I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 224 Punishment

"Do you have ANY idea what you both have done?"

Upon discovering us, the Disciplinary Committee quickly apprehended us and took us to the Academy infirmary.

Well, to be honest, it more resembled a fully equipped hospital rather than a mere infirmary.

We spent close to six hours receiving treatment from the Academy medics.

After we were able to move again and most of our injuries were healed, we were finally summoned by the Vice President of the Cadet Council in her office.

Yes, my 'sister' was the one who was yelling at us currently.

And just to clarify, when I refer to 'us,' I mean myself and Kai. Yes, only the two of us were summoned by her.

The other cadets who were involved in the incident would be addressed by the Cadet Council, specifically my sister, once she had dealt with our situation.

"Are you both even listening to me right now?!" she continued to yell at us.

Yelena was leaning forward while sitting on a chair that resembled a red, cushioned throne, while being dressed in blue and white academy uniform.

"You both could have died or even killed others!" Her voice echoed across the room as she slammed her hand against the armrest of her chair.

Kai and I stood in front of her with our hands firmly clasped behind our backs and heads bowed as if two disciplined soldiers being scolded by their general.

"Answer me this instant! Why were the two of you fighting, and so barbarically at that?!" Yelena barked, her tone filled with frustration.

In response to her question, Kai and I turned our heads to face each other and exchanged a short glance. It was as if we were telepathically communicating our thoughts.

Kai gave me a look that screamed, 'Well, go on! Answer her!'

I returned his gaze, conveying, 'No, you take the lead!'

'What the hell are you talking about?!' Kai stared at me intensely. 'She is your sister! So deal with it!'

Before I could respond to his unspoken challenge, Yelena's voice boomed once more. "I asked both of you to answer me!"

"Aaah," Taking a deep breath, I sighed heavily. I knew I had no choice but to step forward and face the consequences. 

In my heart, however, I vowed to exact my revenge on Kai and pay him back later for putting me in this position.

"It was nothing serious, Vice President," I began speaking. "We were arguing over a novel."



Silence filled the room as Kai couldn't help but facepalm at my foolishness.

Meanwhile, Yelena gave me a scornful gaze, the end of her eyebrow twitching uncontrollably.

"A novel?!" Yelena snapped. "You expect me to believe that you two were fighting over a damn novel?!"

"Yes," I nodded, proceeding to explain. "I suggested that the story could have taken a different direction for a better ending, but Kai insisted that every aspect of the plot was necessary. The argument escalated and eventually turned into a physical alteration."

"A fight of that intensity over a novel?!" Yelena arched her eyebrows and curled her lips in disbelief. "Do you really think I'm foolish enough to believe that you nearly killed each other over a goddamn novel?!"

"It's true," Kai interjected. "You may not understand the trends of our generation, so you might perceive it as excessive. But I assure you, the argument became heated."

"What do you mean by 'our generation'?" Yelena snapped once again. "We belong to the same generation!"

"The point is, it wasn't a serious matter," I interjected. "Anyway, we are fully aware that we have violated academy rules and vandalized the academy property. We are prepared to compensate for it."

Yelena turned her attention to me, a challenging look in her eyes. "I know Kai can compensate for the damages, but what about you? The last I checked, you were disowned by our family. How will you pay the academy then?"

"I will pay for the both of us–" as Kai was about to step him, I cut him off.

"No need for that," I said while tapping on my smart bracelet a few times.

Immediately, a holographic screen popped up in front of me and I flipped it at Yelena.

It was my bank balance.

After coming back from Silveserine, I had been investing my money but I still kept a few million Credits in my account.


Your balance as of June 28, 2723, 19:26:56

·ƈθm Account Number: XXXX XXXX 3766

Available Balance: 9,652,727.78 ©


"Half of this should be more than enough to cover any damages caused by both of us, right?" I questioned the silver-haired elven girl, who appeared to be in a state of shock.

"D-Did our father send you all this?" She finally managed to ask.

"Haa," I scoffed dismissively. "No, I earned that money myself. Don't worry about it."

"Don't lie to me," Yelena gave me a stare. "You couldn't have earned that much on your own. So, tell me the truth. Did our father send you this?"

"Are you even listening to me?" I arched an eyebrow, meeting her gaze firmly. "I already told you, I earned it myself. And besides, as far as I recall, I am disowned. Why would he send me a penny?"

Yelena clenched her teeth, exhaling deeply in an attempt to calm her frustration.

"Fine, whatever. I don't care," she waved her hand dismissively. "If you both refuse to disclose the real reason for your fight, then your punishments will be doubled."

"We're still going to get punished?" Kai questioned, raising his eyebrows in confusion. "Then why do we have to pay for the damages?"

"If you don't pay, your punishments will be tripled," Yelena replied firmly. "You are being punished not only for refusing to disclose the reason behind your foolish brawl to your superior, but also for engaging in misconduct by violating the rule of no fighting among the cadets."

Kai and I both let out sighs of resignation. 

We knew there was no escape, so our only option was to obediently accept whatever punishment was handed down to us.

"Now, head to the President's office," Yelena ordered. "The President will administer your punishment personally. You will also reimburse him for all the damages."

Nodding in acknowledgment, we turned to leave the room. However, just as we were about to depart, Yelena's voice called out from behind us.

"Lucas, you wait," she said. "Kai, you may head out without him."

Ah, damn it. I knew she was letting me off way too easily.

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