I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 157 Spar [3]


"Tsk," Lucas clicked his tongue while clutching the spear in his hand tighter.

As soon as Leo took his stance, Lucas instinctively understood that he had no chance of defeating him.

It was a stance that spoke of a man who had endured numerous life-and-death struggles and emerged triumphant from each one.

The man known as the God of Battlefield.

But it doesn't matter. 

Lucas never had any intention of winning anyway. He just needs to get through this little sparring session, and that's all.

But still, what should he do? 

Leo asked him to come at him, but Lucas could not spot a single opening in his stance. It was simply too perfect.

So should he wait?

'No,' he thought. 'Instead of giving him a chance to come at me, I'll take the battle to him!'


With the thought of taking the lead in mind, Lucas willed mana into his legs and lunged forward at his opponent.


Closing the distance, Lucas unleashed a barrage of spear thrusts at Leo with fierce determination. 

Cling, Cling, Cling—!!

With swift precision, Leo skillfully parried each of Lucas' thrusts, his katana serving as an impenetrable barrier against the onslaught.

The metallic clashes of their weapons filled the air, and sparks erupted from the intense clashes. 

'Damn it,' Lucas thought in his mind, knowing that blindly attacking Leo like this would get him nowhere.


Hopping back a few steps, Lucas created some distance between himself and Leo, providing a brief respite to gather his thoughts. 

Aware that a different approach was necessary, Lucas began to brainstorm alternative strategies, searching for a way to engage Leo more effectively in their battle.

"You think too much," Leo suddenly spoke and channelled mana into his legs.


Before Lucas could react or even respond to those words, Leo appeared right in front of him, closing the distance between them in the blink of an eye.

In that split second, Leo capitalised on Lucas's momentary vulnerability. 

With a fluid motion, he executed a precise strike, aiming for a critical opening in the young Morningstar's defence.


The blade of Leo's katana swiftly whistled through the air, guided by his years of combat experience.


However, just as Leo's strike was about to connect, Lucas's instincts kicked in, and he managed to react in the nick of time. 

With a swift block of his spear, he diverted the trajectory of Leo's blade and narrowly avoided a devastating blow.

Almost instantly, lifting up his right leg, Lucas threw a powerful forward kick with the intention of hitting Leo flat in the chest.

But his kick met nothing but air Leo effortlessly evaded the blow by twirling his body to the left.

'He's fast!' Lucas thought in his mind.

But before he could process any further thoughts, Leo capitalised on the opening, utilising the momentum of his evasion.

Swiftly, Leo spun on his left leg and twisted his body like a tornado.


With impeccable timing and precision, he threw a roundhouse kick that connected with a resounding impact against Lucas's abdomen, sending shockwaves through his body. 

The impact knocked the air out of Lucas and sent him hurtling backwards. 

Thud, Thud—!!

Eventually, he dropped and crashed to the ground, rolling and skidding several times before finally coming to a stop.

Without wasting a moment, Lucas swiftly regained his balance and jumped back to his feet, showing no sign of pain.

However, that was just an act – his poker face.

In reality, a sharp pain in his abdomen persisted. It felt as if his ribs had been mercilessly crushed once more. 

Gritting his teeth, Lucas tightened his grip on his spear, his determination unyielding. 

Locking eyes with Leo, he swiftly assumed his stance again, refusing to allow the pain to hinder his resolve.

Leo's voice reverberated with a mix of amusement and disbelief. "Yes, that's what I was talking about! The look in your eyes right now, that's it! Despite knowing you can't win against me, you refuse to back down. The desire for victory runs deep within you!"

Lucas, still grimacing with determination, shook his head in disagreement, his voice strained. "No, you're wrong! I don't seek victory. I don't even want to fight! It's too early in the morning, and all I truly want is some peaceful fucking sleep."

A chuckle escaped Leo's lips. His laughter filled with a hint of cynicism. "Hahaha! If you actually believe that, then you're not only lying to me but also to yourself! The fire in your eyes, the refusal to give up, it's evident in every move you make! You yearn to win!"

"Haaa," with a resigned sigh, Lucas came to the realisation that arguing any further with this battle maniac would be pointless.

Accepting the situation and ignoring the redhead's words, he focused his thoughts on his mana core.

In an instant, a surge of mana emanated from Lucas's body, flowing outward in a brilliant azure hue. As the mana expanded, it coalesced and began to swirl around the tip of his spear.

"Mana Burst!" Lucas yelled, his voice resolute. 

Two small azure explosions went off beneath his feet, propelling him forward with incredible velocity, akin to a bullet shooting straight.

In a sudden burst of speed, Lucas appeared right before Leo in the blink of an eye, his spear poised for an aggressive thrust.

"So, you weren't lying," Leo remarked, his eyebrows arching in genuine admiration. "That's really the 16-Movement Lance Style: Blossom Shattering Blast!"

As soon as he said that, Leo swiftly raised his sword, intercepting Lucas's spear mid-thrust. 

With a deft maneuver, he skillfully altered the direction of the spear, forcing it to veer to the left.


As Lucas' spear struck the ground, Leo was effectively able to disarm the silver-haired spearman momentarily.

At that moment, a hint of disappointment tinged Leo's voice as he capitalised on the opening. 

"But charging in blindly against me was a bad decision. I expected better from a Morningstar," he remarked, his tone laced with a touch of taunting.

In the next moment, Leo quickly stepped in, intending to seize this opportunity and bring this spar to a decisive conclusion.


However, to Leo's surprise, a mischievous smirk formed on Lucas's face. 

Perplexed by his sudden change in demeanor, Leo hesitated for a fraction of a second, questioning the meaning behind that expression.


In that fleeting moment, Lucas flicked his left wrist twice, and a hidden blade sprung forth from a concealed compartment under his sleeve. 

Lucas wasted no time and swiftly swung his bladed hand directly towards Leo's face. 

Caught off guard, Leo's eyes widened in astonishment and realisation.

"...A hidden blade?!" Leo exclaimed, his surprise evident. 

At that moment, the puzzle pieces fell into place. Lucas didn't charge blindly. No, he had a plan in motion.

Lucas had intentionally baited Leo into blocking or parrying his attack, leaving himself intentionally vulnerable. 

It was a calculated maneuver designed to make Leo drop his guard and close the distance, trapping him in a false sense of security.

Lucas had one final blow in mind, waiting for the opportune moment to unleash the hidden blade concealed within his sleeve.


Unfortunately for Lucas, he was up against the one known as the God of War. Leo never dropped his guard. He was ready.

Reacting with lightning speed, Leo swiftly ducked, allowing Lucas' hidden blade to sail harmlessly over his head, missing its mark and cutting through nothing but air.

From his low position, Leo spun on one foot, using the other to execute a sweeping motion that aimed to knock Lucas off his feet.

Caught off balance by Leo's swift and skilful leg sweep, Lucas stumbled and lost his footing, ultimately falling to the ground.



By the time Lucas fell, Leo was already on his feet. The tip of his katana found its mark, pressed firmly against the young Morningstar's throat.

"Argh," Lucas clenched his jaw, his teeth grinding together in frustration.

Leo, raising an eyebrow, wore a taunting smile. "You claim not to desire victory, yet your expression tells a different story," he remarked.

Lucas felt a surge of anger at the sight of that smile, his blood boiling with intensity.

"Oof, if only looks could kill," Leo released a dry chuckle, sheathing his blade and taking several steps back. "Get back on your feet," he beckoned.

"....." Lucas, his frustration evident on his face, grasped his spear on the ground and rose up.

"No more strategic plays this time," Leo declared, drawing his katana once more. "You have got one shot. Come at me with everything you've got."

Hearing Leo's words, Lucas tightened his grip on his spear and assumed a lower stance, bending his knees slightly. 

With a swift motion, he pulled back his weapon and settled into a sword-drawing stance.

Leo felt the scar on his face throb as he witnessed Lucas employing a weapon art he was very familiar with.

'There it is,' he thought, a mix of recognition and apprehension washing over him. 'No doubt about it. That is definitely Dawnbreaker.'

As Leo observed Lucas, a flicker of Reynold Morningstar's silhouette flashed in his mind. 

Taking a deep breath, Leo cleared his mind and pulled back his own weapon.

Infusing his blade with a surge of mana, causing it to radiate a vibrant azure glow, Leo bellowed, "Come!"



Both warriors launched forward, their weapons ready to strike with lethal intent. 

This wasn't a spar anymore; this was a clash!

Lucas, after coming close enough with Leo, unleashed a powerful horizontal slash with the blade of his spear. 

He exerted all his weight at the end of the spear's shaft while channelling every drop of mana he possessed into the blade.

The air crackled with the energy around the blade of Lucas' spear as the force behind his attack surged forward.



But to Lucas's disbelief, as soon as his spear made contact with Leo's body, his body dissipated like a puff of smoke, vanishing into thin air. 

In its place, to Lucas's utter bewilderment, a multitude of Leo figures manifested all around him—approximately twenty in number!

"What the actual fuck?!"

As each 'Leo' charged at Lucas, he unleashed a relentless fury of spear thrusts against any figure that approached.

With every successful strike of his spear, the illusionary 'Leos' dissipated into nothingness, vanishing like wisps of smoke.

"These aren't real!" Lucas thought out loud, his voice echoing in the midst of the intense battle. "Somewhere among them, his true body must be hidden!"

"Searching for me?"

At that very moment, a whisper brushed against Lucas's ear, sending a shiver down his spine. Before he could fully react, he felt someone coming behind him.

By the time he turned, Lucas saw a fist speeding toward his face at breakneck speed. 

Resigning, he dropped his shoulders in the face of inevitable defeat, "Fuck me."


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