I will eventually become a god

Chapter 126 The Gangji True Dragon, Ruyi Shape, Hidden BOSS Xue Jing (4K)

"However, there are still many problems to be solved in terms of how to learn this extremely strong movement method."

Xue Jing put away her middle posture and thought.

"First of all, it is a big problem to use this kind of 100% pure strength... The Vajra Ruyi Hand should solve this problem with the special skills developed by itself."

He glanced at the tall and majestic Yin Muhu not far away.

"The fact that Yin Muhu's body can be developed to such an extent may be due to certain genetic factors, but it must be due to the training method of his own school."

"If a woman wants to achieve the same level of fitness as a man, if there are no external influences, she has to work ten times or even nine times as hard."

Only by using special training methods and secret medicines to build such an extremely strong body can one exert such extremely strong power.

"Let's try it first."

Xue Jing took a deep breath and sucked a huge amount of oxygen into her lungs.

Because the [Running] skill can strengthen the lungs after upgrading, the strongest part of his five internal organs is currently the lungs.

The strength of the lungs is the key to the operation of strength. The martial arts breathing method absorbs oxygen from the outside world, and the oxygen enters the blood from the lungs, allowing the blood to generate driving force, flowing to all parts of the body, and mobilizing various organs. This is the principle of strength. .

The more oxygen that can be absorbed in one breath, the stronger the driving force generated, and the stronger the force that can be mobilized.

This is also one of the reasons why Xue Jing is able to "crush" these young geniuses of the same age.

The difference in lung capacity between the two sides is too big.

The blood was running at high speed under the influence of the breathing method, Xue Jing's body surface was slightly hot, and the powerful dragon was born in the roar.

With a thought in his mind, he looked inside.

The real dragon was swimming around in his body, as if treating his body as a river and the sea, making a surging and muffled sound like a rushing river wherever it passed.

As Xue Jing continued to grow stronger, the details of the face of this real dragon transformed by strength were now much more refined, and its figure became even larger.

"First... try to eliminate the softness as much as possible."

Xue Jing's thoughts flashed, and the real dragon's fine dragon scales suddenly peeled off from its body.

When these scales fall off, they float around gently like feathers, looking extremely soft.

The real dragon roared, and the gaps in its body caused by the falling scales were immediately replenished by the surrounding flesh.

The new scales look extremely sharp and hard, and its body shape has also shrunk by an insignificant amount.

At the same time, the real dragon's originally agile and graceful figure became much stiffer, like a rusty machine that could not be bent, and his eyes were dull.

"not enough."

Xue Jing was at a loss.

The dragon scales on the real dragon's body suddenly opened up piece by piece, and the whole dragon looked like a cat with its hair exploded.

Subsequently, countless blood spurted out from the gaps in the opened dragon scales. This blood was all strands of abstract power.

The strength that was extracted from the real dragon was not only the softness, because it was difficult for Xue Jing to accurately remove only the softness, so he could only cut out the large pieces of strength with a ray of softness hidden inside, just like cutting off flesh to treat diseases. The blocks are divided.

In this continuous cutting off, the real dragon's body shape continued to shrink, and it was only half of its original size.

Its movements became increasingly stiff, until at a certain moment, it was almost completely motionless, as if it had turned into a dead object like a puppet.

"Well, this is probably the limit for now."

Xue Jing looked inside at this real dragon that was almost entirely composed of strength.

"Move... I can still move."

The real dragon transformed by strength can still move, but it is the kind of movement where the body itself maintains a motionless posture and translates in the air.

It's like the character in the game is stuck.

Xue Jing controlled it, let it come to his right hand, placed it on his right fist, and then swung it out towards the Yin Muhu beside him.

"call out--"

The powerful fist, which was completely contrary to the air resistance, made a sharp roar due to the friction with the air. It discharged layers of air waves along the way and hit Yin Muhu's strong chest and abdomen.


There was a sound like a hammer striking a bell, and Xue Jing's fist and Yin Muhu's steel-like body both trembled. Under the interaction of force, both of them flew backwards.

After stepping on the ground with both feet and creating two ravines on the solid wood floor, Xue Jing stopped flying upside down.

"The rigid strength is too difficult to use."

He shook his head.

"The main reason is that it cannot reach the point of true 'pure strength', and there is still some softness that cannot be eliminated... This kind of situation that is about to be reached, but is still a little bit behind, is the most uncomfortable."

"If all the soft energy can be removed and a 'rigid true dragon' is created, which can be shattered with a little force, then the next step of 'wishful shaping' can begin."

Xue Jing walked to Yin Muhu, put his hand on her shoulder, and used his strength to immerse himself in the other person's body.

Through the invasion of force, the opponent's internal body structure is vaguely explored.

He has not yet reached the level of his master Li Qi, who can gain insight into the whole body when his strength enters his body, so he can only explore it roughly.

"It's also due to the martial arts body. Yin Muhu's martial arts body is special and very strong. It can ensure that when the strength is generated from the body, the content of 'soft' is very small, and it is clearly separated from the 'hard', making it very easy to eliminate. ”

"If I'm not wrong, when the Vajra Ruyi Hand's martial art is fully completed, all the energy generated will directly be 'pure strength', and there is no need to perform any elimination work."

Xue Jing pinched his chin.

"It seems we can only sharpen our skills with water."

"A martial artist's martial arts body will gradually undergo adaptive changes as they practice martial arts."

"As long as I continue to practice and pursue pure strength, my existing body will gradually change and become more adaptable to the use of pure strength. By then, I will naturally be able to transform into a 'rigid true dragon'."

Feeling dizzy, Xue Jing pressed her temples and exited the consciousness simulation.

Everything turned into pixel blocks and dispersed, and Xue Jing opened her eyes in reality.

"Grind slowly." He said to himself.

Fortunately, the Hidden Dragon Style is quite versatile and is highly adaptable to other styles of martial arts. This process should not take long.

[...Hidden Dragon Strength Experience Value +306]

[...Visualization True·Experience Points +288]

After opening the panel and looking at the harvest, Xue Jing closed her eyes and fell asleep in just a few seconds.

At noon the next day, in the rest area of ​​the hotel lobby.

Xue Jing, Yin Muhu, and Jiang Siwei were sitting on the sofa in the lounge area, looking at the tablet on the table in front of them.

That was brought by agent Jiang Siwei.

There was a live broadcast on the computer screen.

The line of subtitles below reads——

[U19 Unlimited Fighting Tournament-Regional Elimination Tournament-Maple City Division Drawing Ceremony is about to begin]

At this time, advertisements were still playing in the video. Xue Jing was bored and casually said:

"Speaking of which, how much is the prize money for the U19 competition?"

Jiang Siwei sat next to him, thought for a while, and replied:

"The bonus itself is not much. The total bonus pool this year is less than 100 million Zhuxia coins... The championship bonus should be around 20 million."

"The prize money from martial arts competitions is just a supplement. What's important is the reputation you gain when you participate in the competition and the honors you can get."

Jiang Siwei glanced at Xue Jing and still felt pity in her heart.

If this young man is willing, with the resources the club has, he will soon become a rising and unstoppable top star.

It's a pity that he really doesn't seem interested.

However, he is so eye-catching...

Jiang Siwei looked at Xue Jing's flawless profile and felt a little distracted.

"It seems to have started." Yin Muhu next to him said with his arms crossed.

On the tablet, the commercial had ended, and the screen switched to a colorful stage.

A middle-aged male host wearing a suit and leather shoes with a simple face was standing on the stage, holding a stack of cards in his hand and talking endlessly about various advertising slogans.

Behind him is a huge screen, which is playing various barrage messages, text messages and other things from the audience.

"... So without further ado, dear viewers, please watch the big screen!"

After the host finished speaking, he extended his hand and the screen suddenly changed.

"Here you go, the list of contestants." Jiang Siwei and Yin Muhu immediately sat up straighter and looked at it carefully.

On the screen, four groups of names were listed, with eight in each group, for a total of thirty-two.

Xue Jing's name is also among them, located third in the second row.

After confirming that his name was among them, he casually looked at other names.

With just a glance, he remembered dozens of names.

After comparing the player information Jiang Siwei gave him yesterday, he found that except for a person named 'Deng Jizhou', the names of other contestants were all in that information.

‘It’s pretty awesome. ’ Xue Jing glanced at Jiang Siwei and nodded.

"Du Mingluan and Kou Chengjian from the two branches of the Night King Flow, Jiang Jinkang from the Wrath Tide Sect, Ji Huaiyu from the Four Phases Dojo..."

Yin Muhu named each school and person next to him.

"They are all famous young talents. The competition in this U19 session is too fierce..."

After saying that, she couldn't help but glance at Xue Jing next to her.

"Especially with you here..."

Xue Jing smiled and said nothing.

In the live broadcast screen, detailed introductions of the contestants began to appear.

Many of them are players who have participated in public competitions and shown their faces in the past.

"...Li Chengxuan, a direct disciple of Qingcheng Jinfeng Dojo, studied under the ninth degree of professional martial arts master Jiao Hongyuan..."

On the computer, a person who was relatively familiar to Xue Jing was introduced, and then the entire screen began to play the highlights of Li Chengxuan's past games.

"...a dark horse player who suddenly emerged in the previous qualifiers. The martial arts school he practices, the 'Golden Wind White Rainbow Sword', is known as the Four Edgeless Sword Style. It is a terrifying martial art that trains hands and feet into real swords. Every time he takes action , either dead or injured!"

In the picture, Li Chengxuan passed by his opponent in a flash, shaking off the blood on his knife. The opponent slowly fell to the ground, looking quite handsome.

Next to her, Yin Muhu curled her lips: "The concave shape is so obvious...it's too deliberate."

Jiang Siwei chuckled and said, "Aren't all young people like this? They love to show off."

...If only this one could be as pushy as he is.

Jiang Siwei looked at Xue Jing and couldn't help but think.

He doesn't have the arrogance of a young man at all. He is a bit too precocious and has nothing to control.

As the players continued to introduce, it was Xue Jing's turn soon.

This time, the screen only showed a black shadow photo with a white question mark in the middle, followed by some basic information, which was pitifully little.

Only the name, the school he belonged to, the Canglong style, and the representative seed player of the 'Galaxy Martial Arts Club', nothing else.

"It's quite mysterious, doesn't it feel like a hidden BOSS?" Xue Jing raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Jiang Siwei shook her head and said, "This is actually quite common. Many young talents newly signed by large clubs will arrange their debut matches in the U19 to make a splash, and the audience is no longer surprised."

Yin Muhu agreed, "You are indeed a hidden BOSS."

Xue Jing waved his hand, sighed, and said modestly, "What nonsense are you talking about."

Soon, the contestants were introduced, and the screen turned and returned to the big stage.

"The next step is the draw... I hope you can draw the first eight games and finish them on the first day, Xiaojing."

Jiang Siwei said. "This way, the players can have one more day of rest time than the players in the last eight games..."

"Martial artists can get seriously injured easily during competitions, so the more rest time they can have, the better."

The preliminary round of the knockout round is 32 to 16, which is divided into two days. After the game, there is only one day of rest time. Players who can draw the first eight games can finish the game on the first day, which is considered a good draw.

Yin Muhu's mouth moved: "Uh... I don't think you need to worry about this."

Jiang Siwei pushed her glasses, a little curious.

This girl who looks very strong... seems to admire Xiao Jing very much.

Although she has read Xue Jing's information and knows that he is quite strong, she has never seen him in person, and she has no specific understanding of his martial arts strength level in her heart.

Yin Muhu scratched her head and muttered in a contrasting sweet girl voice: "I hope I won't be in the same half zone with you... I don't want to go back in disgrace before playing two games. I will definitely be ridiculed by the old master for a whole year."

Xue Jing patted her shoulder comfortingly.

"I don't think you will be that unlucky, Sister Yin."

In the live broadcast, an old man wearing a training suit, with a handsome face and full of energy, walked onto the stage from the backstage. His steps were very steady, and his body did not tremble at all while walking.

"Next, please invite Xu Jinghong, 8th Dan, to draw the lots in person!"


In the top floor suite of a hotel in Fengcheng.

Li Chengxuan was soaking in a large round bathtub, holding a high-heeled glass filled with champagne in his hand. Beside him were two naked beautiful women, hugging him and leaning on his shoulders.

Looking at the picture displayed on the big screen TV in front of him, his face, which was originally in a good mood, suddenly became gloomy.

[Sixth match: 'Hidden Dragon Flow' Xue Jing VS 'Golden Wind and White Rainbow Sword' Li Chengxuan]

"Damn, this haunted kid!"

"Forget it, I was careless last time. This time on the court, I will definitely beat you to death!"

Li Chengxuan said harsh words, but a trace of uneasiness that he was unwilling to admit emerged in his heart.


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