I will eventually become a god

Chapter 110: Chopping melons, slicing vegetables, killing, dancing in the rain, I am a law-abiding c

"Senior Brother Zhao!"

Everyone with guns in the warehouse area screamed in surprise when they saw the man in a suit being stabbed through the abdomen with a long knife.

At this time, Xue Jing and the man in the suit were too close, and no one dared to shoot for fear of accidental injury, so they could only freeze there.


The knife that penetrated the abdomen seemed to have injured his lungs. The man in the suit couldn't help but cough up blood. He tightly grasped the blade of the long knife with his uninjured hand and glared at Xue Jing:

"How can you be so strong!?"

According to junior brother Li Chengxuan, this person should be about the same strength as junior brother him.

Hidden Ryū-ryu's martial arts are not sword skills. Why can this person wield such an exaggerated and terrifying sword?

Sword Qi... something that even a master who has been immersed in the art of swordsmanship for decades may not be able to master. Why should this young boy be able to master it?

Damn it, if I had known that this man's sword skills were so strong, he would never have faced him with bare hands. If he was not careful, he would have lost everything...

Xue Jing did not reply. The figure of the man in a suit was clearly reflected in his silver divine eyes, as if he was looking at an ant with disdain.


Power poured into the blade, and with a twist of the wrist holding the handle, the man in the suit's hand on the blade was turned away.

Then the long knife slashed to the side.


The sharp blade with strong force cut through the flesh and bones, slicing out from the center of the abdomen to the right side. There was a wound similar to 'hara-hara' on the abdomen of the man in the suit. The whole man was almost broken in two, almost cut in half.


The man in the suit screamed and knelt down on the ground with a face full of pain, covering his abdomen. However, the large sore still allowed the intestines and internal organs piled inside the human body to flow out of the wound, which could not be stopped at all.

"Senior Brother Zhao!"

When people with guns saw this in the distance, they were horrified.

How could Senior Brother Zhao be so easily...

One of them couldn't help it and subconsciously shot Xue Jing.


With the first gunshot, several people subconsciously followed suit and pulled the trigger.

And when gunshots rang out continuously, the herd effect completely broke out, and everyone raised their guns.

"Boom boom boom boom——"

Seeing countless steel bullets shooting towards herself, Xue Jing thought together and activated [Twin Instinct].

Instead of looking with your eyes, you completely handed over the control of your body to your own instincts, letting your intuition take the lead and letting your body act on its own.

Back, move left, move right...

At the same time, Futu in his hand kept waving to block, and from time to time, bullets cut in half would fall to the ground, making a clanging sound.

He was actually unharmed in the hail of bullets. The densely packed bullets were either avoided or cut off, and he strolled around, as if dancing.

"How can it be!?"

Everyone was stunned.

"Interesting, is this double the 'instinct intuition'..."

Amidst the hail of bullets, Xue Jing actually closed her eyes.

Just like when an ordinary person has a sharp blade close to his neck, even if he doesn't notice it, the hairs on his body will instinctively explode and his scalp will become numb.

This is the instinct to avoid danger buried deep in the genes.

Martial arts practitioners exercise and develop their physical bodies in their daily training and battles, making this avoidance instinct much stronger than ordinary people. It is not a big problem to dodge one or two bullets.

At this time, Xue Jing activated his twins, doubling the intensity of this instinct, allowing him to even clearly feel the 'direction' of the danger coming.

It is a feeling that does not rely on the five senses and is indescribable. It can only be described as "in the dark".

Each bullet was a thin line that exuded a sense of danger. His body would instinctively avoid this line, and then the next moment, a bullet really shot along that line.

Sometimes, because there were too many 'lines' at the same time, he would avoid some of them and use his knife to block or cut off some of them.

"Boom boom boom boom——"

Stones on the floor exploded and splashed, the iron railings were bent and dented, and hundreds of bullets rained down, but none of them could touch his body.

While dodging the cutting bullets, Xue Jing began to move towards the gun-wielding people in the warehouse area.

He raised his feet and kicked off his body, jumping up from the ground and landing on a wall. He jumped back against the wall and landed on another wall again.

The hail of bullets followed his figure closely, but could never really touch him.

Just moving back and forth among the surrounding buildings, Xue Jing quickly approached the warehouse area.

Seeing the terrifying figure that did not look like a human being approaching, everyone with guns suddenly panicked.

"You... don't come over!!"

"what to do!?"

"Shoot, shoot quickly, don't stop, the closer he gets, the harder it is to hide!!"

"call out--"

A flash of silver-white sword light passed by, and a young man holding a pistol standing at the front stopped pulling the trigger. A diagonal gap appeared in his whole body from his left shoulder to his right waist, and the upper part slowly slid down.

Blood and internal organs were scattered all over the floor, and the whole person was cut in half.

As the first deceased appeared, several more silver-white swords struck him.


Several more people were cut into pieces, and their limbs and arms were scattered all over the ground. Blood kept flowing from the corpses, and soon the ground was dyed red.

The sword flash continued, and the number of broken corpses continued to increase.



Seeing the tragic situation of their companions, many of the people who were already frightened by Xue Jing were completely overwhelmed by fear, collapsed, threw away the firearms in their hands, turned around and ran away from Xue Jing, only hating their parents. Two legs were missing.

"Damn it!"

The leading bald man saw this and cursed angrily.

He suppressed the fear in his heart and frantically pulled the trigger in his hand, pouring firepower at the young man holding the long knife.

If you can't run away, you can't kill him, everyone will die.

But seeing that no matter how many bullets there were, they could never really touch that person, the bald man couldn't help but despair.

How could it be so strong...

How could it not be able to deal with the fire coverage of so many guns?

Why was Senior Brother Zhao defeated by him in the first meeting?

Why should I deal with this monster?

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

The bald man yelled in despair.

The young man holding a knife fell from the sky and came to him.

Looking at the figure in the sky, the bald man's eyes widened and his pupils shrank.

He saw a pair of silver eyes that had no emotion at all and were so contemptuous that it seemed as if they had never been looked down upon from the beginning to the end.

The long and narrow silver-white knife was swung towards him.

Time seemed to slow down.

The black long-barreled rifle in his hand, starting from the muzzle, was separated by the blade like tofu, and then the barrel, gun body shell, grip... touched his palm.

The blade slashed through the gap between the index finger and middle finger, slicing the flesh and bones, splitting the palm vertically into two halves, cutting into his arms, chest, and finally cutting off his entire body.

Regret, despair, anger, chagrin... all the emotions disappeared. The bald man looked at those eyes that despised everything, and there was only one weird thought in his heart.

Ah...I dared to be his enemy. I completely deserved this end...

Xue Jing didn't notice that the bald man even looked peaceful.


Someone shouted in panic.

"Big brother is dead, big brother is dead!!"

As the man who seemed to be the leader was killed by him, everyone else collapsed.

The gunfire stopped completely and everyone started running away.

Xue Jing looked at their backs, vomited vigorously, shook off the blood stained on Futu Dao, and sheathed the knife.

Then he sprinted towards the fleeing people, knocking them all unconscious with a crack and a punch.

Then he threw all the fainted people into a pile. After finishing these things, he walked to a stone bench not far away that was ragged by bullets and sat down.


Sirens blared one after another, and more than a dozen police cars drove into the pier.

The car door opened, and numerous armed police officers walked out, holding firearms. As soon as they got off the car, they all took out their firearms and pointed them at the scene.



After seeing the scene, a young police officer couldn't help but cover his mouth and retched.

The ground was littered with broken limbs, half-cut heads, internal organs, hands and feet, and various recognizable and unrecognizable organs, yellow, green, and black, giving the place a fishy stench.

What was inconsistent was that in such a hellish scene, there was actually a young man sitting on a bench not far away.

His body was spotless, and one could see the calmness and gentleness on his overly-exaggerated face, as if what he faced was not a purgatory of flesh and blood, but a magnificent and moving sea of ​​flowers.

"Do not move!"

A middle-aged police officer raised his pistol and pointed it at the boy with a serious face.

His words immediately awakened several lost-spirited female police officers. They all raised their guns and pointed them at the young man.

Xue Jing smiled softly:

"Don't worry, sirs, I am a law-abiding citizen."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted countless distrustful looks.

"It's true. I was just forced to defend myself... I just faced a group of dangerous opponents with guns who attacked me. As a last resort, I fought back with a little more force."

The middle-aged Sheriff said seriously: "No matter what, please don't act rashly and come back with us to accept the investigation. If the truth is really what you said..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xue Jing reached into her pocket and took out a black ID card.

This action immediately touched the sensitive nerves of the security officers, and the sound of the gun safety being opened was heard endlessly.

Faced with this moment where countless guns could be fired upon at any time, Xue Jing seemed not to notice, remaining calm and indifferent.

He first took the black card and showed the pattern on the front to the middle-aged Sheriff.

After the middle-aged police officer saw the card, his expression changed and he raised his hand: "Don't shoot!"

Xue Jing said:

"Sir, pick it up."

After saying that, he threw the black card away and was caught by the middle-aged police officer.

[Wu Clan Divine Relics Containment and Research Co., Ltd.]

[Specially appointed C-level divine relics collector Xue Jing]

"Containment Certificate..."

The middle-aged Sheriff murmured.

"Just ask them what exactly happened, sir."

Xue Jing smiled and pointed at the more than twenty fainted people piled next to him.

After Xue Jing left, a female police officer looked at his leaving figure. After he disappeared from sight, she blinked and came back to her senses.

She asked the middle-aged Sheriff who was thinking about the matter:

"Captain Zhou, is it okay to just let that man go?"

Captain Zhou replied casually:

"According to the rules and regulations, there is no problem at all."

"Where are such rules and regulations? I have never seen them?"

The female sheriff asked in confusion.

"You will see them after you are promoted two levels." Captain Zhou glanced at her.

"However, the system is dead, people are alive. The system is like this, but we don't have to follow it."

"In a situation like this where there are so many dead and the deaths are so cruel, even if he has a 'custody certificate', we can detain him..."

The female sheriff asked in confusion: "Then why not detain him?"

Captain Zhou looked at her strangely:

"Are you stupid? We detain a master who can chop dozens of gunmen with a knife without getting dirty?"

"What if the other party has a bad temper and gets angry? I guess we will all die."

"If there is an excuse to let him go, of course we will let him go directly."

The female sheriff was dumbfounded: "This... is it so."

Only then did she realize that it seemed to be true... The boy's appearance was too deceptive. He was so good-looking that she ignored the terrifying danger of the other party for a moment.

Captain Zhou looked at the dozens of armed criminals being escorted onto the bus and said:

"This group of lawless people in Nancheng District actually dared to use guns in the city... But this is a good opportunity, Director Shang should be happy..."


Because of the shooting, the dock was blocked for a period of time, and the ticket inspection time was delayed.

After wandering outside for a while, Xue Jing dragged his suitcase to the waiting hall, walked to the service window, went through some procedures with his ID card, and got a card.

According to the receptionist, this card is both a ticket and a room card, and you have to carry it with you when getting on and off the ship.

After completing the formalities, Xue Jing put the ticket card in his pocket, found a chair and sat down, opened the panel and took a look.

[You have experienced a fierce fight to the death, and your physical potential has been stimulated. Fitness experience +933]

[... You have tasted the taste of victory and feel very comfortable. Health experience +799]

[... Running experience +322]

[... Aiming experience +518]

[... Fighting experience +299]

[... Hidden Dragon Power experience +635]

[... Strike experience +896]

[... Visualization·True experience +428]

[Health is upgraded to Lv7 (21/4500)]

[Strike is upgraded to Lv6 (56/3000)]

Xue Jing felt the improvement brought by the two newly upgraded skills and nodded.

"Sure enough, fighting is still the biggest improvement... This kind of death fight is equivalent to many days of hard work."

He exhaled lightly.

"But... killing so many people in reality is still a bit creepy."

Xue Jing calmed down his slightly fluctuating mood.

This was the second time he killed someone after the Shadow Flame was activated, and he killed a group of people cruelly.

One cannot help but be touched by the pain of others’ own kind.

Xue Jing was adjusting his mind with his powerful mental control, when a greeting came from the side.

"Hello... Is this Mr. Xue?"

Xue Jing opened his eyes and turned to look.

He was a tall and thin middle-aged man who was well-groomed.

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