I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 167 Southern Mountain Range [2]

"Let's start by doing something about your cold," Leo remarked, observing my shivering form. 

Despite my discomfort, I stretched out my hand towards him, a hopeful smile on my face and a greedy glint in my eyes.

Leo looked at me, perplexed. "What are you doing?"

"Um, aren't you going to give me your jacket?" I asked, slightly puzzled.

Leo's expression turned stern as he crossed his arms over his body. "Stop eyeing my jacket!"

"...Tsk!" I clicked my tongue in annoyance, regretting my assumption.

Leo's gaze intensified as he narrowed his eyes. "Did you just click your tongue at me?"

A cold sweat formed on my forehead as I quickly averted my gaze. "N-No, it must have been something else."

"...Anyway," Leo began, changing the topic while still looking at me suspiciously. "Do you have any knowledge of Sword Qi?"

"It's a technique where you infuse your weapon with mana, right?" I asked.

Leo's face twisted into a frown as he thoughtfully replied, "Yes, but that's just the basic concept of Sword Qi. The True Sword Qi takes it a step further. It involves not only infusing your weapon with mana but also shaping and solidifying the mana to enhance its power."

Understanding dawned upon me, causing me to furrow my eyebrows in a frown of contemplation. "I see."

Let me explain. So basically, in its natural form, mana resembles a liquid.

And when you channel mana into your weapon, it forms a liquid-like layer on the surface of that weapon, boosting its attack prowess.

This infusion alone can greatly enhance the weapon's power.

However, the true potential lies in taking control of that liquid state and solidifying it into what is known as True Sword Qi. 

It's a kind of technique that could actually kill someone in a single blow.

Leo nodded in satisfaction as he saw the look of understanding on my face.

"Yes, by channeling mana into your weapon and shaping it, you can enhance its power and sharpness and even imbue it with elemental properties," he added.

I nodded back before returning to the point when I felt yet another chill run down my spine.

"Master, I understand all that, but how does that translate into overcoming this bone-chilling cold?" I inquired through shivering lips.

However, Leo ignored my question and continued to speak. "Many can wield Basic Sword Qi for a few moves, but using it for an entire battle is the true challenge."

He paused momentarily before declaring, "Your objective over these three weeks is to attain mastery over the Basic Sword Qi."

"Sure, I will do that if I don't die of this cold first!" Frustration tinged my voice as I interjected. "What good will mastering a weapon technique do if I'm not left alive to wield it!"

"Oh no, you won't be mastering it as a weapon technique right now," Leo shook his head.

I raised an eyebrow in puzzlement. 

"...Huh? What do you mean?" I sought clarification.

Leo smirked as he began to explain. "Yes, you heard me, my dear disciple. You'll be mastering Sword Qi as a body technique first before moving on to use it on a weapon."

"Because, as a wise man once said, if you can't master your own body first, then how can you expect to use it to master a weapon?" He added.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Let me guess, that wise man was you?"

"Indeed, it was," Leo shamefully admitted with a straight face. "Now, relax your body and get into a meditative state."

Letting out a resigned sigh, I followed Leo's instructions. Closing my eyes, I focused on relaxing my body.

With each breath, I directed my attention to the mana core in my abdomen.

"Good," Leo remarked before instructing: "Now draw out your mana and cover your body with it, just like you do with your weapon."

I tried doing as I was told. It was a familiar process.

I had coated my weapons—my spear and arrows—with mana countless times before. 

However, extending it to cover my entire body proved to be a challenge.

With each attempt, I encountered difficulties in shaping the mana to envelop every part of my body. 

The task of maintaining a constant flow of mana to cover a larger surface area than I was accustomed to when coating weapons was a drag.

But after numerous failed attempts and around thirty to forty minutes later, if not more, a breakthrough finally occurred. 

The liquid-like azure mana gradually spread across my figure, creating a shimmering blue aura around my body.

As the layer of mana enveloped my body, I could feel its soothing presence against my skin.

It acted as a barrier, shielding me from the biting cold as if I was wearing a blanket. It was still cold, but nothing unbearable.

However, there was more to it than just warmth. A surge of strength coursed through my muscles.

It was similar to the familiar sensation I feel whenever I channel mana into a part of my body, but right now, I felt the power surge radiating throughout my entire being!

This was amazing!

"Excellent! I didn't think you would grasp the concept so soon," Leo commented, a proud smile gracing his face. "The state you're in— when Sword Qi is applied to the body instead of a weapon, is called Martial Aura. And when you infuse it with True Sword Qi, it becomes what is referred to as True Martial Aura."

Yeah, I guess I remember reading something like that in the novel. 

Then again, since I skipped most of the info dumps, I wasn't quite sure, so I kept listening to Leo.

After providing me with a thorough explanation, Leo slightly bent his knees and raised his hands, assuming a combat stance. 

Beckoning me with his finger, he yelled, "Now, come! Attack me while trying to maintain that form."

Attack? I was struggling to maintain the aura even when I was doing nothing! How can he expect me to move around and launch attacks?

Noticing the troubled expression on my face, Leo's smile widened. "Don't worry. I won't kill you."

…This guy! 

Gritting my teeth, I also bent my knees and tensed my calf muscles, preparing to propel myself towards Leo's direction.


In a burst of speed, I launched at Leo with my hands pulled back in preparation. 

As soon as I closed the distance, I swiftly launched a straight jab directly at him.


However, in a seamless motion, Leo tilted his head and effortlessly evaded my punch, allowing it to brush past his cheek.

Not content with stopping there, I quickly adjusted my approach. 

My knees suddenly loosened, and in one fluid motion, I dropped to the ground.

From there, I quickly spun back my body on one foot to execute a reverse swift leg sweep using the momentum I gained from dropping on the ground.



However, at the last moment, just as my leg was about to make contact with his and I was going to sweep him off the ground, the protective mana layer enveloping my leg abruptly dissipated.

Without the heightened strength and resilience it provided, it felt as though I had struck a solid steel pole with my leg, causing me to let out a cry of agony as I crumpled onto the ground, writhing in pain.

"Fuck!" I cried out again.

"Yeah," Leo gave me a look of pity before throwing a small bottle of green liquid at me. "It must be hurting. You hit your Achilles tendon. Here, have this mana potion."

Catching the vial of mana potion Leo threw at me, I applied it on my leg through gritted teeth.

As the pain diminished, Leo started speaking. "Your movement was way too fast for the flow of mana to adjust on your moving leg."

I nodded in understanding as Leo added, "Nice try, though. Get up and do it again."

Sighing, I got up, but before I was about to take a stance and attack again, I frowned as a realisation hit me. 

"Wait," I said, raising my eyebrow. "I was definitely not fast enough for you to not react in time. Did you not dodge on purpose?"

"Of course," Leo shrugged. "The best way to learn something is through pain. Now, come at me again."

…I will definitely kill this guy one day.

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