: In one of the Lost Belts in that world………】

【Lin Yi: There is such a human being who has not evolved from monkeys in the narrow sense.………】

【Lin Yi: It is the human race that was born from dinosaurs and developed wisdom and civilization.】

【Lin Yi: They are full of wisdom, strong and do not eat meat】

【Lin Yi: I would like to call them dinosaur people】

【Lin Yi: I even made friends with them】

【Lin Yi: Although they have not evolved into human form, they have evolved hands as flexible as humans.】

【Fu Xuan: This is really incredible】

【Ruan Mei: I should be able to create such a race】

【Keqing: So the Chaldea you are talking about saves these creatures or humans? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: No】

【Lin Yi: Chaldea is trying to destroy the human logic of these Lost Belts.】

【Xier:? ? ?】

【Star: I knew you were a villain!!!】

【Paimon: Ah this………】

【(agde) Paimon: Didn't you say you were friends with those dinosaur people? ? ?】

【Paimon: Why still destroy? ? ?】

【Xiangling: I can’t understand it either!!!】

【Zhongli: Is it because you want to correct mistakes? ? ?】

【Zhongli: Because Lin Yi said before that the Lost Belt is wrong history.】

【Zhongli: Pan-human history is the correct history】

【Lin Yi: It’s not a correction】

【Lin Yi: It means excision, elimination】

【Lin Yi: Everything Chaldea does is for the sake of pan-human history, and everything is for the continuation of human nature.】

【Lin Yi: Even if he is considered evil in the end】

【Lin Yi: The so-called Chaldea, the full name is Phoenix Chaldea, the Human Resources Survival Guarantee Agency.】

【Lin Yi: Chaldea is to enable human history to continue long and robustly.………】

【Lin Yi: A research institute and observatory that gathers researchers from various fields regardless of magic or science.】

【Lin Yi: Chaldea observes a world where magic alone cannot see the whole picture, and science alone cannot measure the whole world.】

【Lin Yi: This is a secret service jointly established by various countries to prevent human extinction.】

【Lin Yi: Chaldea possesses instruments that can predict and observe the future———Near future observation lens Sheba】

【Lin Yi: At the same time, he has Chaldeas, a simulated earth environment model】

【Lin Yi: In that world’s year 2016,】

【Lin Yi: The lights of civilization observed by Chaldeas disappeared】

【Lin Yi: This means that human ethics will be destroyed in the future】

【Lin Yi: From then on Chaldea began its path of saving humanity. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Lin Yi: I also entered Chaldea that year.】

【Lin Yi: Through hard work, human principles are saved】

【Lin Yi: However, the good times did not last long. The earth was bleached and seven Lost Belts invaded the history of pan-humanity.】

【Lin Yi: After removing the seven Lost Belts, I thought everything would be restored】

【Lin Yi: In the end, Chaldea was still rejected by others.】

【Navia: Huh? ? ?】

【Perla: Haven't you already saved humanity? ? ?】

【Hutao: Why are you still being rejected by human beings? ? ?】

【Navelle: This is not reasonable】

【Lin Yi: Because when New Chaldea saved humanity, it used too much power that does not exist in the history of pan-humanity.………】

【Lin Yi: So Chaldea was rejected by pan-human history】

【Lin Yi: As long as this distortion is not corrected, we will not be able to get close to Chaldeas】

【Lin Yi: I’m laughing so hard】

【Lin Yi: Then I left Chaldea】

【Lin Yi: Go outside and relax】

【Lin Yi: I’ll think about how to have some fun when I come back later.】

【March 7: No wonder this video says it’s the day you return to be the master】

【March 7: So it’s in your future? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: It’s hard to say.】

【Lin Yi: After all, I am not the only master of Chaldea.】[]

【Lin Yi: I also have my own life!!!】

【Lin Yi: I often go to other worlds!!! 】

That’s true, there are several mobile games on mobile phones, not to mention the games in Steam, games on other consoles, and maybe the anime and novels I read.

BYD’s life is quite nourishing when he is not a master. right? ? ?

Moisturizing? ? ?

Lin Yi was filled with questions.

Before there was a system, this was like having a Lin Yi on his liver!!!

I have to write books, play games, read novels and catch up on TV dramas.

This kind of thing is really too hot!!!

It's fine now, the book is written by Yingmei and Xing, and the play is played by me, Lin Xin, hehe!!!

At this time, after Lin Xin introduced some basic knowledge to everyone, the short video finally started.

The first thing that catches the eye is a girl with pink hair, bangs covering half of her eyes, wearing red-rimmed glasses, a gray and white uniform, and black silk around her legs.

The girl looks about 16 years old, on the left On the girl's shoulder stood a white furry, very cute, dog-like and cat-like strange little creature, only a little bigger than a squirrel.

The girl held a stack of information in her arms and carried the magical little creature on her shoulder, walking in a circle. on the corridor, and then stopped in front of a door.

You can see the name written on the door.———

【DR.Lin suspected. 】

The translation is probably what Dr. Lin Xin means.

Then the girl knocked politely

"Dr. Lin Xin? ? ?"

No one responded.

The magical little creature on the girl's shoulder called a few times,


The girl knocked on the door a few more times.

After a few seconds, a voice that was very familiar to the netizens in the group finally sounded from the door.

This voice, even if it turns into ashes!!!

Even the skirmishers know it!!!

Who else could make Skirmishers so scared? ? ?

Of course it’s Kuo Luolin!!!

"who? ? ?"

After hearing the sound from inside the door, the girl said:

"Dr. Lin Xin, this is Matthew.

Matthew Kyriad.

The same one who brought you on board yesterday."

A few more seconds.

Lin Yi's voice sounded from inside the door:


Then Lin asked:

"Do you want me to open the door? ? ?"


Yes, Dr. Lin Xin."

The girl nodded outside the door.

Then Lin Yi said"hmm":

"I see.

Then you should say that"

"How to say? ? ?"

"you should say———

Dad please open the door"


The girl was silent

"Fufufu? ? ?"

The magical creature on the girl's shoulder simply tilted its head, as if it understood what this bitch Lin Xin was talking about.

The girl was a little at a loss and said:


Mr. Lin Xin………

There's no way I can do that. Lin inside the door asked:

"Do you have a father?"


The girl shook her head again

"Isn’t that the end? Lin

Qi said with a smile:

"My surname is Lin.

Your last name is Ma.

You are destined to be my precious girl."


Today's update is late.

I was delayed by something at home...

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