I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 162 Kai's Move [1]

So after finding out that I'm actually stupid and there was a lift that could have taken me directly from the ground floor to my class floor and vice versa, I made it to the training grounds along with Nero and Anastasia.

Instructor Matterhorn, our combat art instructor, oversaw our training session. Today we were asked to engage in sparring matches with combat dolls.

Combat dolls, constructed from super-reinforced steel, are essentially robots designed for combat purposes. 

Their immense strength and programmed martial arts abilities actually make them formidable opponents to spar with.

Interesting fact: These advanced droids are utilised by the military as well. 

The versions they use are further enhanced by magical runes and equipped with all types of weaponry.

However, the deployment of combat dolls carries inherent risks.

After all, to get them out, one only needs to eliminate the single person operating them from the headquarters. 

Killing the remote pilot would turn hundreds and thousands of those combat dolls offline mid-battle.

Not to mention besides the vulnerability they possess in requiring human operators, it is crucial that the person entrusted with handling the droids be highly trustworthy as well.

Anyway, since we arrived late to class, Instructor Matterhorn ordered the three of us to run ten laps around the campus.

Initially, I thought he was kidding. But then it dawned on me that he was actually insane, so it was unlikely to be a joke. 

And indeed, it wasn't a joke. We were genuinely expected to run ten laps around this ginormous campus. 

It would easily take us the entire class period just to barely complete ten laps around campus as huge as ours!

And as if that wasn't enough, we were also expected to spar with the dolls afterwards?

I swear to god, if there's really one out there, that I'll one day give this guy a death so brutal that he would beg me to be killed!

After mentally cursing him a few more times and then a few more times again, I reluctantly started jogging, determined to finish the ten laps as quickly as possible.

It took me approximately fifty grueling minutes to complete mere five laps.

With ten minutes left for the class period to end and I being on the verge of collapse, Instructor Matterhorn took pity on me and signalled for me to stop.

"You should strive to be more like your classmates," he commented, pointing towards Anastasia and Nero.

Let me tell you, those two are absolute beasts! They are actual monsters, I say!

They both finished the ten laps around the campus in less than thirty minutes. 

And if that wasn't enough, they quickly went on to spar against the combat dolls without even taking a break!

I'm not slow and weak! They are just monsters! I bet if I was in the body of the protagonist, I could've done the same!

"Haaa! Fuwhaaaa! Haaa!"

But for now, here I am, laying back flat on the concrete ground while staring up at the cloudless, blue-as-hell sky and panting like some asthma patient. 

Around me, other cadets engaged in their own sparring matches against the combat dolls.

Some celebrated their victories while some lay on the ground like me in defeat. Some, on the other hand, still continued to fight.

The cacophony of sounds—labored breaths, clashes, and assorted noises—seemed to be giving me a headache as blood pumped violently in my veins.

I was tired. I woke up early this morning. I just wanted to sleep. But I need to start sparring too.

Should I just lay here and act dead for ten minutes until this class ends? Heh.

"I came from the hospital to see you, but it looks like you were already on your way to go there."

Suddenly a voice pierced through my ears, which were muffled by the deafening thumping of my own heartbeat.

Following it, a blue-haired elven boy leaned over me, peering down as I lay on the ground.

"K-Kent," I gasped, my breath still heavy. "If I die, clear my search history and avenge me…."

"Okay," Kent replied, rolling his eyes, and he reached out, firmly gripping my hand to help me rise to my feet. 

"Kurgh!" I groaned as I reluctantly exerted my exhausted muscles. 

"Quit being such a drama queen," he chided playfully.

"Run five laps around the campus and then say that," I retorted. "By the way, weren't you supposed to be at the hospital? Are you discharged?"

My gaze shifted towards Kent's previously injured shoulder.

Even though I gave him my healing potion when I found him injured, it wasn't very effective against an injury inflicted by a vampire's claw infused with dark magic.

So upon our return to the Global City, Kent, along with other wounded cadets, were promptly taken to the hospital for professional medical care.

And looking at his shoulder now, it appeared normal, indicating a swift recovery on his part.

Notably, he wasn't wearing his academy uniform, so maybe he had come straight here after being discharged.

"Well, yes. I was discharged a few minutes ago," Kent replied. "I came straight here after that. So, what did I miss?"

"Just the first and second period," I waved my hand dismissively before coming to a much more important topic. "By the way, did you know we had an elevator in this academy?!"

"...Lucas, each academy building is more than twenty stories tall. Of course, there would be an elevator. In fact, there are five! Don't tell me you didn't know that!"

"....Why didn't you tell me before?! We took the stairs every time we walked together to the class!"

"I thought you were working on your stamina!"


Kent patted my back with a look full of pity in his eyes. "It's okay, buddy. It's okay."

"Oye! You two! Instead of chit-chatting, get to training!" from the other side of the field, Instructor Matterhorn yelled at us.

Kent waved his hand and gestured towards his recently healed shoulder. "Sorry, I can't participate. The doctors advised me to take a day of rest."

Instructor Matterhorn acknowledged his explanation with a nod, then redirected his focus towards me. 

"Alright, then you start sparring! You have already wasted most of this class period anyway!" he commanded, pointing directly at me.

I-I have wasted?! It was you who ordered me to run those ten damn laps around the campus!

Shaking my head in exasperation, I let out a sigh. "Fine, Kent, power up that combat doll and step aside."

Before me stood a humanoid robot. Kent walked up to it, pressed a button on its back, and took a few steps back.

The robot's eyes illuminated with a vibrant green light as it scanned its surroundings, ultimately marking me, who was standing right in front of it, as its target.

"Fuuu," I exhaled deeply, allowing my racing heart to gradually calm down. 

The overwhelming exhaustion subsided momentarily as I focused on circulating the mana inside my body.


The combat doll launched in my direction and appeared right before me in an instant. It struck out its hand, throwing a deadly straight at my face.

I sidestepped to my left and dodged its attack before quickly retaliating with a rapid and precise punch, aiming directly at the doll's rib cage.


But it was a trap! The doll's arm suddenly contorted, transforming into a devastating elbow strike aimed at the side of my face. 

Before I could fully comprehend the unfolding danger, the impact crashed against my cheek, sending me staggering backwards.


Seizing the opportunity, the combat doll delivered a low kick aimed at my dominant leg, causing me to crash to the ground, my weight supported by a single knee.

"Arghh!" I groaned through clenched teeth before channelling mana into my right hand.

In a split second, the robot charged at me, but I was prepared. 


Utilising its own momentum against it, I unleashed a powerful thrust, aiming my palm at its midsection and forcefully pushing it back.

The impact staggered the doll, causing it to momentarily buckle under the force. 

Using this moment to swiftly rise from my kneeling position, I dashed toward the doll.

Quickly, I grabbed the doll's waist in a reverse bear hug, my arms tightly wrapped around its body. 


With a fluid motion, I lifted the doll up, arching my back, and executed a flawless German suplex, forcefully slamming its back onto the concrete surface below.

Fine, yes! I copied Anastasia, okay? 

But it's not like she patented that move or anything. Moving on...

Even though it was painful for me to fall down too, I infused my legs with mana, fortifying them, and swiftly propelled myself back onto my feet.

The combat doll was still in the midst of getting back up, hunched over with its hands on the ground for support. 

I used this chance to surge forward once again and jumped over its head before….


Delivering it a brutal curb stomp and mercilessly driving its head into the concrete ground, crushing its skull.

It took me a few steps to nullify the momentum of my forward rush before I landed firmly on the ground. 

"Haaa! Haaa!"

I struggled to catch my breath, and I slightly bent, my hands on my knees and sweat covering my forehead.

"Nice!" Kent exclaimed. "That was good, bro! Where did you learn to suplex like that?"

"...I taught myself," averting my gaze, I answered. "Pass me a water bottle–"

Just as I was about to ask Kent for a bottle of water, a booming voice echoed throughout the training grounds.

"Lucas Morningstar!"

Startled, everyone present there looked for the source of the voice. I was the same, especially since my name was called.

But as I laid eyes upon the figure who was the owner of the voice, a frown etched itself onto my face before quickly morphing into a mischievous grin.

"Heh!" I scoffed, a hint of anticipation in my voice. "He's finally making his move."

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