I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 172 New Weapon

It's been two days since my failed attempt to hunt that Ice-Claw Bear's pack.

After continuously training for two days, I think I'm starting to get the hang of using Martial Aura now.

You see when I channel mana into a specific part of my body, it feels as if a surge of strength courses through it.

However, when I use Martial Aura, it feels like I am encased in an exoskeleton that enhances both my defense and offense.

Nevertheless, utilizing Martial Aura depletes my already small mana pool much more quickly than using spells or normal martial arts.

If I'm cautious and refrain from casting heavy spells, then I guess I can keep using Martial Aura for around twenty minutes without needing to drink a mana potion.

Although, Leo has pointed out that I'm still making excessive movements and wasting my mana.

He says, "Since you were born with innate low mana core rank, you should strive to utilize the little mana you have with utmost mastery."

In short, Leo means that even if the heavens haven't given me a big mana pool, I can still train hard and make the most out of what I've been given.

I see his point. Even though I will soon break my mana core potential, it still won't hurt me to learn not to waste my mana in a fight.

I mean, imagine a scenario where I am stuck in an extended fight lasting for several consecutive days. 

In such a situation, if I don't have any mana potions on me, then no matter how big my mana pool gets, I will sooner or later exhaust it and meet my end.

Anyway, I haven't done anything but train these past two days, taking breaks only to freshen up or eat something.

Well, only Leo would eat something while I could merely salivate at the sight of his delicious dinner every night.

Tsk. That bastard.

Even after consuming mana and stamina potions whenever I feel like I'm on the brink of collapsing, the lack of food has left me exhausted for the past two days.

To top it all off, we continue training even during the night, sleeping for only about five hours or so.

Sleeping less in itself wouldn't have been a problem for me since I'm quite used to it, but getting nothing to eat is unbearable! I feel like I'm reaching my limits.

"Lucas, get up!" Leo yelled, summoning his sheathed katana. "Let's begin."

It was the morning of the third day, and I had just sat down after doing some light morning exercises before we resumed my training.

Hardly ten minutes had passed before Leo called me to my feet once again.

Letting out a sigh, I did as I was told and stood upright attentively with my hands behind my back.

"Starting today, we will focus on weapon combat," Leo declared. "Since fighting with weapons is my forte, don't expect me to hold back during instructions."

You say that as if you were holding back until now, you scoundrel!

Without revealing my inner thoughts on my face, I replied loudly, "Yes, Master!"

Leo nodded and began speaking, "I will guide you step by step. First step: Take out your katana."

"Master, I don't use a katana," I responded blankly.

As if expecting my answer, Leo quickly replied, "Second step: Get a katana. Katanas are cool. And as my first, and most likely my last, disciple, you should always strive to look cool."

I sighed, saying, "I am a spearman, Master."

"Don't worry. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be proficient with most, if not all, weapons just like me," Leo assured. "But fine, for now, take out your spear."

"I don't have it," I replied, shaking my head. "It broke while I was battling those Ice-Claw Bears."

"I see," Leo said, stroking his chin. He then infused mana into a dimensional ring on one of his fingers.

In the blink of an eye, a spear materialized in Leo's hand, accompanied by a dazzling flash of white light. 

My eyes were immediately drawn to its mesmerising presence.

The blade was made of a crystal-like material, sparkling with a vibrant red hue that glistened under the sunlight.

The blade was sharp and pointy, and I could see the redness extending down the shaft of the spear as well.

Despite its slender design, I could sense the intense energy emanating from the weapon, even from a few steps away.

"What... What is that?" I stammered, gulping down a mouthful of saliva in anticipation. "Is it a Legendary-ranked weapon?"

"You have a keen eye," Leo affirmed with a smug nod. "This is a spear crafted from the scale of the last dragon, forged in the flames of a dying phoenix—The Bringer of Lost Flames."

"S-So cool!" I exclaimed, my eyes sparkling with admiration.

Yes, Mythical-ranked mana beasts like Dragons and Phoenix used to roam the world until a few years ago.

They were normal animals who evolved from mana and turned into those creatures of legends.

However, since they posed a threat to civilization, the United Military waged war against them.

The top soldiers and formidable fighters worldwide participated in this grand subjugation.

They drove these dangerous Mythical mana beasts to the brink of extinction.

In a remarkably short span of less than two months, creatures like Phoenix, Dragons, Unicorns, and others were completely wiped out.

In today's world, not a single mana beast of Mythical rank is alive.

"Right? I participated in the Subjugation of Mana Beasts eight years ago. It was there that I killed the last dragon and obtained one of its scales. I brought it back to a world-famous weaponsmith who used the flames of a dying phoenix to make this weapon," Leo explained, frustration evident in his voice as he continued. "I had requested a sword, but that old fool decided to create a spear instead. Tsk."

With that said, he threw the spear at me without any warning.

"Aghuk!" I shrieked in surprise as I caught it and started inspecting it. 

"Regardless, it is a fine weapon. I have wielded it on a few occasions myself," Leo admitted. "Consider it your first gift from your master, a token of my appreciation for becoming my disciple. Besides, since you have an affinity for the Fire element, you will be able to use its power to the fullest."


Item: Spear (Relic)

Rank: Legendary

Name: The Bringer Of Lost Flames

Description: A Legendary-rank Spear made from a dragon's scale and forged in the last fiery breath of a dying phoenix.

The wielder of this Spear, if they possess an innate affinity for the Fire element, will instantly learn a spell called [Flame Lance], allowing the user to summon several flame lances and rain them down upon their target like missiles.

The Spear will also increase the damage and effectiveness of any and all the fire magic spells cast by the wielder.


"Th-Thank you, master!" As my gaze swept over the item description screen in front of me, I earnestly thanked Leo.

He really just gave me a Legendary-ranked spear possessing a special ability and a buff! 

If it weren't for the fact that it requires a wielder with an affinity for the Fire element to unlock its full potential, this weapon could have easily been classified as a Divine-ranked relic.

But that fact doesn't bother me since I already possess an affinity for the Fire element. Which means I can use it to its full potential.

"Don't mention it," Leo waved his hand dismissively, a slight smile present on his face before his expression quickly got back to normal, and he yelled again. "Now, ready your weapon!"

Following his instructions, I gripped the shaft of my new spear tightly and lifted it up, pointing its blade at Leo.

"No matter how exceptional your weapon may be, its true value only lies in its purpose," Leo stated.

"What's a weapon's purpose?" I asked.

"To bring about death, of course." Leo answered. "If you can't use your weapon to bring death, you may as well not wield it."


With a swift motion, Leo drew his katana from its sheath, and the sound of steel slicing through the air resounded.

"Weapons are not the soul of a martial artist. Those who claim otherwise are fools. Weapons are mere instruments. Their sole purpose is to kill—whether physically taking a life or metaphorically slaying one's opponent's ego by defeating them. Weapons exist solely to end something."

At Leo's words, I nodded and tightened my grip on my spear.

"I will teach you how to use a weapon like how it was taught to me by my master and to him by his master," Leo said, pointing his katana at me. "I'll teach you how to wield a weapon with no mercy."

Having expressed his thoughts, Leo flexed his knees, assuming a swordsman stance.

He then drew a circle around himself in the snow with his leg and said, "Start by attacking me head-on. Don't hold back and don't use mana. Come at me with the intent to kill. If you can make me move from this circle, you might start getting dinner from today."

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